PortiaJune 11, 2022 at 8:06 AM i am in complete agreement with all the points in your post,Archerphile.The Steph character is a monster who I pray will not be around for long.The other self entitled person that raises my hackles is Chelsea..She behaved atrociously when serving tea to Will and Mia at LL,and took my breath away last night when,using the key given to Jazzer by Jim,gatecrashed the latter’s evening,demanding cake or biscuits..I think a change of locks is needed!
Cheshire CheeseJune 11, 2022 at 11:53 AM Ben and Beth seem to be getting on well, I wonder what disaster awaits them.
EvJune 11, 2022 at 12:51 PM What has happened to Jenny? She has been mentioned a couple of times but I miss her dulcet tones!
MiriamJune 11, 2022 at 3:11 PM My thought is simple, in that Angela Piper has simply not been available to attend recording sessions, for a reason. I have thought that the Brian health scare scenes, were not as expected and not coherent, as would have expected This tallies with the awful Steph "interlude", as new episodes had to quickly written, and recorded to replace the original written scenes. These are just my individual thoughts.
Lovely photo at the top KP, well done on finding out how to do it and for repeating the last few messages at the beginning of a new blog. We do appreciate you having rescued our precious logs.
Archerphile - Cricket whites. I am certainly watching the cricket and I certainly think that the England crickters are white/cream colour! There are grey/blue kit for warm up (which I think should invove a bit more of our national colours of the Union Flag) but I suppose sponsors decide the kit. Anyway the old cricket saying is 'Bat First.' Seems like Stokes is following Root when winning the Toss. But wasn't it great to see Root getting a ton!
MrsP I understood your post to Miriam (the day before yesterday) and I cannot believe that it was so misunderstood, that 'offence' should be taken at it. I did think of commenting on it but several others posted first , so I'll stay out of trouble!
Very wise Spicy! Re cricket togs: I too remember when cricket trousers were called ‘flannels’ and my Dad had a pair of very old and venerable ones which were distinctly yellow.with age. They were very high-waisted on him and he wore them with braces! But back in the 70’s young players (including Mr A) went in for Térylène or nylon ones that were so thin you could see the colour of their underpants through them! Fashions change.
Are people saying that because of Jennifer''s unexpected absence, scenes with her in them had to be junked and replacements written in a hurry to meet the recording schedule, so the programme's best scriptwriter was told any old rubbish would do, and he obliged? I'm much more inclined to think last week's episodes were just the latest in the programme's history of dud episodes in years, reflecting the poor editorship.
To add, I agree that Jennifer's prolonged absence from our airwaves is the result of the actor being unavailable, but I think this was expected and adaptations were made - eg. Stella's role was developed so she became Brian's confidante, and his heart crisis was minimised, so we didn't get a cliff hanger while he fought for survival with Jennifer at his hospital bedside. This is not the 'wait and see' type of speculation of course - we will never know!
I wonder if Angela Piper is ill and unable to take part in Archers broadcasts at present.The last few times she was heard as Jennifer,her voice didn’t seem to be as strong as usual.
Although I found Miriam's explaination elegant - just hoping for a way out maybe, I also endorse Maryellen's view that the load of old rubbish must be laid at the door of the editor. Is he in the slightest interested in doing his job properly or just happy to do as little as possible and take the salary?
I just found a new item on the BBC’s TA home page giving Charles Collingwood’s views on Brian. He says that when he first read the script featuring Brian’s heart incident it came as ‘a ‘terrible shock”. He raced to the end to find out if he was a goner, then grabbed the next script and was relieved to find he was sitting up and feeling perfectly fine!. I guess soap actors are usually warned when their character is about to be written out, so he wasn’t desperately worried!
There have been a series of videos by Charles Collingwood on The Archers Facebook page. He not only talks about the current storyline but how he came to be cast as Brian ( after having taken a minor role some months before,) how he met and married Judy Bennet who played Shula and various stories he has featured in - including his affair with Siobhan. All very interesting.
I still stand my thoughts - in that many scripts had to be re-written at very short notice. These utilised who was available to record atshort notice - namely Steph, Vince, Beth, Ruth + David. This is my final thought - except Brian's health scare and warning, has only not yet been properly addressed, except by Stella. I think that a lot has been ommited, for unknown reasons.
Perhaps the stories currently in process and planned had not yet been extended enough to cover an extra episode a week, so a bit of filling-in has to be done with rubbish such as the Casey’s. It always used to be the Sunday episode which was devoted to village pursuits such as cricket, or church services, with little story advancement. Now it seems to be Fridays.
I don’t suppose we’ll get to hear Brian & Jennifer with Debbie ☹️, but at least Jazzer has received a stay of execution, although we don’t yet know who will be taking charge of Berrow from Brian.
I just hope that Neil + Hannah can prove that Berrow is still an ongoing concern, and will be in the future. This has to convince Martin, Justin and the Board, that Berrow is still a viable enterprise which is worth perservering with.
Berrow is safe in the short term, but I don't trust Martin Gibson who could still do a hatchet job. I can see the planning permision now - Berrow Estate - Luxury Homes.
I sincerely hope you are wrong Miriam, and there is hope that Berrow won’t be turned into a housing estate…..Boris announced the new farming policy today saying that we must produce more of what we eat in this country to avoid importing food from abroad. So animal husbandry and agriculture will hopefully continue and grow. ( no pun intended!)
So a break (for how long) for Charles Collingwood & Angela Piper! So many of the cast are aged mid to late 70’s and over. In June Spencer’s case well over as we know - bless her, and the travelling to make the recordings even more taxing no doubt - especially in the Winter. They are done in blocks but even so…Hampshire to the studios and back is a fair old run as Charles once said. Therefore it’s step up time for the younger ones and some of those are middle aged already 😱 I don’t like it where are the years going! Jakob about to switch allegiance from Kate? Although Denise does have a husband (usually out on his bike 🤔) Why are the cast calling each other by name so much, I guess so they can be identified.
I think Brian said they were going for a week, but I may have misheard so don’t quote me. I think the scene is being set for Denise & Alistair to get together, Jacob is just making an effort to get on with his co-worker, I don’t think he’s the type to do the dirty on Kate.
Appro pro thé using of names, at least it’s not as bad as Joe addressing everyone by both names. Do you remember “Mornin’ David Archer’, ‘ Evenin’ Lynda Snell’, Pint o’ Shires, Sid Perks’ etc etc,!
How wonderful, it is that June Spencer is 103yrs today, and is still appearing in The Archers. She is the true and real character of Peggy. By that I mean, she sounds just the same as she did 20-30 yrs ago. I am looking forwards to her next Ambridge appearance.
That's it then! So Martin Gibson is taking control of Berrow Farm..😩 to then possibly be 🏠🏠 Will the entire BL board decide the fate and future of Berrow, as influenced by Martin and his so called overseeing? Neil + Hannah will have all the proper and true facts, which will be so different as to Martin and his ideas. Will they be able to present these as they deserve to do.Perhaps Justin for once, will step up.
I wonder if Martin Gibson’s plans for Berrow will reawaken the debate about factory farming. Remember the opposition in the village when the unit was first proposed? Led by Kirsty (“you have to look at it from the pig’s point of view”) Miller. Justin Elliott cannily offered the Chair of the Parish Council a managerial job there and promised humane treatment (of the pigs, that is!) I wouldn’t grieve myself if Berrow closed and housing doesn’t sound a bad idea to me, given the expanding demand for it.
Eek!! I am very tempted to start a big argument against that last sentence, especially considering the importance of Britain growing as much food as possible in the current world circumstances….and as a retired pig farmer you would probably expect me to. But quite honestly I haven’t the energy, I’ll just say that I totally disagree because : we need to retain as much agricultural land producing food (both crops and meat) as we can and not concrete it over for more and more housing estates. There are masses of brownfield sites suitable for house building , urban regeneration areas etc. Imported pork/bacon is not raised by the same standards as British meat, even that from indoor pig farms etc, etc, etc I’ll shut up now! 🫢
Re brownfield sites: although there are obviously a lot of buildings at Berrow, they are used for agricultural purposes and there are also the fields where the weaners are raised. I am not certain, because a lot of planning laws have changed since we were farming, but if a farmer knocked down old barn buildings, he was not allowed to build houses there, or sell that land for building beacuse it was still considered agricultural land. He would have to apply for change of use, which was very iI likely to be given. Things may have changed now though, of course.
Sorry, ‘ Unlikely to be given’. On land in the countryside, outside the village boundary, you were only allowed to build accommodation for an agricultural worker. But as said, things may well have changed.
I agree about pork and bacon, Archerfile. I always buy British as I don’t like reports of how pigs are kept in the EU. I remember there being a lot of fuss when Berrow was instated and that doesn’t seem so long ago. It is typical of big companies that the instant their profits are hit they turn tail. It is scary how everything is for profit nowadays and that big companies are taking over the world!
There are loads of barn conversions around the country which makes me think conversion and possibly extension of farm buildings for accommodation is allowed when new build possibly isn’t.. And, of course Bridge Farm sold prime agricultural land for a housing estate, ostensibly to extend the Farm’s agriculturally supportive activities. So I imagine a housing development at Berrow would be possible with or without the Ambridge Fairy.. Especially if it attracted local agricultural workers or ex-workers eg. the Aldridges, Oliver, or even the younger Grundys and Carters.
It’s going to be a case of Chinese whispers re the sexing of the Jelly Babies languishing in Natasha’s amniotic fluid. Tony/Pat will tell Helen, …………………Jonny will tell Tom Twinset as they Deliver the veg boxes. Hilarious.
At least we know Johnny is still alive and functioning - Natasha told Tom on Monday that he and Tony handled the heavy stuff when she was unpacking at April Cottage.
I was surprised the sonographer knew Natasha so well. With my scans I saw a different person each time, and it was all very efficient, with little time for background chat. And I generally only had one or two - a dating scan at about 9 weeks and/or an anomaly scan at 20. Perhaps it's different with twins. Or perhaps Natasha is going private.
I was also surprised she'd never before met a couple where only one wanted to know. We had friends where only Mum was told. She managed to keep the secret for a while but eventually let the cat out of the bag with an inadvertent comment to her older child. I never wanted to know the sex of my bumps - I have an almost 100% record of predicting wrong. (With the last, and having always been wrong so far, I hedged my bets and knew it was going to be 'one or the other.)
Now we know -Brian + Jennifer are off to Hungary for a week which might just be much longer. I expect Shula will be missing for the same time, despite The Stables new ongoing venture, with Justin + Lilian.
My guess Natasha is one of each, son & daughter! As for the rest of the episode 😱 for goodness sake someone get a grip of annoying Steph. It’s pathetic only 6 months married has cheated on her husband and crying everywhere and taking over her sisters flat while planning a divorce party! She obviously did not plan to complete 73yrs of marriage like the Queen. Come on SW this rubbish is not worthy of TA 👎🏻 I can’t believe Ruth being so soft, ok business is business but the old Ruth would not have fallen for such claptrap. (Although there was Sam but she had been married for more than 6 months 🤣 )
I so agree Lady R, about Ruth going all wishy-washy over Steph and her self inflicted misery. The old Ruth would have told her to brace up and get over it, quick-smart! I think David is right to have reservations about this ridiculous divorce party, it will not do Brookfield’s reputation as a Wedding venue any good and I bet Steph will get out of paying for it somehow.
Well Lady R you guessed right. I am surprised we weren't made to wait until the birth to find out. So I wonder if some other kind of suspense around the birth will be introduced, perhaps connected with baby health problems that can be caused by gestational diabetes.
I do hope not Janice let’s just have something to enjoy for a change 🤞🏼 As it’s Platinum Jubilee year perhaps the babies will be called Elizabeth & Phillip.Doubt I’ll be right twice 🤣
I was quite dissapointed to hear that it was a boy/girl, yet again. This I understand as to familiar twins, as there has been Shula/Kenton, Lily/Freddie. I had just hoped for a change..
I read that this morning. It was so interesting and I learnt a lot. Sadly my image of Ruairi, just looks so different in my mind. Mine has light ginger hair, tall with freckles - but no idea why I think this..
I am expecting premature twins, due to problems with Natasha's gestational diabetes, so the C-section is done sooner than expected. When is her due date?
...🤣🤣 I get the meaning and yet another massive hint.. I'll only tell my puss cat my thoughts, who sadly appears to be going deaf. Any spoken future ideas, will literally fall on deaf ears. 😿🙀
I recommend listening to this mornings edition of Soul Music , Radio4, 10.30 It concerns Bruce’s beautiful violin concerto and the effect it had on people listening to it. I decided to listen as it is one of my favourite pieces of music and often reduces me to tears. At the end of the programme I thought ‘I recognise that voice’ and it was 103 year old June Spencer talking about when she heard the music for the first time, her reaction to it and how it still brings back memories of her late husband and departed friends. A very touching story and lovely to hear her voice even though it is now obviously a little croaky and slow.
A quick question, which I hope someone can help me with. It is now known Hannah's Mum has Alzheimer's which is causing problems. The question is - does Stella have a family problem and is helping with care home costs. I am not sure.
But was it Hannah mentioning having to pay for Carers for her Mum? One of them mentioned how part of their salary went towards the care of a parent - but who was it?
After my usual Sunday Omnibus listen, I still feel that for some reason still not yet known, there were "fill in" episodes yet again. It just didn't feel right and was a bit disjointed in parts...
“Marther is mine” What a possessive father is Mr Chris, Gloomy Carter. Should he gain ownership of Marther then she will be subjected to a personality of abjection, cheerlessness, joylessness. I suspect theses personality traits have always been there but never noticed by Alice as the booze hindered her ability to perceive his emotional and intellectual inadequacies.
Miriam, perhaps you should read the BBC daily summary of each episode. Just a recommendation. Also a”massive hint”.😄
Not a massive hint Miriam- just an answer to your questions. Yes it is Stella’s mother with Alzheimer’s and yes she does help pay for the carer out of her own pocket. We all miss bits from time to time. And as I have stated many times…. It all washes over my head anyway. And I’m certainly glad that I don’t feel any vitriol for any of the TA characters. Just mild irritation from time to time.
I think Chris has only been made ‘Mr Chris Gloomy Carter’ since all the problems with Alice and the alcoholism and difficulties surrounding Martha’s birth. To say nothing of the proposed divorce and interference by Brian and solicitors I don’t remember him being particularly gloomy before all this happened. (And he did correct himself and say Martha was his and Alice’s.)
Thank you Stasia for yet another of your massive hints, except this time it was not a hint, but a direction, which I have to accept. I don't understand why I have to read the programme synopsis before hearing the actual programme, so to spoil my listening. I just thought that I had heard Stella, in a previous episode, talking about something similar with Brian. Hence my question. I obviously confused Hannah + Stella.
Miriam, can see you don't want 'spoilers', but I think Stasia's advice was to read the synopses after listening to the omnibus, if certain plot developments weren't clear - & they often aren't as it's easy for attention to wander when listening !
My only thought is for Martha. This in an innocent child and her parents. Chris + Alice, need to concentrate on her future life and compromise, accordingly. This is just a comment and nothing more.
I agree, AP - Chris was a happy, positive man, it's Alice's alcohol addiction that has stressed him out (unsurprisingly) Stasia - Martha is between the devil & the deep blue sea, I reckon ! At the moment, failing the obvious solution of shared parenting, she's got an unreliable mother whose carer she could become in time if there's a relapse, or, if not that bad, she'd grow up with dubious Aldridge values. On balance, she'd better off with Dad, who won:t be gloomy forever & has sounder life values.
But Carolyn, what a boring man, both as father and husband. I might have taken to the drink myself if, as an intelligent woman I was lumbered with him. Of course he is not the cause of Alice’s alcoholism that I agree rests in her family background. He isn’t the most intellectually stimulating individual. A possess father and unreliable mother. What a choice.
😄😄...on the other hand, Alice is not the possessor of a towering intellect ! ( reminds me of Shula finding Alistair boring, as if she was such an interesting person - so NOT) Alice did get through college, sure, & was enthusiastic & able at the job initially, but, having always been the indulged, baby of the family, until Ruairi much later, she couldn't keep up the pace - employers aren't kindly parents, & expect deadlines to be met. She & Chris enjoyed the same social life, seemed to get on fine, until...
Didn't Alice get a degree in Aerontical Engineering, and worked both in this enviroment and elsewhere. Remember her robotic pilot scheme for fruit picking and also, being offered a job in Canada in the aeronatical industry. She gave the latter up due to Chris in some way. Alice does have a massive intellect.
Alice may be clever but she isn’t wise. (An academic friend once said that was the difference between Oxford and Cambridge - Oxford taught you to be clever, Cambridge taught you to be wise......)
I know the script writers take liberties, but how many parents would let their 16 month old child wander around a playground without hovering very close by? Even before Chris arrived early Alice was giving more attention to Adam than Martha. Up until this eveningI had nurtured a hope that Alice & Chris would get back together, I’ve now given up on that thought. I know medical staff have to follow up concerns, but does anyone on this blog think that Martha is currently at risk of serious harm? I am not convinced that there aren’t more important issues for our over stretched social services to investigate.
Martha has already been at risk of harm when Alice was drinking during her pregnancy. She has now had a potentially serious head injury while both her parents were arguing and not paying attention to her safety. I've been worried about her welfare for a while.
Leading a toddler group, if I have any concerns that a child is at risk of abuse or neglect, or if I see or hear evidence of this, I am legally obliged to report it to the church safeguarding officer - they then have to report it further up the chain. Similar protocols apply in schools and, I am sure, also in hospitals. Yes, some cases will just be a storm in a tea cup, but it might be the family needs extra support, or there may indeed be a real risk to the child's safety. So, for the child's sake, we cannot simply dismiss concerns as trivial or a one-off.
In Martha's case, I suspect a head injury like this would trigger follow-up even before the parents start arguing in the hospital. Many times it will indeed be an accident. But too many cases in the news continue to remind us that not all parents always have their children's best interests at heart : (
Yes, Cheshire, I was surprised that a recovering alcoholic was allowed to leave hospital with a newborn and apparently not have any monitoring put in place to ensure that she is staying sober and her daughter is safe in her care. Yes, social services, and health visitors are over-stretched, but surely someone should be keeping an eye out for Martha?
I have long felt it was only a matter of time before something like this would happen. The acrimony between Chris and Alice has, so far, not been in front of the child but sooner or later someone in authority was going to hear they way they behave with each other and be alerted to the danger Martha could be facing whilst her parents are fighting. I think this development is a good thing. Someone outside the family (obviously biased on both sides) will have to decide what is best for the child and her future. And also, official ‘interference’ could bring the two of them to their senses and make them realise their fighting will never solve anything.
Poor little scrap. Right from the beginning she has parents at loggerheads and apart from each other. I hope this is a wake up call for them and they will start to put her first before the acrimony between them.
I never thought I would say this, but I am starting to go off Neil a bit, I felt he was really stirring it this evening. It will be interesting to see what the social worker has to say.
Totally agree with all three. Neil was immediately beligerent and doing his best toreinforce the "Martha belongs to us" mantra. Also, Why does he not bite the bullet and realise that the simplest cost cutting measure for Berrow would be for his own high salaried job to go?
Interesting interview in The Guardian with Charles Collingwood about his long-running role as Brian Aldridge in The Archers And he scotches rumours about him wanting to retire by saying “I’m 79 and all I want to do is watch cricked and play Brian Aldridge”
I think that the extra stress Neil is under with Martyn breathing down his neck over the proposed cost cutting at Berrow is clouding his usual good judgement.
I’m puzzled by the comments about Neil because all I heard was a father trying to support his stressed out son by making the obvious suggestion that Chris should contact his solicitor to update them on the latest development and find out if and how the involvement of Social Services could affect the outcome of the hearing. I know Neil has fallen from grace on a couple or more occasions but this doesn’t strike me as one of them
SPECULATION ALERT I think Neil’s best bet would be to make himself redundant at Berrow and use his redundancy payment to reinstate his own pig business, possibly in collaboration with Rex and possibly providing a job for Jazzer. It shouldn’t take more than two shakes of the Ambridge Fairy’s wand!
I don’t think Neil has had a change of character. As Maryellen said, he was simply being the concerned father he has always been by advising Chris to have a word with his solicitor about the hospital visit and interviews with a social worker. Very wise and much better for Chris to mention it before the facts are suddenly brought up in court, with no previous warning. I don’t consider Neil was ‘stirring it’ at all, just offering, what seems to me, like good advice.
I have no problem with Niel. He is a hard working person, and a genorous one, who cares for his family be it Susan, Chris or Emma. My thought is that - Chris did not tell all and is being very slightly devious. Chris will not admit, hat perhaps he could have done and said, things better.
I recall I mentioned that an accident would happen to Martha. I thought that would be on the stairs, leading to and from the shop flat. In hindsight this would have put blame on Chris as to an unsuitable home, for an active child. The "accident " happened elsewhere with both parents nearby - so is it equal responsibility.
I wonder if Neil’s uncharacteristically loud voice.is due to the actor (now in his 80s) is going deaf so less able to monitor his vocal output? I thought the same about Jill’s erratic delivery.
Yes, it’s very similar isn’t it. I know ‘Jill’ had a problem with her eyes that wasmaking it difficult to read scripts which also didn’t help. I was listening to June Spencer the other day, talking about a favourite piece of music and her voice has become very deep and quite gravelly. Age does strange things to us, sadly.
No Miriam unfortunately Patricia Greene has deteriorating eye sight and her scripts are in large writing so she has more pages than the other characters which means more sheets to turn without any noise…..
I am starting to feel a glimmer of hope for the Chris/Alice situation. The scare of Martha’s fall & a sympathetic social worker seem to have prompted them to take a step back & think about Martha’s needs. They may not get back together but hopefully they can reach a civilised & equitable agreement. I hope Ben & Beth don’t have a bust up because of Steph.
KP, Chris & Alice still seem (to me) to be very fond of each other as well as caring deeply for Martha but both scared by what happened to their marriage through Alice drinking and Chris being unfaithful. In time they may wish to retain their commitment to each other and work together to that end. 💕 🤔
Being pedantic here, the marriage didn’t break up because of Chris’s so-called unfaithfulness, it was the other way round. He spent his one night with Amy after the marriage had broken up, which happened entirely at Alice’s instigation. No wonder the poor man is grieving for his lost marriage - unlike Alice.
Her own fidelity is questionable, as we’ve mentioned before, Miriam said earlier that she thinks Chris is being devious, but I feel if anyone is being devious it’s much more likely to be Alice. We only have her word she’s stopped drinking. I’m inclined to believe her, but think she is still inherently flaky when under personal pressure. Whereas Chris, as Neil said, is basically steady.
I don’t find Chris a particularly sympathetic character (he opposed the introduction of women players on the cricket team!) but I do feel extremely sorry for him.
Well I shan’t be going to the ‘best party evah’. Being battered with gold plated willys and witnessing a real one being displayed to the gathered multitude is too horrible to contemplate. But then it will happen on the radio, too good to miss. Vicarious thrills from a distance and at close hand. Will Ben get his Willy tinsel thrill at last? But with which sister?
This is pure speculation! We have just had two medical emergencies requiring hospital attention. Going by the rule of three, we should now have a third one - which would coincide with Ben doing his 40-hour weeks of practical experience. He has always had a good rapport with his paternal grandmother so I nominate Jill to be the first patient from Ambridge that Ben encounters. She should be more gracious with him than she was with T❤️O❤️B❤️Y when he took Jill to hospital and showed such care and concern that the staff there assumed he was her grandson. If she survives.......
All full time staff in the NHS work (in theory) 37.50 hours. As a student Ben would not be working longer than his nursing colleagues. But then what are employment facts when reality doesn’t really exist in TA.
I am not sure that the 37.5hrs in the NHS, is still the norm. Ben has said that he will be working 40hrs, so surely this as a student nurse, is the minimum. No idea though...
Because the S/R/s don’t check for facts. I suspect Henry will be indentured into child’ labour at Bridge Farm filling veg boxes. They already have slave labour in the shape of Jonny.
I agree with Maryellen, This is as Ben is starting his practical experience, he will come across a person he knows well, so has to be confidential. Who, What, and Why is just a very goid guess, at the moment I am not allowed to speculate, so I can't post my idea...😩
I wonder how happy David and Ruth will be if Steph’s party goes ahead with the gold ‘decorations’ and male stripper. I shouldn’t have thought they would want that type of entertainment in their barn which was originally intended as a wedding venue - especially if photos get into the local press
I thought that the original plan was to let out the Cruck Barn for events, to be organised by those who booked it. Hence the new kitchen for the brought in cateres plus the new loos, to give a full package. It has been used for wonderful events. My thought is that, all who book the Barn for whatever event, can plan and do it in their own way. All Ruth + David want, is the costly rental barn fees, so can they actually say as to what it is used for? They also have provided car parking. Perhaps my thoughts are not quite right, yet again.
I say this a niece of mine hired such a barn for a wedding. They had to hire + supply everything, tables, chairs, all plates and cutlery etc plus employing the cateres and so it went on..
Yes, I think David and Ruth can approve or disapprove of the type of event the barn is to be hired for. Just because they have a kitchen and sufficient parking does not mean ‘anything goes’. They will want to keep a reputation for being a quality venue where such events as weddings, celebrations, barn dances even, can be held and not for sleazy parties with strippers and goodness knows what else going on. At least, that’s what I should feel if I had such a facility to hire out. Yes, they want the fees but perhaps not the reputation that could go with this event.
Perhaps Ben will give his a parents an inkling of Steph’s plans for her divorce party and surely even Ruth will not be happy for it to go ahead with the sleazy overtones.As Archerphile says,Brookfield has a reputation to uphold which David and Ruth have a right to protect,
Good to hear Alice and Chris getting along without fighting, long may it last! They are clearly still very fond of each other. Alice's reasoning for getting a divorce was that she needed to conquer her alcoholism on her own. I wonder, now she's further along her journey, whether she's realised that it's a team effort?
If this current attitude continues, Alice and Chris could remain friends and make a successful job of co-parenting. Will it go further than that, with them restoring their marriage? It's possible - or perhaps the script-writers are just teasing us.
Speaking of which, Kirsty + Adil? Some pretty heavy handed hints going on there methinks.
We have a splendid example of amicable co-parenting in George Grundy’s upbringing, even though it had a stormy and unconventional start. I’m sure Chris will prove as good at it as his sister, and the arrangement will accommodate new partners for either or both of Martha’s parents, should Fate and the scriptwriters decree.
Thank goodness for the relief of the Kirsty and Adil line and Alice and Chris seeing some sense. So good to get away from the Idiot's divorce party. We seemed to agree early on that that worthles person did not add to TA. What a pity it has lead to so much comment lately.
What an uplifting TA programme on Friday,with Chris and Alice happily agreeing about the future joint parenting of Martha,and the prospect of a strong friendship,at least, between Kirsty and Advil.
I am pondering, are Ruth and David making an excemption to Steph and her party in The Barn. I say this as:- Stephs Wedding was the first major paid for event. Vince, her Dad is financing the solar panels at Brookfield. Beth, another family member is Bens girlfriend, whom he met at the wedding. I doubt that Ruth + David would dare try to stop this unusual party, as they have too much to lose, with the Casey Family. David + Ruth need to look at the rental agreement for the Cruck Barn for events, so further bookings do not get out of the true idea for the barn - an historic building.
I’m not sure Ben had much control over what happened. Sounded to me as if. Steph launched herself at him just because he was trying to be kind and sympathetic! Can’t say I enjoyed tonight’s episode at all, just a waste of an Archers episode as far as I was concerned.
The line that struck me was 'He might be closer than you think'. Perhaps the intonation was accidental, but it did sound as though Ben might be suggesting it could be him. I can see why the impulsive, emotionally overwrought Steph could have leapt to that conclusion. I do hope I misheard though. Ben and Beth make a good couple, let's not have another 'which sibling am I in love with today' storyline, please!
It was utterly and unbelievably banal, fifth rate stuff.I admire listeners who can take it seriously. Personally I’d like the entire Casey clan (who I imagine as a family of little goblins) to dematerialise, taking. Chelsea Horrobin with them. Then Ben could go back to Evie the archeology student who cried when he left her - I feel sorry for her even though we didn’t know her very well. I still live in hope that Molly Button will get a voice!
Well said Maryellen , I am in complete agreement with you. There is a feeble attempt to paint Ben as sensitive and caring to enhance his nursing qualities. Instead he appears as complerely stupid. Otherwise he would have seen that coming from Steph. From my age of 82 (y'know), "What is modern youth coming to?"
I felt rather aggrieved that a whole precious Archers episode was devoted to this wretched story. We were happy that T A had returned to 6 episodes a week but what’s the point if this is stretching the editor/SWs into producing this rubbish? I’m hoping a flying saucer will land at Brookfield and spirit away entire Casey clan to another planet! Going by recent scripts, it’s not entirely impossible. 🙄
I so acknowledge Maryellen's post, at 2.51am. which had an interesting thought in it, about taking The Archers seriously. This has got me thinking again! I am giving my apologies in advance. I do take some S/L's very seriously. These include the closure of GG with all that entails for Ambridge, Chris + Alice with Martha, Kirsty and the re-wilding scheme, Ben going into nursing so showing support for the NHS. Some S/L's are so silly, but I just listen to these as "escapism" to just laugh at.
Maryellen also said a while back, about Ben meeting someone he knows, whilst he is on his placement. This will lead onto a confidentially problem - so Vince?
What has happened to Chris? Why is he taking this ‘anything I can do, you can do better’ attitude to Alice all of a sudden? He’ll be kissing her no doubt expensively-sandalled feet next! What are the scriptwriters playing at?
I agree it is all a bit rapid, something like TA of old methinks. But both had the frighteners applied by Social Services. Are we heading for full recocilliation? If it is TA of old, wait for Friday! At least no Caseys thank goodness!
I don’t really do Facebook - life’s too short - but I just had to dipped into Archers Anonymous out of curiosity. Apparently, there are no terrible episodes, just ones you personally didn’t like. So no place there for objective criticism, based on comparison with other drama and TA itself under some of its past editors. There seem to be several TA-related Facebook groups, perhaps others are more congenial.
You could look at Ambridge Addicts, which is more varied. Or, probably the best, the official BBC Archers page which some of us here comment in. A great variety of views are expressed there, appreciative, critical frustrated and humorous and suggestions for how the storylines could be improved.
Thanks very much for your advice, Archerphile (not for the first time!) I’ve now had a look at the BBC TA Facebook pages, and identified your comment). I’m not sure if I’ve got the mental energy to read and contribute to more than one running commentary on TA! The content of the BBC one seems less sophisticated than this one, but that may be just my impression.
The Archers S/W's are ceratainly keeping all the listeners on tenterhooks, as to who the new 60% owner of GG is. This is another slow build up. One thing that I have noticed is that Adil goes to London for meetings quite often. This leads me to believe that, it is not any-one local..but this might be a red herring. These visits could be to upper class interior designers, banks or finance houses or just to see his partner. As the 40% owner, I wonder just how much input Oliver will have.
I did wonder a while ago how long it would take to go pear shaped for Beth and Ben, now I know. Don't know if the Kirsty and Ardil trousers scene was supposed to be like a French farce but I thought it sounded contrived.
Beth says that she knows what her sister is like but is still choosing to believe her above Ben. You are well out of that relationship lad. Cheshire Cheese is quite right about the contrived Kirsty and Ardil nonsense. Why is the writer using the same "misunderstang" ploy to try to exagerate the situation? Is there a rule against imagination now?
Just a warning for anyone logging in to Facebook today…if you don’t like seeing the actors. There is an interview with the actors of Beth and Ben taking about their relationship and breakup. A fairly interesting little film but it has ruined my personal head-pictures of the characters. Especially Ben, who is the scruffiest looking lad and definitely not student nurse material!
Archerphile - re our earlier chat about Facebook, following my dip into Archers Anonymous, Facebook has sent me a list of TEN more Archers-related groups I could join! I’m amazed there are so many! I can see the point of the Archers Omnibus Appreciation group, for people who only listen weekly so don’t want spoilers from bloggers who listened earlier in the week, but I can’t help wondering what differentiates all the others....except for the group called Archers Wordle Afficionados which I might investigate!
Yes, there are a lot of FB sites for TA. They vary enormously and I have tried, and given up on several. Especially the ones that allow very bad language, criticise other peoples comments, make inappropriate jokes, bring all sorts of other subjects into the conversation or have members who are just down right nasty. There is also one the exists to give spoilers about upcoming stories. So these days I tend to stick to one that is very well monitored, Ambridge Addicts, and the official BBC one.
Didn't realise I had missed so much. Am totally in the dark here. Briefly can anybody tell me who Beth is? Is Steph the daughter of the Brummie who is Elizabeth's Mellors? What has happened to Ben? Where is Toby? Indeed where is his bother? Did he move out of Ambridge? I have totally lost the plot I can possibly find out I think by checking online. I can remember Tony being born Anthony William Daniel. I listened every night until that ridiculous time during lockdown when they did those(in my opinion) poor monologues Now I rarely listen because when I do the script seems so poor.
Beth and Steph, chalk and cheese, both daughters of Mellors. Ben was kissed by Steph leaving Beth heartbroken. Toby and Rex currently silent but still in Ambridge as far as we know. Rep for new owners of GG Ardil has in last few days made a connection with Kirsty, Linda being very unpleasant to him. He has a thick skin, so OK. Currently all you need to know. Echo Pierre l C absolutely !
I for one am still enjoying my 7.00pm listen to The Archers, though I must now be on my own. It is a form of escapism, after all. There are always going to be S/L's and characters, which are detested by many, but then things can and will change. To me there are many sub-plots, hints and ideas taking shape.
I think for some of us, the upset with the present episodes is to do with the apparent lowering of standards in the programme we all love. We have, some of us, listened for decades and have been used to good scriptwriting, believable (mostly) storylines and characters who seem to fit into the Ambridge scene. Yes, there have been bad periods, poor editors and unlikable characters from time to time but The Archers has usually been high quality listening. Recently though, those standards seem to have dropped - at least they have to me - there are characters who just don’t seem to fit in, stories that are unrealistic and a dearth of familiar cast members. However, I shall continuing listening, I would never give but am hoping things will improve. I have hopes for Adil, Kirsty and Grey Gables, for Alice and Chris but I want to hear more about other things happening and familiar characters in Ambridge from good scriptwriters and an Editor who knows what he is doing with the longest running programme on Radio.
Agree AP many of the characters that I still think of as the younger generation are now in fact nearing (if not at middle age) but appear to have not yet found stability or the urge to make life work for them. At least Josh as a true younger generation person tried to help his brother by being caring and showing some empathy. Hopefully Ben will get back together with Beth and maybe even become the new Dan & Doris of TA 🫢 Where has Beth gone at the drop of a hat in real life we cannot just shoot off every time something upsets us. Work, college, etc not to mention money would in many cases have to be a consideration but then again this is Ambridge 🥴
Tonight’s episode seemed to consist of the awful noise from the rave and the actors having to practically shout over it! I stopped listening as there was no relief from it. Is this an attempt to attract young listeners or a deliberate ploy to get rid of the old ones??!😒
Was Russ’s drink spiked? Sounded like it to me. And there he goes again saying how lovely to see all these *young* people enjoying themselves. Watch out Lily, maybe his eye is wandering for someone even younger than you!
Regarding trying to attract younger listeners with a thudding rave, does the BBC think it can pick up youngsters disappointed by the imminent closure of HolyOaks and Neighbours, the TV soaps. I don’t think so. If teenagers listen to radio at all, rather than other platforms, it wouldn’t be Radio 4 it would be Radios 1, or 6
Well, well, Archerphile! I thought you were a confirmed ‘wait and see-er’ - but here you are, speculating with the rest of us! 🙂 I was pleased Lily gave Sol his marching orders, h clearly didn’t get the message last time, or was just chancing his arm again. What a little creep!
Not as creepy as old man Russ who must have looked totally odd out of place at a rave. All the other ravers probably thought Lily had turned with her dad. Making sure she was up to no good with a person her own age. She did say, whilst trying to persuade him to accompany her, that she wanted to “dance her knickers off” to be a young woman. However she stuck with a humourless old arty fart pseudo. Lily wants Russ to be enjoying things she likes to do. Perhaps someone will eventually point out that she sounds like a fourteen year old being controlled by a forty four year old paedophile..
Well it seems I haven't missed too much. Thank you for keeping me posted. The trouble with me is that I definitely dislike more of the characters than I like. I think some of that is because of poor acting as well as dreadful script writing. I must admit that I prefer the less well to do residents of Ambridge. In my opinion characters such as Tracy (my favourite ) -used to be Hayley - Susan and Jazzer seem more natural than the dreadful Lilian ,prissy Elizabeth ,nauseating Justin or peas above sticks Lynda .
Stasia, thanks for incisive summary ! Was considering catching up on this week's episodes, & you have saved me the irritation of it.... I wonder if the producers have a big problem with actors staying on board, especially the younger ones whose careers are blossoming ? We haven't heard from 'Emma' for ages( a shame) or 'Pip'(no great loss) The Fairbrothers have faded away too. A pity - was a time when I thought Lily & Rex's friendship just might...
I also agree about the constant use of devices. The two boys who live next door but one (11 and 9) are constantly on their phones, playing games when out with Mum + Dad, when walking the dogs. They walk behind, concentrating on their screens.
As you can see, my profile picture has changed. This is my new cat, who I went to see in the rescue centre today, I fell in love with her and brought her home with me. She is 5yrs old, jet black with vivid green eyes and is very affectionate. She is a bit overwhelmed which is as expected, and is in a hidey hole, underneath a small wardrobe in my study. I found her easily and she came out when I spoke to her. She was covered in dust and cobwebs!
PortiaJune 11, 2022 at 8:06 AM
ReplyDeletei am in complete agreement with all the points in your post,Archerphile.The Steph character is a monster who I pray will not be around for long.The other self entitled person that raises my hackles is Chelsea..She behaved atrociously when serving tea to Will and Mia at LL,and took my breath away last night when,using the key given to Jazzer by Jim,gatecrashed the latter’s evening,demanding cake or biscuits..I think a change of locks is needed!
Cheshire CheeseJune 11, 2022 at 11:53 AM
Ben and Beth seem to be getting on well, I wonder what disaster awaits them.
EvJune 11, 2022 at 12:51 PM
ReplyDeleteWhat has happened to Jenny? She has been mentioned a couple of times but I miss her dulcet tones!
MiriamJune 11, 2022 at 3:11 PM
My thought is simple, in that Angela Piper has simply not been available to attend recording sessions, for a reason. I have thought that the Brian health scare scenes, were not as expected and not coherent, as would have expected
This tallies with the awful Steph "interlude", as new episodes had to quickly written, and recorded to replace the original written scenes.
These are just my individual thoughts.
Pierre les CorbeauxJune 11, 2022 at 6:51 PM
ReplyDeleteMiriam thar is an elegant solution to explain this weeks debacle .
Lovely photo at the top KP, well done on finding out how to do it and for repeating the last few messages at the beginning of a new blog. We do appreciate you having rescued our precious logs.
ReplyDeleteAnd blogs!!
DeleteArcherphile - Cricket whites.
ReplyDeleteI am certainly watching the cricket and I certainly think that the England crickters are white/cream colour!
There are grey/blue kit for warm up (which I think should invove a bit more of our national colours of the Union Flag) but I suppose sponsors decide the kit.
Anyway the old cricket saying is 'Bat First.' Seems like Stokes is following Root when winning the Toss.
But wasn't it great to see Root getting a ton!
I understood your post to Miriam (the day before yesterday) and I cannot believe that it was so misunderstood, that 'offence' should be taken at it. I did think of commenting on it but several others posted first , so I'll stay out of trouble!
Very wise Spicy!
DeleteRe cricket togs: I too remember when cricket trousers were called ‘flannels’ and my Dad had a pair of very old and venerable ones which were distinctly yellow.with age. They were very high-waisted on him and he wore them with braces! But back in the 70’s young players (including Mr A) went in for Térylène or nylon ones that were so thin you could see the colour of their underpants through them! Fashions change.
Sorry, think the above should have been on the other blog
DeleteMy fault! Sorry everyone!
DeleteAre people saying that because of Jennifer''s unexpected absence, scenes with her in them had to be junked and replacements written in a hurry to meet the recording schedule, so the programme's best scriptwriter was told any old rubbish would do, and he obliged? I'm much more inclined to think last week's episodes were just the latest in the programme's history of dud episodes in years, reflecting the poor editorship.
ReplyDeleteTo add, I agree that Jennifer's prolonged absence from our airwaves is the result of the actor being unavailable, but I think this was expected and adaptations were made - eg. Stella's role was developed so she became Brian's confidante, and his heart crisis was minimised, so we didn't get a cliff hanger while he fought for survival with Jennifer at his hospital bedside. This is not the 'wait and see' type of speculation of course - we will never know!
DeleteI wonder if Angela Piper is ill and unable to take part in Archers broadcasts at present.The last few times she was heard as Jennifer,her voice didn’t seem to be as strong as usual.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I found Miriam's explaination elegant - just hoping for a way out maybe, I also endorse Maryellen's view that the load of old rubbish must be laid at the door of the editor. Is he in the slightest interested in doing his job properly or just happy to do as little as possible and take the salary?
ReplyDeleteI just found a new item on the BBC’s TA home page giving Charles Collingwood’s views on Brian. He says that when he first read the script featuring Brian’s heart incident it came as ‘a ‘terrible shock”. He raced to the end to find out if he was a goner, then grabbed the next script and was relieved to find he was sitting up and feeling perfectly fine!. I guess soap actors are usually warned when their character is about to be written out, so he wasn’t desperately worried!
ReplyDeleteThere have been a series of videos by Charles Collingwood on The Archers Facebook page. He not only talks about the current storyline but how he came to be cast as Brian ( after having taken a minor role some months before,) how he met and married Judy Bennet who played Shula and various stories he has featured in - including his affair with Siobhan. All very interesting.
DeleteThanks for the heads up AP.
DeleteI still stand my thoughts - in that many scripts had to be re-written at very short notice. These utilised who was available to record atshort notice - namely Steph, Vince, Beth, Ruth + David.
ReplyDeleteThis is my final thought - except Brian's health scare and warning, has only not yet been properly addressed, except by Stella.
I think that a lot has been ommited, for unknown reasons.
Perhaps the stories currently in process and planned had not yet been extended enough to cover an extra episode a week, so a bit of filling-in has to be done with rubbish such as the Casey’s.
ReplyDeleteIt always used to be the Sunday episode which was devoted to village pursuits such as cricket, or church services, with little story advancement. Now it seems to be Fridays.
I don’t suppose we’ll get to hear Brian & Jennifer with Debbie ☹️, but at least Jazzer has received a stay of execution, although we don’t yet know who will be taking charge of Berrow from Brian.
ReplyDeleteI just hope that Neil + Hannah can prove that Berrow is still an ongoing concern, and will be in the future. This has to convince Martin, Justin and the Board, that Berrow is still a viable enterprise which is worth perservering with.
DeleteBerrow is safe in the short term, but I don't trust Martin Gibson who could still do a hatchet job.
DeleteI can see the planning permision now - Berrow Estate - Luxury Homes.
I sincerely hope you are wrong Miriam, and there is hope that Berrow won’t be turned into a housing estate…..Boris announced the new farming policy today saying that we must produce more of what we eat in this country to avoid importing food from abroad. So animal husbandry and agriculture will hopefully continue and grow. ( no pun intended!)
DeleteI apologise for my speculation. 🤐
DeleteSo a break (for how long) for Charles Collingwood & Angela Piper! So many of the cast are aged mid to late 70’s and over. In June Spencer’s case well over as we know - bless her, and the travelling to make the recordings even more taxing no doubt - especially in the Winter. They are done in blocks but even so…Hampshire to the studios and back is a fair old run as Charles once said.
ReplyDeleteTherefore it’s step up time for the younger ones and some of those are middle aged already 😱 I don’t like it where are the years going!
Jakob about to switch allegiance from Kate? Although Denise does have a husband (usually out on his bike 🤔)
Why are the cast calling each other by name so much, I guess so they can be identified.
I think Brian said they were going for a week, but I may have misheard so don’t quote me.
ReplyDeleteI think the scene is being set for Denise & Alistair to get together, Jacob is just making an effort to get on with his co-worker, I don’t think he’s the type to do the dirty on Kate.
Jenny and Brian's stay in Hungary with Debbie, will be whatever it ends up to be. This might not be as planned.
DeleteI daren't say more ...😉🤐
Appro pro thé using of names, at least it’s not as bad as Joe addressing everyone by both names.
ReplyDeleteDo you remember “Mornin’ David Archer’, ‘ Evenin’ Lynda Snell’, Pint o’ Shires, Sid Perks’ etc etc,!
I’m not terribly good at distinguishing voices, especially the young male soundalikes so I don’t mind the names.
ReplyDeleteNeither do I KP. I find that while I've been trying to work out who's talking I've completely missed what's been said.
DeleteHow wonderful, it is that June Spencer is 103yrs today, and is still appearing in The Archers.
ReplyDeleteShe is the true and real character of Peggy.
By that I mean, she sounds just the same as she did 20-30 yrs ago.
I am looking forwards to her next Ambridge appearance.
ReplyDeleteSO SCROLL PAST..😀😀
That's it then! So Martin Gibson is taking control of Berrow Farm..😩 to then possibly be 🏠🏠
Will the entire BL board decide the fate and future of Berrow, as influenced by Martin and his so called overseeing?
Neil + Hannah will have all the proper and true facts, which will be so different as to Martin and his ideas.
Will they be able to present these as they deserve to do.Perhaps Justin for once, will step up.
I've posted the pigs enough copies of Animal Farm for one each. We shall see what ensues.
Delete(Although Berrow has a woeful shortage of other livestock to provide the labour. Perhaps all pigs are equal, but some are more equal than others.)
DeleteI wonder if Martin Gibson’s plans for Berrow will reawaken the debate about factory farming. Remember the opposition in the village when the unit was first proposed? Led by Kirsty (“you have to look at it from the pig’s point of view”) Miller. Justin Elliott cannily offered the Chair of the Parish Council a managerial job there and promised humane treatment (of the pigs, that is!) I wouldn’t grieve myself if Berrow closed and housing doesn’t sound a bad idea to me, given the expanding demand for it.
ReplyDeleteEek!! I am very tempted to start a big argument against that last sentence, especially considering the importance of Britain growing as much food as possible in the current world circumstances….and as a retired pig farmer you would probably expect me to.
DeleteBut quite honestly I haven’t the energy, I’ll just say that I totally disagree because : we need to retain as much agricultural land producing food (both crops and meat) as we can and not concrete it over for more and more housing estates. There are masses of brownfield sites suitable for house building , urban regeneration areas etc. Imported pork/bacon is not raised by the same standards as British meat, even that from indoor pig farms etc, etc, etc
I’ll shut up now!
(Not arguing, just asking) wouldn’t Berrow as vacated by BL count as a brownfield site? It seems to meet the criteria.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteAgree with you Archerfile, we don't value our farmers enough.
DeleteRe brownfield sites:
Deletealthough there are obviously a lot of buildings at Berrow, they are used for agricultural purposes and there are also the fields where the weaners are raised. I am not certain, because a lot of planning laws have changed since we were farming, but if a farmer knocked down old barn buildings, he was not allowed to build houses there, or sell that land for building beacuse it was still considered agricultural land. He would have to apply for change of use, which was very iI likely to be given.
Things may have changed now though, of course.
Sorry, ‘ Unlikely to be given’. On land in the countryside, outside the village boundary, you were only allowed to build accommodation for an agricultural worker. But as said, things may well have changed.
Deleteonly allowed to
I agree about pork and bacon, Archerfile. I always buy British as I don’t like reports of how pigs are kept in the EU. I remember there being a lot of fuss when Berrow was instated and that doesn’t seem so long ago. It is typical of big companies that the instant their profits are hit they turn tail. It is scary how everything is for profit nowadays and that big companies are taking over the world!
DeleteThere are loads of barn conversions around the country which makes me think conversion and possibly extension of farm buildings for accommodation is allowed when new build possibly isn’t.. And, of course Bridge Farm sold prime agricultural land for a housing estate, ostensibly to extend the Farm’s agriculturally supportive activities. So I imagine a housing development at Berrow would be possible with or without the Ambridge Fairy.. Especially if it attracted local agricultural workers or ex-workers eg. the Aldridges, Oliver, or even the younger Grundys and Carters.
Delete(Sorry - that’s possibly a speculation too far!!)
It’s going to be a case of Chinese whispers re the sexing of the Jelly Babies languishing in Natasha’s amniotic fluid. Tony/Pat will tell Helen, …………………Jonny will tell Tom Twinset as they Deliver the veg boxes. Hilarious.
ReplyDeleteYou have reminded me Stasia, of Jonny.
DeleteHe seems to be another missing person in Ambridge.
We have not heard from him in a very long time.
At least we know Johnny is still alive and functioning - Natasha told Tom on Monday that he and Tony handled the heavy stuff when she was unpacking at April Cottage.
DeleteI was surprised the sonographer knew Natasha so well. With my scans I saw a different person each time, and it was all very efficient, with little time for background chat. And I generally only had one or two - a dating scan at about 9 weeks and/or an anomaly scan at 20. Perhaps it's different with twins. Or perhaps Natasha is going private.
DeleteI was also surprised she'd never before met a couple where only one wanted to know. We had friends where only Mum was told. She managed to keep the secret for a while but eventually let the cat out of the bag with an inadvertent comment to her older child.
I never wanted to know the sex of my bumps - I have an almost 100% record of predicting wrong. (With the last, and having always been wrong so far, I hedged my bets and knew it was going to be 'one or the other.)
Now we know -Brian + Jennifer are off to Hungary for a week which might just be much longer.
ReplyDeleteI expect Shula will be missing for the same time, despite The Stables new ongoing venture, with Justin + Lilian.
All in the older group of actors now 😉
DeleteMy guess Natasha is one of each, son & daughter!
ReplyDeleteAs for the rest of the episode 😱 for goodness sake someone get a grip of annoying Steph. It’s pathetic only 6 months married has cheated on her husband and crying everywhere and taking over her sisters flat while planning a divorce party! She obviously did not plan to complete 73yrs of marriage like the Queen. Come on SW this rubbish is not worthy of TA 👎🏻
I can’t believe Ruth being so soft, ok business is business but the old Ruth would not have fallen for such claptrap. (Although there was Sam but she had been married for more than 6 months 🤣 )
I so agree Lady R, about Ruth going all wishy-washy over Steph and her self inflicted misery. The old Ruth would have told her to brace up and get over it, quick-smart!
DeleteI think David is right to have reservations about this ridiculous divorce party, it will not do Brookfield’s reputation as a Wedding venue any good and I bet Steph will get out of paying for it somehow.
Next thing will be Steph crying on Ben's shoulder and causing trouble between him and Beth.
DeleteI am sure Ben + Beth's relationship is now strong enough, to survive whatever Steph does next.
DeleteBeth didn't seem too happy with Ben when he told her he'd been discussing their problems with Steph with his female friends at College.
DeleteBeth has a close bond with Ruth (who also knows Steph!), so perhaps a chat together will put her mind at ease.
Well Lady R you guessed right. I am surprised we weren't made to wait until the birth to find out. So I wonder if some other kind of suspense around the birth will be introduced, perhaps connected with baby health problems that can be caused by gestational diabetes.
ReplyDeleteI do hope not Janice let’s just have something to enjoy for a change 🤞🏼
DeleteAs it’s Platinum Jubilee year perhaps the babies will be called Elizabeth & Phillip.Doubt I’ll be right twice 🤣
Non identical twins apparently run in families and this will be the third set in the Archer family! Identical ones seem to be more accidental!
DeleteNon-identical twins run on the mother’s side of the family (says the NHS) so first Jill and now Natasha have brought the ‘gene’ to Ambridge.
DeleteWe have just had three days in a row without hearing Jazzer McDreary. Is this a new record?
I was quite dissapointed to hear that it was a boy/girl, yet again. This I understand as to familiar twins, as there has been Shula/Kenton, Lily/Freddie.
DeleteI had just hoped for a change..
There's an article about Arthur Hughes (Ruairi) playing Richard III on the BBC website: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-61549419
ReplyDeleteI read that this morning. It was so interesting and I learnt a lot.
DeleteSadly my image of Ruairi, just looks so different in my mind. Mine has light ginger hair, tall with freckles - but no idea why I think this..
I am expecting premature twins, due to problems with Natasha's gestational diabetes, so the C-section is done sooner than expected.
ReplyDeleteWhen is her due date?
ooh another future thought. When will I learn not to post my ideas as to what might happen
DeleteThese irritate so many, who just do not like thesr...🙀
Tell your plants instead, Miriam. Mine are very attentive listeners.
ReplyDelete...🤣🤣 I get the meaning and yet another massive hint..
DeleteI'll only tell my puss cat my thoughts, who sadly appears to be going deaf. Any spoken future ideas, will literally fall on deaf ears.
I recommend listening to this mornings edition of Soul Music , Radio4, 10.30
ReplyDeleteIt concerns Bruce’s beautiful violin concerto and the effect it had on people listening to it.
I decided to listen as it is one of my favourite pieces of music and often reduces me to tears.
At the end of the programme I thought ‘I recognise that voice’ and it was 103 year old June Spencer talking about when she heard the music for the first time, her reaction to it and how it still brings back memories of her late husband and departed friends. A very touching story and lovely to hear her voice even though it is now obviously a little croaky and slow.
Predictive text ARCHERPHILE
ReplyDeleteBruckner ?
No, not Bruckner, Bruch, ( thank you autocorrect!!). Try it, it’s beautiful and very moving. Played a lot on Classic FM.
DeleteI’m saving it to listen later.
ReplyDeleteNot a hint at all, Miriam, It's what I do myself. Plants don't get angry, and if they disagree they don't show it!
ReplyDeleteA quick question, which I hope someone can help me with.
ReplyDeleteIt is now known Hannah's Mum has Alzheimer's which is causing problems. The question is - does Stella have a family problem and is helping with care home costs. I am not sure.
But was it Hannah mentioning having to pay for Carers for her Mum?
DeleteOne of them mentioned how part of their salary went towards the care of a parent - but who was it?
After my usual Sunday Omnibus listen, I still feel that for some reason still not yet known, there were "fill in" episodes yet again.
ReplyDeleteIt just didn't feel right and was a bit disjointed in parts...
Lovely to hear Usha again last night, being so understanding with Chris.
ReplyDelete“Marther is mine”
ReplyDeleteWhat a possessive father is Mr Chris, Gloomy Carter. Should he gain ownership of Marther then she will be subjected to a personality of abjection, cheerlessness, joylessness.
I suspect theses personality traits have always been there but never noticed by Alice as the booze hindered her ability to perceive his emotional and intellectual inadequacies.
Miriam, perhaps you should read the BBC daily summary of each episode.
Just a recommendation. Also a”massive hint”.😄
DeleteNot a massive hint Miriam- just an answer to your questions.
Yes it is Stella’s mother with Alzheimer’s and yes she does help pay for the carer out of her own pocket.
We all miss bits from time to time. And as I have stated many times….
It all washes over my head anyway.
And I’m certainly glad that I don’t feel any vitriol for any of the TA characters. Just mild irritation from time to time.
I think Chris has only been made ‘Mr Chris Gloomy Carter’ since all the problems with Alice and the alcoholism and difficulties surrounding Martha’s birth. To say nothing of the proposed divorce and interference by Brian and solicitors
DeleteI don’t remember him being particularly gloomy before all this happened.
(And he did correct himself and say Martha was his and Alice’s.)
Does Stella's mother have Alzheimers as well as Hannah's then?
DeleteThank you Stasia for yet another of your massive hints, except this time it was not a hint, but a direction, which I have to accept.
DeleteI don't understand why I have to read the programme synopsis before hearing the actual programme, so to spoil my listening.
I just thought that I had heard Stella, in a previous episode, talking about something similar with Brian.
Hence my question.
I obviously confused Hannah + Stella.
Miriam, can see you don't want 'spoilers', but I think Stasia's advice was to read the synopses after listening to the omnibus, if certain plot developments weren't clear - & they often aren't as it's easy for attention to wander when listening !
DeleteMy only thought is for Martha. This in an innocent child and her parents. Chris + Alice, need to concentrate on her future life and compromise, accordingly.
ReplyDeleteThis is just a comment and nothing more.
Miriam, I was paraphrasing and quoting yourself, hence the brackets and 😊 face.
DeleteI agree, AP - Chris was a happy, positive man, it's Alice's alcohol addiction that has stressed him out (unsurprisingly)
ReplyDeleteStasia - Martha is between the devil & the deep blue sea, I reckon ! At the moment, failing the obvious solution of shared parenting, she's got an unreliable mother whose carer she could become in time if there's a relapse, or, if not that bad, she'd grow up with dubious Aldridge values. On balance, she'd better off with Dad, who won:t be gloomy forever & has sounder life values.
But Carolyn, what a boring man, both as father and husband. I might have taken to the drink myself if, as an intelligent woman I was lumbered with him. Of course he is not the cause of Alice’s alcoholism that I agree rests in her family background. He isn’t the most intellectually stimulating individual.
DeleteA possess father and unreliable mother. What a choice.
Delete😄😄...on the other hand, Alice is not the possessor of a towering intellect ! ( reminds me of Shula finding Alistair boring, as if she was such an interesting person - so NOT) Alice did get through college, sure, & was enthusiastic & able at the job initially, but, having always been the indulged, baby of the family, until Ruairi much later, she couldn't keep up the pace - employers aren't kindly parents, & expect deadlines to be met.
DeleteShe & Chris enjoyed the same social life, seemed to get on fine, until...
Didn't Alice get a degree in Aerontical Engineering, and worked both in this enviroment and elsewhere. Remember her robotic pilot scheme for fruit picking and also, being offered a job in Canada in the aeronatical industry. She gave the latter up due to Chris in some way.
DeleteAlice does have a massive intellect.
Alice may be clever but she isn’t wise. (An academic friend once said that was the difference between Oxford and Cambridge - Oxford taught you to be clever, Cambridge taught you to be wise......)
DeleteI know the script writers take liberties, but how many parents would let their 16 month old child wander around a playground without hovering very close by? Even before Chris arrived early Alice was giving more attention to Adam than Martha.
ReplyDeleteUp until this eveningI had nurtured a hope that Alice & Chris would get back together, I’ve now given up on that thought.
I know medical staff have to follow up concerns, but does anyone on this blog think that Martha is currently at risk of serious harm? I am not convinced that there aren’t more important issues for our over stretched social services to investigate.
Martha has already been at risk of harm when Alice was drinking during her pregnancy. She has now had a potentially serious head injury while both her parents were arguing and not paying attention to her safety. I've been worried about her welfare for a while.
DeleteLeading a toddler group, if I have any concerns that a child is at risk of abuse or neglect, or if I see or hear evidence of this, I am legally obliged to report it to the church safeguarding officer - they then have to report it further up the chain. Similar protocols apply in schools and, I am sure, also in hospitals. Yes, some cases will just be a storm in a tea cup, but it might be the family needs extra support, or there may indeed be a real risk to the child's safety. So, for the child's sake, we cannot simply dismiss concerns as trivial or a one-off.
DeleteIn Martha's case, I suspect a head injury like this would trigger follow-up even before the parents start arguing in the hospital. Many times it will indeed be an accident. But too many cases in the news continue to remind us that not all parents always have their children's best interests at heart : (
Yes, Cheshire, I was surprised that a recovering alcoholic was allowed to leave hospital with a newborn and apparently not have any monitoring put in place to ensure that she is staying sober and her daughter is safe in her care. Yes, social services, and health visitors are over-stretched, but surely someone should be keeping an eye out for Martha?
DeleteI have long felt it was only a matter of time before something like this would happen.
ReplyDeleteThe acrimony between Chris and Alice has, so far, not been in front of the child but sooner or later someone in authority was going to hear they way they behave with each other and be alerted to the danger Martha could be facing whilst her parents are fighting.
I think this development is a good thing. Someone outside the family (obviously biased on both sides) will have to decide what is best for the child and her future.
And also, official ‘interference’ could bring the two of them to their senses and make them realise their fighting will never solve anything.
I was very p[eased that Martha will be safeguarded. I only wish that 'the Social Worker' hadn't been made to sound like a threat/punishment.
ReplyDeletePoor little scrap. Right from the beginning she has parents at loggerheads and apart from each other. I hope this is a wake up call for them and they will start to put her first before the acrimony between them.
ReplyDeleteI never thought I would say this, but I am starting to go off Neil a bit, I felt he was really stirring it this evening. It will be interesting to see what the social worker has to say.
ReplyDeleteI thought the same KPnuts. It certainly seemed out of character for Neil.
DeleteI agree with both of you. A definite character change in Neil, and to be regretted.
DeleteTotally agree with all three. Neil was immediately beligerent and doing his best toreinforce the "Martha belongs to us" mantra.
DeleteAlso, Why does he not bite the bullet and realise that the simplest cost cutting measure for Berrow would be for his own high salaried job to go?
Interesting interview in The Guardian with Charles Collingwood about his long-running role as Brian Aldridge in The Archers
ReplyDeleteAnd he scotches rumours about him wanting to retire by saying “I’m 79 and all I want to do is watch cricked and play Brian Aldridge”
Oh, rats! I was planning for Brian and Jennifer to retire and live permanently in Hungary near Debbie.......!
DeleteI think that the extra stress Neil is under with Martyn breathing down his neck over the proposed cost cutting at Berrow is clouding his usual good judgement.
ReplyDeleteI’m puzzled by the comments about Neil because all I heard was a father trying to support his stressed out son by making the obvious suggestion that Chris should contact his solicitor to update them on the latest development and find out if and how the involvement of Social Services could affect the outcome of the hearing. I know Neil has fallen from grace on a couple or more occasions but this doesn’t strike me as one of them
I think Neil’s best bet would be to make himself redundant at Berrow and use his redundancy payment to reinstate his own pig business, possibly in collaboration with Rex and possibly providing a job for Jazzer. It shouldn’t take more than two shakes of the Ambridge Fairy’s wand!
Maryellen, I agree.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant speculation Maryellen ! And Pierre too.
ReplyDeleteI don’t think Neil has had a change of character. As Maryellen said, he was simply being the concerned father he has always been by advising Chris to have a word with his solicitor about the hospital visit and interviews with a social worker.
ReplyDeleteVery wise and much better for Chris to mention it before the facts are suddenly brought up in court, with no previous warning.
I don’t consider Neil was ‘stirring it’ at all, just offering, what seems to me, like good advice.
I have no problem with Niel. He is a hard working person, and a genorous one, who cares for his family be it Susan, Chris or Emma.
ReplyDeleteMy thought is that - Chris did not tell all and is being very slightly devious. Chris will not admit, hat perhaps he could have done and said, things better.
I recall I mentioned that an accident would happen to Martha. I thought that would be on the stairs, leading to and from the shop flat. In hindsight this would have put blame on Chris as to an unsuitable home, for an active child.
DeleteThe "accident " happened elsewhere with both parents nearby - so is it equal responsibility.
Also Niel cares for his colleagues at Berrow, esp. Hannah + Jazzer...
DeleteIf Neil cares so much for his colleagues at Berrow why doesn't do the best thing for them and retire to help save their jobs?
DeleteI wonder if Neil’s uncharacteristically loud voice.is due to the actor (now in his 80s) is going deaf so less able to monitor his vocal output? I thought the same about Jill’s erratic delivery.
ReplyDeleteYes, it’s very similar isn’t it. I know ‘Jill’ had a problem with her eyes that wasmaking it difficult to read scripts which also didn’t help. I was listening to June Spencer the other day, talking about a favourite piece of music and her voice has become very deep and quite gravelly. Age does strange things to us, sadly.
Delete..but wasn't that put into The Archers, as a cataract problem for Jill?
DeleteNo Miriam unfortunately Patricia Greene has deteriorating eye sight and her scripts are in large writing so she has more pages than the other characters which means more sheets to turn without any noise…..
DeleteI am starting to feel a glimmer of hope for the Chris/Alice situation. The scare of Martha’s fall & a sympathetic social worker seem to have prompted them to take a step back & think about Martha’s needs. They may not get back together but hopefully they can reach a civilised & equitable agreement.
ReplyDeleteI hope Ben & Beth don’t have a bust up because of Steph.
KP, Chris & Alice still seem (to me) to be very fond of each other as well as caring deeply for Martha but both scared by what happened to their marriage through Alice drinking and Chris being unfaithful. In time they may wish to retain their commitment to each other and work together to that end. 💕 🤔
DeleteBeing pedantic here, the marriage didn’t break up because of Chris’s so-called unfaithfulness, it was the other way round. He spent his one night with Amy after the marriage had broken up, which happened entirely at Alice’s instigation. No wonder the poor man is grieving for his lost marriage - unlike Alice.
DeleteHer own fidelity is questionable, as we’ve mentioned before, Miriam said earlier that she thinks Chris is being devious, but I feel if anyone is being devious it’s much more likely to be Alice. We only have her word she’s stopped drinking. I’m inclined to believe her, but think she is still inherently flaky when under personal pressure. Whereas Chris, as Neil said, is basically steady.
I don’t find Chris a particularly sympathetic character (he opposed the introduction of women players on the cricket team!) but I do feel extremely sorry for him.
Spot on Maryellen.
DeleteMy thoughts exactly
DeleteWell I shan’t be going to the ‘best party evah’. Being battered with gold plated willys and witnessing a real one being displayed to the gathered multitude is too horrible to contemplate. But then it will happen on the radio, too good to miss.
ReplyDeleteVicarious thrills from a distance and at close hand.
Will Ben get his Willy tinsel thrill at last?
But with which sister?
This is pure speculation!
ReplyDeleteWe have just had two medical emergencies requiring hospital attention. Going by the rule of three, we should now have a third one - which would coincide with Ben doing his 40-hour weeks of practical experience. He has always had a good rapport with his paternal grandmother so I nominate Jill to be the first patient from Ambridge that Ben encounters. She should be more gracious with him than she was with T❤️O❤️B❤️Y when he took Jill to hospital and showed such care and concern that the staff there assumed he was her grandson. If she survives.......
All full time staff in the NHS work (in theory) 37.50 hours.
ReplyDeleteAs a student Ben would not be working longer than his nursing colleagues. But then what are employment facts when reality doesn’t really exist in TA.
I am not sure that the 37.5hrs in the NHS, is still the norm.
DeleteBen has said that he will be working 40hrs, so surely this as a student nurse, is the minimum.
No idea though...
Miriam I am correct.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThank you for your reply.
DeleteSo Ben a student nurse on his first placement, has to work longer hours.
Why is this?
Ben has factored in meal breaks which the 37.5 hours regulation doesn’t allow for.
DeleteBecause the S/R/s don’t check for facts. I suspect Henry will be indentured into child’ labour at Bridge Farm filling veg boxes. They already have slave labour in the shape of Jonny.
DeleteI agree with Maryellen, This is as Ben is starting his practical experience, he will come across a person he knows well, so has to be confidential.
ReplyDeleteWho, What, and Why is just a very goid guess, at the moment
I am not allowed to speculate, so I can't post my idea...😩
I wonder how happy David and Ruth will be if Steph’s party goes ahead with the gold ‘decorations’ and male stripper. I shouldn’t have thought they would want that type of entertainment in their barn which was originally intended as a wedding venue - especially if photos get into the local press
ReplyDeleteI thought that the original plan was to let out the Cruck Barn for events, to be organised by those who booked it. Hence the new kitchen for the brought in cateres plus the new loos, to give a full package.
DeleteIt has been used for wonderful events.
My thought is that, all who book the Barn for whatever event, can plan and do it in their own way.
All Ruth + David want, is the costly rental barn fees, so can they actually say as to what it is used for?
They also have provided car parking.
Perhaps my thoughts are not quite right, yet again.
I say this a niece of mine hired such a barn for a wedding. They had to hire + supply everything, tables, chairs, all plates and cutlery etc plus employing the cateres and so it went on..
DeleteYes, I think David and Ruth can approve or disapprove of the type of event the barn is to be hired for. Just because they have a kitchen and sufficient parking does not mean ‘anything goes’. They will want to keep a reputation for being a quality venue where such events as weddings, celebrations, barn dances even, can be held and not for sleazy parties with strippers and goodness knows what else going on.
DeleteAt least, that’s what I should feel if I had such a facility to hire out. Yes, they want the fees but perhaps not the reputation that could go with this event.
Yes, I think they might draw the line at a 'pop up' brothel !
DeletePerhaps Ben will give his a parents an inkling of Steph’s plans for her divorce party and surely even Ruth will not be happy for it to go ahead with the sleazy overtones.As Archerphile says,Brookfield has a reputation to uphold which David and Ruth have a right to protect,
ReplyDeleteGood to hear Alice and Chris getting along without fighting, long may it last! They are clearly still very fond of each other. Alice's reasoning for getting a divorce was that she needed to conquer her alcoholism on her own. I wonder, now she's further along her journey, whether she's realised that it's a team effort?
ReplyDeleteIf this current attitude continues, Alice and Chris could remain friends and make a successful job of co-parenting. Will it go further than that, with them restoring their marriage? It's possible - or perhaps the script-writers are just teasing us.
Speaking of which, Kirsty + Adil? Some pretty heavy handed hints going on there methinks.
Having read your post owias I do not need to write my own now as you have said it all in a nutshell for me 🤗
DeleteWe have a splendid example of amicable co-parenting in George Grundy’s upbringing, even though it had a stormy and unconventional start. I’m sure Chris will prove as good at it as his sister, and the arrangement will accommodate new partners for either or both of Martha’s parents, should Fate and the scriptwriters decree.
DeleteFor me too owias in relation to both Alice and Chris and Kirsty and Adil.
ReplyDeleteThank goodness for the relief of the Kirsty and Adil line and Alice and Chris seeing some sense.
ReplyDeleteSo good to get away from the Idiot's divorce party. We seemed to agree early on that that worthles person did not add to TA. What a pity it has lead to so much comment lately.
What an uplifting TA programme on Friday,with Chris and Alice happily agreeing about the future joint parenting of Martha,and the prospect of a strong friendship,at least, between Kirsty and Advil.
ReplyDeleteI am pondering, are Ruth and David making an excemption to Steph and her party in The Barn.
ReplyDeleteI say this as:-
Stephs Wedding was the first major paid for event.
Vince, her Dad is financing the solar panels at Brookfield.
Beth, another family member is Bens girlfriend, whom he met at the wedding.
I doubt that Ruth + David would dare try to stop this unusual party, as they have too much to lose, with the Casey Family.
David + Ruth need to look at the rental agreement for the Cruck Barn for events, so further bookings do not get out of the true idea for the barn - an historic building.
I am still pondering as to -
DeleteWho cleans up The Barn after an event?
I am thinking about Bens confetti plus more 🤣
Oh Ben…….how could he let that happen. I hope that Steph can clear the air with Beth, but this is The archers so probably not.
ReplyDeleteI’m not sure Ben had much control over what happened. Sounded to me as if. Steph launched herself at him just because he was trying to be kind and sympathetic!
DeleteCan’t say I enjoyed tonight’s episode at all, just a waste of an Archers episode as far as I was concerned.
The line that struck me was 'He might be closer than you think'. Perhaps the intonation was accidental, but it did sound as though Ben might be suggesting it could be him. I can see why the impulsive, emotionally overwrought Steph could have leapt to that conclusion. I do hope I misheard though. Ben and Beth make a good couple, let's not have another 'which sibling am I in love with today' storyline, please!
DeleteIt was utterly and unbelievably banal, fifth rate stuff.I admire listeners who can take it seriously. Personally I’d like the entire Casey clan (who I imagine as a family of little goblins) to dematerialise, taking. Chelsea Horrobin with them. Then Ben could go back to Evie the archeology student who cried when he left her - I feel sorry for her even though we didn’t know her very well. I still live in hope that Molly Button will get a voice!
ReplyDeleteWell said Maryellen , I am in complete agreement with you.
ReplyDeleteThere is a feeble attempt to paint Ben as sensitive and caring to enhance his nursing qualities. Instead he appears as complerely stupid. Otherwise he would have seen that coming from Steph. From my age of 82 (y'know), "What is modern youth coming to?"
I felt rather aggrieved that a whole precious Archers episode was devoted to this wretched story.
ReplyDeleteWe were happy that T A had returned to 6 episodes a week but what’s the point if this is stretching the editor/SWs into producing this rubbish?
I’m hoping a flying saucer will land at Brookfield and spirit away entire Casey clan to another planet!
Going by recent scripts, it’s not entirely impossible.
Having caught up with TA after coming home from Edinburgh I agree with the comments about the stupid party.
ReplyDeleteI so acknowledge Maryellen's post, at 2.51am. which had an interesting thought in it, about taking The Archers seriously. This has got me thinking again! I am giving my apologies in advance.
ReplyDeleteI do take some S/L's very seriously. These include the closure of GG with all that entails for Ambridge, Chris + Alice with Martha, Kirsty and the re-wilding scheme, Ben going into nursing so showing support for the NHS.
Some S/L's are so silly, but I just listen to these as "escapism" to just laugh at.
Maryellen also said a while back, about Ben meeting someone he knows, whilst he is on his placement. This will lead onto a confidentially problem - so Vince?
DeleteWhat has happened to Chris? Why is he taking this ‘anything I can do, you can do better’ attitude to Alice all of a sudden? He’ll be kissing her no doubt expensively-sandalled feet next! What are the scriptwriters playing at?
ReplyDeleteI agree it is all a bit rapid, something like TA of old methinks. But both had the frighteners applied by Social Services. Are we heading for full recocilliation? If it is TA of old, wait for Friday! At least no Caseys thank goodness!
DeleteA reconciliation now seems more possible . Just hope Brian doesn’t mess things up when/if he returns from Hungary
DeleteI don’t really do Facebook - life’s too short - but I just had to dipped into Archers Anonymous out of curiosity. Apparently, there are no terrible episodes, just ones you personally didn’t like. So no place there for objective criticism, based on comparison with other drama and TA itself under some of its past editors. There seem to be several TA-related Facebook groups, perhaps others are more congenial.
ReplyDeleteYou could look at Ambridge Addicts, which is more varied.
DeleteOr, probably the best, the official BBC Archers page which some of us here comment in. A great variety of views are expressed there, appreciative, critical frustrated and humorous and suggestions for how the storylines could be improved.
Thanks very much for your advice, Archerphile (not for the first time!) I’ve now had a look at the BBC TA Facebook pages, and identified your comment). I’m not sure if I’ve got the mental energy to read and contribute to more than one running commentary on TA! The content of the BBC one seems less sophisticated than this one, but that may be just my impression.
DeleteYes, you are right. But of course FB posts are usually much shorter than we do here.
DeleteThe Archers S/W's are ceratainly keeping all the listeners on tenterhooks, as to who the new 60% owner of GG is. This is another slow build up. One thing that I have noticed is that Adil goes to London for meetings quite often. This leads me to believe that, it is not any-one local..but this might be a red herring. These visits could be to upper class interior designers, banks or finance houses or just to see his partner.
ReplyDeleteAs the 40% owner, I wonder just how much input Oliver will have.
I did wonder a while ago how long it would take to go pear shaped for Beth and Ben, now I know. Don't know if the Kirsty and Ardil trousers scene was supposed to be like a French farce but I thought it sounded contrived.
ReplyDeleteBeth says that she knows what her sister is like but is still choosing to believe her above Ben. You are well out of that relationship lad.
ReplyDeleteCheshire Cheese is quite right about the contrived Kirsty and Ardil nonsense. Why is the writer using
the same "misunderstang" ploy to try to exagerate the situation? Is there a rule against imagination now?
Just a warning for anyone logging in to Facebook today…if you don’t like seeing the actors.
ReplyDeleteThere is an interview with the actors of Beth and Ben taking about their relationship and breakup.
A fairly interesting little film but it has ruined my personal head-pictures of the characters. Especially Ben, who is the scruffiest looking lad and definitely not student nurse material!
Archerphile - re our earlier chat about Facebook, following my dip into Archers Anonymous, Facebook has sent me a list of TEN more Archers-related groups I could join! I’m amazed there are so many! I can see the point of the Archers Omnibus Appreciation group, for people who only listen weekly so don’t want spoilers from bloggers who listened earlier in the week, but I can’t help wondering what differentiates all the others....except for the group called Archers Wordle Afficionados which I might investigate!
DeleteYes, there are a lot of FB sites for TA. They vary enormously and I have tried, and given up on several. Especially the ones that allow very bad language, criticise other peoples comments, make inappropriate jokes, bring all sorts of other subjects into the conversation or have members who are just down right nasty. There is also one the exists to give spoilers about upcoming stories. So these days I tend to stick to one that is very well monitored, Ambridge Addicts, and the official BBC one.
DeleteA quick comment to add to the numbers deriding the Beth/ Steph / Ben debacle.
ReplyDeletePlease…… no more !
Great to see you commenting again Mrs P. Hope that you are settling in to your new home.
DeleteDidn't realise I had missed so much.
ReplyDeleteAm totally in the dark here.
Briefly can anybody tell me who Beth is?
Is Steph the daughter of the Brummie who is Elizabeth's Mellors?
What has happened to Ben?
Where is Toby?
Indeed where is his bother?
Did he move out of Ambridge?
I have totally lost the plot
I can possibly find out I think by checking online.
I can remember Tony being born
Anthony William Daniel.
I listened every night until that ridiculous time during lockdown when they did those(in my opinion) poor monologues
Now I rarely listen because when I do the script seems so poor.
hello Lanjan. Surely the standard of scripts must now be as low as possible.
ReplyDelete'Things at that the worst will cease, or else climb upward to what they were before.'
ReplyDeleteBeth and Steph, chalk and cheese, both daughters of Mellors.
Ben was kissed by Steph leaving Beth heartbroken.
Toby and Rex currently silent but still in Ambridge as far as we know.
Rep for new owners of GG Ardil has in last few days made a connection with Kirsty, Linda being very unpleasant to him. He has a thick skin, so OK.
Currently all you need to know.
Echo Pierre l C absolutely !
I for one am still enjoying my 7.00pm listen to The Archers, though I must now be on my own.
ReplyDeleteIt is a form of escapism, after all.
There are always going to be S/L's and characters, which are detested by many, but then things can and will change.
To me there are many sub-plots, hints and ideas taking shape.
I think for some of us, the upset with the present episodes is to do with the apparent lowering of standards in the programme we all love.
DeleteWe have, some of us, listened for decades and have been used to good scriptwriting, believable (mostly) storylines and characters who seem to fit into the Ambridge scene.
Yes, there have been bad periods, poor editors and unlikable characters from time to time but The Archers has usually been high quality listening.
Recently though, those standards seem to have dropped - at least they have to me - there are characters who just don’t seem to fit in, stories that are unrealistic and a dearth of familiar cast members.
However, I shall continuing listening, I would never give but am hoping things will improve.
I have hopes for Adil, Kirsty and Grey Gables, for Alice and Chris but I want to hear more about other things happening and familiar characters in Ambridge from good scriptwriters and an Editor who knows what he is doing with the longest running programme on Radio.
Agree AP many of the characters that I still think of as the younger generation are now in fact nearing (if not at middle age) but appear to have not yet found stability or the urge to make life work for them.
DeleteAt least Josh as a true younger generation person tried to help his brother by being caring and showing some empathy. Hopefully Ben will get back together with Beth and maybe even become the new Dan & Doris of TA 🫢 Where has Beth gone at the drop of a hat in
real life we cannot just shoot off every time something upsets us. Work, college, etc not to mention money would in many cases have to be a consideration but then again this is Ambridge 🥴
It’s called poetic justice, Ben. Remember Evie?
ReplyDeleteTonight’s episode seemed to consist of the awful noise from the rave and the actors having to practically shout over it! I stopped listening as there was no relief from it. Is this an attempt to attract young listeners or a deliberate ploy to get rid of the old ones??!😒
ReplyDelete( Note to self) There is a saying be careful what you wish for - well a Friday night episode returning ring any 🔔 🔔🔔🔔 😡
ReplyDeleteWas Russ’s drink spiked? Sounded like it to me. And there he goes again saying how lovely to see all these *young* people enjoying themselves.
ReplyDeleteWatch out Lily, maybe his eye is wandering for someone even younger than you!
Regarding trying to attract younger listeners with a thudding rave, does the BBC think it can pick up youngsters disappointed by the imminent closure of HolyOaks and Neighbours, the TV soaps. I don’t think so.
If teenagers listen to radio at all, rather than other platforms, it wouldn’t be Radio 4 it would be Radios 1, or 6
Well, well, Archerphile! I thought you were a confirmed ‘wait and see-er’ - but here you are, speculating with the rest of us! 🙂
DeleteI was pleased Lily gave Sol his marching orders, h clearly didn’t get the message last time, or was just chancing his arm again. What a little creep!
No Maryellen, a total creep!
DeleteNot as creepy as old man Russ who must have looked totally odd out of place at a rave. All the other ravers probably thought Lily had turned with her dad. Making sure she was up to no good with a person her own age.
ReplyDeleteShe did say, whilst trying to persuade him to accompany her, that she wanted to “dance her knickers off” to be a young woman. However she stuck with a humourless old arty fart pseudo.
Lily wants Russ to be enjoying things she likes to do. Perhaps someone will eventually point out that she sounds like a fourteen year old being controlled by a forty four year old paedophile..
I think that is absolutely accurate Stasia.
DeleteWhen is she going to see the light and go off him?!!
DeleteWell it seems I haven't missed too much.
ReplyDeleteThank you for keeping me posted.
The trouble with me is that I definitely dislike more of the characters than I like.
I think some of that is because of poor acting as well as dreadful script writing.
I must admit that I prefer the less well to do residents of Ambridge.
In my opinion characters such as Tracy (my favourite ) -used to be Hayley - Susan and Jazzer seem more natural than the dreadful Lilian ,prissy Elizabeth ,nauseating Justin or peas above sticks Lynda .
Stasia, thanks for incisive summary ! Was considering catching up on this week's episodes, & you have saved me the irritation of it....
ReplyDeleteI wonder if the producers have a big problem with actors staying on board, especially the younger ones whose careers are blossoming ? We haven't heard from 'Emma' for ages( a shame) or 'Pip'(no great loss)
The Fairbrothers have faded away too. A pity - was a time when I thought Lily & Rex's friendship just might...
New blog now open Please post there. Thaknks
ReplyDeleteI also agree about the constant use of devices. The two boys who live next door but one (11 and 9) are constantly on their phones, playing games when out with Mum + Dad, when walking the dogs. They walk behind, concentrating on their screens.
ReplyDeleteAs you can see, my profile picture has changed. This is my new cat, who I went to see in the rescue centre today, I fell in love with her and brought her home with me. She is 5yrs old, jet black with vivid green eyes and is very affectionate. She is a bit overwhelmed which is as expected, and is in a hidey hole, underneath a small wardrobe in my study. I found her easily and she came out when I spoke to her. She was covered in dust and cobwebs!
ReplyDeleteShe will be shut in a spare bedroom overnight, the one without the wardrobe.