AmbridgesMrsPDecember 1, 2024 at 5:46 PM The scam may have ended but I wouldn’t mind betting that one or two of the characters within the scam become attached to Ambridge. I can immediately think of two possibilities. Either or both Clarrie and Eddie saving up to go to America, and Kate and Jakob also planning a holiday there in the future.
( Of course if C and E were to go on a jolly it would be a repeat of their trip many years ago to France )
Secondly - have not caught her name, but the woman who brought her teenage daughters for a three day break leaving husband to - ‘ pack his bags ‘ - seems very taken with farming life and I can imagine she might be coming back again if only for visits. A new friendship for Ruth ?
maryellenDecember 1, 2024 at 6:24 PM I think Kate and Jakob are my favourite Ambridge couple. Have we ever been told that Jakob is neurodivergent/on the spectrum, or is that a listener speculation which has become entrenched? Could be he's just a Virgoan
MiriamDecember 1, 2024 at 7:12 PM I just think Jakob just likes to be organised and in control of his life, as he has to be in his work as a vet. Mistakes can cause problems, as he so well knows. His work life has spilled over into his home life. I still do not think that he is on any sort of spectrum, but I will admit to being wrong, when this is proven. At least Scambridge showed a different side to him and his relationship with Kate in a very positive and lovely way.
AmbridgesMrsPDecember 1, 2024 at 11:16 PM Is Jakob a Virgo ME Do we know his birthdate ?
I would never have dated a Virgo man. Having a Virgo daughter is bad enough.
AmbridgesMrsPDecember 1, 2024 at 11:19 PM Is Jakob a Virgo ME Do we know his birthdate ?
I would never have wanted to be close to a Virgo man. Having a Virgo daughter is bad enough. Though I must admit to liking Jakobson voice very much.
maryellenDecember 2, 2024 at 11:43 AM Mrs P - there's no indication of Jakob's d.o.b. in the BBC 's TA website Characters pages. I'm just guessing!.
MiriamDecember 1, 2024 at 7:16 PM I am so loving the Podcast, but I would so much prefer to hear Ambridge Extra again. Anyone else remember + enjoy it?
ArcherphileDecember 1, 2024 at 10:57 PM I remember it being on Miriam, but being very frustrated that I couldn’t listen to it. It was only broadcast on the new DAB radios, on what has become the 4Extra channel. and we didn’t have such a radio - or could afford one, as they were very expensive Back then and he DAB signal wasn’t available in our area.
I speculation on another forum suggesting that Ellie (the woman with the two teenagers) could be Rochelle, Joys daughter, which I thought quite a neat idea
Nice idea. But I don't think Rochelle's children were twins, or even two girls. I can't remember the details, perhaps someone here with a better memory than me will be able to fill us in.
What an oaf Mick is. Here’s hoping the scriptwriters soon get tired of him. I’m with Robert who speaks from experience and appreciation of Emma’s suitability to be a parish councillor..
Emma certainly has suitability to be a parish councillor, but her crisis of integrity in an extended delay in the decision to inform the police of her knowledge of the crime perpetrated by George, renders her inadequate for the role. Brian put it well in discussing it with Ed. It is a shame, but this crisis has been a life changing event for Emma and we must hope that though changed her life will continue to give her opportunities to overcome this time and continue to move forward.
I have no doubts that Emma will continue to grow in strength and perseverance and will in time become a major character in Ambridge.
Ambridge’s future ‘wise woman’ perhaps? I’m still with Robert re the PCC. Unlike Brian, he is not emotionally involved in the aftermath of the crash and able to view the situation with objectivity, showing both understanding and sympathy. Brian makes much of Alice’s anguish at the possibility of losing contact with her daughter, forgetting how Alice has given up daily contact with Rosie when it suited her in the past.
It amazes me that Alice not only survived the crash she provoked physically unscathed but somehow come up smelling of roses. She hasn’t been charged with the offence she undoubtedly committed, and her recall of her own role in causing the crash doesn’t seem to include the damning bit.
Yes Maryellen, definitely the wise woman of Ambridge in the years ahead.
I too baulk every time I hear a member of Alice’s family shed tears of regret at the possibility of Alice losing contact with her daughter. We didn’t hear or experience those tears so much during the time that Alice was playing hooky at being a constant mother. Many times Chris and his family have stepped into the breach to cover for Alice when she was drunk or indeed when away for the first period of ‘ recovery ‘.
I think the best thing Emma could do would be to resign, wait a while and then when the parish council needs to co-opt a member put herself forward. She needn't wait until the next local elections, there are always people who for various reasons don't or can't serve out their time.
I agree with you, Janice. It will give Ambridge time to reflect that the.circumstances which caused Emma’s integrity crisis were highly specific and most unlikely to recur, and also to appreciate that the PCC is poorer without her.
How refreshing to hear Robert standing up to Lynda for once. The new iteration of this character seems much less likely to be a shrinking violet where Lindy is concerned and more likely to express his real feelings. I have decided that I like him.
Hurrah for Joy! I enjoyed tonight’s episode with both Ed and Emma getting some of the compassion and ,encouragement they sorely need. It felt like the first really positive step in recapturing the ‘normality’ of life and relationships before the cash.
I’m sure the team are working hard on creating Joy’s back story. It might even be the ‘big’ SL going on for years that was mentioned recently. And perhaps in the meantime we will get more teasers as you say Lady R.
I so agree that there is such a mystery about Rochelle. I was convinced she was no more, but I'm not sure. As others have said about the S/L to end in 2027 - is this the date when Rochelle leaves either prison or a mental health facility?
We had a video call with our daughter who lives in Edinburgh this afternoon, they had been to their local pub for brunch and meet Santa with the children this morning. It made me think of The Bull and I wondered if it was a common thing.
Well, that was a surprise, and quite a shock! Especially for Lynda. Looking forward to hearing the outcome of Kirsty’s unwelcome visitor turning up out of the blue.
I really do dislike the new incarnation of Robert Snell. I can only imagine that the new actor has gained permission to recast R S in his own version but for this listener the change in character is farcical. Dear Robert Snell for decades a quiet thoughtful man foil to Lindy’s over dramatisation of his wife, has changed beyond any form of recognition and I am finding it very difficult to like anything about him.
Strangely, I rather like the new Robert. Now I have got used to his voice, I am pleased that he is showing a bit more backbone where Lynda is concerned. Standing up to her demands and even daring to offer a different opinion about ‘rewilding’’ the garden. Also being a bit more active in village matters, having conversations with other characters and not being seen as a bit of a wimp, just trailing along behind Lynda
Leonard’s. A & E wait did not appear to be long after 5 - 10 hrs at the hospital I should have thought a comment or three might have been the order of the day 🤭 oh wait we are not in the real world… A fractured arm required a possible middle of the night call to Simon living the other side of the world and Breaking News Jill will not be capable of looking after Leonard at Brookfield for 6 weeks how come she is still doing everything else at (94 ?) 🤣😂
When Fallon was floundering around for a big enough kitchen, Ruth said she and David shared the cooking but Jill still regarded the Brookfield kitchen as her territory. Fond as he is of Jill, does Leonard want to be looked after by her, I wonder?
Maybe Leonard could stay at home and employ private help with Jill staying with him for company Which would also mean Patrica Green would not be required to appear for sometime🤔
I rather like the idea of Tom and Natasha buying Kirsty’s Beechwood house. It would be like Bridge Farm reclaiming a small pocket of fertile land. Maybe they could rewind Kirsty’s garden there and reintroduce the wild orchids that grew there. I was sorry to lose those.
That's a nice idea Maryellen. Maybe Tom would be more in favour of the move if Natasha played on that idea of him buying back and living on land that once belonged to the family. I have a feeling that Mick likes to do things in his own way and time and might not respond well to Joy doing the proposing. I hope Joy is not disappointed. Men standing independently on their own two feet seems to have been a theme recently, with both Mick and Gavin expressing that idea. Interesting that Mick caved in to Joy's persuasion but Gavin refused Kirsty's offer.
Blimey! Talk about a blast from the past. What next Johnny coming home… I never have been able to get my head around that SL he was so farming focused the last person to want to travel the world at no notice at all - weird 🙃
Interestingly, there’s no Brenda Tucker (or Brenda anyone else) in this wee’s cast list. Is this a deliberate omission to keep us guessing or will her visit only be referred to - or else cancelled?
I think that they sometimes omit cast members from the Radio Times, Gavin wasn’t listed the other week and I know they have dine this previously. I’m one of the people who always reads Ambridge Diary, the teasers and the cast list as soon as the RT is delivered
If Oliver is going to be away in the States over Christmas I'd like to know who will be running Grey Gables at what I assume is a busy time of year. We don't hear much about the place these days.
I was under the impression that Lily was at Grey Gables for work experience and for a limited period? But this being Soapland, she might easily end up running the place within six months!
I missed yesterday’s episode so have just caught up two together. Everything seems to be happening so quickly, I had a job working out who was speaking and who wants to buy which house. I am confused! Natasha seems desperate to buy Kirsty’s house but Tom not so much. Then all of a sudden Brenda is back on the scene wanting to sell ? on behalf of ? Meanwhile Helen is floating around not knowing what to do or where to go? I think I need a spreadsheet to understand all of this!
I had a job to decide if the actress was the same one it’s been so long I really could not remember her. I also think that cast names are sometimes left off of the list for the element of surprise 🤔
Yes, they definitely are Lady R. Rob certainly wasn’t in the cast list when he first came back, and only appeared the second week. Likewise Gareth and Brenda this week. I suppose they don’t want to spoil the story.
Whoever buys it, I hope the sale goes through quicker than for Frustrated Smallish Person in a Shoe. FSPiaS and friend put an offer in for a trainer back in the summer. The seller's solicitor clearly doesn't believe in any form of speed. The contracts have *finally* been signed. And now we learn said solicitor's office closes for Christmas tomorrow! So all hopes of a change of footwear in the next week are off - bah, humbug!
I too have suffered such delay as has your small person OWiaS, but my neighbour in the flat above me, decided in late summer that she wanted to buy the other ground floor flat in the house. This had been empty and neglected for a number of years and had been through probate and was at last being revivified. She talked to the owner, negotiated a good deal and moved in last week. In addition a close friend of hers has bought her flat and also moved in last week. The whole process has taken less than three months. It can be done !
She ties with Natasha in most departments of awfulness ME. Yes she, Helen, was awful too, and as selfish and to quote AP - she’s also ‘me me me with knobs on ‘. Wet Tom deserves the pair of them.
Helen has led Kirsty a right song and dance over making a genuine offer for the house, then finally makes a decision without any apparent sense of genuine apology to recognise that she has crashed Kirsty s hopes after leading her to believe that she would buy. Then when another offer is given to Kirsty by her sibling, she has the gall to object. But then she is an Aries and we can be capable of crass behaviour and extreme selfishness.
It seems to me that everyone in this storyline is exhibiting some degree of awfulness, Tom and Kirsty less so but both equally wet. I thought Helen’s vision of herself and her homeless boys capped it all when everyone knows they have a second home at Bridge Farm. I guess the scriptwriters are working up to a smiles all round denouement for Christmas!
There are really no winner in this housing conundrum. Helen seems to think she has a right to keep that house because of her “two boys” and can be very selfish, thinking the family owe her for all the problems she has had in the past. Natasha is unbelievable, me, me, me with knobs on. She knows what she wants and will wheedle and go behind Toms back to get it. Suggesting the she and Helen swap homes was crass and not thought through. Now Kirsty has a problem with Brenda pushing her to sell her house so that Willow Farm can be vacated for sale. Was that really an offer she had received last night, or a delaying tactic? None of this seems very Christmassy unless somebody ends up looking for somewhere to sleep on Christmas Eve.
I’m getting fed up with Emma. I know she is upset about having her precious son banged up for Christmas and refusing to see her….but….Christmas is for her whole family and not just her. What about other family members trying to have a good time and being subjected to her doom and gloom attitude?. She has a daughter too for heaven’s sake, who rarely gets a mention and a brother and parents who deserve a bit of consideration over the Christmas period. Chin up Emma and think of others , not just your own misery.
Brad said George mentioned someone had come to see him just after he had told Brad there was a guard who he didn't like who was throwing his weight around. I wonder if George would have asked to see someone about that, but perhaps not as the last time he made a complaint it resulted in trouble for him. Maybe Alan as parish priest might have asked the prison chaplain to visit him.
OMG are you mad Tom & Natasha (if Nat really does know about the offer yet) April cottage would be a much better option until madam finds her forever home. Come on Kirstie Allsopp your services are urgently required 🤣 As for Eddie you need a kick up the backside too the situation is not just about your feelings you have family right by you that need you. How is Brad supposed to keep George’s “business” going for 2 yrs or thereabouts he’s got his own life to lead and who’s name are the videos being posted under surely George’s case was reported locally so it will be known he is in clink. Ooh I am feeling so 😡
I agree, the house sharing idea is a disaster waiting to happen. Can you imagine? Helen’s two boys trying to do homework while two little ones rampage around; Helen sharing a kitchen with Natasha and arguing about how organic the ingredients are; one washing machine for both families; Helen getting annoyed about the twins mess; Natasha complaining that the boys leave the toilet seat up! 😂 Had Tom thought if any of these possibilities before suggesting the idea?
First of all I would like to wish you all a very happy and healthy Christmas and New Year and thank you for the past years of entertainment, inspiration and friendship. I am sure that there are many silent ones like me who care what happens to those of you who write regularly and wish you all well! And now it's silly suggestions time - did I dream it or was Tilly Button George's visitor? I was convinced Brad had mentioned it!!! Also I wondered about Ellie and her girls. Rochelle could be shortened! Best wishes to you all....
How lovely to hear from you Bufo9bufo - and a happy Christmas to you too.
What a good suggestion re Tilly Button, yes Brad did mention her though I can’t remember in what context. Someone else has suggested that Elle might have been Rochelle, but personally I would find it bizarre that Joys daughter would turn up incognito and be so close to her mother in the village without actually making contact with Joy.
I wish you a happy and productive 2025, and perhaps you will post again.
And that was Christmas in a nutshell Emma - why do so many families pressure each other every year, also well done Vince. Natasha is ok with Helen and the boys staying on then that surprises me. So much better to have gone back to Pat and Tony’s more space surely and after all only meant to be a temporary arrangement either way…. Hmmm
Phew! Just written the last of my Christmas cards (the hand-delivered ones) and now to join Janice and Lady R in wishing all readers of these blogs an enjoyable and refreshing Yuletide break, and a productive and rewarding year ahead. Thanks for your e-company!
And Yuletide wishes to you Maryellen- thank you for your insightful comments throughout the year, and may we all continue to be Archers friends for 2025.
I’m relieved to hear ME that you too are late with your cards as I see you as MS Perfect in all areas of life. ( not meant as an insult I assure you ) I managed to get the second lot of my cards in yesterday’s post and have two to give by hand today.
Well, it’s very quiet in my house, no tree, no decorations, no loads of calorific, sugar filled food waiting to be eaten. That’s because we shall spend the day with daughter and family and just have a tiny turkey for ourselves on Boxing Day. Neither Mr A or I are capable of much activity at the moment and neither of us can eat much. But we shall enjoy watching Christmas TV and listening to BBC Sounds. And of course there will be a huge new jigsaw on the table, waiting to be completed.
By the way, did anyone catch the repeat of ‘Ambridge does the Mysteries’ on Sounds this afternoon - some superlative acting by Archers cast members. Part 2 will be broadcast next Saturday.
And now my very good wishes to all fellow blog members, active or not. Have a wonderful holiday with your families and continue being Archers devotees next year……who knows what the script writers have up their sleeves for us? Love to you all 🧑🎄
My latest wild thought, is that Brenda is not as well off as she seems. As such, now the house buys are going onwards, Brenda will end up sharing with Kirsty in her new hok
to continue.. Brenda will end up sharing with Kirsty in her new home, Willow Farm. Tom + Natasha might have the extra of Helen + her boys living with them, but Brenda as Kirsty's lodger might be far worse! As said, just one of m
Silly idea or not Miriam, there must be a reason to bring Brenda back after so many years, so your idea is as good as any other. The alternative is that she is just a red herring.
So…..Rochelle does exist!! I never thought she was any more than a figment of Joy’s wishful thinking. But here she is, large as life and ruining her Mum’s proposal plans. What a twist for. Christmas! 😄 And how strange to have a Christmas Day episode with no Brookfield Archers, Lynda or scenes at The Bull. The centre of the programme certainly has shifted.
The BBC Singers’ Oh Little Town set to Barwick Green is my top pick of TA’s year. Congratulations to whoever’s inspiration it was!
Your last thought chimes with mine, Archerphile - it’s occurred to me several times recently that the Archer presence is diminishing in favour of relative newcomers.
I was pleased to hear Brian being properly appreciative of Kate at last. Previously he has been critical of her and dismissive of her achievements, while being uncritical and over protective of Alice. Kate also gets a bad press on the blogs. I hope more people will come to view her through Jakob’s eyes.
They can count me out. I’ve tried to work up an interest in Rochelle but failed.dismally. I’m not interested in the emerging Bridge Farmhouse inheritance storyline either. The only storyline that really interests me at the moment is George and Emma’s. So good are their actors, I feel I’m listening to ‘proper’ drama, not soap. The more we get of it the better as far as I’m concerned.
Happy New Year to everyone reading this blog, family and friends included!
Helen your logic never ceases to amaze me (and she’s had life hard Pat 🤔 🤭) Patrica Gallimore certainly sounds a young and vibrant 80yr old actor never mind her “not past it yet Tony” 72yr old character. Obviously similar to all us bloggers ⭐️👏🏻⭐️👏🏻 of 70+
Wishing you all a very happy and peaceful New Year. I look forward to reading all about your lives. I haven't been able to get back to Great Britain for a few years due to ill health. I hope I make it this year.
Helen doesn't seem to be taking Johnny into account at all. Admittedly he isn't there working on the farm at present but presumably as Tony and Pat's grandson he is entitled to the same consideration as Henry and Jack.
Wishing all as healthy and happy 2025 as possible and continuing interesting opinions on THE ARCHERS Plus many thanks for friendship and kindness throughout 2024
Just for the record, I am illegitimate too! And it did cause problems for me when it came to inheritance, everything went to my perfectly legitimate brother and nothing at all to me. I even had to move out of what had been my family home since I was adopted at 3 months old. All he offered me was my mum’s sewing machine.
ARCHERPHILE - as Janice has said, that is very sad. I grew up where close family friends treated the youngest and adopted daughter in a similar way to how you were treated. My mum took her under her wing and did as much as she could to help her feel less alone. In many ways she became a much older big sister to me in my early teens but she became increasingly odd as she grew older. I think I learned a lot about psychological damage through observing her.
But on a more cheerful note I should like to wish all my virtual friends on the Archer Fan blogs a very happy, healthy and most importantly, peaceful, New Year. Including all those who just read and rarely write, we are all Archer Fans
I would have thought that Pat and Tony would have considered the farm inheritance before now. Maybe the new inheritance tax rules will concentrate their minds. Maybe Helen should move into Bridge Farm so that "her boys" can get their feet under the table.
Always said.Neil must be a foundling! He’s edited out the juvenile crime (though I only read about that on another blog and don’t know how true it is).
I am very concerned about Neil ME. At the beginning of this evening’s programme he went dizzy when standing up. During my recent experience with heart problems, I was asked a number of times if I had been dizzy on standing up, and asked in a way that suggested it was a crucial piece of evidence if I had. Then, out of the blue, we get a fairly comprehensive explanation - very much in a nutshell - of his early life. I am fearful that we are about to witness the loss of my favourite Archers character.
Oh I do hope not Mrs P. Neil has always been one of my favourite character too. I remember him arriving at Brookfield to look after the pigs and gradually learning to be a useful farm hand. His early infatuation with Shula, which went nowhere and then his romance with Susan, who virtually tricked him into marriage. A long life with many ups and downs , trying hard to live up to Susan’s expectations. I want him to have a long and happy retirement, not be bumped off before he can achieve that.
Brian Hewlett is 86yrs now ( where as his character is only 68 this coming May) maybe he and some of the other older actors are beginning to find the travelling to recordings tiring and there are quite a few of them now and I’m guessing not all plan to work as June Spencer did to 103! Even so like others I want to hold on to them they are like old friends now ❤️
I do agree with both of you, but do also feel fearful of losing him. Thinking back over recent months, Neil was absent for quite a long time, i remember posting about his lack of appearance. Perhaps after such a break Brian Hewlett is feeling the strain even more and wants to pull back.
Like you ARCHERPHILE I too have those same memories of Neil’s arrival in Ambridge and those early years of his development.
Exactly Lady R. To me, the longer serving characters *are* part of my family. I have grown up with them, they have always been there like aunts, uncles and cousins, you hear from regularly but don’t actually see very often. And the fact that the ones who are of similar age to me are reaching the end of their days is quite worrying!
I share your concerns regarding Neil and also Brian, in both cases the actors are over 80 and both characters have been reminiscing and also mentioned physical symptoms. I know that change is inevitable but I wish it wasn’t! As others have said cast are like extended family and local community,
I guess if Neil was a real person, his lack of a sense of humour would be more noticeable especially if you were in his company more than we listeners are.
I think of him as 'worthy' but there have been some falls from grace, in my opinion that is. I wasn't impressed by his negative attitude to women on the cricket team, though I put that down to conservatism rather than misogyny. I always felt Susan declined a place on the team despite being brilliant in the trials, because of Neil's views. And he wasn't his usual dependable self when Bridge Fam desperately needed his help with their pigs (for which he had some management responsibility) during the Helen crisis, and he sent word he was too busy with his own affairs.
Well done Hannah ! You have opened Chris’s eyes to his inner desires. We have waited a long time for someone to point it out to him. I hope that now things can move forward…………. Slowly though !
To me, it was Chris intimating that there is only one true female in his life now, namely Martha, which made her back-off. But who knows what will happen later.
So we were told, but why now, in midwinter, and unless Shula drove down to fetch her which nobody happened to mention, alone with her luggage on public transport, aged 90+?
PS. It seems to me the scriptwriters are developing a situation at Brookfield which requires Jill's absence and simply sending her to stay with Shula with no regard for the practicalities was a quick fix.
My final comment (you’ll be relieved to hear!):is that something’s brewing at Brookfield which listeners would expect Jill to be involved in and hear her reaction. But the actor isn’t up for it (and/or too expensive to home record) so the character has gone on holiday.)
I’ve gone off the beaver story now it’s got silly!)
I felt so sorry for Brad, the jump from Alevel to degree is large and can be difficult. I think living at home and commuting probably makes matters worse, less time to discuss matters with colleagues, add in trying to hold down his Grey Gables job and support George…… He needs to discuss matters with his tutor pronto.
I haven’t heard any haranguing. Where George is concerned, it’s between Brad and his conscience as to whether he has any moral responsibility in the matter. In any case, as KPnuts’ excellent summary shows, Brad’s current predicament is multifaceted, and can’t be solely attributed to George. Whether he is genuinely out of his depth at uni or not, his tutor can confirm. Lily will perhaps stand in for Mia in helping him regain faith In himself.
Meantime it would be good if Tracy gave up luxuriating in the reflected glory of her son’s “brilliance” and stopped pressuring him further with the weight of her expectations.
I still don't understand why Brad feels so obligated to George, to carry on his business. George was awful to Brad many a time, mocking and teasing him constantly, so when did this turnaround happen? I ask, as I can't recall how they became best mates or how George has such a hold over Brad, that he does as his Puppet Master says.
WHAT! I did not see that coming! Don’t tell me Jill is off to Singapore too 🤭 I thought he and Jill were joined at the hip. Are we to assume that means Jill will live with Shula then. Two older actor’s retired from the cast in one hit and no on air deaths to deal with.
I too am relieved to be spared Jill’s reaction to Leonard’s declaration. A declaration delivered in such a casual manner that it shocked me. There seemed nothing in his voice to even recognise that any consideration towards Jill being part of his life, or even that she existed, was evident.
Have the last two years or so simply been a pragmatic response to circumstances for Leonard rather than the relationship between two very much older characters we have been led to understand was the case ?
I think Leonard's reaction to his son was clouded by grief for his old friend, dying alone and no-one knowing for days. It was shocking for him. I hope that he and Jill live permenantly at Brookfield, and he lives out his life in the security of the extended family. He is obviously well loved there. I really hope he doesn't uproot to Singapore.
I think Harrison is moving towards something in child protection, whether within the framework of the police or attached to social services. I hope he has the mental strength to cope with this, as it has to be one of the most stressful of environments
So the point of getting Leonard moving into Brookfield with a non existent Jill is what? If Patricia Green was still able to fulfill her role then it would be more understandable. Maybe Harrison’s new position will be as an officer interviewing very young troubled children where they chat to them while playing etc at the same time in order to gleam info without frightening the child. He did very well the other night with the young girl he sat with while his boss sorted her mother out and she had been so wary of the police too.
Lady R, I see Leonard as the 'nice old duffer' like Col. Danby was all those years ago. It's good that they are keeping him at Brookfield as a conduit to the comings and goings of Jill, who is really better heard about, than to, I think. I was just thinking that it's good to hear an older person in the serial, but actually, nowadays that is most of the characters!
Oh I like Leonard Mistral and l love his voice it just seemed a long way round - one whole episode to get to it but of course Jill had told him to go home so that decision had to be reversed somehow. Col. Danby ahh loved him too 🤗
I'm not sure what the point of all that Singapore stuff was, time will tell I suppose. One thing's for sure Leonard's pension wouldn't stretch far over there.
Protecting other people's children might be a next best thing to having his own, or at least soften his childlessness. Re. the beavers. The Wildlife Trust in Cornwall had gradually been working towards a licenced return of them to the Helman Tor wildlife sanctuary, a painfully long drawn out process when out of the blue last Spring beavers appeared there, and they think that was a wild illegal release. So Kirsty and Rex are not alone. Lots of official tutting, but I suspect some were secretly pleased. Legislation and bureaucracy isn't keeping up.
Well, Fallon and Harrison seem mighty pleased with the new opportunity that has been handed to them, but can they really maintain their marriage when forced apart by Harrison’s new role?
Poor Brad. At least he's opened up about his wories now. And Lily will be a good ally. Now he *must* talk to his tutor. (Who will probably give him a stern talking to about his feelings of obligation to George's business.) I am still convinced he has ASD. I really wish someone would raise that possibility with him and that he would explore being assessed. As well as helping him, and others, understand a bit about how he ticks, it opens the door to lots of support - including automatic extensions to his assessment deadlines, mentoring, and, if he qualifies for Disabled Student Allowance, the possibility of a computer with specialised note-taking and other software.
Grey Gables is also a time-ccnsuming activity Brad could do without. He’s already reneging on his responsibilities there by missing shifts. Tracy has offered funds, not specifically to compensate for lost income if he gave it up, of course, but presumably it could make up the shortfall if necessary. (Her offer surprised me as she’ seemed permanently cash-strapped, to the point of being introduced to the local food bank a couple of years back. Maybe finances improved when Jazzer joined the Horrobin ménage.....)
If Brad has ADD ( which I think is what OWiaS ment, rather than ASD) the chances of him getting an appointment for assessment, let alone treatment, could take months, if not years here in the UK. My grandson was very lucky to go to Dubai for 3 years where he was very quickly diagnosed as having Attention Deficit Disorder, and treated accordingly. Within a couple of weeks he was a different boy, able to cope with school work, understand complicated maths lessons and consequently became much happier. Unless Dr Azra can pull a lot of strings, I doubt Brad will get to see a specialist in time to save his University career.
No, I don't think Brad has ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ). But I do think he has ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder or Autism). Yes, waiting lists are too long. But the wait is even longer if you don't join the queue! And he can still get help before an official diagnosis. 'Borchester' University website says: 'A full diagnosis of Autism is not necessarily required in order to access support and adjustments at the University of [Borchester]. We encourage you to contact us regardless of how far through the Autism assessment process you are as we may still have options for supporting you.'
When my middle daughter was at university there were some things she was struggling with having been a straight As student through her school years. The university arranged an asessment and they found that she a form of dyslexia which she had coped with at school but the sheer volume of work at university was too much. Help was put in place and things improved a lot after that. It's worth asking.
Apologies for misunderstanding your reference to ASD, OWiaS, I hadn’t heard of that abbreviation before. My grandson had ADD which is attention deficit disorder but without the hyperactivity. And yes, I think you could be right about Brad. In which case, hopefully the University will be able to help him if only he can pluck up the courage to seek help. I am hoping that Lily will continue keeping an eye on him and guide him to the best person or department to support him.
That’s all extremely interesting - and where TA is concerned, if the listeners’s diagnosis is correct, probably means if Brad has ASD, then Jakob doesn’t, since the scriptwriters are unlikely to duplicate the situation.
It looks as if Brad was heading for a difficult time at uni anyway, though obviously external demands on his processing time must have added to the pressure. Fingers crossed that with appropriate help and support from the university, he can manage the lot!
And well done Joy, for putting Tom firmly in his place when he wanted to keep the key! He really is a numpty, no idea how to interact with others, no empathy, no self-awareness at all. I really dread to think how the house share with Helen is going to workout.
Funnily enough, people were also derogatory about Joy as a neighbour when she first moved in - and now she’s the village’s darling. So there’s hope for Tom!😀
Yes, that’s very true. I admit that I didn’t like Joy much at first, so different from the average Ambridge resident, complaining about farm smells, being too outspoken, and too keen to get involved in everything. But she has become a very likeable character, a salt of the earth type, willing to help anyone, albeit with a somewhat mysterious past (now being partially As for Tom, I think he has got worse over the years, not better and there is still plenty of time and opportunity for him to mess things up again.
By the way, I thought this weeks Archers Podcast, mainly featuring Paul Copley as Leonard, was very interesting. He said that none of the cast are aware of what is going to happen to their character in advance. For example, he had no idea that Leonard was going to have an accident or consider moving to Hong Kong or move into Brookfield permanently until he got his script, close to the actual recording. Storylines are as much a surprise to the cast as they are to us.
Other cast members have said that too - and if they want to know whar’s going to happen to a character who isn’t in their script (George, for instance) they have to ask the relevant actor. ‘George’.got mobbed!
I still think that Joy is the one who is hiding many secrets and as such, she is worried that Rochelle will reveal things that she doesn't want known. As for Tom, he is under Natasha's spell and is now very influenced by her. Now what I want to know is with all this talk about Bridge Farm - where does Johnny fit into future thoughts? He is, after all, the son of John and so a true family member..
Exactly Miriam! I cannot understand why they have not recast Johnny . Something drastic must have happened to the young actor for such an out of character exit, Johnny was loving farming in general and especially his special cows!
According to IMDb online, he has written and performed in an adventure, comedy, drama called 'Sober' due to be released this year. Looks like he has been touring with 'A Murder is Announced'.
Well, it’s good news that he is still employed in acting. I wonder if it will be the same with ‘George ‘. Young actors cutting their Radio teeth on the Archers then setting off into the wide world of other media. I wonder if it was the actors choice to leave TA or if the SWs decided his character wasn’t going to feature any more?
I mentioned Johnny, as in my mind, he is equivalent to Tom + Helen in Bridge Farm and should not be excluded, even though the he is the same generation as Henry, Jack, and the Terrible Twins, ie a grandson but much older.
Johnny isn’t one of Bridge Farm’s directors like Pat and Tony’s children are and as their grandchild, he’s in the same legal position as Henry, Jack and the twin the twins.
I don't have much legal knowledge but I thought that normally if a child dies then their share of any future inheritance goes automatically to their children, so Johnny should alreàdy be on a par with Helen and Tom, although admittedly he is not a Director. I know that is the way it works with wills and inheritance. When Tony and Pat eventually die Johnny should inherit a third of whatever they leave. I am just pondering aloud here. I suppose it is so long ago that John died that Pat and Tony will have made a new will that didn't mention John in which case what I said probably won't apply. I am just biased in favour of Johnny as I found him a far more likeable character than either Helen or Tom.
I think Janice, that most found Johnny a more likeable character than Helen or Tom, which IMO, speaks volumes about Pat and Tony’s parenting, and also quite a lot about the parents who brought up Johnny as far as his teens. Whatever the reason for the loss of Johnny to travel, it would seem that if ever he is to revisit Ambridge it would need to be in the guise of another actor. IMO, ‘Johnny ‘, the ship, has sailed.
Stupid Rex! Untrustworthy too, betraying Joy's confidence to her that. Hopefully,he's more discreet with any confidences from his taxi fares.
I do hope Miriam has paid good attention to last night’s episode since it gave at last a number of clues to the back story of Joy, Rochelle, and some of their family history.
Of course I did, and why think otherwise! I still think Joy had the major problem and not Rochelle, who then suffered as a consequence as to Joy. I'm still standing with my thoughts, sorry. Obviously this is different to others. The facts which are still not known are:- a)What happened to Joy's husband, Rochelles father and how significant is this? b)How could Joy afford to buy the Beechwood House where she's been living for a few years now, paying all the bills without doing a paid job? c)Why is Rochelle homeless + broke, so much so she finally decided to meet her Mum for, in my mind, to try + sort things out, so to get what is due to her.
These are just some of my thoughts after listening closely, so far this week, but no doubt are ridiculous again. 🫣🤐
I think you're right Miriam that Joy is hiding more of her past than Rochelle. You often have the knack of getting to the heart of a storyline before everyone else.
I don’t dispute that Joy is still hiding a lot that is yet to be revealed.
But I also think there is much to discover about Rochelle. I think Rochelle has lost custody of her children to her ex husband and is in a degree of denial about that fact. I think there has been a hint of alcoholic abuse in the air, ( Rochelle) though that may be a red herring, or a mistake on my part. I would posit that Joy is fulminating about Rochelle’s disregard for her children as an echo of her own disregard of her children when her husband walked out. And I can understand that as I believe I was to some degree guilty of the same behaviour when in similar circumstances.
And for all Joys ‘ niceness’, we know that she can also demonstrate a sharp and acid tongue on occasion. Her reprimand to Mick being childless was unkind, and we have heard similar remarks from her before, usually I think, when she wishes to shut down any further discussion.
Miriam’s question as to the finances behind the purchase of the Beechwood house are interesting too. I’ve often wondered about that aspect of Joys background, but I suspect Miriam has thought more deeply about it than I have. But I’m interested too Miriam as to what you think Rochelle may be entitled to, which you refer to in your reply above. And of course I expected you to be listening attentively, my comment was an invitation to tell us your thoughts.
There is still much to discover from this story line.
I am in a state of confusion about Joy/Rochelle and now also Mick. There seems to be a lot more to the back story than we have been told yet. What exactly happened when Joys husband left - and why did he leave? Was Joy so annoying he just couldn’t stand her any longer and had an affair with someone else. Why does Rochelle feel so let down by Joy, did she purposely leave her parents home or was she pushed out & therefore feels Joy doesn’t care about her? I was very surprised to hear Joy railing at Mick last night and saying he can’t understand because he doesn’t have children, a nasty thing to say. But I do wish the SWs would hurry up and conclude this story because I am getting fed up with the lot of them!
Oooh ARCHERPHILE - I’m sorry to hear that your fed up with them because I think this SL might be a long running one, visited from time to time with a little more being revealed on each occasion.
I agree with you MrsP about Joy worrying about Rochelle's relationship with her children because of what happened with her and her own daughter, whatever that was. I also agree with you Archerfile that this storyline is dragging on a bit now.
I either heard, or read somewhere very recently that the PTB (powers that be) have admitted there are fewer storylines with the traditional Brookfield family and other long serving actors because they have to save money to keep TA going. Actors for the parts of e.g. Jill, David, Pat, etc have been in TA for a long time and can demand higher fees per performance than some of the newer, younger actors who are just starting out. This is why, apparently, there are more stories with the younger, more recent additions to the cast. (hence all the time spent on Joys problems and Brads difficulties?)
I noted on listening - twice- to last nights episode that this weeks writer was Liz John - a name from the past, and in my memory, a writer to be reckoned with. Maryellen ?
Sorry, Mrs P, I recognise the name but can't recall the writer. I think the production team do call in the more experienced TA writers like Keri Davis when there's a big scene coming up.
I am so confused with the Rochelle/Joy story. I am trying hard to work it out, but I still can't come up with anything that fits to suit them. All I can think is that Rochelle ran away at age 15yrs, due to something to do with Joy. Rochelle then had her own life experiences but what were these and why? Then there is Joy's husband - is he still alive? If not, is this where her monies have come from in some way - a compensation payout, or from his business even if ill-gotten gains? As said I cannot think of a suitable back-story.
Brian Hewlett you are a super actor I love your character and in tonight’s episode you were just superb. Good to hear the 3 of you supporting each other too. I wonder what the message is going to reveal….
I do hope Neil’s not going to be scammed. The instantaneous response seemed a bit fishy to me.
What’s putting me off this storyline is the incongruity of Neil’s voice, which. sounds 75+ to me - partly the accent), talking about a mother in her 80s. He reminded us he was 67, which means he could be retiring from Berrow shortly. Hope Hannigan gets his job! ,
I think the PTB must be launching another public awareness campaign of some sort - this business with Neil suddenly deciding to look for his birth mother and father. We have heard nothing about it over the many years he has lived in Ambridge and I find it very strange that Neil should want to do this at his age and after so many years. It is highly unlikely that his mother will still be alive and if she is, will be a very elderly woman who possibly has no desire to communicate with him. That would be a huge blow to his confidence, he said he wondered if she had ever thought about him and had wondered what he was doing but being rejected again would be very hurtful. Is this story to highlight fostering, as I believe the country is very short of foster parents. Neil’s good experience of foster parents might be an encouragement to listeners to find out more. As an adopted (not fostered) person myself I have never had any desire to search for my birth mother. The possibility of being rejected again would be too hurtful. I’m not sure it was right for Dr Azra to suggest such an idea, simply to find out if other family members suffered from high blood pressure. I think she was going beyond her responsibilities.
Does anyone know what happened to Sykesy? One moment Jasper Carrott was strutting his stuff at the village show, having mysteriously arrived back in Ambridge from the far-flung care facility to which he’d transferred, and no word of Sykesy since then. Not that I liked him much but I do like loose ends tied up!
Didn't Syksey break his hip/femur or similar, whilst at The Laurels? He couldn't return there as it is not a Nursing Home, so he had to go elsewhere. It can't be too far away, as didn't Ben take him to something in St.Stephens but no idea what it was or why!
Yes, you're right Miriam, Sykesey did move from The Laurels to a more suitable care home which he told Ben was too far away from Ambridge for Ben to be on visiting terms. Then he returned to Ambridge (probably driven by Ben, as you say) to take part in the Christmas entertainment , and I think you're right too about that being at St Stephen's. Nothing about where or how long he was staying for. The only other performer we heard of was David, and Sykesy's was the only act, after which we heard no more of him. So I suppose we have to assume he somehow got back to his distant care home and remained there for the duration, unvisited and forgotten.
AmbridgesMrsPDecember 1, 2024 at 5:46 PM
ReplyDeleteThe scam may have ended but I wouldn’t mind betting that one or two of the characters within the scam become attached to Ambridge.
I can immediately think of two possibilities.
Either or both Clarrie and Eddie saving up to go to America, and Kate and Jakob also planning a holiday there in the future.
( Of course if C and E were to go on a jolly it would be a repeat of their trip many years ago to France )
Secondly - have not caught her name, but the woman who brought her teenage daughters for a three day break leaving husband to - ‘ pack his bags ‘ - seems very taken with farming life and I can imagine she might be coming back again if only for visits.
A new friendship for Ruth ?
maryellenDecember 1, 2024 at 6:24 PM
I think Kate and Jakob are my favourite Ambridge couple. Have we ever been told that Jakob is neurodivergent/on the spectrum, or is that a listener speculation which has become entrenched? Could be he's just a Virgoan
MiriamDecember 1, 2024 at 7:12 PM
ReplyDeleteI just think Jakob just likes to be organised and in control of his life, as he has to be in his work as a vet. Mistakes can cause problems, as he so well knows. His work life has spilled over into his home life. I still do not think that he is on any sort of spectrum, but I will admit to being wrong, when this is proven.
At least Scambridge showed a different side to him and his relationship with Kate in a very positive and lovely way.
AmbridgesMrsPDecember 1, 2024 at 11:16 PM
Is Jakob a Virgo ME
Do we know his birthdate ?
I would never have dated a Virgo man.
Having a Virgo daughter is bad enough.
AmbridgesMrsPDecember 1, 2024 at 11:19 PM
Is Jakob a Virgo ME
Do we know his birthdate ?
I would never have wanted to be close to a Virgo man. Having a Virgo daughter is bad enough.
Though I must admit to liking Jakobson voice very much.
Until Mr R (Aries 🥰 ) I was with a Virgo Mrs P 😱 what a difference
DeleteOooooh YES Lady R……..
DeleteAnd what are you ?
maryellenDecember 2, 2024 at 11:43 AM
ReplyDeleteMrs P - there's no indication of Jakob's d.o.b. in the BBC 's TA website Characters pages. I'm just guessing!.
MiriamDecember 1, 2024 at 7:16 PM
I am so loving the Podcast, but I would so much prefer to hear Ambridge Extra again. Anyone else remember + enjoy it?
ArcherphileDecember 1, 2024 at 10:57 PM
I remember it being on Miriam, but being very frustrated that I couldn’t listen to it.
It was only broadcast on the new DAB radios, on what has become the 4Extra channel. and we didn’t have such a radio - or could afford one, as they were very expensive Back then and he DAB signal wasn’t available in our area.
Sorry I was a bit late with this, busy weekend.
ReplyDeleteThanks. I am loving seeing the "middle" names esp. Frederick Hugo.
ReplyDeleteIs Hugo the name of Nigel's father?
DeleteI have no idea, but someone here might know.
Nigel's parents were Gerald and Julia (my book says)>
DeleteI speculation on another forum suggesting that Ellie (the woman with the two teenagers) could be Rochelle, Joys daughter, which I thought quite a neat idea
ReplyDeleteIs that because 'Ellie' could be a short form of 'Rochelle'?
DeleteNice idea. But I don't think Rochelle's children were twins, or even two girls. I can't remember the details, perhaps someone here with a better memory than me will be able to fill us in.
DeleteWhat an oaf Mick is. Here’s hoping the scriptwriters soon get tired of him. I’m with Robert who speaks from experience and appreciation of Emma’s suitability to be a parish councillor..
ReplyDeleteEmma certainly has suitability to be a parish councillor, but her crisis of integrity in an extended delay in the decision to inform the police of her knowledge of the crime perpetrated by George, renders her inadequate for the role.
DeleteBrian put it well in discussing it with Ed.
It is a shame, but this crisis has been a life changing event for Emma and we must hope that though changed her life will continue to give her opportunities to overcome this time and continue to move forward.
I have no doubts that Emma will continue to grow in strength and perseverance and will in time become a major character in Ambridge.
Ambridge’s future ‘wise woman’ perhaps? I’m still with Robert re the PCC. Unlike Brian, he is not emotionally involved in the aftermath of the crash and able to view the situation with objectivity, showing both understanding and sympathy. Brian makes much of Alice’s anguish at the possibility of losing contact with her daughter, forgetting how Alice has given up daily contact with Rosie when it suited her in the past.
DeleteIt amazes me that Alice not only survived the crash she provoked physically unscathed but somehow come up smelling of roses. She hasn’t been charged with the offence she undoubtedly committed, and her recall of her own role in causing the crash doesn’t seem to include the damning bit.
Yes Maryellen, definitely the wise woman of Ambridge in the years ahead.
DeleteI too baulk every time I hear a member of Alice’s family shed tears of regret at the possibility of Alice losing contact with her daughter.
We didn’t hear or experience those tears so much during the time that Alice was playing hooky at being a constant mother. Many times Chris and his family have stepped into the breach to cover for Alice when she was drunk or indeed when away for the first period of ‘ recovery ‘.
I think the best thing Emma could do would be to resign, wait a while and then when the parish council needs to co-opt a member put herself forward. She needn't wait until the next local elections, there are always people who for various reasons don't or can't serve out their time.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, Janice. It will give Ambridge time to reflect that the.circumstances which caused Emma’s integrity crisis were highly specific and most unlikely to recur, and also to appreciate that the PCC is poorer without her.
DeleteHow refreshing to hear Robert standing up to Lynda for once. The new iteration of this character seems much less likely to be a shrinking violet where Lindy is concerned and more likely to express his real feelings. I have decided that I like him.
ReplyDeleteHurrah for Joy! I enjoyed tonight’s episode with both Ed and Emma getting some of the compassion and ,encouragement they sorely need. It felt like the first really positive step in recapturing the ‘normality’ of life and relationships before the cash.
ReplyDeleteAnd was Joy ‘ almost ‘ tempted to open up about her one child - Rochelle ?
DeleteYes a teaser I think Mrs P at some point all will be revealed I’m sure. I agree with your comments too maryellen.
DeleteI’m sure the team are working hard on creating Joy’s back story.
DeleteIt might even be the ‘big’ SL going on for years that was mentioned recently.
And perhaps in the meantime we will get more teasers as you say Lady R.
I so agree that there is such a mystery about Rochelle. I was convinced she was no more, but I'm not sure. As others have said about the S/L to end in 2027 - is this the date when Rochelle leaves either prison or a mental health facility?
Delete...and to add, the fate of Joy's grandchildren.
DeletePerhaps Rochelle has swapped gender and is no longer 'Rochelle'. Another issue to be explored?
DeleteME. I like that idea.
DeleteRoger, Richard, Ronan instead of Rochelle?
I still want to know more about the grandkids + why Joy has no contact with them.
We had a video call with our daughter who lives in Edinburgh this afternoon, they had been to their local pub for brunch and meet Santa with the children this morning. It made me think of The Bull and I wondered if it was a common thing.
ReplyDeleteWell, that was a surprise, and quite a shock! Especially for Lynda. Looking forward to hearing the outcome of Kirsty’s unwelcome visitor turning up out of the blue.
ReplyDeleteAnd more importantly…..Why ?
DeleteWhat S L have they cooked up for us now.
I had an uncomfortable feeling that something was /is about to happen to Alan.
I hope I will be wrong.
I really do dislike the new incarnation of Robert Snell.
ReplyDeleteI can only imagine that the new actor has gained permission to recast R S in his own version but for this listener the change in character is farcical.
Dear Robert Snell for decades a quiet thoughtful man foil to Lindy’s over dramatisation of his wife, has changed beyond any form of recognition and I am finding it very difficult to like anything about him.
Strangely, I rather like the new Robert. Now I have got used to his voice, I am pleased that he is showing a bit more backbone where Lynda is concerned. Standing up to her demands and even daring to offer a different opinion about ‘rewilding’’ the garden.
DeleteAlso being a bit more active in village matters, having conversations with other characters and not being seen as a bit of a wimp, just trailing along behind Lynda
Leonard’s. A & E wait did not appear to be long after 5 - 10 hrs at the hospital I should have thought a comment or three might have been the order of the day 🤭 oh wait we are not in the real world…
ReplyDeleteA fractured arm required a possible middle of the night call to Simon living the other side of the world and Breaking News Jill will not be capable of looking after Leonard at Brookfield for 6 weeks
how come she is still doing everything else at (94 ?) 🤣😂
And Ruth & David didn’t seem too keen to be looking after him either. Poor Leonard.
DeleteWhen Fallon was floundering around for a big enough kitchen, Ruth said she and David shared the cooking but Jill still regarded the Brookfield kitchen as her territory. Fond as he is of Jill, does Leonard want to be looked after by her, I wonder?
DeleteMaybe Leonard could stay at home and employ private help with Jill staying with him for company
ReplyDeleteWhich would also mean Patrica Green would not be required to appear for sometime🤔
Good idea Lady R! And it would give Brookfield Farm residents a break from Jill.
DeleteI rather like the idea of Tom and Natasha buying Kirsty’s Beechwood house. It would be like Bridge Farm reclaiming a small pocket of fertile land. Maybe they could rewind Kirsty’s garden there and reintroduce the wild orchids that grew there. I was sorry to lose those.
ReplyDeleteThat's a nice idea Maryellen. Maybe Tom would be more in favour of the move if Natasha played on that idea of him buying back and living on land that once belonged to the family.
ReplyDeleteI have a feeling that Mick likes to do things in his own way and time and might not respond well to Joy doing the proposing. I hope Joy is not disappointed. Men standing independently on their own two feet seems to have been a theme recently, with both Mick and Gavin expressing that idea. Interesting that Mick caved in to Joy's persuasion but Gavin refused Kirsty's offer.
Blimey! Talk about a blast from the past. What next Johnny coming home… I never have been able to get my head around that SL he was so farming focused the last person to want to travel the world at no notice at all - weird 🙃
ReplyDeleteI agree about Johnny, Lady R. He always seemed the stick in the mud type to me. I was faintly surprised at him venturing abroad in the first place!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteInterestingly, there’s no Brenda Tucker (or Brenda anyone else) in this wee’s cast list. Is this a deliberate omission to keep us guessing or will her visit only be referred to - or else cancelled?
ReplyDeleteI think that they sometimes omit cast members from the Radio Times, Gavin wasn’t listed the other week and I know they have dine this previously. I’m one of the people who always reads Ambridge Diary, the teasers and the cast list as soon as the RT is delivered
DeleteIf Oliver is going to be away in the States over Christmas I'd like to know who will be running Grey Gables at what I assume is a busy time of year. We don't hear much about the place these days.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Lily will take over. I agree that Oliver’s absence seems strange, last year when the hotel was closed would have made more sense
DeleteI'd forgotten about Lily KP, thanks for reminding me.
DeleteI was under the impression that Lily was at Grey Gables for work experience and for a limited period? But this being Soapland, she might easily end up running the place within six months!
DeleteI missed yesterday’s episode so have just caught up two together. Everything seems to be happening so quickly, I had a job working out who was speaking and who wants to buy which house. I am confused! Natasha seems desperate to buy Kirsty’s house but Tom not so much. Then all of a sudden Brenda is back on the scene wanting to sell ? on behalf of ? Meanwhile Helen is floating around not knowing what to do or where to go?
ReplyDeleteI think I need a spreadsheet to understand all of this!
At least Brenda seems to have retained the voice.
DeleteSo I guess it’s the same actress, whether named in the cast list or not.
I had a job to decide if the actress was the same one it’s been so long I really could not remember her. I also think that cast names are sometimes left off of the list for the element of surprise 🤔
DeleteYes, they definitely are Lady R. Rob certainly wasn’t in the cast list when he first came back, and only appeared the second week. Likewise Gareth and Brenda this week.
DeleteI suppose they don’t want to spoil the story.
I felt pretty sure with only a minimum of doubt for a brief second, that it was Brenda as I remembered her.
DeleteWas she always this awful?
DeleteNo, she didn't seem so to me when she was younger. Quite ambitious though and has obviously done well workwise.
DeleteI am so against Gazumping.
ReplyDeleteI hate Gazumping.
But if any one person deserved to be Gazumped it has to be THE most awful Natasha !
Please don’t go back on your decision Kirsty and Brenda.
Whoever buys it, I hope the sale goes through quicker than for Frustrated Smallish Person in a Shoe. FSPiaS and friend put an offer in for a trainer back in the summer. The seller's solicitor clearly doesn't believe in any form of speed. The contracts have *finally* been signed. And now we learn said solicitor's office closes for Christmas tomorrow! So all hopes of a change of footwear in the next week are off - bah, humbug!
DeleteI too have suffered such delay as has your small person OWiaS, but my neighbour in the flat above me, decided in late summer that she wanted to buy the other ground floor flat in the house. This had been empty and neglected for a number of years and had been through probate and was at last being revivified. She talked to the owner, negotiated a good deal and moved in last week.
DeleteIn addition a close friend of hers has bought her flat and also moved in last week.
The whole process has taken less than three months.
It can be done !
I thought THE most awful person in this scenario was Helen?
DeleteShe ties with Natasha in most departments of awfulness ME.
DeleteYes she, Helen, was awful too, and as selfish and to quote AP - she’s also ‘me me me with knobs on ‘.
Wet Tom deserves the pair of them.
Helen has led Kirsty a right song and dance over making a genuine offer for the house, then finally makes a decision without any apparent sense of genuine apology to recognise that she has crashed Kirsty s hopes after leading her to believe that she would buy.
Then when another offer is given to Kirsty by her sibling, she has the gall to object.
But then she is an Aries and we can be capable of crass behaviour and extreme selfishness.
It seems to me that everyone in this storyline is exhibiting some degree of awfulness, Tom and Kirsty less so but both equally wet. I thought Helen’s vision of herself and her homeless boys capped it all when everyone knows they have a second home at Bridge Farm. I guess the scriptwriters are working up to a smiles all round denouement for Christmas!
DeleteThere are really no winner in this housing conundrum. Helen seems to think she has a right to keep that house because of her “two boys” and can be very selfish, thinking the family owe her for all the problems she has had in the past. Natasha is unbelievable, me, me, me with knobs on. She knows what she wants and will wheedle and go behind Toms back to get it. Suggesting the she and Helen swap homes was crass and not thought through. Now Kirsty has a problem with Brenda pushing her to sell her house so that Willow Farm can be vacated for sale. Was that really an offer she had received last night, or a delaying tactic?
ReplyDeleteNone of this seems very Christmassy unless somebody ends up looking for somewhere to sleep on Christmas Eve.
Poor Brad !
ReplyDeleteHe sounded so dejected this evening.
He doesn’t really want to see George and feels so bad talking with Emma.
What can he do ?
I don’t think George’s mystery visitor is Clive, as suggested elsewhere. I smell a red herring!
ReplyDeleteI wondered if it might have been Alice.
DeleteBut also think like you ME, a red herring.
I’m getting fed up with Emma. I know she is upset about having her precious son banged up for Christmas and refusing to see her….but….Christmas is for her whole family and not just her. What about other family members trying to have a good time and being subjected to her doom and gloom attitude?. She has a daughter too for heaven’s sake, who rarely gets a mention and a brother and parents who deserve a bit of consideration over the Christmas period. Chin up Emma and think of others , not just your own misery.
ReplyDeleteBrad said George mentioned someone had come to see him just after he had told Brad there was a guard who he didn't like who was throwing his weight around. I wonder if George would have asked to see someone about that, but perhaps not as the last time he made a complaint it resulted in trouble for him. Maybe Alan as parish priest might have asked the prison chaplain to visit him.
ReplyDeleteOMG are you mad Tom & Natasha (if Nat really does know about the offer yet) April cottage would be a much better option until madam finds her forever home. Come on Kirstie Allsopp your services are urgently required 🤣 As for Eddie you need a kick up the backside too the situation is not just about your feelings you have family right by you that need you. How is Brad supposed to keep George’s “business” going for 2 yrs or thereabouts he’s got his own life to lead and who’s name are the videos being posted under surely George’s case was reported locally so it will be known he is in clink. Ooh I am feeling so 😡
ReplyDeleteThe house share idea is beyond daft - the sloshed result of a screenwriter’s pre-Christmas party I suspect!. Never fear, Lady R, it won’t happen!
DeleteI agree, the house sharing idea is a disaster waiting to happen. Can you imagine? Helen’s two boys trying to do homework while two little ones rampage around; Helen sharing a kitchen with Natasha and arguing about how organic the ingredients are; one washing machine for both families; Helen getting annoyed about the twins mess; Natasha complaining that the boys leave the toilet seat up! 😂
DeleteHad Tom thought if any of these possibilities before suggesting the idea?
Beechwood houses 4 or 5 bed? If four 2 children to a bedroom. Not fair on Henry in particular as an older child ☹️
ReplyDeleteFirst of all I would like to wish you all a very happy and healthy Christmas and New Year and thank you for the past years of entertainment, inspiration and friendship. I am sure that there are many silent ones like me who care what happens to those of you who write regularly and wish you all well! And now it's silly suggestions time - did I dream it or was Tilly Button George's visitor? I was convinced Brad had mentioned it!!! Also I wondered about Ellie and her girls. Rochelle could be shortened! Best wishes to you all....
ReplyDeleteHow lovely to hear from you Bufo9bufo - and a happy Christmas to you too.
DeleteWhat a good suggestion re Tilly Button, yes Brad did mention her though I can’t remember in what context.
Someone else has suggested that Elle might have been Rochelle, but personally I would find it bizarre that Joys daughter would turn up incognito and be so close to her mother in the village without actually making contact with Joy.
I wish you a happy and productive 2025, and perhaps you will post again.
Happy Christmas to you bufo9bufo, and to any others who are quiet companions of the blog. Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2025.
DeleteI agree very much with both of the above posts. 🎄🤗🎄🤗🎄
DeleteAnd that was Christmas in a nutshell Emma - why do so many families pressure each other every year, also well done Vince. Natasha is ok with Helen and the boys staying on then that surprises me. So much better to have gone back to Pat and Tony’s more space surely and after all only meant to be a temporary arrangement either way…. Hmmm
ReplyDeletePhew! Just written the last of my Christmas cards (the hand-delivered ones) and now to join Janice and Lady R in wishing all readers of these blogs an enjoyable and refreshing Yuletide break, and a productive and rewarding year ahead. Thanks for your e-company!
ReplyDeleteAnd Yuletide wishes to you Maryellen- thank you for your insightful comments throughout the year, and may we all continue to be Archers friends for 2025.
ReplyDeleteI’m relieved to hear ME that you too are late with your cards as I see you as MS Perfect in all areas of life. ( not meant as an insult I assure you )
I managed to get the second lot of my cards in yesterday’s post and have two to give by hand today.
Well, it’s very quiet in my house, no tree, no decorations, no loads of calorific, sugar filled food waiting to be eaten. That’s because we shall spend the day with daughter and family and just have a tiny turkey for ourselves on Boxing Day. Neither Mr A or I are capable of much activity at the moment and neither of us can eat much. But we shall enjoy watching Christmas TV and listening to BBC Sounds. And of course there will be a huge new jigsaw on the table, waiting to be completed.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, did anyone catch the repeat of ‘Ambridge does the Mysteries’ on Sounds this afternoon - some superlative acting by Archers cast members. Part 2 will be broadcast next Saturday.
And now my very good wishes to all fellow blog members, active or not. Have a wonderful holiday with your families and continue being Archers devotees next year……who knows what the script writers have up their sleeves for us? Love to you all 🧑🎄
My latest wild thought, is that Brenda is not as well off as she seems.
ReplyDeleteAs such, now the house buys are going onwards, Brenda will end up sharing with Kirsty in her new hok
to continue..
DeleteBrenda will end up sharing with Kirsty in her new home, Willow Farm.
Tom + Natasha might have the extra of Helen + her boys living with them, but Brenda as Kirsty's lodger might be far worse!
As said, just one of m
No idea why I can't continue writing a post, before it's automatically posted.
DeleteTo finish - this was just one of my silly ideas.
Silly idea or not Miriam, there must be a reason to bring Brenda back after so many years, so your idea is as good as any other.
DeleteThe alternative is that she is just a red herring.
Could Brenda be Hazel Woolley Mark 2?
DeleteOooh I do hope not Maryellen !
DeleteWishing everyone here a peaceful Christmas and a healthy and happy new year.
ReplyDeleteHappy Christmas to you too Mistral.
ReplyDeleteThank you Janice.
ReplyDeleteWell that was some surprise finale tonight quite a choir indeed and a surprise for sure. Well done for the surprise
ReplyDeleteelement team 👏
I loved the end of the programme, made me laugh out loud!
DeleteSo…..Rochelle does exist!! I never thought she was any more than a figment of Joy’s wishful thinking. But here she is, large as life and ruining her Mum’s proposal plans.
DeleteWhat a twist for. Christmas! 😄
And how strange to have a Christmas Day episode with no Brookfield Archers, Lynda or scenes at The Bull. The centre of the programme certainly has shifted.
The BBC Singers’ Oh Little Town set to Barwick Green is my top pick of TA’s year. Congratulations to whoever’s inspiration it was!
DeleteYour last thought chimes with mine, Archerphile - it’s occurred to me several times recently that the Archer presence is diminishing in favour of relative newcomers.
I loved Oh Little Town too!
DeleteI was pleased to hear Brian being properly appreciative of Kate at last. Previously he has been critical of her and dismissive of her achievements, while being uncritical and over protective of Alice. Kate also gets a bad press on the blogs. I hope more people will come to view her through Jakob’s eyes.
ReplyDeleteWhat I loved about the Christmas Day episode, was to find out that Rochelle actually exists.
ReplyDeleteI was so convinced, that she had died!! 😆
To add.
DeleteHow lovely it was to hear a Christmas Day peal of bells at St.Stephens.🔔🔔🎄
I said they were still writing Rochelle’s back story didn’t I ?
ReplyDeleteThey are going to give it to us bit by bit !
They can count me out. I’ve tried to work up an interest in Rochelle but failed.dismally. I’m not interested in the emerging Bridge Farmhouse inheritance storyline either. The only storyline that really interests me at the moment is George and Emma’s. So good are their actors, I feel I’m listening to ‘proper’
Deletedrama, not soap. The more we get of it the better as far as I’m concerned.
Happy New Year to everyone reading this blog, family and friends included!
Helen your logic never ceases to amaze me (and she’s had life hard Pat 🤔 🤭)
ReplyDeletePatrica Gallimore certainly sounds a young and vibrant 80yr old actor never mind her “not past it yet Tony” 72yr old character. Obviously similar to all us bloggers ⭐️👏🏻⭐️👏🏻 of 70+
Wishing you all a very happy and peaceful New Year. I look forward to reading all about your lives. I haven't been able to get back to Great Britain for a few years due to ill health. I hope I make it this year.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year to everyone, and hope that 2025 is a good year for all of us.
ReplyDeleteHelen doesn't seem to be taking Johnny into account at all. Admittedly he isn't there working on the farm at present but presumably as Tony and Pat's grandson he is entitled to the same consideration as Henry and Jack.
ReplyDeleteWishing all as healthy and happy 2025 as possible and continuing interesting opinions on THE ARCHERS
DeletePlus many thanks for friendship and kindness throughout 2024
But Johnny is illegitimate.
Tush, in the nicest possible way, Maryellen. Johnny is their grandson, of their bloodline, and they love him, and that is all that matters.
DeleteThere’s no one I’d rather be tushed by, Janice! I don’t think it’s tush legally, though.
DeleteJust for the record, I am illegitimate too! And it did cause problems for me when it came to inheritance, everything went to my perfectly legitimate brother and nothing at all to me. I even had to move out of what had been my family home since I was adopted at 3 months old. All he offered me was my mum’s sewing machine.
DeleteThat is sad Archerfile, and you must have felt it deeply at the time.
DeleteARCHERPHILE - as Janice has said, that is very sad.
DeleteI grew up where close family friends treated the youngest and adopted daughter in a similar way to how you were treated. My mum took her under her wing and did as much as she could to help her feel less alone. In many ways she became a much older big sister to me in my early teens but she became increasingly odd as she grew older.
I think I learned a lot about psychological damage through observing her.
But on a more cheerful note I should like to wish all my virtual friends on the Archer Fan blogs a very happy, healthy and most importantly, peaceful, New Year. Including all those who just read and rarely write, we are all Archer Fans
ReplyDeleteRe tonight’s programme -
ReplyDeleteSome single middle aged people find that love can blossom amongst ‘ just friends ‘ when the time is right !
I hope it does in this instance.
I hope 2025 is a better year for all of us, and like many Miss World contestants, i hope for world peace. Happy New Year everyone.
ReplyDeleteI would have thought that Pat and Tony would have considered the farm inheritance before now. Maybe the new inheritance tax rules will concentrate their minds.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Helen should move into Bridge Farm so that "her boys" can get their feet under the table.
Always said.Neil must be a foundling! He’s edited out the juvenile crime (though I only read about that on another blog and don’t know how true it is).
ReplyDeleteI am very concerned about Neil ME.
DeleteAt the beginning of this evening’s programme he went dizzy when standing up.
During my recent experience with heart problems, I was asked a number of times if I had been dizzy on standing up, and asked in a way that suggested it was a crucial piece of evidence if I had.
Then, out of the blue, we get a fairly comprehensive explanation - very much in a nutshell - of his early life.
I am fearful that we are about to witness the loss of my favourite Archers character.
Oh I do hope not Mrs P. Neil has always been one of my favourite character too. I remember him arriving at Brookfield to look after the pigs and gradually learning to be a useful farm hand. His early infatuation with Shula, which went nowhere and then his romance with Susan, who virtually tricked him into marriage. A long life with many ups and downs , trying hard to live up to Susan’s expectations. I want him to have a long and happy retirement, not be bumped off before he can achieve that.
DeleteBrian Hewlett is 86yrs now ( where as his character is only 68 this coming May) maybe he and some of the other older actors are beginning to find the travelling to recordings tiring and there are quite a few of them now and I’m guessing not all plan to work as June Spencer did to 103! Even so like others I want to hold on to them they are like old friends now ❤️
DeleteI do agree with both of you, but do also feel fearful of losing him.
DeleteThinking back over recent months, Neil was absent for quite a long time, i remember posting about his lack of appearance. Perhaps after such a break Brian Hewlett is feeling the strain even more and wants to pull back.
Like you ARCHERPHILE I too have those same memories of Neil’s arrival in Ambridge and those early years of his development.
And yes, Lady R, old friends indeed.
Exactly Lady R. To me, the longer serving characters *are* part of my family. I have grown up with them, they have always been there like aunts, uncles and cousins, you hear from regularly but don’t actually see very often. And the fact that the ones who are of similar age to me are reaching the end of their days is quite worrying!
DeleteI share your concerns regarding Neil and also Brian, in both cases the actors are over 80 and both characters have been reminiscing and also mentioned physical symptoms. I know that change is inevitable but I wish it wasn’t! As others have said cast are like extended family and local community,
DeleteI guess if Neil was a real person, his lack of a sense of humour would be more noticeable especially if you were in his company more than we listeners are.
DeleteI think of him as 'worthy' but there have been some falls from grace, in my opinion that is. I wasn't impressed by his negative attitude to women on the cricket team, though I put that down to conservatism rather than misogyny. I always felt Susan declined a place on the team despite being brilliant in the trials, because of Neil's views. And he wasn't his usual dependable self when Bridge Fam desperately needed his help with their pigs (for which he had some management responsibility) during the Helen crisis, and he sent word he was too busy with his own affairs.
So no saint but a good bloke nevertheless.
Well done Hannah !
ReplyDeleteYou have opened Chris’s eyes to his inner desires.
We have waited a long time for someone to point it out to him.
I hope that now things can move forward…………. Slowly though !
To me, it was Chris intimating that there is only one true female in his life now, namely Martha, which made her back-off.
DeleteBut who knows what will happen later.
I wonder what upcoming storyline necessitates Jill’s unlikely absence from Brookfield?
ReplyDeleteCould simply be that she has gone to visit Shula !
DeleteBut then going to visit her daughter was what did for Ruth’s Mum.
So we were told, but why now, in midwinter, and unless Shula drove down to fetch her which nobody happened to mention, alone with her luggage on public transport, aged 90+?
DeletePS. It seems to me the scriptwriters are developing a situation at Brookfield which requires Jill's absence and simply sending her to stay with Shula with no regard for the practicalities was a quick fix.
DeleteMy final comment (you’ll be relieved to hear!):is that something’s brewing at Brookfield which listeners would expect Jill to be involved in and hear her reaction. But the actor isn’t up for it (and/or too expensive to home record) so the character has gone on holiday.)
DeleteI’ve gone off the beaver story now it’s got silly!)
I just want to give Brad a hug.
ReplyDeleteBrad needs Mia.
DeleteI felt so sorry for Brad, the jump from Alevel to degree is large and can be difficult. I think living at home and commuting probably makes matters worse, less time to discuss matters with colleagues, add in trying to hold down his Grey Gables job and support George…… He needs to discuss matters with his tutor pronto.
DeleteAnd he needs George and his family to stop haranguing him into keeping George’s “business” going. It’s not his responsibility.
DeleteI haven’t heard any haranguing. Where George is concerned, it’s between Brad and his conscience as to whether he has any moral responsibility in the matter. In any case, as KPnuts’ excellent summary shows, Brad’s current predicament is multifaceted, and can’t be solely attributed to George. Whether he is genuinely out of his depth at uni or not, his tutor can confirm. Lily will perhaps stand in for Mia in helping him regain faith In himself.
DeleteMeantime it would be good if Tracy gave up luxuriating in the reflected glory of her son’s “brilliance” and stopped pressuring him further with the weight of her expectations.
I would like Justin and Eddie to leave Brad alone.
DeleteI think they already have......
DeleteI still don't understand why Brad feels so obligated to George, to carry on his business. George was awful to Brad many a time, mocking and teasing him constantly, so when did this turnaround happen?
ReplyDeleteI ask, as I can't recall how they became best mates or how George has such a hold over Brad, that he does as his Puppet Master says.
I am so relieved not to hear Jill's reaction. I wonder if this will prompt a Valentine's Day wedding. I would miss Leonard.
ReplyDeleteWHAT! I did not see that coming! Don’t tell me Jill is off to Singapore too 🤭
ReplyDeleteI thought he and Jill were joined at the hip. Are we to assume that means Jill will live with Shula then. Two older actor’s retired from the cast in one hit and no on air deaths to deal with.
The picture of Leonard and Jill riding off into the sunset together by way of Singapore is very appealing!
DeleteI too am relieved to be spared Jill’s reaction to Leonard’s declaration.
DeleteA declaration delivered in such a casual manner that it shocked me.
There seemed nothing in his voice to even recognise that any consideration towards Jill being part of his life, or even that she existed, was evident.
Have the last two years or so simply been a pragmatic response to circumstances for Leonard rather than the relationship between two very much older characters we have been led to understand was the case ?
I think Leonard's reaction to his son was clouded by grief for his old friend, dying alone and no-one knowing for days. It was shocking for him.
ReplyDeleteI hope that he and Jill live permenantly at Brookfield, and he lives out his life in the security of the extended family. He is obviously well loved there. I really hope he doesn't uproot to Singapore.
DeleteI think Harrison is moving towards something in child protection, whether within the framework of the police or attached to social services. I hope he has the mental strength to cope with this, as it has to be one of the most stressful of environments
ReplyDeleteSo the point of getting Leonard moving into Brookfield with a non existent Jill is what?
ReplyDeleteIf Patricia Green was still able to fulfill her role then it would be more understandable.
Maybe Harrison’s new position will be as an officer interviewing very young troubled children where they chat to them while playing etc at the same time in order to gleam info without frightening the child. He did very well the other night with the young girl he sat with while his boss sorted her mother out and she had been so wary of the police too.
Lady R, I see Leonard as the 'nice old duffer' like Col. Danby was all those years ago. It's good that they are keeping him at Brookfield as a conduit to the comings and goings of Jill, who is really better heard about, than to, I think. I was just thinking that it's good to hear an older person in the serial, but actually, nowadays that is most of the characters!
ReplyDeleteOh I like Leonard Mistral and l love his voice it just seemed a long way round - one whole episode to get to it but of course Jill had told him to go home so that decision had to be reversed somehow. Col. Danby ahh loved him too 🤗
DeleteI'm not sure what the point of all that Singapore stuff was, time will tell I suppose. One thing's for sure Leonard's pension wouldn't stretch far over there.
DeleteProtecting other people's children might be a next best thing to having his own, or at least soften his childlessness.
ReplyDeleteRe. the beavers. The Wildlife Trust in Cornwall had gradually been working towards a licenced return of them to the Helman Tor wildlife sanctuary, a painfully long drawn out process when out of the blue last Spring beavers appeared there, and they think that was a wild illegal release. So Kirsty and Rex are not alone. Lots of official tutting, but I suspect some were secretly pleased. Legislation and bureaucracy isn't keeping up.
Well, Fallon and Harrison seem mighty pleased with the new opportunity that has been handed to them, but can they really maintain their marriage when forced apart by Harrison’s new role?
ReplyDeleteAt least they were in accord about needing a break from each other.
DeleteBut will they see it through ?
It sounded to me like they were trying to convince themselves as much as each other.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI’m not clear whether Harrison specifically wants a child of his own or whether, to put it bluntly, any child would be better than no child?
ReplyDeletePoor Brad. At least he's opened up about his wories now. And Lily will be a good ally. Now he *must* talk to his tutor. (Who will probably give him a stern talking to about his feelings of obligation to George's business.)
ReplyDeleteI am still convinced he has ASD. I really wish someone would raise that possibility with him and that he would explore being assessed. As well as helping him, and others, understand a bit about how he ticks, it opens the door to lots of support - including automatic extensions to his assessment deadlines, mentoring, and, if he qualifies for Disabled Student Allowance, the possibility of a computer with specialised note-taking and other software.
I couldn't agree more about bBrad, it's time the SWs gave him a break.
DeleteGrey Gables is also a time-ccnsuming activity Brad could do without. He’s already reneging on his responsibilities there by missing shifts. Tracy has offered funds, not specifically to compensate for lost income if he gave it up, of course, but presumably it could make up the shortfall if necessary. (Her offer surprised me as she’ seemed permanently cash-strapped, to the point of being introduced to the local food bank a couple of years back. Maybe finances improved when Jazzer joined the Horrobin ménage.....)
DeleteIf Brad has ADD ( which I think is what OWiaS ment, rather than ASD) the chances of him getting an appointment for assessment, let alone treatment, could take months, if not years here in the UK. My grandson was very lucky to go to Dubai for 3 years where he was very quickly diagnosed as having Attention Deficit Disorder, and treated accordingly. Within a couple of weeks he was a different boy, able to cope with school work, understand complicated maths lessons and consequently became much happier.
DeleteUnless Dr Azra can pull a lot of strings, I doubt Brad will get to see a specialist in time to save his University career.
No, I don't think Brad has ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ). But I do think he has ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder or Autism).
DeleteYes, waiting lists are too long. But the wait is even longer if you don't join the queue! And he can still get help before an official diagnosis. 'Borchester' University website says:
'A full diagnosis of Autism is not necessarily required in order to access support and adjustments at the University of [Borchester]. We encourage you to contact us regardless of how far through the Autism assessment process you are as we may still have options for supporting you.'
When my middle daughter was at university there were some things she was struggling with having been a straight As student through her school years. The university arranged an asessment and they found that she a form of dyslexia which she had coped with at school but the sheer volume of work at university was too much. Help was put in place and things improved a lot after that. It's worth asking.
DeleteApologies for misunderstanding your reference to ASD, OWiaS, I hadn’t heard of that abbreviation before. My grandson had ADD which is attention deficit disorder but without the hyperactivity. And yes, I think you could be right about Brad. In which case, hopefully the University will be able to help him if only he can pluck up the courage to seek help.
DeleteI am hoping that Lily will continue keeping an eye on him and guide him to the best person or department to support him.
That’s all extremely interesting - and where TA is concerned, if the listeners’s diagnosis is correct, probably means if Brad has ASD, then Jakob doesn’t, since the scriptwriters are unlikely to duplicate the situation.
DeleteIt looks as if Brad was heading for a difficult time at uni anyway, though obviously external demands on his processing time must have added to the pressure. Fingers crossed that with appropriate help and support from the university, he can manage the lot!
Poor Joy, imagine having Tom as a neighbour.
DeleteAnd well done Joy, for putting Tom firmly in his place when he wanted to keep the key! He really is a numpty, no idea how to interact with others, no empathy, no self-awareness at all. I really dread to think how the house share with Helen is going to workout.
ReplyDeleteFunnily enough, people were also derogatory about Joy as a neighbour when she first moved in - and now she’s the village’s darling. So there’s hope for Tom!😀
ReplyDeleteYes, that’s very true. I admit that I didn’t like Joy much at first, so different from the average Ambridge resident, complaining about farm smells, being too outspoken, and too keen to get involved in everything.
DeleteBut she has become a very likeable character, a salt of the earth type, willing to help anyone, albeit with a somewhat mysterious past (now being partially
As for Tom, I think he has got worse over the years, not better and there is still plenty of time and opportunity for him to mess things up again.
By the way, I thought this weeks Archers Podcast, mainly featuring Paul Copley as Leonard, was very interesting. He said that none of the cast are aware of what is going to happen to their character in advance. For example, he had no idea that Leonard was going to have an accident or consider moving to Hong Kong or move into Brookfield permanently until he got his script, close to the actual recording. Storylines are as much a surprise to the cast as they are to us.
ReplyDeleteOther cast members have said that too -
Deleteand if they want to know whar’s going to happen to a character who isn’t in their script (George, for instance) they have to ask the relevant actor. ‘George’.got mobbed!
I still think that Joy is the one who is hiding many secrets and as such, she is worried that Rochelle will reveal things that she doesn't want known.
ReplyDeleteAs for Tom, he is under Natasha's spell and is now very influenced by her.
Now what I want to know is with all this talk about Bridge Farm - where does Johnny fit into future thoughts?
He is, after all, the son of John and so a true family member..
Exactly Miriam! I cannot understand why they have not recast Johnny . Something drastic must have happened to the young actor for such an out of character exit, Johnny was loving farming in general and especially his special cows!
DeleteAccording to IMDb online, he has written and performed in an adventure, comedy, drama called 'Sober' due to be released this year.
DeleteLooks like he has been touring with 'A Murder is Announced'.
Well, it’s good news that he is still employed in acting. I wonder if it will be the same with ‘George ‘. Young actors cutting their Radio teeth on the Archers then setting off into the wide world of other media. I wonder if it was the actors choice to leave TA or if the SWs decided his character wasn’t going to feature any more?
DeleteIf he has no intention to return he either needs to be recast or he will become a silent Archer…..
DeleteI mentioned Johnny, as in my mind, he is equivalent to Tom + Helen in Bridge Farm and should not be excluded, even though the he is the same generation as Henry, Jack, and the Terrible Twins, ie a grandson but much older.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteJohnny isn’t one of Bridge Farm’s directors like Pat and Tony’s children are and as their grandchild, he’s in the same legal position as Henry, Jack and the twin the twins.
DeleteI don't have much legal knowledge but I thought that normally if a child dies then their share of any future inheritance goes automatically to their children, so Johnny should alreàdy be on a par with Helen and Tom, although admittedly he is not a Director. I know that is the way it works with wills and inheritance. When Tony and Pat eventually die Johnny should inherit a third of whatever they leave. I am just pondering aloud here. I suppose it is so long ago that John died that Pat and Tony will have made a new will that didn't mention John in which case what I said probably won't apply. I am just biased in favour of Johnny as I found him a far more likeable character than either Helen or Tom.
DeleteI think Janice, that most found Johnny a more likeable character than Helen or Tom, which IMO, speaks volumes about Pat and Tony’s parenting, and also quite a lot about the parents who brought up Johnny as far as his teens.
DeleteWhatever the reason for the loss of Johnny to travel, it would seem that if ever he is to revisit Ambridge it would need to be in the guise of another actor.
IMO, ‘Johnny ‘, the ship, has sailed.
Stupid Rex! Untrustworthy too, betraying Joy's confidence to her that. Hopefully,he's more discreet with any confidences from his taxi fares.
ReplyDeleteI do hope Miriam has paid good attention to last night’s episode since it gave at last a number of clues to the back story of Joy, Rochelle, and some of their family history.
ReplyDeleteOf course I did, and why think otherwise!
DeleteI still think Joy had the major problem and not Rochelle, who then suffered as a consequence as to Joy.
I'm still standing with my thoughts, sorry.
Obviously this is different to others.
The facts which are still not known are:-
a)What happened to Joy's husband, Rochelles father and how significant is this?
b)How could Joy afford to buy the Beechwood House where she's been living for a few years now, paying all the bills without doing a paid job?
c)Why is Rochelle homeless + broke, so much so she finally decided to meet her Mum for, in my mind, to try + sort things out, so to get what is due to her.
These are just some of my thoughts after listening closely, so far this week, but no doubt are ridiculous again. 🫣🤐
I think you're right Miriam that Joy is hiding more of her past than Rochelle. You often have the knack of getting to the heart of a storyline before everyone else.
ReplyDeleteI don’t dispute that Joy is still hiding a lot that is yet to be revealed.
DeleteBut I also think there is much to discover about Rochelle.
I think Rochelle has lost custody of her children to her ex husband and is in a degree of denial about that fact.
I think there has been a hint of alcoholic abuse in the air, ( Rochelle) though that may be a red herring, or a mistake on my part.
I would posit that Joy is fulminating about Rochelle’s disregard for her children as an echo of her own disregard of her children when her husband walked out. And I can understand that as I believe I was to some degree guilty of the same behaviour when in similar circumstances.
And for all Joys ‘ niceness’, we know that she can also demonstrate a sharp and acid tongue on occasion.
Her reprimand to Mick being childless was unkind, and we have heard similar remarks from her before, usually I think, when she wishes to shut down any further discussion.
Miriam’s question as to the finances behind the purchase of the Beechwood house are interesting too. I’ve often wondered about that aspect of Joys background, but I suspect Miriam has thought more deeply about it than I have.
But I’m interested too Miriam as to what you think Rochelle may be entitled to, which you refer to in your reply above.
And of course I expected you to be listening attentively, my comment was an invitation to tell us your thoughts.
There is still much to discover from this story line.
I am in a state of confusion about Joy/Rochelle and now also Mick. There seems to be a lot more to the back story than we have been told yet. What exactly happened when Joys husband left - and why did he leave? Was Joy so annoying he just couldn’t stand her any longer and had an affair with someone else. Why does Rochelle feel so let down by Joy, did she purposely leave her parents home or was she pushed out & therefore feels Joy doesn’t care about her? I was very surprised to hear Joy railing at Mick last night and saying he can’t understand because he doesn’t have children, a nasty thing to say. But I do wish the SWs would hurry up and conclude this story because I am getting fed up with the lot of them!
ReplyDeleteOooh ARCHERPHILE - I’m sorry to hear that your fed up with them because I think this SL might be a long running one, visited from time to time with a little more being revealed on each occasion.
DeleteI agree with you MrsP about Joy worrying about Rochelle's relationship with her children because of what happened with her and her own daughter, whatever that was.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with you Archerfile that this storyline is dragging on a bit now.
I either heard, or read somewhere very recently that the PTB (powers that be) have admitted there are fewer storylines with the traditional Brookfield family and other long serving actors because they have to save money to keep TA going. Actors for the parts of e.g. Jill, David, Pat, etc have been in TA for a long time and can demand higher fees per performance than some of the newer, younger actors who are just starting out. This is why, apparently, there are more stories with the younger, more recent additions to the cast. (hence all the time spent on Joys problems and Brads difficulties?)
ReplyDeleteI noted on listening - twice- to last nights episode that this weeks writer was Liz John - a name from the past, and in my memory, a writer to be reckoned with.
ReplyDeleteMaryellen ?
Sorry, Mrs P, I recognise the name but can't recall the writer. I think the production team do call in the more experienced TA writers like Keri Davis when there's a big scene coming up.
DeleteI am so confused with the Rochelle/Joy story.
ReplyDeleteI am trying hard to work it out, but I still can't come up with anything that fits to suit them.
All I can think is that Rochelle ran away at age 15yrs, due to something to do with Joy.
Rochelle then had her own life experiences but what were these and why?
Then there is Joy's husband - is he still alive?
If not, is this where her monies have come from in some way - a compensation payout, or from his business even if ill-gotten gains?
As said I cannot think of a suitable back-story.
I say again Miriam….
ReplyDeleteYou should send a story line into the Archers team.
Brian Hewlett you are a super actor I love your character and in tonight’s episode you were just superb. Good to hear the 3 of you supporting each other too. I wonder what the message is going to reveal….
ReplyDeleteI do hope Neil’s not going to be scammed. The instantaneous response seemed a bit fishy to me.
DeleteWhat’s putting me off this storyline is the incongruity of Neil’s voice, which. sounds 75+ to me - partly the accent), talking about a mother in her 80s. He reminded us he was 67, which means he could be retiring from Berrow shortly. Hope Hannigan gets his job!
Who is this Hannigan interloper??? I was talking about our estimable Hannah!
DeleteI think the PTB must be launching another public awareness campaign of some sort - this business with Neil suddenly deciding to look for his birth mother and father. We have heard nothing about it over the many years he has lived in Ambridge and I find it very strange that Neil should want to do this at his age and after so many years. It is highly unlikely that his mother will still be alive and if she is, will be a very elderly woman who possibly has no desire to communicate with him. That would be a huge blow to his confidence, he said he wondered if she had ever thought about him and had wondered what he was doing but being rejected again would be very hurtful.
ReplyDeleteIs this story to highlight fostering, as I believe the country is very short of foster parents. Neil’s good experience of foster parents might be an encouragement to listeners to find out more.
As an adopted (not fostered) person myself I have never had any desire to search for my birth mother. The possibility of being rejected again would be too hurtful. I’m not sure it was right for Dr Azra to suggest such an idea, simply to find out if other family members suffered from high blood pressure. I think she was going beyond her responsibilities.
Does anyone know what happened to Sykesy? One moment Jasper Carrott was strutting his stuff at the village show, having mysteriously arrived back in Ambridge from the far-flung care facility to which he’d transferred, and no word of Sykesy since then. Not that I liked him much but I do like loose ends tied up!
ReplyDeleteA vague memory that he had just moved on Maryellen.
DeleteBen would be the person who would know.
I suppose, in truth, no idea.
Didn't Syksey break his hip/femur or similar, whilst at The Laurels?
DeleteHe couldn't return there as it is not a Nursing Home, so he had to go elsewhere.
It can't be too far away, as didn't Ben take him to something in St.Stephens but no idea what it was or why!
There you are !
DeleteMiriam remembers more, and her words remind me how and why he moved on.
Thank you Miriam.
Yes, you're right Miriam, Sykesey did move from The Laurels to a more suitable care home which he told Ben was too far away from Ambridge for Ben to be on visiting terms. Then he returned to Ambridge (probably driven by Ben, as you say) to take part in the Christmas entertainment , and I think you're right too about that being at St Stephen's. Nothing about where or how long he was staying for. The only other performer we heard of was David, and Sykesy's was the only act, after which we heard no more of him. So I suppose we have to assume he somehow got back to his distant care home and remained there for the duration, unvisited and forgotten.
DeleteI think Neil is worthy of a less slushy storyline than this.................................!