MiriamSeptember 25, 2022 at 5:11 PM I enjoyed the omnibus this morning. I felt Patricia Greene getting so emotional with Judy Bennet in the Bull, was so very real and genuine. They have, after all, played mother and daughter for decades. It was also well done by the script writers, to have Charles and Judy sharing a scene, along with the line "I hope you keep in touch". It was pure genius.
MiriamSeptember 25, 2022 at 5:14 PM I hope that there are no more retirements, for a while.
maryellenSeptember 25, 2022 at 7:06 PM I think it’s high time ‘Jill’ retired. She’s got her 92nd birthday coming up so that would be a good opportunity to quit on a high.
I still don’t understand why people think Brian was being ironical when he told Shula to keep in touch. He sounded sincere to me. It was an obvious thing for someone to have said and it got allocated to him is how I saw it. It’s what Jennifer would have said if she hadn’t been out of earshot!
Burnham BeechesSeptember 25, 2022 at 7:38 PM My take on the 'irony' was that the Beeb was trying to be humorous and casting a knowing wink at the fact that Shula and Brian are married to each other in real life as Judy and Charles. I could be wrong though. Does the BBC have a sense of humour! 🤔
AmbridgesMrsPSeptember 25, 2022 at 7:39 PM I rather read the ‘irony’ remark as being the fact that the two actors are married to each other. I would have called it ‘ an in joke ‘ !
maryellenSeptember 25, 2022 at 8:01 PM Hmm! I think the irony is in the ear of the listener then. Fair enough!
Lady RSeptember 25, 2022 at 11:09 PM In Judy’s interview on TA website she said it was very rare that she and Charles were in the recording studio together and that often as she was at the station to start her journey back to Hampshire Charles’ would be arriving to record his sessions. So it was planned that to mark her leaving get together in The Bull they would be (albeit briefly) in a scene together. Patricia Greene and Judy speak regularly on the phone as friends and always will Judy said 🤗
maryellenSeptember 26, 2022 at 1:53 AM It sounds to me as if the BBC was being sentimental rather than ironic, and the characters were just being themselves. But as we often say, every listener interprets TA in their own way.....
maryellenSeptember 25, 2022 at 7:16 PM Alas, my forlorn hope that it was another Ambridge Ben we heard has foundered, and we’re not going to be spared all the ensuing angst. But why did Chelsea tell her mother she didn’t even like the baby’s father? Ben is a bit of a drip but not that objectionable, surely!
EvSeptember 25, 2022 at 8:53 PM There must be something in the water in Ambridge as so many of these one off liaisons result in a baby! I’m thinking too of Kirsty and Tom and the famous rape of Helen which resulted in Jack. Poor old Ben and Chelsea. He can hardly marry her or partner heras there is no love lost either way but if she keeps the baby presumably he will have a few years of child support. What a mess! I hope Josh at least manages to have children in a loving and lasting relationship!
maryellenSeptember 25, 2022 at 9:00 PM I’m still clinging to Forlorn Hope No.1, that she isn’t actually pregnant......
OldWomanInAShoeSeptember 25, 2022 at 9:52 PM I've written two posts in the last two days. They've both posted OK and then disappeared : (
JaniceSeptember 25, 2022 at 10:31 PM I wonder if Beth will turn to Josh for a shoulder to cry on which will create even more of a tangle.
Lady RSeptember 25, 2022 at 11:12 PM Then the Grundy brother scenario all over again but hopefully Beth won’t get pregnant….
PortiaSeptember 26, 2022 at 9:53 AM I wondered if part of the reason that Josh was so dead against Beth moving in with him and Ben initially was that he fancied her himself,or is that a complication too many.?
ArcherphileSeptember 26, 2022 at 10:30 AM I thought the same Portia. Which could make the current
ArcherphileSeptember 26, 2022 at 10:30 AM I thought the same Portia. Which could make the current situation even more complicated. I don’t fancy Ben’s chances if/when Vince finds out!
I admit that I got a bit fed up with Chelsea, and the constant "who's the father" over a few weeks. Now all is revealed, I am really enjoying all that is happening. There are so many ways that this situation can go forwards, some good some not so good. It will be interesting to see what direction things will take and by whom.
Is this going to ruin Jill's 92nd birthday? Will Ben tell Beth before or after he tries to give her Jill's pendant ? Will Chelsea discover she's not pregnant before or after Ben tells Beth? Etc. etc etc.
I think she is pregnant but will miscarry but not before all is revealed to Beth bringing Ben’s world crashing down. At least he will have learnt something from this. I always remember in the film “Alfie” how he was devil may care until faced with the result of his amorous adventures. Ben isn’t that bad but he did place himself in the bad position of too much alcohol as consolation after breaking up with Beth last time. Now, I think the break up will be more permanent
I’ve been a bit surprised, but pleased, that Josh seems to be looking after his younger brother so well. Instead of being sarcastic and taunting him as he did in the past, he is being supportive and caring. A change for the better.
That’s because Josh is the stronger character of the two brothers. I don’t think that in similar circumstances he would have taken to.his bed in tears. At the very least, he would have asked Chelsea if she was sure and had she seen a doctor to confirm it. The trouble is that Ben and Beth aren’t the fairytale couple that some bloggers are portraying. Ben is quite inept in non-practical matters and Beth, for all her outward confidence and competence, is liable to crumple emotionally inside. We’ve heard this happen. She sounded very like her sister at the time. I think they’re fine as a couple as long as nothing more happens to test the relationship, but now, of course .....? .
The doctor would probably advise her to buy a pregnancy test from the chemist. The first appoinments I had with my pregnancies was the 'booking in' appointment. Basically to meet the midwife, get my notes, and talk about where the baby would be born, if I remember rightly. The pregnancy tests I'd done at home were adequate confirmation.
But, OW, you are not Chelsea - who, from what she said about it, didn’t carry out the test with due care and attention. Other symptoms can be put down to the body’s reaction to stress, or psychosomatic - if not in real life, certainly in Soapland....
Then get another test! My point is, there is no need for a doctor to confirm it.
(I did read it's possible to get digital tests which flash up 'pregnant' or 'not pregnant' rather than the coloured lines. They cost way more than the basic sticks. Open one up and what do you find? I standard stick, a light, a little camera to picture the stick, and a microprocessor to convert this highly complicated information into one or two words! Mind you, we've all had so much practice reading plastic strips with lines on in the last couple of years, I doubt there's much need for this extra assistance!)
And my point is that level-headed Josh, faced with a paternity allegation, would (unlike his brother) have started by establishing the known facts. Whether he is the likely father depends entirely on Chelsea’s word, of course, but whether she is pregnant or not doesn’t have to depend on her word alone. Time will tell, of course, but Josh isn’t one to hang around waiting for a definite answer.
I should have said “short of a DNA sample, depends on Chelsea’s word alone”. I am talking hypothetically here, Ben hasn’t shown any inclination to query Chelsea’s word - as yet. Beth might want to, though nothing’s going to alter the fact that plastered Ben let Chelsea make love to him. (Like he let Steph kiss him.)
Ben is still in shock, as much as Chelsea has been. It has taken her weeks to accept and come to terms with it all. Ben is still understandably struggling and he is doing quite well, with the help of Josh. The fault of the pregnancy is Chelsea. She returned home early and sober, from the rave. Ben was drunk - so she knew what she was doing wheras Ben probably didn't, in the same way.
To clarify, Chelsea knew the risk but Ben wasn't "compos mentis" enough to think about it! Didn't she say she kissed him first as a thank you for something?
Oh dear something has gone wrong. My post was duplicated and when I deleted one, both did. For what it's worth, I will repeat it, but in a different way. Chelsea is no longer pregnant. She once was, hence the +ve test. The embryo was not viable for some reason so is no more, but has not yet come away. An idea is that it was ectopic which, depending on when she took the morning after pill, it didn't work.
What evidence do you base that assunption on? If it was ectopic she would have been in considerabble pain well before now and needed an emergency ooperation!
I know my medical knowledge is out of date, but if the embryo was ectopic and failed, then it would not grow obviously. Therefore no pain, nor emergency op. It was an alternate thought.
...and why the morning after pill didn't work, as it doesn't in an ectopic pregnancy. As she is now at least 12weeks pregnant she is due her 1st scan, which will reveal all.
Pierre is right + an ectopic pregnancy can be life-threatening for the mother due to heavy bleeding. Hopefully, the TA team haven’t they of that, or we could be in for another dire Friday night cliffhanger!
PS. This is one of the reasons why Tracy needs to focus on getting Chelsea to a doctor for a first scan (which, as Miriam said, is available at 10-12 weeks on the NHS, ie. now) to confirm the pregnancy is ‘normal’.
Why has total inconsiderate idiocy become endemic in Ambridge? Only for dramatic licence (which should be revoked), . We could have been spared this angst fest ages ago if only Chelsea had made use of the single family synapse. My head hurts.🤮
Thank goodness Alan has poured cold water on Peggy’s stained glass window idea. As he said, such windows are not usually installed to celebrate the birth of babies to a particular family, thereby glorifying them but to mark remembrance of war heroes or depicting events in the bible (or so I should imagine). I really hope this window, which feels to me like a typical Peggy vanity project is not allowed to go ahead.
Also Kenton’s 16yr old boys diary “excitement “ really!! Unless Janet Atkinson also had a baby conceived at the time of “ The Wizard” gig and all is about to be revealed 😱 please not!
Quite right Lady R.. This is another example of the puerile pap we have been being fed as worthless infil. I have heard the excuse that this is some attempt to encourage younger listeners - but Kindergarten? I suppose it could be as the pregnancy story seems to have been researched by someone of that mental age. I am amazed that anyone thinks Chelsea's behaviour is realistic for one of today's teenagers!
I have grandchildren recently out of their teenage years and they had friends i have younger friends who have teenage children and I belong to an associatiion in which teenagers over 16 years attend alone. I have been pleasantly surprised at most of their knowledge and responsibility. The girls mostly appear to have a mental age about 2 years ahed of boys of the same physical age.
I'm really losing interest in these storylines. We have dairy farmers who can't make a profit, pig farmers going out of business because abatoirs can't get the staff and processors aren't fulfilling their commitments on the number of pigs they take. I would have thought that they should be included in TA.
Quite right CC. I know the strapline, "an everyday story of countryfolk" was taken away but did it have to be so completely removed as to destroy the origins of the programme.
Oh CC, I couldn’t agree more! As you all know, we are retired pig and chicken farmers and I thank heavens, daily, that we are now retired and not having to face the multitude of problems assailing farmers - of all categories.. How is Josh keeping his chickens going? What is happening with Rex’s pigs, never mind the problems at Berrow. What about the harvest problems there have been this year caused by the drought, grains not ripening, potato’s small and scabby, fields of vegetables devastated ? These things may not be of interest to every listener but they are an essential concern in the countryside and would be especially apt to be featured in TA
I hope that the ridiculous stained glass saga, does not become an ongoing issue. The only positive is that Peggy gets a mention. What has happened to the Flower + Produce Show? It is far too late now, for it to be of interest, as who has any decent flowers or veg. to show.
Miriam, I don’t know if you saw my comment about Peggy’s window on FB today (Ambridge Addicts) but I said the same as I have above. So far 165 members of the site have agreed with me - the most ‘likes’ I have ever had for a comment! So it seems to be a common opinion. I was expecting a few complaints about daring to criticise the Sainted Peggy but so far everyone thinks she is wrong and just trying to aggrandise her own family..
Pity the TA team! They’re trying to keep Peggy alive without her actual voice. Hoist with their own petards, in fact. They should have written the character out.I thought Lilian’s attitude to Alan was rather brittle, and was when she was talking to him before. So maybe she is one of your multitudinous secret likes, Archerphile! 🙂
Well wasn't Jolene amusing, about on a par with a severe dose of covid,, I presume thar the so called editor must have thought it was comedy. A joke is a joke but this evening we got the full pantomime. Furthermore we were signalled for rotten wee George to be hilarios too. We are stuck with padding but this twaddle is going too far and too often. How dròle!
Personally I was just relieved not to hear anything about the baby story! But I was more angry about D & R allowing elderly Leonard to design and take on all the work of converting their bedrooms for B&B. I know he volunteered but they could have declined his kind offer of help. Really, those two! I expect they’ll be getting him to cook breakfasts for the guests too and he and Jill will end up doing all the work. I can’t believe nobody in the family has mentioned how much extra work will be involved in running this new enterprise.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Leonard ended up in one of Brookfield’s refurbished rooms. It strikes me that his role at Brookfield is very, very similar.to Russ’s at Lower Loxley - as far as the household is concerned, that is, he isn’t making the same contribution to the business as Russ did. (Will Lily run the gallery now, in addition to her course work, or postpone uni for a second time?). Will Leonard also be accused by listeners of sponging, aiming for a takeover, being after Jill’s money etc? Logic says yes, but his Northern accent may protect him! 🙂
I agree with others, in that who will be doing the work for the Brookfield Luxury Guest Accomodation? Ruth and David's idea is to provide hotel class facilities, but can such a very high class standard actually be achieved to reflect this idea...I doubt it...but strange things do happen in Ambridge.
Archerphile - I don't know anything about the Archers Addicts FB page, which I beleive is a private group. As such I have never visited it. Well Done though, on posting a very highly rated comment. It must feel gratifying.
Yes Miriam, it is a ‘members only’ site, I had forgotten that. They do have some very interesting posts though should you want to join and it is friendly. I was even more gratified to see the approval rate has risen to over 200 today, of people hoping the window idea does not go ahead!
Exactly. Who will want shared bathrooms and just a fry up for breakfast. When Lilian and Justin stayed with Lynda, Lilian raved about the croissants served...
...but Brookfield will have Jill's home made marmalade, jams and honey, along with fresh eggs from Josh, and locally produced bacon, and even perhaos, home made bread. Things might not be bad, after all.
She does indeed Pierre. It might be better for the guests, and easier for Ruth, to just offer a Continental breakfast. She could provide hard boiled eggs with it to provide a farmhouse slant, and maybe with room service to avoid having to have a separate breakfast room. That would require the bedrooms to be big enough to have a table and chairs and a place for coffee/tea making.
I don’t think we should automatically assume that Ruth and David don’t know what they are doing. They are no strangers to the hospitality trade and will know what’s expected by officialdom and visitors nowadays if they are to compete with other B+Bs in the locality. They can hire someone to do breakfasts (or maybe the all-encompassing Leonard?), no reason why what’s on offer shouldn’t match other B+Bs. In many of the B+Bs I’ve used over the years, it’s been the husband cooking and his wife waiting, but not when they were farmers.....
I'm just not sure how early morning milking a substantial herd of cows can be fitted around providing breakfast for visitors. It might work with a cold continental breakfast that could be prepared the night before. Here farmers' wives years ago did often have visitors in summer but they weren't working full time out on the farm, just helping as and when necessary, and doing a lot of cooking indoors to keep the men well fed for the physical labour, but Ruth (and David) is working full time on the farm. Without Toby Pip isn't going to be able to milk by herself every morning, she'll be busy getting Rosie off to school. Employing someone would eat into the profits and I'm not sure who would be available to do it. If they lean on Leonard's good nature to do it (I noticed he had cooked dinner for them the other day) then I sincerely hope they pay him.
Re. the lack of everyday farming content in the programme nowadays, which like others I regret, I am wondering if the present scriptwriters are people who have no real knowledge of country or farming life. Perhaps that in itself is a reflection of life as it is nowadays with a disconnect between the old ways and being a country that imports so much of its foodstuffs. "Nor can foot feel being shod..." type thing (Wordsworth)
To be fair, I think there’s less of a ‘country feel’ to living in the country now than there has ever been. Technological and social developments have gradually eroded the differences between town and country dwellers daily lives. I grew up surrounded by farms but only a very small percentage of the locals were actively involved in farming or talked about agricultural matters. TA’s remit is (or has been) skewed in that respect.
That’s fine by me - I don’t believe in the ‘rural idyll’ but I’m interested in the practicalities specific to rural life and employment. Most of the ‘relationship’ stories that dominate TA, Chelsea’s unplanned pregnancy being the latest, could happen anywhere. Yet it’s these, rather than farming concerns or village events that seem to get most reaction on FB etc.
But at least we no longer get ‘country’ characters as excruciating as Walter Gabriel (introduced as an example of a bad farmer, I read). No country man I knew would have been heard dead doing his ‘me ole pal’ thing!
I agree that village life is no longer as farm centric as it used to be. My own village has become mostly populated by commuters to the local town. However there are still 3 large farms surrounding the village and talk in the village shop often centres around the various problems the farmers are facing, as well as the latest gossip from the village school or the WI. Or moans about why the bus service has been cut yet again! The shop sells produce from the farms such as bacon, eggs, and spelt flour grown and milled at one of the farms. The farms still feature in village life and as such I think The Archers needs to up the farming content a bit, as well as featuring the modern day social problems.
Oh, Janice, a line from one of my favourite poems by my very favourite poet, but I'm afraid it's not Wordsworth. ' Generations have trod, have trod, have trod; And all is seared with trade; bleared, smeared with toil; And wears man's smudge and shares man's smell: the soil Is bare now, not can foot feel, being shod.' God's Grandeur, Gerard Manley Hopkins
...and Piers Ploughman, Felix Randall the farrier, Hurrahing in Harvest, As Kingfishers Catch Fire - perhaps he should be compulsory reading for townie TA scriptwriters!
I've just been reading a letter in the RHS Garden magazine saying that local flower and produce shows are in decline because of the lack of people to organise them. Looks like the scriptwriters are unwittingly up to date in Ambridge.
I do hope you are right about Ben & Beth Jill - the next Phil & Jill of Ambridge showing that you can have a relationship that stays the course through thick and thin and of course if Chelsea keeps the baby that will bring challenges over the years. How strange Miriam I thought Jill sounded clearer and her voice slightly stronger tonight, but I agree her conversation (regarding a possible departure from TA) sounded ominous and it maybe she too will be written out. It just doesn’t seem possible although it should because so many of the actors have reached their later years.A daft thought to have really after all I’m not in my mid 20’s anymore so why would their ages have stood still 😅 I have to repeat though that no way does Judy Bennett sound as if she is approaching 80yrs but then she has played younger parts because of that over the years. I’m sure most us don’t either yet many people have an old voice much earlier as radio phone in’s can confirm many a time I have been shocked at someone revealing they are in their 50’s, then again someone very bright and breezy will suddenly announce they are 93yr and I would have sworn they were in the 50 - 60yr age group 🤗 so…….
That was a lovely phone call to end on, with Shula sounding well, happy, positive and going forward.. I’m sure she’ll be okay in Sunderland, a success story in fact, but sadly one we won’t get to hear, or only indirectly. Well done, Shula!
Well done Beth and Chelsea for discussing Ben and the baby situation in a civilised way unlike if Tracy barged in all guns blazing.There may of course be some of that to come, depending on the route Chelsea finally decides to go down,but I am pleased that Beth and Ben’s relationship seems to be as strong as ever.
I despair of Eddie! And I agree with Maryellen that he is definitely not a lovable old rogue as his father tried (unsuccessfully) to be, or even as Walter Gabriel was back in the old days. His encouragement of George to play that nasty trick on Kenton was unforgivable. He is lining George to take over from him in more ways than one. That boy is sneaky, deliberately listening in to conversations so that he can hear something he might be able to use to blackmail or trick people. Pity Emma and Ed don’t take a much firmer hand.
Too true, Archerphile! ‘As the twig is bent, so the tree will grow’ - but how come Eddie’s ‘bending’ (he took George poaching without his parents, knowledge) been more effective than Emma and Ed’s? Personally I think lovable rogue is a contradiction in terms, but George seems to have an extra dimension of nastiness that Eddie, Jo and Alf don’t or didn’t have.
Re Ben and Beth - I think there’s little chance of them becoming the new Phil and Jill (if that means inheriting Brookfield) since Ben is not only the youngest and least involved of the siblings, but has turned his back on farming as a career. My concern is that they may become the new Jack and Peggy........
I didn’t mean the new Phil And Jill of Brookfield just Phil & Jill as an example of a stable relationship working through the bad times without feeling the need to continually split up, takes time though as Jill said 🤞🏼
Sorry, LR, I wasn't sure if you were thinking of Brookfield specifically or not. My preferred inheritors for David's share of Brookfield (I think Phil divided it equally between his 4 children, but could be wrong) are Pip and Toby (remember how good he was in the lambing shed?) with Rosie and possible sibs........
I absolutely agre with AP and Maryellen that Eddie is no "loveable" rogue even though the SWs have oft timed tried to show him as such. On the other there is no redemption for George. APs description is absolutely accurate. Surely he will try one schene too many soon and get a well deserved comeuppance.
I find Pip as she is portrayed now really annoying. Pip pressurising Chelsea to give up her Sunday afternoon, after working at Lower Locksley, to cut Rosie's hair because she hadn't bothered to get it done before is just not on. Toby deserves better than Pip but it is sad for Rosie he is leaving.
Not only that but she passed the buck to Chelsea to get Rosie out of the car! There again she has always had sloping shoulders where Rosie is concerned and one prop, Toby, has now gone away,!
Although it does have to be said that getting ssomeone else to ask a child to do something can help. I often had to enlist the help of a friend when my Small People wouldn't put their coats on. I now pass on the favour at toddler group : )
But yes, Pip was far too pushy in rail roading Chelsea to do a haircut. Next time, try getting a salon to open up especially for your convenience instead ...
Could be said to shown Pip’s sense of entitlement. She wanted to keep her baby but everyone else is expected to help. I wonder how she would advise Chelsea, if she knew Chelsea was pregnant?
"Sloping shoulders" was often used in the Royal Navy in my time ! In fact, I remember one officer who was so thought of that he had earned the nickname of "Vat 69" in reference to the distinctive shape of the bottle.
Good old Naval expressions, Pierre! If Chelsea has the experience implied in her previous use of condoms, she would have been labelled on a Naval establishment as the Camp Bicycle! 😉🚲
You are qute correct Ev. However, I know that both the Army and Royal Air Force make common usage of that one. In my experience the service girls were a 99.9% decent set. Besides which, no camp bike without willing cyclists.
Oh thank you Maryellen - I was trying to remember who it was who gave someone in Ambridge that moniker, but couldn’t recall the names so didn’t post. I hoped someone else would remember and you did.
Surely you mean the Ambridge team alongside you and Toby have done a good job of bringing Rosie up Pip! Also Pip Toby will be back Saturday so hardly worth a big tearful goodbye 🤣 Enter Rex? Well Beth you will have to come clean now so best for all if Chelsea is keeping the baby to get the news out there then you will feel more able to decide if you can stay with Ben or not. My guess is you will go to NZ on your own where you will make your final decision.
What a jealous and ungrateful old biddy Jill Archer still is! Adamant that Leonard should be in the photo “because you’re family” but also clear she didn’t want Toby in it - although he has been around Brookfield longer and is related to the family through his daughter Rosie. Fortunately Toby took the slight with the same good humour in which he takes Rex’s needling. But what will Jill’s grand daughter feel when she looks at the family photo and discovers her adored father is missing? Jill didn’t consider that.
TA team - retire Jill Archer ASAP.. I don’t care how: just do it!
The only reason I should like Jill to retire is because I don’t think Paddy Greene is up to the rôle any longer and is struggling to get the words out. I refute ME’s assertion that she is a ‘jealous and ungrateful old biddy’. A very unfair description I think, but I haven’t the time or energy to go into reasons. And Toby and she did end as friends and appeared to mend their previous differences.
Well acted Toby! I am pleased for Maryellen that he will still be in the story. Early on i was dead against him because he was one of the "willing cyclist " type when he was boasting and cadging cash for the condom machine. However, the boy has done splendidly with bringing up Rosie so good for him. I too would like Jill Archer to go. Enough overacting is enough. Only problem is would real actor Leonard have to go too?
Archerphile - it’s difficult to interpret shades of meaning when the actor loses voice control (oh for facial expression and body language!).and I was hopeful when Jill apparently reconciled with Toby: then, when she hurried him off during the who-should-be-in-the-photo preliminaries, I felt it hadn’t been trill from her heart, but was just a farewell tidy up of their reflatioship.
Jill’s jealous steak is well documented: not just Grace and Jill’s ongoing Fairbrother vendetta, but the more recent episode involving Leonard and Iris Casey.
I said ungrateful because she never really expressed her thanks to Toby for the practical care he showed when she had her accident with the bookcase. She was more annoyed that the hospital staff thought he was her grandson because of his attentiveness she had been very rude to him prior to the accident - a proper old biddy! That’s all.
Pierre - I think Leonard is being groomed to become the new Jill!
Marellen, do you mean that as well as being a closet Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen, Leonard is also an unrevealled Mary clone? (Yes, I think I recall a fairly disasterous cooking session some time ago, but that was clearly a front to keep his secret identity concealed, along with his steadfast refusal up to now to betray even a glimmer of interest in home decor, let alone a real talent for it.)
Perhaps he should go into business - 'I'll decorate your home then bake you a full high tea to celebrate. Balistic flapjack optional.'
I didn’t like Jill being described as a jealous and ungrateful old biddy either and don’t see how she deserved that.but we are all entitled to our opinions.I was rather perplexed by Beth’s behaviour though,regarding the family photograph,as it had looked as if she and Ben’s relationship had successfully weathered the upset caused byChelsea’s baby news.I agree with Lady R that, Beth may end up going to New Zealand on her own as there will obviously be some ups and downs to come depending on Chelsea’s decision..
I wondered if Beth's reaction had been triggered by Toby's presence and his close connection to Rosie. She is maybe beginning to realise the reality of her situation, that if Chelsea keeps the child, and with them all living in the same village, then Ben is going to grow close to the child and she/he will be part of their lives. I think the s/ws have been quite clever here because through Pip's comments during Rosie's haircut, Chelsea was also thinking and wondering about Toby's relationship with Rosie. She started to ask Pip about it but was interrupted.
It sounded as though Ben was walking on eggshells and trying too hard to be considerate and helpful towards Beth. All very understandable, but a constant reminder to Beth that things aren't back to normal. A huge family gathering is quite a challenge if you're trying to present a calm, unruffled front when inside you're far from settled. Add a potential as yet unannounced extra great grandchild, and a Happy Families photograph could well be the tipping point.
I think when the pregnancy and Ben's involvement is generally known, Clan Archer will rally round and be very supportive and gentle with Beth (if she decides to stay). But as present she needs time and space to get her head round it all and work out with Ben how their relationship can weather this storm. Not to mention negotiating the existence of a real live baby should Chelsea decide to go ahead with the pregnancy.
I also do not like Jill being described as a interfering old biddy. I find it distateful.She is a 92year old mother, grandmother and great grandmother, and should be given some respect and leeway. I wouldn't like it if someone I knew of that generation, was referred to in a similar way. There are others in Ambridge who are far more interfering than Jill. That's all I am saying on this subject, which perhaps I shouldn't have, but I wanted ti give my views.
Of course you should give your views Miriam, no need to be shy about expressing them, especially when many of us agree with you. It’s funny but I feel far more positive about Jill as an old lady than I do Peggy who has been one of the most interfering old ladies I can remember. (Apart from her mother Mrs P, perhaps!)
‘Interfering’ is your word, not mine, Miriam; ‘old’ is indisputable in Jill’s case; and according to Chambers Dictionary, ‘biddy’ just means a woman. I think Jill scores 4 on an Interference Scale of 1-10, and I wouldn’t criticise her for it! Personally I don’t feel individuals are automatically entitled to my respect when they pass a certain age, though I like to think I’m considerate of their needs. I suspect some of the respect shown to older family members in the past was due to the fact they held the purse strings! I definitely don’t think a matriarch is more entitled to respect than other women!
As we often say, everyone here is entitled to express their views, whether people agree with them or not. I’d like to suggest you regard this blog like you do FB - no one there apologises for their views (or not that I’ve noticed!) 🙂🙂 .
Miriam, of course you should give your views. They are often contrary to the general run but give interesting threads to follow. However, the usual inevitable apology in the final additional unnecessry sentence is irritating.
Again JANICE - 8.57 - agree very much with Lady R.
And like you Janice I felt it was a very clever plot. The juxtaposition of the two scenarios with Beth thinking ahead to the future, along with Chelsea seeing the reality of co - parenting through the eyes of Pip and Rosie was clever. It took me back forty years when I was part of a similar set up also involving a family photograph.
As for the Archer clan gathering around Beth if ‘ the baby ‘ goes ahead, I hope that they would also gather around Chelsea too who will need support as much as Beth. But my thoughts jumped ahead, to how Beth might have the generosity to encompass ‘the baby’ into her relationship with Ben. That thought was informed by my own experience of my husbands second wife and the (all) encompassing of his daughters into her marriage as though they were her own. And like Ev experienced that marriage has lasted for many more decades than his first marriage to me.
Like most of us Jill has good points and bad points. Her initial hostility to Toby was due to Elizabeth’s experience with that family and also a deep seated jealousy of Phil’s first wife which actually should have been resolved years ago. As a second wife myself I can see the uncertainty that maybe you are second best too but like Jill my marriage lasted decades longer than the first one and those feelings were well and truly buried in the light of time outweighing everything. Yes, I think she does harbour jealousy and far longer than necessary. I don’t think she is all that ungrateful though and am sure she did thank To y for his concern and help when she had the accident. Over the years she has supported her family and has been there to offer advice which is the good side of her. Like us all though she is no saint!
I’ve never been a great fan of Jill Archer and I have always found her voice and delivery difficult. The squeaky voice has become higher in register as Paddy Green ages and irritates that little bit more as a consequence. Since Peggy kept going for so long I wonder if Paddy Green feels she has to outdo her. Sensible Shula and Brian have clearly made a joint decision to bow out while they still have some years ahead of them.
Sorry if I’ve got my wires crossed ARCHERPHILE - I thought that sometime earlier this year ( last year ? ) Charles Collingwood was reported on here to be ready to go. I wouldn’t be getting my information from anywhere else but here so my mistake if I’m wrong.
Interestingly (or maybe not), we don’t seem to have had a scene between Leonard andJill recently. All his spoken interactions have been with other characters., and hers too. Is the multi-talented Leonard being given a role at Brookfield in his own right right, so to speak, in preparation for a Jill-less existence?
Quite possibly. I love Leonard but they are making him ridiculously talented at absolutely any task, which is somewhat destroying my belief in him. Nobody can be an expert on every thing they turn their hand to, can they? Yesterday I heard Leonard, in the guise of Mr Long becoming a father, thrilled to be at the birth of his daughter (in King Street Junior on 4Extra)
I too heard Leonard as Mr Long, as I love that programme. About Jill and Leonard being together, could it be that Jill's input is recorded in her home and not in the studio?
Could well be the case Miriam. ith8nk that is how Peggy played her part towards the end of her tenure. Can’t really expect such elderly ladies to travel miles to Birmingham if they live far away.
I agree Archerphile so many of the older members are in their 80’s now I can hardly believe it “Jennifer” for another I wonder if she will return to the programme. Good to hear Ben & Beth trying hard to take the (very) rough alongside the previous smooth and Josh doing his best to help!
I was surprised that Clarrie agreed to play along with the silly scam. I would have thought she would have put her foot down and marched straight off to The Bull to tell Kenton that Eddie was winding him up.
Maryellen, Cheshire Cheese and OWIAS I am in complete agreement. Further padding to prolong Chelsea having to announce her decision. Do the SWs not realise that the foetus is growing stronger and more viable each day therefore making matters worse for everyone. as it is said "either sh*t or get off the pot"
Others may feel that Chelsea taking her time to make her decision is padding. I can assure you who think so that the anguish involved in such a decision is real and often drawn out. Sixty years ago I was in Chelsea’s boots. It took me almost two months to make the final decision to have an abortion and I went right up to the wire.
Personally I think the S W are making a pretty good fist of it.
I really enjoyed the events at The Bull. It was a light-hearted, fun interlude which was well needed with the ongoing S/Ls. The star was Tony in my view...as he set things up so well. I chuckled whilst listening, which hasn't been done for quite a while.
You were not alone Miriam - I enjoyed too and I laughed when I heard it and when the episode was run again today……. I laughed again. I did not think it was puerile !
The continuity announcer mentioned the name of the agricultural storyline advisor at the end of this evening's episode, I immediately thought there's someone who hasn't got a lot to do.
How old is Chelsea? Bloggers keep referring to her as “very young” and “barely more than a child “ and she certainly sounds about 14. But didn’t she just have her 18th birthday, making her legally an adult. If not, it’s not far off because she is older than Brad who was born in 2016. (Oddly enough, the BBC’s Characters page doesn’t say when Chelsea was born.)
One way or another, I don’t think her child (if it exists) will grow up in Ambridge. I always felt Kirsty’s miscarriage was because the TA team didn’t want to tie themselves down In the long term with an illegitimate Archers child, and this is a similar case.
Chelsea is definitely 18 now. Her 18th was close to Alistair's 60th, (Sept. 14th) hence the proposed party for him, with a celebration for Chelsea at the sane timr I think the idea of not having an illegitimate Archer is a strange one, as isn't this true as to Rosie, and then there are Henry and Jack.
Henry and Rosie are the children of female Archers who were not married to their fathers; Wren and Chelsea's baby (if it exists - shouldn't someone have noticed something by this stage?) are the children of male Archers who were not married to their mothers. All these children are technically illegitimate. Jack. however, was the legitimate son of the Helen's marriage to Rob, ie. they were not yet divorced when he was born.
I think the potential for storyline complications was/is greater in Tom and and Ben's case than in Helen and Pip's. My opinion only.
And another thing.....something Chelsea said struck me forcibly at the time and I wasn’t sure what, if anything, to make of it. During an early conversation with Tracy, when. she was contemplating life as a mother, she murmured ‘And it would love me”.
I thought of this again when she was talking to Pip about her own father’s casual attitude towards his family and said something like “It made you wonder if he loved you”. Is Chelsea feeling deprived of love, despite her mother’s constant assurances that she loves her? If so, how would that affect her behaviour? Does it explain anything?
I think Tracy loves her children but has been preoccupied with earning enough to keep them and has also had to care for her dad and brother. Shen maybe hasn’t had the opportunity over the years to show her love for them. She now has Jazzer who despite his previous peccadillos has proved a strong and reliable support. Her care for Chelsea in her present situation has been exemplary even though she did fly off the handle before C did a runner but there again who wouldn’t? With the absence of a father and a mother justifiably too busy, C probably has struggled to feel loved so as Maryellen points out she sees the baby as being someone she can truly bond with.
Yes, what struck me most about Chelsea’s comments on her child and father was the focus on their love for her rather than her love for them. Is it this hunger for love that has made her so promiscuous? She wouldn’t be the first to mistake sex for love.
(Sorry if that’s too strong a word but I’m too tired to think of a milder one or even a euphemism!)
Changing topic, how lovely to hear Emma again, another of my favourite characters. It partly compensates for Toby’s departure, hopefully only temporary.
Totally agree with your straight forward comment maryellen I’ve always thought the two are very different some have sex without even knowing their partners name and or have many casual encounters, making love with your very special loved one - a very different emotional experience.
My experience has been that this may be the real underlying reason why so many girls become pregnant. In many cases it also serves to re-engage with a mother whose attention can be guaranteed when a baby is involved. I find it difficult to believe that, as is often suggested, the foremost thought in the heat of the moment is likely to be 'oh good, if this works the council will have to give me a flat'!
In my experience of working in young people's clinics a lot of them aren't thinking about the risk of pregnancy. I used to ask girls if they wanted to get to get pregnant and it was mostly a resounding "no". They were usually willing to discuss contraception at that point.
I was speaking from the experience of growing up on a council estate in which I was the only daughter who made it beyond 16 without becoming pregnant (I had long-term plans which were not compatible with the same kind of leisure pursuits). Once the hapless deed was done, mother and daughter often seemed to bond happily over the new arrival. It always struck me as being the adult equivalent of playing with dolls; bonding over a stroppy little boy over the age of two never seemed to be quite as appealing.
“Is this hunger for love that has made her so promiscuous?” maryellen. 9.10. 22.
My understanding of the word implies that the individual has had many casual transient sexual. relationships. This sexual behaviour also demonstrates a lack of discrimination it’s a f…..k and the person one is doing it with is immaterial. That’s a big moral judgement when we have absolutely no knowledge of Chelsea’s sexual behaviour before the encounter with Ben. She knew exactly who he was and he knew her. According to Chelsea, her and Ben’s account verify the fact that it wasn’t love but a need for comfort, including an element of compassion on her part. It was an act of mutual consent. These sort of encounters seem to happen often in Ambridge, Emma, Will and Ed. Toby and Pip +. Others. Shaved eyebrows come to mind. Chris and Amy, Ruairi+, Lily and Russ+. Are they all promiscuous?
Is Kevin a new character we shall hear from again or just a blow-in to resolve the Lily portrait situation? Apart from that I can’t really remember much else that happened last night…..but then I might just have fallen asleep!
My guess is that Kevin is only a pop up - but at least he’s given us his expert opinion on. Russ’s artistic talent and is prepared to put his money where his mouth is. I think the bloggers who were so sneery about Russ’s ability (and saleability) without actually seeing his work of course, now owe him an apology!
OK ME. I apologise to Russ about his artistic ability. But of course we only have Kevin’s word for it. Some people think Damien Hurst is a fantastic artist, but I can’t see it, and I have been to his galley to view his work.
Oh bother! Bang goes my hope that Chelsea isn’t pregnant and this storyline will end quickly and painlessly, instead of which, we’ve got weeks of agonising to come. Still, at least 18 year old Chelsea found the maturity to handle the interview with the midwife on her own, without Tracy taking over.
Thanks Natasha, I'm sure Tracy will be delighted when she hears you've been passing on 'her' news.
Quite apart from having got the wrong end of the stick, Natasha should have realised that she had no right to retell something that Tracy clearly did not wish to talk about. (Wasn't a certain Mrs Archer rather annoyed when details of her own pregnancy were made public?)
Tracey is 47yrs now but I guess a pregnancy still possible? Jazzer will be having his leg pulled good job he knows the real facts. That’s the Friday cliffhanger sorted anyway….
I was also really hoping Chelsea was not going to be pregnant. I had high hopes when she said she’d never had morning sickness or any problems. But this being 17 weeks is really going to bring her decision to a head quickly, thank goodness. As for Natasha, considering she didn’t like people knowing she was pregnant I’m surprised she spoke about seeing Tracy at the maternity clinic. Loose lips!
I can understand Chelsea’s confusion regarding how far along she was, it always struck me as odd that the day after conception I was deemed to be two weeks pregnant, more than somewhat counter-intuitive! Both my pregnancies were very much planned & I was tracking my ovulation so was pretty certain when I conceived. I was not impressed by Natasha gossiping either.
It has only just occurred to me that if Chelsea is more pregnant than she thought, this means that Ben is not the father! So who is, and what will she do now. And how soon will she let Ben know he is off the hook?
Only if Chelsea didn’t have sex with anyone else in the gap between her last period and the night of the rave. Perhaps her certainty that Ben is the father is due to wishful thinking rather than lack of other candidates,. But on balance I think there were no other candidates in the gap, and the baby was conceived as she said.
Oh gosh, I’m confused now. It’s over 50; years since I was pregnant and I seem to have forgotten how these dates of last periods and date of conception work. I’ll just shut up until this pregnancy is resolved, one way or another. 🤔. 🫣. 🫢
I think I’ll follow your example! And changing the subject - are Chris and Alice divorced now? Last I remember, Chris said he had been given a date for the hearing, but didn’t say when. That was some months ago, so I suppose it must have happened. How long is it before a divorce comes through?
Pregnancy dates are counted from the first day of your last period. Presumably this is because it's a lot easier to know that date than the date you ovulated. As ovulation occurs roughly mid cycle, you start off 2 weeks pregnant, as KPNuts said. So the timing of Chelsea's pregnancy hasn't changed, nor has the father. It's just that dhe thought she was N weeks, counted from the date of conception, and has now discovered she is considered to be N+2 weeks. This has implications if she sadly decides not to go ahead with the pregnancy - terminations have to take place before 24 weeks. Hence Tracy's urgency and Chelsea's previous confidence that she still had time to make up her mind.
If I remember correctly, Natasha wanted to keep her pregnancy secret but Tom told Pat + Tony, and Natasha was furious, as a result. Now she is doing exactly what she didn't want - and to make it worse, she is making a very false assumption. There is an upside to this, in that once the gossip gets onto the Ambridge grape-vine, the truth will have to come out, but not in the way Chelsea and Tracey wanted. Perhaps this unlikely "accidental" meeting happened, to do just that.
I really enjoyed last nights TV programme about RHS Bridgewater. I found it fascinating and very interesting, and it seems that I have planted all my new spring bulbs ( about 100 of differing varieties, in tubs and garden) alll wrong. 100 new bulbs sounds a lot but 30 crocus bulbs, don't take up much space, neither does 10 tete-a-tete minature daffs, nor 20 minature iris. I have just filled in some garden gaps for Spring colour.
Why can’t Lee man up and tell Joy and Mick what they really think about the hot tub? The sound of bubble ‘fun’ was slightly nauseating and the thought of Mick in budgie smugglers was quite repulsive. 🤮
It's no good, I can't contain myself any longer. Can someone please explain who Mick is. I've obviously missed a block of very important episodes and I just can't go on not knowing!
Joy met him when she was helping Pat sell Natasha's apple juice at the festival. He briefly convinced her he was someone famous, drinks got spilt, he minded the stall while Joy was finding cleaning cloths (and met Toyah Willcox, as did Pat, who didn't recognise her). He later returned with his phone number. Joy went all bashful, Pat talked her into phoning him, they met up at The Bull with Pat as gooseberry in case Joy needed to escape. It turns out Mick can talk as much as Joy, a match made in heaven. Does that fill you in enough? It would be nice for Joy to find lasting happiness, although I'm not sure how Helen and Lee will cope with them both as permanent neighbours.
Oh for heaven's sake! Fortunately our church has neither pillars nor rafters, although we have had at least one visiting pigeon, and another that got stuck in the void above the window in the church hall before finding its way into the loft. All avian visitors were evicted with none of the pantomime shenanigans Alan got up to. I have to say that if OMiaS proposed to do anything so stupid I'd hide the ladder. ('Though not the one he once used to try to get onto the flat garage roof - that broke when he was halfway up. Always check your ladders before use, folks.)
So, is the Jack Wooley Window insured against Act of Vicar? Or perhaps Peggy will be so offended by this obvious act of sabotage that she'll get her window installed at the village hall instead.
Better warn the wedding party to wrap up warm for the service on Saturday. (And review their plans to have the bride's pet Polly as ring bearer.)
MiriamSeptember 25, 2022 at 5:11 PM
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the omnibus this morning. I felt Patricia Greene getting so emotional with Judy Bennet in the Bull, was so very real and genuine. They have, after all, played mother and daughter for decades.
It was also well done by the script writers, to have Charles and Judy sharing a scene, along with the line "I hope you keep in touch". It was pure genius.
MiriamSeptember 25, 2022 at 5:14 PM
I hope that there are no more retirements, for a while.
maryellenSeptember 25, 2022 at 7:06 PM
ReplyDeleteI think it’s high time ‘Jill’ retired. She’s got her 92nd birthday coming up so that would be a good opportunity to quit on a high.
I still don’t understand why people think Brian was being ironical when he told Shula to keep in touch. He sounded sincere to me. It was an obvious thing for someone to have said and it got allocated to him is how I saw it. It’s what Jennifer would have said if she hadn’t been out of earshot!
Burnham BeechesSeptember 25, 2022 at 7:38 PM
My take on the 'irony' was that the Beeb was trying to be humorous and casting a knowing wink at the fact that Shula and Brian are married to each other in real life as Judy and Charles. I could be wrong though. Does the BBC have a sense of humour! 🤔
AmbridgesMrsPSeptember 25, 2022 at 7:39 PM
I rather read the ‘irony’ remark as being the fact that the two actors are married to each other.
I would have called it ‘ an in joke ‘ !
maryellenSeptember 25, 2022 at 8:01 PM
Hmm! I think the irony is in the ear of the listener then. Fair enough!
Lady RSeptember 25, 2022 at 11:09 PM
In Judy’s interview on TA website she said it was very rare that she and Charles were in the recording studio together and that often as she was at the station to start her journey back to Hampshire Charles’ would be arriving to record his sessions. So it was planned that to mark her leaving get together in The Bull they would be (albeit briefly) in a scene together.
Patricia Greene and Judy speak regularly on the phone as friends and always will Judy said 🤗
maryellenSeptember 26, 2022 at 1:53 AM
It sounds to me as if the BBC was being sentimental rather than ironic, and the characters were just being themselves. But as we often say, every listener interprets TA in their own way.....
maryellenSeptember 25, 2022 at 7:16 PM
ReplyDeleteAlas, my forlorn hope that it was another Ambridge Ben we heard has foundered,
and we’re not going to be spared all the ensuing angst. But why did Chelsea tell her mother she didn’t even like the baby’s father? Ben is a bit of a drip but not that objectionable, surely!
EvSeptember 25, 2022 at 8:53 PM
There must be something in the water in Ambridge as so many of these one off liaisons result in a baby! I’m thinking too of Kirsty and Tom and the famous rape of Helen which resulted in Jack. Poor old Ben and Chelsea. He can hardly marry her or partner heras there is no love lost either way but if she keeps the baby presumably he will have a few years of child support. What a mess! I hope Josh at least manages to have children in a loving and lasting relationship!
maryellenSeptember 25, 2022 at 9:00 PM
I’m still clinging to Forlorn Hope No.1, that she isn’t actually pregnant......
OldWomanInAShoeSeptember 25, 2022 at 9:52 PM
ReplyDeleteI've written two posts in the last two days. They've both posted OK and then disappeared : (
JaniceSeptember 25, 2022 at 10:31 PM
I wonder if Beth will turn to Josh for a shoulder to cry on which will create even more of a tangle.
Lady RSeptember 25, 2022 at 11:12 PM
Then the Grundy brother scenario all over again but hopefully Beth won’t get pregnant….
PortiaSeptember 26, 2022 at 9:53 AM
I wondered if part of the reason that Josh was so dead against Beth moving in with him and Ben initially was that he fancied her himself,or is that a complication too many.?
ArcherphileSeptember 26, 2022 at 10:30 AM
I thought the same Portia. Which could make the current
ArcherphileSeptember 26, 2022 at 10:30 AM
ReplyDeleteI thought the same Portia. Which could make the current situation even more complicated.
I don’t fancy Ben’s chances if/when Vince finds out!
I admit that I got a bit fed up with Chelsea, and the constant "who's the father" over a few weeks.
ReplyDeleteNow all is revealed, I am really enjoying all that is happening.
There are so many ways that this situation can go forwards, some good some not so good.
It will be interesting to see what direction things will take and by whom.
Is this going to ruin Jill's 92nd birthday? Will Ben tell Beth before or after he tries to give her Jill's pendant ? Will Chelsea discover she's not pregnant before or after Ben tells Beth? Etc. etc etc.
ReplyDeleteI think she is pregnant but will miscarry but not before all is revealed to Beth bringing Ben’s world crashing down. At least he will have learnt something from this. I always remember in the film “Alfie” how he was devil may care until faced with the result of his amorous adventures. Ben isn’t that bad but he did place himself in the bad position of too much alcohol as consolation after breaking up with Beth last time. Now, I think the break up will be more permanent
DeleteI’ve been a bit surprised, but pleased, that Josh seems to be looking after his younger brother so well. Instead of being sarcastic and taunting him as he did in the past, he is being supportive and caring. A change for the better.
ReplyDeleteThat’s because Josh is the stronger character of the two brothers. I don’t think that in similar circumstances he would have taken to.his bed in tears. At the very least, he would have asked Chelsea if she was sure and had she seen a doctor to confirm it.
DeleteThe trouble is that Ben and Beth aren’t the fairytale couple that some bloggers are portraying. Ben is quite inept in non-practical matters and Beth, for all her outward confidence and competence, is liable to crumple emotionally inside. We’ve heard this happen. She sounded very like her sister at the time. I think they’re fine as a couple as long as nothing more happens to test the relationship, but now, of course .....?
The doctor would probably advise her to buy a pregnancy test from the chemist.
DeleteThe first appoinments I had with my pregnancies was the 'booking in' appointment. Basically to meet the midwife, get my notes, and talk about where the baby would be born, if I remember rightly. The pregnancy tests I'd done at home were adequate confirmation.
But, OW, you are not Chelsea - who, from what she said about it, didn’t carry out the test with due care and attention. Other symptoms can be put down to the body’s reaction to stress, or psychosomatic - if not in real life, certainly in Soapland....
DeleteDoesn't take that much attention to wee on a stick : )
DeleteNo, and it didn’t take much attention to throw it in a bin before properly studying the result! 🙂
DeleteThen get another test! My point is, there is no need for a doctor to confirm it.
Delete(I did read it's possible to get digital tests which flash up 'pregnant' or 'not pregnant' rather than the coloured lines. They cost way more than the basic sticks. Open one up and what do you find? I standard stick, a light, a little camera to picture the stick, and a microprocessor to convert this highly complicated information into one or two words! Mind you, we've all had so much practice reading plastic strips with lines on in the last couple of years, I doubt there's much need for this extra assistance!)
And my point is that level-headed Josh, faced with a paternity allegation, would (unlike his brother) have started by establishing the known facts. Whether he is the likely father depends entirely on Chelsea’s word, of course, but whether she is pregnant or not doesn’t have to depend on her word alone. Time will tell, of course, but Josh isn’t one to hang around waiting for a definite answer.
DeleteI should have said “short of a DNA sample, depends on Chelsea’s word alone”. I am talking hypothetically here, Ben hasn’t shown any inclination to query Chelsea’s word - as yet. Beth might want to, though nothing’s going to alter the fact that plastered Ben let Chelsea make love to him. (Like he let Steph kiss him.)
DeleteBen is still in shock, as much as Chelsea has been. It has taken her weeks to accept and come to terms with it all.
DeleteBen is still understandably struggling and he is doing quite well, with the help of Josh.
The fault of the pregnancy is Chelsea. She returned home early and sober, from the rave. Ben was drunk - so she knew what she was doing wheras Ben probably didn't, in the same way.
To clarify, Chelsea knew the risk but Ben wasn't "compos mentis" enough to think about it! Didn't she say she kissed him first as a thank you for something?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOh dear something has gone wrong. My post was duplicated and when I deleted one, both did.
ReplyDeleteFor what it's worth, I will repeat it, but in a different way.
Chelsea is no longer pregnant. She once was, hence the +ve test. The embryo was not viable for some reason so is no more, but has not yet come away.
An idea is that it was ectopic which, depending on when she took the morning after pill, it didn't work.
What evidence do you base that assunption on? If it was ectopic she would have been in considerabble pain well before now and needed an emergency ooperation!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI know my medical knowledge is out of date, but if the embryo was ectopic and failed, then it would not grow obviously. Therefore no pain, nor emergency op. It was an alternate thought.
Delete...and why the morning after pill didn't work, as it doesn't in an ectopic pregnancy. As she is now at least 12weeks pregnant she is due her 1st scan, which will reveal all.
DeleteI will not post on this topic again.
DeleteDidn’t Shula have an ectopic pregnancy? - anyone??
DeletePierre is right + an ectopic pregnancy can be life-threatening for the mother due to heavy bleeding. Hopefully, the TA team haven’t they of that, or we could be in for another dire Friday night cliffhanger!
DeletePS. This is one of the reasons why Tracy needs to focus on getting Chelsea to a doctor for a first scan (which, as Miriam said, is available at 10-12 weeks on the NHS, ie. now) to confirm the pregnancy is ‘normal’.
DeleteWhy has total inconsiderate idiocy become endemic in Ambridge? Only for dramatic licence (which should be revoked),
ReplyDelete. We could have been spared this angst fest ages ago if only Chelsea had made use of the single family synapse.
My head hurts.🤮
Who, why, or what is the 'single family synapse'?
DeleteI think the moral of this little episode is, 'never trust a script-writer at a rave'.
Synapses are the connections in the brain . I am suggesting that that part of the Horrobin family is not over blessd with intelligence!
DeleteDo you know what? I am sick and tired of the whole thing and not interested any more! My head aches too, Pierre!
ReplyDeleteThank goodness Alan has poured cold water on Peggy’s stained glass window idea. As he said, such windows are not usually installed to celebrate the birth of babies to a particular family, thereby glorifying them but to mark remembrance of war heroes or depicting events in the bible (or so I should imagine). I really hope this window, which feels to me like a typical Peggy vanity project is not allowed to go ahead.
ReplyDeleteConcur 100%
DeleteCouldn't agree more
DeleteAlso Kenton’s 16yr old boys diary “excitement “ really!! Unless Janet Atkinson also had a baby conceived at the time of “ The Wizard” gig and all is about to be revealed 😱 please not!
ReplyDeleteQuite right Lady R.. This is another example of the puerile pap we have been being fed as worthless infil. I have heard the excuse that this is some attempt to encourage younger listeners - but Kindergarten? I suppose it could be as the pregnancy story seems to have been researched by someone of that mental age. I am amazed that anyone thinks Chelsea's behaviour is realistic for one of today's teenagers!
DeleteOh dear, Pierre, how many of today's teenagers do you know?
DeleteI have grandchildren recently out of their teenage years and they had friends i have younger friends who have teenage children and I belong to an associatiion in which teenagers over 16 years attend alone. I have been pleasantly surprised at most of their knowledge and responsibility. The girls mostly appear to have a mental age about 2 years ahed of boys of the same physical age.
DeleteI've obviously been mixing with the wrong kind of teenagers!
DeleteI'm really losing interest in these storylines. We have dairy farmers who can't make a profit, pig farmers going out of business because abatoirs can't get the staff and processors aren't fulfilling their commitments on the number of pigs they take. I would have thought that they should be included in TA.
ReplyDeleteQuite right CC. I know the strapline, "an everyday story of countryfolk" was taken away but did it have to be so completely removed as to destroy the origins of the programme.
DeleteOh CC, I couldn’t agree more! As you all know, we are retired pig and chicken farmers and I thank heavens, daily, that we are now retired and not having to face the multitude of problems assailing farmers - of all categories..
DeleteHow is Josh keeping his chickens going? What is happening with Rex’s pigs, never mind the problems at Berrow. What about the harvest problems there have been this year caused by the drought, grains not ripening, potato’s small and scabby, fields of vegetables devastated ?
These things may not be of interest to every listener but they are an essential concern in the countryside and would be especially apt to be featured in TA
I hope that the ridiculous stained glass saga, does not become an ongoing issue. The only positive is that Peggy gets a mention.
ReplyDeleteWhat has happened to the Flower + Produce Show? It is far too late now, for it to be of interest, as who has any decent flowers or veg. to show.
Good point Miriam
DeleteMiriam, I don’t know if you saw my comment about Peggy’s window on FB today (Ambridge Addicts) but I said the same as I have above. So far 165 members of the site have agreed with me - the most ‘likes’ I have ever had for a comment! So it seems to be a common opinion. I was expecting a few complaints about daring to criticise the Sainted Peggy but so far everyone thinks she is wrong and just trying to aggrandise her own family..
DeletePity the TA team! They’re trying to keep Peggy alive without her actual voice. Hoist with their own petards, in fact. They should have written the character out.I thought Lilian’s attitude to Alan was rather brittle, and was when she was talking to him before. So maybe she is one of your multitudinous secret likes, Archerphile! 🙂
DeleteWell wasn't Jolene amusing, about on a par with a severe dose of covid,, I presume thar the so called editor must have thought it was comedy. A joke is a joke but this evening we got the full pantomime. Furthermore we were signalled for rotten wee George to be hilarios too. We are stuck with padding but this twaddle is going too far and too often. How dròle!
ReplyDeletePersonally I was just relieved not to hear anything about the baby story!
DeleteBut I was more angry about D & R allowing elderly Leonard to design and take on all the work of converting their bedrooms for B&B. I know he volunteered but they could have declined his kind offer of help.
Really, those two! I expect they’ll be getting him to cook breakfasts for the guests too and he and Jill will end up doing all the work. I can’t believe nobody in the family has mentioned how much extra work will be involved in running this new enterprise.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Leonard ended up in one of Brookfield’s refurbished rooms. It strikes me that his role at Brookfield is very, very similar.to Russ’s at Lower Loxley - as far as the household is concerned, that is, he isn’t making the same contribution to the business as Russ did. (Will Lily run the gallery now, in addition to her course work, or postpone uni for a second time?). Will Leonard also be accused by listeners of sponging, aiming for a takeover, being after Jill’s money etc? Logic says yes, but his Northern accent may protect him! 🙂
ReplyDeletePS. The header for last night’s episode dropped a hint about “a cuckoo in the nest” at Brookfield. Sounds like Leonard, or if not, who?
DeletePPS. The header has a question mark after the Brookfield comment so it looks if the editor wants us to get our teeth into this.
DeleteI reckon Leonard is the secret grandfather of Laurence Llewelyn Bowen! 😄
DeleteNot the secret Horrobin then?
ReplyDeleteI agree with others, in that who will be doing the work for the Brookfield Luxury Guest Accomodation? Ruth and David's idea is to provide hotel class facilities, but can such a very high class standard actually be achieved to reflect this idea...I doubt it...but strange things do happen in Ambridge.
ReplyDeleteArcherphile - I don't know anything about the Archers Addicts FB page, which I beleive is a private group. As such I have never visited it.
Well Done though, on posting a very highly rated comment. It must feel gratifying.
Yes Miriam, it is a ‘members only’ site, I had forgotten that. They do have some very interesting posts though should you want to join and it is friendly. I was even more gratified to see the approval rate has risen to over 200 today, of people hoping the window idea does not go ahead!
DeleteRuth and David are upgrading two bedrooms but what about bathroom and breakfast facilities?
ReplyDeleteExactly. Who will want shared bathrooms and just a fry up for breakfast.
DeleteWhen Lilian and Justin stayed with Lynda, Lilian raved about the croissants served...
...but Brookfield will have Jill's home made marmalade, jams and honey, along with fresh eggs from Josh, and locally produced bacon, and even perhaos, home made bread.
DeleteThings might not be bad, after all.
Great ingredients but doesn,t Ruth have a reputaxtuion as an awful cook?
DeleteShe does indeed Pierre. It might be better for the guests, and easier for Ruth, to just offer a Continental breakfast. She could provide hard boiled eggs with it to provide a farmhouse slant, and maybe with room service to avoid having to have a separate breakfast room. That would require the bedrooms to be big enough to have a table and chairs and a place for coffee/tea making.
DeleteThen there are things like fire safety regulations.
DeleteThe whole enterprise seems to be getting more and more ridiculous!
DeleteI don’t think we should automatically assume that Ruth and David don’t know what they are doing. They are no strangers to the hospitality trade and will know what’s expected by officialdom and visitors nowadays if they are to compete with other B+Bs in the locality. They can hire someone to do breakfasts (or maybe the all-encompassing Leonard?), no reason why what’s on offer shouldn’t match other B+Bs.
DeleteIn many of the B+Bs I’ve used over the years, it’s been the husband cooking and his wife waiting, but not when they were farmers.....
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeletePS. Clarrie and Eddie ran an uncontroversial B+B at Grange Farm, surely Ruth and David can do the same at their farm!
DeleteI'm just not sure how early morning milking a substantial herd of cows can be fitted around providing breakfast for visitors. It might work with a cold continental breakfast that could be prepared the night before. Here farmers' wives years ago did often have visitors in summer but they weren't working full time out on the farm, just helping as and when necessary, and doing a lot of cooking indoors to keep the men well fed for the physical labour, but Ruth (and David) is working full time on the farm. Without Toby Pip isn't going to be able to milk by herself every morning, she'll be busy getting Rosie off to school. Employing someone would eat into the profits and I'm not sure who would be available to do it. If they lean on Leonard's good nature to do it (I noticed he had cooked dinner for them the other day) then I sincerely hope they pay him.
DeleteOh Janice! Must you spoil things by using facts and logic? 🤣🤯
DeleteRe. the lack of everyday farming content in the programme nowadays, which like others I regret, I am wondering if the present scriptwriters are people who have no real knowledge of country or farming life. Perhaps that in itself is a reflection of life as it is nowadays with a disconnect between the old ways and being a country that imports so much of its foodstuffs. "Nor can foot feel being shod..." type thing (Wordsworth)
DeleteSpot on. In my opinion the origins of the programme are being steadily eroded. The "country" feel is no longer seen as of any importance.
DeleteTo be fair, I think there’s less of a ‘country feel’ to living in the country now than there has ever been. Technological and social developments have gradually eroded the differences between town and country dwellers daily lives. I grew up surrounded by farms but only a very small percentage of the locals were actively involved in farming or talked about agricultural matters. TA’s remit is (or has been) skewed in that respect.
DeleteThat’s fine by me - I don’t believe in the ‘rural idyll’ but I’m interested in the practicalities specific to rural life and employment. Most of the ‘relationship’ stories that dominate TA, Chelsea’s unplanned pregnancy being the latest, could happen anywhere. Yet it’s these, rather than farming concerns or village events that seem to get most reaction on FB etc.
But at least we no longer get ‘country’ characters as excruciating as Walter Gabriel (introduced as an example of a bad farmer, I read). No country man I knew would have been heard dead doing his ‘me ole pal’ thing!
I agree that village life is no longer as farm centric as it used to be. My own village has become mostly populated by commuters to the local town.
DeleteHowever there are still 3 large farms surrounding the village and talk in the village shop often centres around the various problems the farmers are facing, as well as the latest gossip from the village school or the WI. Or moans about why the bus service has been cut yet again!
The shop sells produce from the farms such as bacon, eggs, and spelt flour grown and milled at one of the farms. The farms still feature in village life and as such I think The Archers needs to up the farming content a bit, as well as featuring the modern day social problems.
Oh, Janice, a line from one of my favourite poems by my very favourite poet, but I'm afraid it's not Wordsworth.
ReplyDelete' Generations have trod, have trod, have trod;
And all is seared with trade; bleared, smeared with toil;
And wears man's smudge and shares man's smell: the soil
Is bare now, not can foot feel, being shod.'
God's Grandeur, Gerard Manley Hopkins
You are indeed right Sarnia. I remembered that wrong! The Windhover is nice too.
DeleteWe studied him for A level with an inspiring young English teacher and the experience has remained with me all my life.
Delete...and Piers Ploughman, Felix Randall the farrier, Hurrahing in Harvest, As Kingfishers Catch Fire - perhaps he should be compulsory reading for townie TA scriptwriters!
DeleteI've just been reading a letter in the RHS Garden magazine saying that local flower and produce shows are in decline because of the lack of people to organise them. Looks like the scriptwriters are unwittingly up to date in Ambridge.
ReplyDeleteDo health and safety rules etc. apply to a Flower and Produce Show, so have a contribution to this?
DeleteLooks like there's going to be a flower and produce show after all.
Delete"Jill" sounded really quite frail tonight.
ReplyDeleteCould she be the next character to leave Ambridge?
I do hope you are right about Ben & Beth Jill - the next Phil & Jill of Ambridge showing that you can have a relationship that stays the course through thick and thin and of course if Chelsea keeps the baby that will bring challenges over the years.
ReplyDeleteHow strange Miriam I thought Jill sounded clearer and her voice slightly stronger tonight, but I agree her conversation (regarding a possible departure from TA) sounded ominous and it maybe she too will be written out. It just doesn’t seem possible although it should because so many of the actors have reached their later years.A daft thought to have really after all I’m not in my mid 20’s anymore so why would their ages have stood still 😅
I have to repeat though that no way does Judy Bennett sound as if she is approaching 80yrs but then she has played younger parts because of that over the years. I’m sure most us don’t either yet many people have an old voice much earlier as radio phone in’s can confirm many a time I have been shocked at someone revealing they are in their 50’s, then again someone very bright and breezy will suddenly announce they are 93yr and I would have sworn they were in the 50 - 60yr age group 🤗 so…….
That was a lovely phone call to end on, with Shula sounding well, happy, positive and going forward.. I’m sure she’ll be okay in Sunderland, a success story in fact, but sadly one we won’t get to hear, or only indirectly. Well done, Shula!
ReplyDeleteWell done Beth and Chelsea for discussing Ben and the baby situation in a civilised way unlike if Tracy barged in all guns blazing.There may of course be some of that to come, depending on the route Chelsea finally decides to go down,but I am pleased that Beth and Ben’s relationship seems to be as strong as ever.
ReplyDeleteI despair of Eddie! And I agree with Maryellen that he is definitely not a lovable old rogue as his father tried (unsuccessfully) to be, or even as Walter Gabriel was back in the old days.
ReplyDeleteHis encouragement of George to play that nasty trick on Kenton was unforgivable. He is lining George to take over from him in more ways than one. That boy is sneaky, deliberately listening in to conversations so that he can hear something he might be able to use to blackmail or trick people.
Pity Emma and Ed don’t take a much firmer hand.
Too true, Archerphile! ‘As the twig is bent, so the tree will grow’ - but how come Eddie’s ‘bending’ (he took George poaching without his parents, knowledge) been more effective than Emma and Ed’s? Personally I think lovable rogue is a contradiction in terms, but George seems to have an extra dimension of nastiness that Eddie, Jo and Alf don’t or didn’t have.
DeleteRe Ben and Beth - I think there’s little chance of them becoming the new Phil and Jill (if that means inheriting Brookfield) since Ben is not only the youngest and least involved of the siblings, but has turned his back on farming as a career. My concern is that they may become the new Jack and Peggy........
That’s Jack Archer (not Jack Woolley!)
DeleteI didn’t mean the new Phil And Jill of Brookfield just Phil & Jill as an example of a stable relationship working through the bad times without feeling the need to continually split up, takes time though as Jill said 🤞🏼
DeleteSorry, LR, I wasn't sure if you were thinking of Brookfield specifically or not. My preferred inheritors for David's share of Brookfield (I think Phil divided it equally between his 4 children, but could be wrong) are Pip and Toby (remember how good he was in the lambing shed?) with Rosie and possible sibs........
DeleteIf I remember rightly Elizabeth, Shula and Kenton only have a share if the farm is sold.
DeleteThanks, Janice - that makes more sense!
DeleteI absolutely agre with AP and Maryellen that Eddie is no "loveable" rogue even though the SWs have oft timed tried to show him as such.
ReplyDeleteOn the other there is no redemption for George. APs description is absolutely accurate. Surely he will try one schene too many soon and get a well deserved comeuppance.
I find Pip as she is portrayed now really annoying. Pip pressurising Chelsea to give up her Sunday afternoon, after working at Lower Locksley, to cut Rosie's hair because she hadn't bothered to get it done before is just not on. Toby deserves better than Pip but it is sad for Rosie he is leaving.
ReplyDeleteNot only that but she passed the buck to Chelsea to get Rosie out of the car! There again she has always had sloping shoulders where Rosie is concerned and one prop, Toby, has now gone away,!
DeleteLove that expression Ev - sloping shoulders! I could apply that to one or two people I know personally too!
DeleteAlthough it does have to be said that getting ssomeone else to ask a child to do something can help. I often had to enlist the help of a friend when my Small People wouldn't put their coats on. I now pass on the favour at toddler group : )
DeleteBut yes, Pip was far too pushy in rail roading Chelsea to do a haircut. Next time, try getting a salon to open up especially for your convenience instead ...
Could be said to shown Pip’s sense of entitlement. She wanted to keep her baby but everyone else is expected to help. I wonder how she would advise Chelsea, if she knew Chelsea was pregnant?
DeleteDon’t young parents today automatically expect grandparents etc to help out - especially if they are working long, antisocial hours like Pip?
Delete"Sloping shoulders" was often used in the Royal Navy in my time ! In fact, I remember one officer who was so thought of that he had earned the nickname of "Vat 69" in reference to the distinctive shape of the bottle.
DeleteGood old Naval expressions, Pierre! If Chelsea has the experience implied in her previous use of condoms, she would have been labelled on a Naval establishment as the Camp Bicycle! 😉🚲
DeleteYou are qute correct Ev. However, I know that both the Army and Royal Air Force make common usage of that one. In my experience the service girls were a 99.9% decent set.
DeleteBesides which, no camp bike without willing cyclists.
Eddie Grundy called Caroline Bone the village bicycle. (Good point, Pierre!)
DeleteOh thank you Maryellen - I was trying to remember who it was who gave someone in Ambridge that moniker, but couldn’t recall the names so didn’t post. I hoped someone else would remember and you did.
DeleteAgree 100%, Pierre!
DeleteSurely you mean the Ambridge team alongside you and Toby have done a good job of bringing Rosie up Pip! Also Pip Toby will be back Saturday so hardly worth a big tearful goodbye 🤣 Enter Rex?
ReplyDeleteWell Beth you will have to come clean now so best for all if Chelsea is keeping the baby to get the news out there then you will feel more able to decide if you can stay with Ben or not. My guess is you will go to NZ on your own where you will make your final decision.
What a jealous and ungrateful old biddy Jill Archer still is! Adamant that Leonard should be in the photo “because you’re family” but also clear she didn’t want Toby in it - although he has been around Brookfield longer and is related to the family through his daughter Rosie. Fortunately Toby took the slight with the same good humour in which he takes Rex’s needling. But what will Jill’s grand daughter feel when she looks at the family photo and discovers her adored father is missing? Jill didn’t consider that.
ReplyDeleteTA team - retire Jill Archer ASAP.. I don’t care how: just do it!
Should be “Jill’s great grand daughter”!🙂
DeleteThe only reason I should like Jill to retire is because I don’t think Paddy Greene is up to the rôle any longer and is struggling to get the words out. I refute ME’s assertion that she is a ‘jealous and ungrateful old biddy’. A very unfair description I think, but I haven’t the time or energy to go into reasons. And Toby and she did end as friends and appeared to mend their previous differences.
DeleteWell acted Toby! I am pleased for Maryellen that he will still be in the story.
DeleteEarly on i was dead against him because he was one of the "willing cyclist " type when he was boasting and cadging cash for the condom machine. However, the boy has done splendidly with bringing up Rosie so good for him.
I too would like Jill Archer to go. Enough overacting is enough. Only problem is would real actor Leonard have to go too?
Archerphile - it’s difficult to interpret shades of meaning when the actor loses voice control (oh for facial expression and body language!).and I was hopeful when Jill apparently reconciled with Toby: then, when she hurried him off during the who-should-be-in-the-photo preliminaries, I felt it hadn’t been trill from her heart, but was just a farewell tidy up of their reflatioship.
DeleteJill’s jealous steak is well documented: not just Grace and Jill’s ongoing Fairbrother vendetta, but the more recent episode involving Leonard and Iris Casey.
I said ungrateful because she never really expressed her thanks to Toby for the practical care he showed when she had her accident with the bookcase. She was more annoyed that the hospital staff thought he was her grandson because of his attentiveness she had been very rude to him prior to the accident - a proper old biddy! That’s all.
Pierre - I think Leonard is being groomed to become the new Jill!
Marellen, do you mean that as well as being a closet Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen, Leonard is also an unrevealled Mary clone? (Yes, I think I recall a fairly disasterous cooking session some time ago, but that was clearly a front to keep his secret identity concealed, along with his steadfast refusal up to now to betray even a glimmer of interest in home decor, let alone a real talent for it.)
DeletePerhaps he should go into business - 'I'll decorate your home then bake you a full high tea to celebrate. Balistic flapjack optional.'
Thanks ME and OWIAS you have given me a splendid giggle re Leonard's future!🤣🤣🤣
DeleteI didn’t like Jill being described as a jealous and ungrateful old biddy either and don’t see how she deserved that.but we are all entitled to our opinions.I was rather perplexed by Beth’s behaviour though,regarding the family photograph,as it had looked as if she and Ben’s relationship had successfully weathered the upset caused byChelsea’s baby news.I agree with Lady R that, Beth may end up going to New Zealand on her own as there will obviously be some ups and downs to come depending on Chelsea’s decision..
ReplyDeletePortia - please see my justification for calling Jill jealous and ungrateful above. Maybe other listeners don’t think these flaws are serious.
DeleteI wondered if Beth's reaction had been triggered by Toby's presence and his close connection to Rosie. She is maybe beginning to realise the reality of her situation, that if Chelsea keeps the child, and with them all living in the same village, then Ben is going to grow close to the child and she/he will be part of their lives. I think the s/ws have been quite clever here because through Pip's comments during Rosie's haircut, Chelsea was also thinking and wondering about Toby's relationship with Rosie. She started to ask Pip about it but was interrupted.
DeleteIt sounded as though Ben was walking on eggshells and trying too hard to be considerate and helpful towards Beth. All very understandable, but a constant reminder to Beth that things aren't back to normal. A huge family gathering is quite a challenge if you're trying to present a calm, unruffled front when inside you're far from settled. Add a potential as yet unannounced extra great grandchild, and a Happy Families photograph could well be the tipping point.
DeleteI think when the pregnancy and Ben's involvement is generally known, Clan Archer will rally round and be very supportive and gentle with Beth (if she decides to stay). But as present she needs time and space to get her head round it all and work out with Ben how their relationship can weather this storm. Not to mention negotiating the existence of a real live baby should Chelsea decide to go ahead with the pregnancy.
I also do not like Jill being described as a interfering old biddy. I find it distateful.She is a 92year old mother, grandmother and great grandmother, and should be given some respect and leeway. I wouldn't like it if someone I knew of that generation, was referred to in a similar way.
ReplyDeleteThere are others in Ambridge who are far more interfering than Jill.
That's all I am saying on this subject, which perhaps I shouldn't have, but I wanted ti give my views.
Of course you should give your views Miriam, no need to be shy about expressing them, especially when many of us agree with you.
DeleteIt’s funny but I feel far more positive about Jill as an old lady than I do Peggy who has been one of the most interfering old ladies I can remember. (Apart from her mother Mrs P, perhaps!)
Of course you should Miriam that is what we are all doing and why the blog is here so keep on “saying” 😃 along with the rest of us.
Delete‘Interfering’ is your word, not mine, Miriam; ‘old’ is indisputable in Jill’s case; and according to Chambers Dictionary, ‘biddy’ just means a woman. I think Jill scores 4 on an Interference Scale of 1-10, and I wouldn’t criticise her for it! Personally I don’t feel individuals are automatically entitled to my respect when they pass a certain age, though I like to think I’m considerate of their needs. I suspect some of the respect shown to older family members in the past was due to the fact they held the purse strings! I definitely don’t think a matriarch is more entitled to respect than other women!
DeleteAs we often say, everyone here is entitled to express their views, whether people agree with them or not. I’d like to suggest you regard this blog like you do FB - no one there apologises for their views (or not that I’ve noticed!) 🙂🙂
Miriam, of course you should give your views. They are often contrary to the general run but give interesting threads to follow. However, the usual inevitable apology in the final additional unnecessry sentence is irritating.
DeleteJanice 8.57am - a well thought out post and totally agree!
DeleteAgain JANICE - 8.57 - agree very much with Lady R.
DeleteAnd like you Janice I felt it was a very clever plot.
The juxtaposition of the two scenarios with Beth thinking ahead to the future, along with Chelsea seeing the reality of co - parenting through the eyes of Pip and Rosie was clever.
It took me back forty years when I was part of a similar set up also involving a family photograph.
As for the Archer clan gathering around Beth if ‘ the baby ‘ goes ahead, I hope that they would also gather around Chelsea too who will need support as much as Beth.
But my thoughts jumped ahead, to how Beth might have the generosity to encompass ‘the baby’ into her relationship with Ben.
That thought was informed by my own experience of my husbands second wife and the (all) encompassing of his daughters into her marriage as though they were her own. And like Ev experienced that marriage has lasted for many more decades than his first marriage to me.
Tough for a mother to have to accept her children being taken over. That must take a huge generosity of spirit too!
DeleteLike most of us Jill has good points and bad points. Her initial hostility to Toby was due to Elizabeth’s experience with that family and also a deep seated jealousy of Phil’s first wife which actually should have been resolved years ago. As a second wife myself I can see the uncertainty that maybe you are second best too but like Jill my marriage lasted decades longer than the first one and those feelings were well and truly buried in the light of time outweighing everything. Yes, I think she does harbour jealousy and far longer than necessary. I don’t think she is all that ungrateful though and am sure she did thank To y for his concern and help when she had the accident. Over the years she has supported her family and has been there to offer advice which is the good side of her. Like us all though she is no saint!
ReplyDeleteI’ve never been a great fan of Jill Archer and I have always found her voice and delivery difficult. The squeaky voice has become higher in register as Paddy Green ages and irritates that little bit more as a consequence.
ReplyDeleteSince Peggy kept going for so long I wonder if Paddy Green feels she has to outdo her.
Sensible Shula and Brian have clearly made a joint decision to bow out while they still have some years ahead of them.
Has Brian decided to bow out Mrs P? I know ‘Shula’ has but I thought Charles Collingwood was all for continuing for as long as he could.
DeleteSorry if I’ve got my wires crossed ARCHERPHILE - I thought that sometime earlier this year ( last year ? ) Charles Collingwood was reported on here to be ready to go.
DeleteI wouldn’t be getting my information from anywhere else but here so my mistake if I’m wrong.
Interview on the R4 website, Mrs P.
ReplyDeletePerhaps the first stage of the comeuppance he so well deserves.!
ReplyDeleteInterestingly (or maybe not), we don’t seem to have had a scene between Leonard andJill recently. All his spoken interactions have been with other characters., and hers too. Is the multi-talented Leonard being given a role at Brookfield in his own right right, so to speak, in preparation for a Jill-less existence?
ReplyDeleteQuite possibly. I love Leonard but they are making him ridiculously talented at absolutely any task, which is somewhat destroying my belief in him. Nobody can be an expert on every thing they turn their hand to, can they?
DeleteYesterday I heard Leonard, in the guise of Mr Long becoming a father, thrilled to be at the birth of his daughter (in King Street Junior on 4Extra)
I too heard Leonard as Mr Long, as I love that programme.
DeleteAbout Jill and Leonard being together, could it be that Jill's input is recorded in her home and not in the studio?
Could well be the case Miriam. ith8nk that is how Peggy played her part towards the end of her tenure. Can’t really expect such elderly ladies to travel miles to Birmingham if they live far away.
DeleteI agree Archerphile so many of the older members are in their 80’s now I can hardly believe it “Jennifer” for another I wonder if she will return to the programme.
DeleteGood to hear Ben & Beth trying hard to take the (very) rough alongside the previous smooth and Josh doing his best to help!
Just too, too silly at The Bull. Not worth wasting my finger power on,.
ReplyDeleteAgree maryellen, puerile rubbish.
DeleteI was surprised that Clarrie agreed to play along with the silly scam. I would have thought she would have put her foot down and marched straight off to The Bull to tell Kenton that Eddie was winding him up.
DeleteMaryellen, Cheshire Cheese and OWIAS I am in complete agreement. Further padding to prolong Chelsea having to announce her decision. Do the SWs not realise that the foetus is growing stronger and more viable each day therefore making matters worse for everyone.
Deleteas it is said "either sh*t or get off the pot"
Others may feel that Chelsea taking her time to make her decision is padding.
DeleteI can assure you who think so that the anguish involved in such a decision is real and often drawn out.
Sixty years ago I was in Chelsea’s boots.
It took me almost two months to make the final decision to have an abortion and I went right up to the wire.
Personally I think the S W are making a pretty good fist of it.
I really enjoyed the events at The Bull. It was a light-hearted, fun interlude which was well needed with the ongoing S/Ls.
ReplyDeleteThe star was Tony in my view...as he set things up so well. I chuckled whilst listening, which hasn't been done for quite a while.
You were not alone Miriam - I enjoyed too and I laughed when I heard it and when the episode was run again today……. I laughed again.
DeleteI did not think it was puerile !
Goes to show what a difficult job the scriptwriters have in trying to please everyone.
DeleteThe continuity announcer mentioned the name of the agricultural storyline advisor at the end of this evening's episode, I immediately thought there's someone who hasn't got a lot to do.
ReplyDelete😂 😂 😂 ✔️✔️✔️
DeleteToo right! 🤣
DeleteMoney for old rope 😡
DeleteHow old is Chelsea? Bloggers keep referring to her as “very young” and “barely more than a child “ and she certainly sounds about 14. But didn’t she just have her 18th birthday, making her legally an adult. If not, it’s not far off because she is older than Brad who was born in 2016. (Oddly enough, the BBC’s Characters page doesn’t say when Chelsea was born.)
ReplyDeleteOne way or another, I don’t think her child (if it exists) will grow up in Ambridge. I always felt Kirsty’s miscarriage was because the TA team didn’t want to tie themselves down In the long term with an illegitimate Archers child, and this is a similar case.
Chelsea is definitely 18 now. Her 18th was close to Alistair's 60th, (Sept. 14th) hence the proposed party for him, with a celebration for Chelsea at the sane timr
DeleteI think the idea of not having an illegitimate Archer is a strange one, as isn't this true as to Rosie, and then there are Henry and Jack.
or do the female Archers not count?
DeleteHenry and Rosie are the children of female Archers who were not married to their fathers; Wren and Chelsea's baby (if it exists - shouldn't someone have noticed something by this stage?) are the children of male Archers who were not married to their mothers. All these children are technically illegitimate. Jack. however, was the legitimate son of the Helen's marriage to Rob, ie. they were not yet divorced when he was born.
DeleteI think the potential for storyline complications was/is greater in Tom and and Ben's case than in Helen and Pip's. My opinion only.
And another thing.....something Chelsea said struck me forcibly at the time and I wasn’t sure what, if anything, to make of it. During an early conversation with Tracy, when. she was contemplating life as a mother, she murmured ‘And it would love me”.
ReplyDeleteI thought of this again when she was talking to Pip about her own father’s casual attitude towards his family and said something like “It made you wonder if he loved you”. Is Chelsea feeling deprived of love, despite her mother’s constant assurances that she loves her? If so, how would that affect her behaviour? Does it explain anything?
I think Tracy loves her children but has been preoccupied with earning enough to keep them and has also had to care for her dad and brother. Shen maybe hasn’t had the opportunity over the years to show her love for them. She now has Jazzer who despite his previous peccadillos has proved a strong and reliable support. Her care for Chelsea in her present situation has been exemplary even though she did fly off the handle before C did a runner but there again who wouldn’t? With the absence of a father and a mother justifiably too busy, C probably has struggled to feel loved so as Maryellen points out she sees the baby as being someone she can truly bond with.
DeleteYes, what struck me most about Chelsea’s comments on her child and father was the focus on their love for her rather than her love for them. Is it this hunger for love that has made her so promiscuous? She wouldn’t be the first to mistake sex for love.
Delete(Sorry if that’s too strong a word but I’m too tired to think of a milder one or even a euphemism!)
Changing topic, how lovely to hear Emma again, another of my favourite characters. It partly compensates for Toby’s departure, hopefully only temporary.
Totally agree with your straight forward comment maryellen I’ve always thought the two are very different some have sex without even knowing their partners name and or have many casual encounters, making love with your very special loved one - a very different emotional experience.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMy experience has been that this may be the real underlying reason why so many girls become pregnant. In many cases it also serves to re-engage with a mother whose attention can be guaranteed when a baby is involved.
ReplyDeleteI find it difficult to believe that, as is often suggested, the foremost thought in the heat of the moment is likely to be 'oh good, if this works the council will have to give me a flat'!
In my experience of working in young people's clinics a lot of them aren't thinking about the risk of pregnancy. I used to ask girls if they wanted to get to get pregnant and it was mostly a resounding "no". They were usually willing to discuss contraception at that point.
ReplyDeleteI was speaking from the experience of growing up on a council estate in which I was the only daughter who made it beyond 16 without becoming pregnant (I had long-term plans which were not compatible with the same kind of leisure pursuits).
ReplyDeleteOnce the hapless deed was done, mother and daughter often seemed to bond happily over the new arrival.
It always struck me as being the adult equivalent of playing with dolls; bonding over a stroppy little boy over the age of two never seemed to be quite as appealing.
“Is this hunger for love that has made her so promiscuous?” maryellen. 9.10. 22.
ReplyDeleteMy understanding of the word implies that the individual has had many casual transient sexual. relationships. This sexual behaviour also demonstrates a lack of discrimination it’s a f…..k and the person one is doing it with is immaterial.
That’s a big moral judgement when we have absolutely no knowledge of Chelsea’s sexual behaviour before the encounter with Ben. She knew exactly who he was and he knew her. According to Chelsea, her and Ben’s account verify the fact that it wasn’t love but a need for comfort, including an element of compassion on her part.
It was an act of mutual consent.
These sort of encounters seem to happen often in Ambridge, Emma, Will and Ed. Toby and Pip +. Others. Shaved eyebrows come to mind. Chris and Amy, Ruairi+, Lily and Russ+.
Are they all promiscuous?
Is Kevin a new character we shall hear from again or just a blow-in to resolve the Lily portrait situation?
ReplyDeleteApart from that I can’t really remember much else that happened last night…..but then I might just have fallen asleep!
My guess is that Kevin is only a pop up - but at least he’s given us his expert opinion on. Russ’s artistic talent and is prepared to put his money where his mouth is. I think the bloggers who were so sneery about Russ’s ability (and saleability) without actually seeing his work of course, now owe him an apology!
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DeleteApologies for my deletions - sometimes my messages publish twice. Could be Trembly Finger Syndrome!
DeleteOK ME. I apologise to Russ about his artistic ability. But of course we only have Kevin’s word for it. Some people think Damien Hurst is a fantastic artist, but I can’t see it, and I have been to his galley to view his work.
DeleteI think you know my answer, Archerphile! 🙂
Delete😉 😊
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ReplyDeleteOh bother! Bang goes my hope that Chelsea isn’t pregnant and this storyline will end quickly and painlessly, instead of which, we’ve got weeks of agonising to come. Still, at least 18 year old Chelsea found the maturity to handle the interview with the midwife on her own, without Tracy taking over.
DeleteThanks Natasha, I'm sure Tracy will be delighted when she hears you've been passing on 'her' news.
ReplyDeleteQuite apart from having got the wrong end of the stick, Natasha should have realised that she had no right to retell something that Tracy clearly did not wish to talk about. (Wasn't a certain Mrs Archer rather annoyed when details of her own pregnancy were made public?)
Tracey is 47yrs now but I guess a pregnancy still possible? Jazzer will be having his leg pulled good job he knows the real facts. That’s the Friday cliffhanger sorted anyway….
ReplyDeleteI was also really hoping Chelsea was not going to be pregnant. I had high hopes when she said she’d never had morning sickness or any problems. But this being 17 weeks is really going to bring her decision to a head quickly, thank goodness.
ReplyDeleteAs for Natasha, considering she didn’t like people knowing she was pregnant I’m surprised she spoke about seeing Tracy at the maternity clinic. Loose lips!
I can understand Chelsea’s confusion regarding how far along she was, it always struck me as odd that the day after conception I was deemed to be two weeks pregnant, more than somewhat counter-intuitive! Both my pregnancies were very much planned & I was tracking my ovulation so was pretty certain when I conceived.
ReplyDeleteI was not impressed by Natasha gossiping either.
It has only just occurred to me that if Chelsea is more pregnant than she thought, this means that Ben is not the father! So who is, and what will she do now. And how soon will she let Ben know he is off the hook?
ReplyDeleteOnly if Chelsea didn’t have sex with anyone else in the gap between her last period and the night of the rave. Perhaps her certainty that Ben is the father is due to wishful thinking rather than lack of other candidates,. But on balance I think there were no other candidates in the gap, and the baby was conceived as she said.
DeleteThat should start: Ben’s only the father if Chelsea didn’t have unprotected sex with anyone else.....etc.
DeleteOh gosh, I’m confused now. It’s over 50; years since I was pregnant and I seem to have forgotten how these dates of last periods and date of conception work.
DeleteI’ll just shut up until this pregnancy is resolved, one way or another. 🤔. 🫣. 🫢
I think I’ll follow your example!
DeleteAnd changing the subject - are Chris and Alice divorced now? Last I remember, Chris said he had been given a date for the hearing, but didn’t say when. That was some months ago, so I suppose it must have happened. How long is it before a divorce comes through?
Pregnancy dates are counted from the first day of your last period. Presumably this is because it's a lot easier to know that date than the date you ovulated. As ovulation occurs roughly mid cycle, you start off 2 weeks pregnant, as KPNuts said.
DeleteSo the timing of Chelsea's pregnancy hasn't changed, nor has the father. It's just that dhe thought she was N weeks, counted from the date of conception, and has now discovered she is considered to be N+2 weeks. This has implications if she sadly decides not to go ahead with the pregnancy - terminations have to take place before 24 weeks. Hence Tracy's urgency and Chelsea's previous confidence that she still had time to make up her mind.
If I remember correctly, Natasha wanted to keep her pregnancy secret but Tom told Pat + Tony, and Natasha was furious, as a result.
ReplyDeleteNow she is doing exactly what she didn't want - and to make it worse, she is making a very false assumption.
There is an upside to this, in that once the gossip gets onto the Ambridge grape-vine, the truth will have to come out, but not in the way Chelsea and Tracey wanted.
Perhaps this unlikely "accidental" meeting happened, to do just that.
I really enjoyed last nights TV programme about RHS Bridgewater. I found it fascinating and very interesting, and it seems that I have planted all my new spring bulbs ( about 100 of differing varieties, in tubs and garden) alll wrong.
ReplyDelete100 new bulbs sounds a lot but 30 crocus bulbs, don't take up much space, neither does 10 tete-a-tete minature daffs, nor 20 minature iris. I have just filled in some garden gaps for Spring colour.
Wrong page....Sincere Apologies esp.as I am not clever enough to change it to the proper one.
DeleteWhy can’t Lee man up and tell Joy and Mick what they really think about the hot tub?
ReplyDeleteThe sound of bubble ‘fun’ was slightly nauseating and the thought of Mick in budgie smugglers was quite repulsive. 🤮
Dear Archerphile, don't get all steamed up! (Sorry, couldn't resist.) Some things are better not dwelt on.
Delete😂 🥵
DeleteAlas, other people's idea of fun often is.
ReplyDeleteIt's no good, I can't contain myself any longer. Can someone please explain who Mick is.
ReplyDeleteI've obviously missed a block of very important episodes and I just can't go on not knowing!
Joy met him when she was helping Pat sell Natasha's apple juice at the festival. He briefly convinced her he was someone famous, drinks got spilt, he minded the stall while Joy was finding cleaning cloths (and met Toyah Willcox, as did Pat, who didn't recognise her). He later returned with his phone number. Joy went all bashful, Pat talked her into phoning him, they met up at The Bull with Pat as gooseberry in case Joy needed to escape. It turns out Mick can talk as much as Joy, a match made in heaven.
DeleteDoes that fill you in enough? It would be nice for Joy to find lasting happiness, although I'm not sure how Helen and Lee will cope with them both as permanent neighbours.
Fascinating, OWiaS, I am indebted to you. Thank you very much.
DeleteOh for heaven's sake! Fortunately our church has neither pillars nor rafters, although we have had at least one visiting pigeon, and another that got stuck in the void above the window in the church hall before finding its way into the loft. All avian visitors were evicted with none of the pantomime shenanigans Alan got up to. I have to say that if OMiaS proposed to do anything so stupid I'd hide the ladder. ('Though not the one he once used to try to get onto the flat garage roof - that broke when he was halfway up. Always check your ladders before use, folks.)
ReplyDeleteSo, is the Jack Wooley Window insured against Act of Vicar? Or perhaps Peggy will be so offended by this obvious act of sabotage that she'll get her window installed at the village hall instead.
Better warn the wedding party to wrap up warm for the service on Saturday. (And review their plans to have the bride's pet Polly as ring bearer.)
All together now….’When we’re Poisoning Pigeons in the Park’. Tra la la !
DeleteNew blog opened , headed by the pest