Lady RSeptember 20, 2022 at 11:19 PM SARNIA deepest apologies I do hope you had a very pleasant 🎂 yesterday!
Lady RSeptember 20, 2022 at 11:20 PM Oops wrong blog 🙄
Lady RSeptember 20, 2022 at 11:22 PM No it isn’t CC post confused me 🤣
JaniceSeptember 21, 2022 at 7:43 AM Happy belated birthday Sarnia 🎂🎉🎈🎁 . Don't know if you did anything actually on the day but you must have had a wonderful week in Greece before it.
Re thé little pest in the photo above - we are being truly invaded by these wretched animals at the moment. Piles of droppings all over the lawn (they used to use just one corner); every plant I love being nibbled to death, holes dug in both lawn and flowerbeds where they try to start a burrow! We may live near Watership Down but these aren’t nice friendly bunnies more like garden wreckers! 😡
I found the only answer Archerfile was really high raised borders, mine vary between 2ft and 2ft 6" high ( I wanted to save myself from the constant bending of gardening as I got older) and I also bought some very large tubs which are 20 inches high and the bunnies from the field haven't managed to jump into any of them. Nowadays I can look at a picture like that and think aaah how sweet, what a dear little creature! It would cost a fortune to make them from sleepers but I should imagine concrete blocks would be a lot cheaper. I cobbled mine together from cheap as chips used pallets from a nursery and leftover planks and it looks like a tinker's yard but it is productive. Now if only I could stop the Cabbage White caterpillars decimating the cabbages 😣
I’ve spent most of the day sieving soil to fill my raised bed I’ve built out of bits of old fence I dismantled. Our “lawn” is just full of clover, creeping buttercups and dandelions, so I’m trying to pick out all the little roots. I do find it therapeutic but it kills my back. Hope this ruddy raised bed is worth the effort next year when I plant some courgettes. I am quite proud of my creation though.
Thank you ALL so much, for the wonderful Birthday wishes. It's meant a lot. I had a wonderful lunch out in a country pub, in a lovely village very close to where I live, but I have never been there. It is one of those places, that you would only go to visit, as it is not on a route to anywhere. The pub was lovely but cold, which is so very understandable as everyone is hesitating putting the heating on, lighting fires etc. I had a prime steak baguette with fried onions and mushrooms. This was a "light snack"but was enormous and came with chunky chips, red cabbage coleslaw and a green salad. It was a meal for me, not a snack. I need to have words with my younger sister tomorriw, as she sent me a 1000 piece jigsaw of a painting by Monet, Le Printemps. I know that I am quite skillful at jigsaws, but this will definitely challenge me!!
Thank you for all your good wishes, kind ladies. It's been a bit of a whirlwind this last month: 2 1/2 weeks with my daughter whom I hadn't seen since the funeral; then a week with my son who I see once in a blue moon and my daughter-in-law and grandchildren of whom I see even less. All this back in Nidri for the first time since 2018, this time without David, and I was not at at all sure how it would be. As it happened it was wonderful, with such a warm welcome from friends made over the years who had not forgotten me at all. Daughter-in-law fell in love with the place and wants to go back. Back now in the silent house, all spick and span with my daughter's assistance, with a lot of experiences to process.
Sounds wonderful Sarnia so pleased for you. Lovely memories to hold close throughout the coming months of Autumn /Winter which I know you feel so difficult.
A month of experiences to process Sarnia - enjoy your peaceful time alone gradually thinking through what you have enjoyed with family and without David. And do not fail to congratulate yourself on what you have achieved since he went.
Belated birthday wishes Sarnia and Miriam. Pleased you have both had an enjoyable time. My exciting news is that I think Percy (escaping from the rain and then on another occasion from Sacha cat and her brother Joey ) is now able to use the cat flap. I am also encouraged by Poppy who since the fancy cat flap was installed has refused to go out but did go into the garden when I went outside today .She now back inside and I don't think I had left the door open. It would make my day if she has worked out that she can come and go into the back garden when she wants to.
The weather has been glorious here on the autumn equinox. We took advantage of it and had a lovely walk at Lyme. Not looking forward to the shortening daylight hours though.
I also took advantage of such a lovely day. I did a visit to garden nursery and have spent all afternoon in the garden. Window box, hanging basket, tubs - all planted up, loads of extra bulbs put in, along with some new plants. Apart from general tidying up and pruning, the garden is now done, spring.
Oh, Miriam, I wish! There is years' worth of work still to do in my garden before it is anything like done. Presently correcting initial mistakes born of ignorance: the lavender originally planted has turned out to be far bigger than expected, swamping many of the other plants. Today I bought four Munstead variety, which research promises will not be as overwhelming. A job for Nigel next week. I've also managed to source the Acer Katsura that I wanted. When it wasn't available last year we substituted Orange Dream for colour, not realising that it couldn't cope with full sun. That was a very expensive mistake!
Now home from a lovely couple of days in Stratford, All’s Well That Ends Well on Wednesday evening, great trip to Kenilworth Castle, which I would recommend to anyone if they were in the area, the Richard III last night, incredibly intense but fantastic, all credit to Arthur Hughes. Kitchen refurb going reasonably smoothly & I know I’ll be pleased with final result, but I find the waiting between the different stages somewhat irksome.
Well done P tb Y for your garden work. I know what you mean about weeding the lawn especially those creeping weeds that go on for ever under the turf. However I have found lots of verbascum plants which have seeded themselves in the lawn . Really pleased about that. My "lawn" is gradually turning from beige to green
Today I finally finished my raised bed. A week and a half spent sieving soil on and off. It has become a nursery bed for over winter with 3 hydrangeas, a geranium and a Japanese anemone. Tomorrow I start the cold frame project.
Ah clod frames! Love them. My cold frame houses my tomato plants until October ish and then it becomes a cold frame for the winter Tomatoes have been amazing this year but since the frame is near the house they have been well watered. Haven't fed them. Keep forgetting
I’ve started on my part of the front garden. It’s very sad, a strip about eighteen inches wide above the terrace with very old and neglected shrubs in compacted earth with the odd ‘thing’ planted between shrubs by the lady upstairs who has tried her very best to ‘ keep things up ‘. I’ve been digging old stuff out and attempting to turn the earth over. I’m pleased that at eighty I am still able to do some heavy digging even if only a foot at a time.
Still got lots to do in the garden. Have potted up 48 pelargonium cuttings, another 12 to go tomorrow. Haven't cut back the lavender border yet as the bees are still visiting what flowers are left.
Yes you can, I did it for the first time last year and my hanging baskets with them in performed really well. They need to be overwintered frost free, mine are in a conservatory which doesn't go below 7C.
PtbY - my mum used to take cuttings from her geraniums and kept them overwintered on windowsills inside her tenth floor flat. She only ever had a balcony but had very green fingers.
I don't use plastic bags or cloches with pelargoniums and don't have a problem with them taking unlike lavendar and rosemary for which I always use a cloche.
Have no idea if this is significant but since you refreshed this page and started with three - 3 - below the heading, meaning three comments ……. My page has stuck with showing 3 even though there are now many many more posts. Is it my IPad at fault or have others experienced this. It’s never happened before, and it’s not happening on the other thread.
LanJan, I now have a designated space for a clod frame but have yet to acquire one. I originally thought of getting a cold frame, but your kind sounds so much more interesting!
It is a cold night here, with a low of 5C forecast overnight. I hope my newly planted plants will be OK. I am almost on the point of putting the heating or fire on, but trying to hold out for a bit longer. I am off for a snuggle down in bed, either reading a book or to continue listening to the Paul Temple - The Jonathon Mystery, which I am half way through. I will have my furry black, purring HWB snuggled up beside me, abd she is hot stuff.
Indeed. Last night I made my first Saturday night beef hotpot of the season, to eat in front of Strictly. It has become an annual event! But, as we say nearly eatery year - who on earth were some of those new contestants? We only knew less than half of them!
I was cold this morning and my downstairs was only 16.8C. I found I had left a kitchen window open after cooking. It's no wonder I was chilly last night...
Like others, I enjoy watching Strictly even though I hardly know any of them. It, however, means the end of Summer and short days and long nights. It is only about 4 weeks now until the clocks change. This I find depressing. Yesterday I went to get some moss kill stuff, as my front lawn has suddenly a lot in it. No gardening stuff, just ailses of Christmas "tat"! I need to go to the garden centre again.
,Sarnia.- yesterday 7:04 pm. I shall call it my clod frame from now on! I have never been a fan of Autumn unlike I think Lady R but after the summer we have had I am enjoying the slightly colder days . I would rather be slightly too cold than slightly too hot. Being a sucker for bargains I purchased a lot of different plug plants at the back end and have potted them on . Not sure where they will all go.
Bang on LJ! 🍁🍄🍂🔥🍁 although my thoughts will be with those unable to heat their properties even small homes (like ours) Good job I am not actually a Lady of the Manor 🤣
Just heard from Nuffield. 2nd eye op going ahead on 31st Oct. Very excited. 2 eyes for Christmas!!! 🎉🎉 Work now finished for the day whilst I celebrate with a glass. 🥂 Better not go too mad because I’ve a day out with Lanjan tomorrow and a visit to cowgirl. I’ve the promise of a bag of chicken sh*t!!!! Hahaha
Archerphile thought of you when watching the latest Gardeners World. What did you think of the dahlia lady? Especially her dried in-house collection!! How is your relationship with your smart meter progressing?
Haven’t watched the lastest GW yet. Mr A was at a concert at The Anvil on Friday night so it is recorded. Sounds great though if it’s about dahlias. I shall look forward to watching.
Smart meter - after watching it for a couple of days on the worktop and being horrified at how it goes up when you put the kettle on, we have hidden it in a cupboard! I daren’t see what it costs to cook my Sunday Roast in our electric oven (no gas here) But it has given us advantages in the meter readings and we got a bonus for installing it. At the moment we are £130 in CREDIT on our bill after the first injection from the government so are rather pleased with how things are going……so far!
Delighted to hear your news P tbY. I have just arrived at the lovely Hotel in Goathland . Lovely train journey. By gum it is colder oop north than dan south. I was in shirt sleeves for the journey. P tbY is looking after me tomorrow whist my son is doing his signal box duties. As she has said our plan is to meet up with Cowgirl and then all of us will return here for Dinner.
Have a lovely get together / mini meet-up LJ/ CowGirl and PtbY enjoy your time together and congratulations PtbY on your date for second op. All good to hear.
I am looking forward to hearing what the three on the mini-meet up, have been up to 😃 Hopefully they haven't been as wet and cold, as I have been here, today. I was woken up in the night, by torrential rain, which then went on for hours and as for the wind - it was gale force. This was far from the predicted "fresh breeze" forecast. One good job done today, the freezer has been defrosted. It was like defrosting the N.Pole though. I defintely need to replace it soon.
My Bonnie has just discovered my previous cats, favourite place. This is the bottom of the airing cupboard. I have to remember to check it, so I don't shut her in. This is something which I often did 🙀
My sister in law had a cat called Daffodil who loved to settle in the bottom of the airing cupboard! Dogs are lovers of warm places too. In the summer they find a patch of sunlight and in winter snuggle up near a radiator. They have a child’s duvet in one bed and one of them is usually to be found there in the early morning. Katy arranged a visit from a dog physiotherapist as she was worried about stiffness in Dudley’s back legs. She gave him laser treatment during which he fell asleep but I have to say he was much friskier afterwards dashing around with Buddy. Yes, it is a step too far but Katy is paying!
I've heard how beneficial laser therapy is with rheumatics etc. The problem is, it has to continue to get the trye benefit. I hope Katy had deep pockets..😀
Yes, Physio is coming again in two weeks! Katy will do anything for these dogs. Looks as if Dudley will have to have an op to remove his anal glands as they have given him a lot of trouble. We don’t have them insured but I pay each month into a bank account for them and it will pay most if not all of it. Trouble with insurance is that they have so many conditions to fulfil. In this case his age, nearly nine, and the fact that he has a history of anal gland problems would exclude him anyway. It
Re cats and airing cupboards: our Solomon would retreat to the back of the airing cupboard when called upon to do something against his wishes, eg going outside in the cold when he had been lazing about indoors nearly all day. He would have to be forcibly extracted, spitting and swearing, from behind the airing rack by my husband, and thrust out of the front door. He would immediately jump onto the window sill and bang on the door knocker to be let back in again.
Lady R - we watched the GW programme about the dahlias tonight. What an incredible number of varieties that lady grew, it seems almost an obsession! But we couldn’t understand why her entire house had dahlias hanging from the ceiling to dry or what she did with them when they were dry! Mr A warned me not to start hanging flowers from the beams as he’d keep walking into them.
My father in law grew dahlias and fuschias, we have several of them in our flowerbeds. Every year he would remind me to tell our gardener to dig them up for the winter. Every year we would remind him our gardener said they were fine in our Kent clay soil. Over the past few years they have established themselves and put on a fine display, a lovely reminder of all Dad's hard work. When we finally move from this shoe, we shall have to see about digging them up and taking them with us. But it would be a shame to leave the beds empty. Can dahlia corns be split like daffodil bulbs?
Archerphile indeed the dried dahlias around the lady’s house were extraordinary! Do you think they are renewed every so often or maybe even sold to someone like “Bloom & Wild” for their dried English bouquets? I can hardly believe it was 4yrs ago on the 24th of this month that I hijacked you briefly at Hinton Ampner (dahlia time) I had to check my iPad diary to confirm and even then found it hard to believe, what a lot of water has gone under the bridge since then - for us all….
What a lovely day we had. Meet up at cowgirls for tea and freshly baked scones this morning. Best China service!!!! Very posh. Even had a look at cowgirls coffin her friend has made for her!! Nothing like being prepared. Then Mr PtbY drove us down the coast road to Scarborough where we had a lovely time in TK Maxx. Luckily Janet loves this as much as I do. Back to our local pub for a late afternoon drinkie. Then back to Goathland for dinner at Janet’s hotel with her son and Cowgirl. Now laid in bed stuffed and knackered. The weather was coolish but fine luckily.
Sounds a great day ptby ⭐️ did you all meet originally at the Waterloo Staion gathering? That must 3 or 4 yrs ago this December 😱 Little did we know then what was waiting just around the corner……
Janet and I met at the original Waterloo meet. Met cowgirl up here near Whitby with Seasider a bit later. Think it’s 4 years ago now since the original Waterloo meet.
As P tbY has said ,we had a lovely time yesterday . Cowgirl's scones were really tasty with home made crab apple jelly and her homemade fruit loaf was so moist plus we were given some of everything to take home as well as some new laid eggs . I was ferried around which was great and today because my son wasn't on signal box duty he drove me to PtbYs and then we all went to the delightful little town of Helmsley for lunch and then back to their place for yet another brew before I was driven back to the hotel for a bit of a rest before the evening meal. I could get used to all this high living Yorkshire folk know how to look after their friends.
Sounds Perfect. My nieghbours crab apple tree is weighed down with fruit. When these are fully ripe, I intend to ask if I can have some. I just love crab apple helly, esp with a hintbof clove in it. I have looked long and hard for my jelly bag, but it is gone. I will have to improvide, if I can't find a replacement.
We're off to North Yorkshire next Monday to help my cousin's widow celebrate her birthday. We are going to take her out for lunch instead of her making us a usual fantastic spread. Really looking forward to seeing the wonderful scenery around where she lives again and her of course.
Well the posh china was brought out because I remembered Mrs p ages ago said she liked to drink from a china cup and I thought that LanJan had agreed, but no it was someone else but who ? It was good to catch up. Having said I would never have another dog, I now have a 8 month old black and tan short haired Dachshund. Its a long story but I was approached by my neighbour at the riding establishment next door on behalf of one of her clients.Shes a real sweety, but had no training, not bothered by cats or hens, though Tinkerbell is staying out of raach. Baby gate at the bottom of the stairs so she can have her own space. Sorry PTY, but I have called her Lucia. What part of North Yorkshire C.C ?
I can’t remember who else said they liked tea in a cup, though I’ve a feeling it might have been the farmers wife ( but can’t remember her name now ) And that reminds me that she has disappeared again. Perhaps it was Suz.
Pleased for the three of you that you had such a sociable time together.
I think that tea is better drunk out of either a China cup or mug I don't know why that is. It may have been me in the past who mentioned that. Anyway it was a good Yorkshire brew we had in our China cups Hope Tinkerbelle and Lucia get on ,Cowgirl.
Mr A always insists on having his afternoon cuppa in a proper China cup with a saucer. I just use any old mug. Even if we have guests who are quite happy with, or even prefer a mug, he still has to have the cup and saucer! It’s quite embarrassing, especially when we go to have tea with them as they feel obliged to dig out a cup and saucer just for him.
Knowing my preference my eldest always presents me with a bone china or porcelain cup and saucer, often on a tray. She drinks her tea, or hot water / slice of lemon, from a bone china cup and saucer My other daughter shoves a mug in my direction but her daughters always give me tea in a cup and saucer and seem to relish and respect their grandmother’s preference. I currently have two matching Limoges cups and saucers for my early morning tea, later in the day it’s smaller china cup and saucer. Bedtime herbal tea is in a mug. Who says I’m fussy ? I say I’m discerning !
Tea in a china cup or something else - I have some bone china mugs which I always drink my tea out of. I use a mug, as it is the equivalent of two cups. I was told by a grandma, a great aunt or similar of that generation, that it had to be china in order to get the proper taste. I was lead to believe, by that person, that as tea is best made when the water has just boiled, china keeps it at the correct temparature for taste. With anything else, the heat from the water goes to heat the mug/cup, so spoils the tea it contains. No idea if this is why, but it sounds a reasonable explanation to me.
When I re homed my BritishBlue, Burlington Berty, the first photograph the new owner sent to me was of BB sitting comfortably in the airing cupboard Where she had found him on her return from work.
I had a spare fleecy dressing gown hanging in the airing cupboard. This somehow slipped of the hanger, unnoticed by me, onto the floor. This is what Bonnie loves to curl up on, she certainly loves her comforts.
What a morning I had today. I was having problems with my emails, and I needed to reset my settings to both receive and send these. To cut a long story short - it took me hours. I had to delete my webmail, reset my password and set it all up again. The phone was easy, but the main PC was a nightmare. Luckily there was a very good help page with step by step instructions, and it worked, eventually. I am getting too old for this technology!
To add - once I was working again, about 10 emails suddenly appeared - some of which were important, especially the one about my energy tariff. I have re-done my monthly direct debit as suggested, but I think the figures are wrong. I would rather pay too much than get into arrears.
What a nightmare Miriam (so time consuming too!) With you on paying more DD to be sure of credit. Right now we are comfortable in that area 🙏 Talking of getting older you are one of our youngsters I believe still being in your 60’s. I wonder in which age group our youngest bloggers are in 🤔
I had my 'flu jab this morning which was painless and quick. 5hours later, my arm is so sore and swollen already. Thank goodness I have 6days 'till the covid booster. I had a lovely pressie this morning, a dead mouse which was carefully placed by my bag on the bedroom floor, beside my bed! There are things starting to happen with the empty house, the one with the overgrown garden which adjoins my garden. Two storage have been removed and I am thinking mice have been disturbed, hence my (unwanted) gift.
Miriam I was going to have my flu jab tomorrow (Saturday) but because my COVID Booster was done last Sunday when I checked I was told no it must be 7 days so now it will be Monday 🤔 Must be a reason for the strictness…… Hope your arm calms down before too long 🙏
Our Covid booster jabs were at the new ‘Health Hub’ in the town centre. We were told we couldn’t have the flu jab as well because they had run out! We’ll have to make an appt at our own surgery. As usual Mr A was fine but I had a very swollen and painful arm 3 days after the vaccine and still have it a week later, so am quite glad I didn’t have the flu one at the same time.
ARCHERPHILE - I have not forgotten that you also had an ongoing problem of an itchy arm. Not forgotten because I suffered the same. Did your itchy arm continue ? Mine still does itch, not all the time but at frequent interludes day and night. I have meant to ask you for months but keep forgetting, now seems a good time.
Yes I still do get itches at the top of that arm from time to time and also have developed an intermittent pain that extends from the elbow right down to the wrist when I try to stretch my arm out, to reach the steering wheel for example. It’s as though the ligaments don’t want to stretch or the elbow is locked. I don’t know if both things are as a result of past boosters or something new but the lastest booster certainly prompted the hot, swollen and very itchy top arm again.
Thanks ARCHERPHILE - I still get the itching at the top of my arm, but more so at the inside bend of the elbow, ( on the same arm of course ) and that breaks out at anytime. I shall be interested to see what happens after my booster.
My son and myself had unpleasant side effects from the Modern and I understand that a lot of other people did as well, and apparently the Moderna dosage has been halved for these present boosters. I suppose to begin with there was guesswork going on re. amount to give. I have had my letters for covid and flu but will book them for a month apart, and I think I might ask to have Pfizer and not Moderna although if they have halved the dose it might be okay. I haven't booked mine yet because my daughter has just had covid ( travelling for work in the same car as someone who then tested positive) so I've been up and down stairs taking up meals. She is back at work now but still with a night time cough. Unfortunately my son, daughter in law and baby who travelled back to the Philippines a fortnight ago are now stuck in a hotel in Manila with covid. They intended to stay a few days there to get over the jet lag and to visit the cat park again ( a park where volunteers feed a lot of stray street cats) but then one after another they have gone down with it, and of course they can't fly on to Mabel's home island until they all test negative. Fortunately the hotel does room service and they can eat in their room, and in Manila there are proper hospitals if needed. Out there masks are still compulsory when out of doors.
You must be missing your som and family already Janice. My next door neighbour’s son lives on the tip of Borneo where he is a teacher. I think it is part of Malaysia but not far from the Philippines and the Covid restrictions are still very tight there. He and his Malaysian fiancée have been trying to arrange their wedding for the past 2 years but he can’t even get clearance to travel to Manilla for the required documents for their marriage because of the restrictions!
Just had our third power cut this weekend. Very inappropriately timed as we were trying to watch Laura Kuenssberg bearding Liz Truss on the Breakfast on Sunday programme, and it has not recorded either. Last night we had a half-cooked dinner as the oven switched off in the middle of cooking and because it was chicken it ended up in the bin! Is this a new way to save energy I wonder?
Certainly not helping your food bill Ap and very 😡 annoying I wonder what the explanation is for so many unannounced cuts. Do you have bbc iPlayer AP you could then watch your programme that way on catch up 🤔
Lots of people at a garden coffee event Saturday morning complaining of swollen arms and being floored by recent flue jab. I had mine at 1 o/clock, and not a single side effect experienced so far.
That’s what I thought Sarnia I even restarted my iPad as I thought it was going to be a case of a number of posts stuck in the pipeline! Had my flu jab Monday didn’t feel a thing - slightly achy arm in the evening but only when used in certain movements so 🤞🏼
Had a lovely day yesterday in North Yorkshire. We had a delicious lunch in a quaint pub with my cousin's widow. Then we went for a walk to the chuchyard to see my cousin's grave which is in a beautiful spot with stunning views. It was a long drive but worth it.
I can hardly believe this. Just heard from Saga that our Baltic Cruise booked for next July… replace the one that was cancelled this March…….to replace the one that was cancelled in 2021…….to replace the one that was cancelled in Sept 2020…..has been cancelled!! Apparently next years cancelation is due to ‘commercial reasons’ and we have been offered an alternative, similar itinerary cruise next May or June instead. Or a full refund! Seeing that they have had a large lump of our money since 2020 (no interest of course) and the new replacement will cost a bit more, we are uncertain what to do. I suspect that in the current financial circumstances that have not had enough bookings for our particular cruise and are having to lump different sailings together, rather like BA at Heathrow. But the constant alterations and disappointments are mounting up. It will be just our luck that we’ll get to within a few weeks of departure and Russia will do something silly in the Baltic, like blowing up a pipeline under the sea that will cause yet another cancellation! 🫤
Crikey Moses AP 😱 I think the message is (sadly) as Sarnia says cut and run. So many disappointments already. How about a luxury hotel break in the UK in a part of the country you love or would most like to visit for the first time. A true comfy traditional Country Hotel with extras of course! Your other abroad holidays also seem to have been dogged by health problems, I do really feel for you both though….🙁
ARCHERPHILE ……… do you know that there is a river cruise on a hotel boat up and down the Severn in Gloucestershire and Worcestershire. I did one of there short cruises with a friend on the canal from Gloucester Docks some years ago and my friend and I both enjoyed the experience. Perhaps it’s worth exploring if you decide to take your money and run as Sarnia suggests.
Sarnia if you take your money back ask them for interest on your monies. I did this once with BT when I had to pay in advance to put a telephone line in £1000 in those far off days. They gave me simple interest and took it off my bill.
CC a lovely part of the world, when my niece was young Skipton Castle was her favourite to go place.
Lucia , why oh why did I have another dog ! Took her in the car and before I had got to Whitby she had chewed through the anchor point on her car harness. Managed to get a chain link in the pet shop, designed for other purposes but does the trick only to find when I went for my Covid jab she had tried to chew through the harness itself. I can mend that from the remnants of the old previously chewed strap. I hope she settles as I dont want her in the boot. Toilet training is another matter, its going to take a long time as she was previously allowed to do it in the house, it is frustrating though to take her for a walk only for her to perform when she gets in the house. Some success last night , took her for a walk just before 10 went for about 20 mins nothing, got to the front door and she performed, hurrah ! will just have to persevere She is adorable though , so no regrets really, she makes me walk four times a day which will be good for me over the winter plus there is no lazing in bed in the morning.
What breed is she, Cowgirl? We are quite lucky that neither of ours are chewers although we had some of it with Buddy when he was a puppy but he grew out of it! Toilet training isn’t easy in dogs who have been allowed to do it in the house. I’m sure you know how to deal with it but it does take time. The message will get through eventually! 🐶🐾🐾🐶
She is a smooth haired black and tan Dachshund, they are known to be difficult to train, but early signs are good. Hopefully a few short journeys in the car with some interesting outings will give her confidence.
They have had four chances Archerfile, I wouldn't give them any more. I'd be looking at other options and would definitely ask for interest on the money they've kept for so long.
I had the chewing of restraints in the car with Lady. You may remember that it happened with the dog carer when I was in hospital Cow Girl ( who then demanded a considerable sum of money from me ) This problem with Lady was finally overcome when I performed the same training for leaving her alone in the house, that is very short ( micro) times in the car but still able to see me and then extending the absence incrementally until reaching the point of my disappearance. It did work but she would never stay in the boot ( which is open to the car ) either in my car or my friend who is mum to Lady’s friend MISHA. But after the week with friend when I moved she, Lady, had finally got used to being in the back and now happily jumps in without protest. I’m very sorry to hear about the toileting problem, but in my experience dogs are as fastidious as cats in this matter and I hope she will soon get the message. And I am also sure you will love her more for knowing what she has experienced in her past. Well done for taking her on.
I love castles and my short visit to Skipton Castle has stayed with me for all the decades since. I was enchanted by the inner courtyard with a tree in the middle. I would love to go there again.
Cruise update, if anyone is interested. Changed to exactly the same itinerary but in May instead of July - good, means we get a holiday a bit sooner after a very long time without one. Cabin upgraded and in a better position in the ship - can’t complain about that A generous refund made - sort of takes care of the ‘interest’ question Pianist Jools Holland and his group are on the ship to give concerts -have always liked his piano playing. Reason for cancellation was that fewer people are wanting to cruise, especially in the Baltic region, because St Petersburg is off limits nowadays. So people are choosing trips around the British Isles and Ireland instead. And some ships have been diverted to suit the new demands of passengers.
Archerphile….🤞 for your cruise. So annoying the constant cancellations. Cowgirl….was just wondering today how you were getting on with Lucia. Poor thing, she’ll soon come round to your ways. Thank god she isn’t a Great Dane, now that would be a mess in the house. Just made a bread and butter pudding with Georgina’s eggs this aft. Neon yellow yolks!!!! So good.
Glad Georges eggs came up to par , remembering your bad one, not one of mine I might add.. Lucia had a very successful 5 pm walk, doing all that was required, lets hope she performs when I take her out at 10. Its only a week so doing well.
Thank you Stasia, I very much appreciate your good wishes. I didn’t send a New Year greeting this year as it only applies to me on this blog (I assume). But as you have mentioned Yom Kippur I shall extend my heartfelt hopes for a much more peaceful 5781, especially in the Ukraine and happiness and long life to everyone, everywhere.
I've just spent what feels like half the morning trying to book a Covid booster. The local branches of Boots no longer do them and I was directed to the main branch in town - £13 each way by taxi or 15 min walk from the nearest bus stop. Anyway, access to any destination from here, including the local shopping centre is a no-go due to massive road works. The group practice can only offer appointments at the three main surgeries, all three or more miles away. I didn't get a spring booster either for the same reason - and I'm classed as vulnerable!
Sarnia, will your surgery not send out a practice nurse to give you your booster at home.? Our surgery does just that, for people that can’t get to the surgery or are elderly and/or vulnerable. Mind you, as we are in a very countrified area with no public transport they probably have to, or they would risk having lots of Covid infections amongst this group.
'Fraid not, AP. It is assumed that everyone has access to a family member/local volunteer set-up/neighbour with nothing better to do - in other words, not their problem.
Our Practices also do covid booster and flu vacs at home where needed similar to Archerphile. A friend of ours had his at home, have they actually refused outright Sarnia? Volunteer drivers another route I have used them for appointments at Basingstoke Hospital when driving myself home has not been an option, ours is called Community Care Car Service suggested donation depending on the journey required and if unable to pay - free (as some who are able to pay often increase their donation) 🤞🏼for you.
I know you may feel awkward asking, but have you got a neighbour you could ask to give you a lift to the nearest available site & offer petrol money? In our parish mag they ask for volunteers to help people in the area ( we’re fairly rural, minimal buses) with these sort of things, I collect an elderly couple’s prescription each month and have never been asked to do anything else so assume they have plenty of volunteers.
I tried a community volunteer service for hospital appointments and it was a disaster, often leaving me high and dry on the far side of town and a £15 taxi fare. These days my neighbours are all very nice people, but young families with both parents working and enough organisational problems of their own.
Sarnia,have you been in touch with your Dr? Perhaps there are others in your position and you could share a taxi or better still they might have a car. I went for my jab on Monday. I walked there-less than a mile- but hadn't realised how long it would take so only arrived exactly at the correct time 10:25am. By 10:35 am I was on a bus in the opposite direction to my home to do a bit of shopping. Why do they ask if you are right or left handed? I said I was in a dilemma because although I am right handed I sleep on my LHS and suggested he gave me the injection in my right arm. He agreed this was the better option.
It is no longer possible to 'get in touch' with a doctor to discuss anything. Chances are that when you ring the surgery you're about no 20 in the queue. Sometimes after all the recorded preamble about www. you're more or less told go away and stop bothering us, we're busy. A long-term acquaintance has been told she needs regular blood-pressure checks, for which she has to go to the nearest surgery and put her arm in a hole in the wall like an ATM. Like an ATM it then issues a print-out.
I recently had a text to say that the nearby pharmacy could offer me a blood pressure check. I went and had it done and the result was sent to the surgery. I think pharmacies are really valuable in undertaking checks like this. I do have to wait to speak to the surgery but having had a persistent cough over the summer I was given an appointment a fortnight after my phone call to see the nurse practitioner. She organised a chest XRay which Katy took me to at the hospital on the same day. I have another appointment with the nurse next Wednesday. Services on the island are not brilliant especially since COVID but your story, Sarnia is awful and shows me things here could be a lot worse. We have made appointments for our covid booster on 25th at the hospital and I think it very bad that you are contemplating not having yours because of the logistics of getting there. Maybe your local councillor could help. The building our surgery is in has a problem after only about 7 years since construction. They are moving next year to the industrial estate in Newport and the parish council here are trying to organise transport there for non drivers. Maybe your parish council could do the same. There must be help out there for you. Wishing you well. 😊
Like P tb Y I also had one of Georgina's eggs yesterday and one of her sister's. I rarely bake so mine were poached . They do taste and look with their orange yolks so much better than shop bought eggs. They travelled from Yorkshire with me and none of the eggs broke. Lovely .
I suggest you contact your supplier to have this rectified, the energy company are just trying it on.They are obliged to review every 6 months and adjust accordingly. Have they told you this is the statutory review?
Funny that - I've just been informed that my payments will be doubled, when my account is in credit, my usage has been drastically reduced and I'm on a fixed term contract that doesn't end until Dec 2023. I don't think so!
I too am on a fixed contract that ends next year. My energy supplier have contacted me to say that my direct debit has been suspended as from next month.
I had this tussle with my energy supplier- OVO - earlier this year. I can’t remember the figures exactly but I had a credit of over five hundred pounds. I queried the need to increase the amount of my DD reasoning that my credit would cover the rising costs for the next month or two, especially as I would be moving within three months. I spoke to several ‘ advisers ‘and each of them insisted that I made the increase. If I didn’t they would refuse to supply me. I knew that I should take this further up the chain of command but with trying to navigate the problems of moving I chose to let it go, gave in and increased my DD.
I was advised that to keep my energy payments in line, it was best to increase by monthly DD by £40. This I did, as with the monthly £67 rebate I won't be out of pocket. My next review is January, so it will be accurately sorted then. This increase figure is to include the next increase in April next year, and was the calculated monthly figure for the next 12months.
I’m with Ovo too and I just ignore the changes they advise in my DD. I have purposely overpaid over the summer to cover winter costs hopefully! They are saying I can lower my DD but last year I went along with their recommendations and ended up in debit! The advantage with Ovo is that they give interest on credit balances and so I go along with my payments. Katy and I share bills so at least I have her contribution. I feel deeply for those who can’t afford the high costs ahead. I am arranging a monthly payment to the food bank but it is disconcerting that food banks are necessary in these days. My step daughter who works in the care sector has just taken on a second job, cleaning, which pays more than her care work. Low wages for essential work like this account for much of today’s poverty.
Well done Sarnia for fixing! A year ago, we followed the advice of Money Saving Expert that the then price cap was better value than most price fixes. Certainly, the two year fix our supplier was offering seemed un-necessarily high. Now, of course, it turns out that fixing would have been the smart move. Oh the joys of 20-20 hindsight!
We're with SO Energy who have been very good. We have the option to review our Direct Debit online and change it up or down as necessary. We're in credit at present because we pay equal amounts each month. They also give the option of paying more in the winter months. But I reckon that summer living is generally cheaper, so better to take the hit then than at Christmas time!
A friend is on a pre-payment meter with Utilita. It seems to eat money. We strongly suspect that something is faulty. But the issue is taking months to sort out. Customer service? 0/10.
I had my Covid jab this morning. Gosh it hurt, and this pain continued for a couple of hours afterwards, in spite of using an ice-pack. Suddenly it just vanished, and all is now well. Why - no idea, just one of those unknown things. I have been watching an old episode of All Creatures Great and Small, the original series. In it, it is just pre WWII and there were complaints about the cost of goods:- Bread - 4d a loaf, Butter 1s 4d and three farthings, a pound. How things have changed. I usually buy a Hovis Granary loaf which a week ago was £1.85, today it was £2.15. I will now try and find a cheaper equivalent. I cannot make bread, it never rises no matter how I've tried. I might try a bread mix though.
Mr CC has been baking bread for most of today while I was out at Dunham Massey with a friend. The freezer is now well stocked with rolls, foccacia and paninis.
I have made my own bread for years. Try making before you go to bed and let it rise overnight, just keep it somewhere cool, even in the fridge. Then let it come to a warm room temperature and proceed as normal. I cant get fresh yeast round here unfortunately, i love to nibble it, so just throw dried yeast in with the flour and salt and water and it rises every time.So have another go Miriam ,
I started making bread during lockdown when I was only doing weekly shops. I am not sure that making bread for one will save you money, but it is fun & satisfying, the biggest problem I found was that I ate a lot more bread which was detrimental to my waistline!
It isn't possible to get fresh yeast here now either, but it is possible to get L'hirondelle fresh yeast (from France) via Amazon. It is sold in a pack of little blocks of 12 for about £11, and apparently it is possible to freeze the ones you don't want to use immediately. I bought them to make hot cross buns because mine never turn out as well as my mother's did, and the only difference I could think of is that I use dried yeast and she always used fresh. I haven't needed any from the left over ones in the freezer yet to know how well it works after freezing.
I have bought fresh yeast on e bay, yes you can freeze it and it works, but that , that is frozen becomes slimy, not suitable for nibbling ! I have excellent results with dried, I never add sugar or water to it, just mix it all i.Local bakeries will usually sell fresh yeast , Morrisons have done in the past, but as I havent been for years I dont know if they still do. When they didnt have any on the shelves I used to ask at the bakery section and they always gave me some often free of charge !
I don’t know where my daughter got her starter or yeast from as she is deep down on the Lizard, but she is making bread and scones for herself and for her guests in the cottages for their welcome packs. I think she is making bread every third day and seems to be on a roll with it now. Janice- I will ask her about the yeast, find out if she has found a source in Cornwall and if she has will pass it on to you.
That's kind Mrs P. I am okay at present as I stocked up and have a supply in the deep freeze. It would be nice to be able to buy fresh yeast online in Cornwall. My main problem is that we are living out in the sticks and it isn't possible to buy it in the village shops. I have continued shopping online since the pandemic but they don't seem to supply fresh yeast for delivery, only dried. I would normally use dried but I just wanted to see if fresh made a better more risen bake. My mum used to make superb hot cross buns, kids in the village used to just happen to call in when she was cooking her "shiny" buns, and every year I try to make as good but fail. 😣
I have recently listened to a series of just 5, 15min episodes called - Katherine Jakeways - Forty Weeks. The only reason I mention this, is that is comparable to the Ben, Beth and Chelsea situation. This is, boy gets girl pregnant after a one night, casual sex. It is what happens with the 3 of them during the pregnancy. Some might like it as I did, others perhaps not so.
Thanks all for the tips on breadmaking. I will give it another try and be more patient re proving, and kneading the dough. I thinks that's my problem, too impatient!
Yes Miriam you are correct, kneading is very important, no cheating on either count. Look forward to your telling us how it goes. My tomorrows bread is now proving overnight.
Do you make white bread or brown? I only eat granary, wholemeal or similar, so are there differences, as to the techniques involved and needed in making this type of bread?
The method is always the same. My usual bread is a mix of wholemeal and white, but I often use rye and sometimes spelt. My absolute favourite is gruyere and cumin/ seed. With pure whole meal the loaf will be denser.
So much for getting a booster! 10 days later I have tested positive for Covid, feel rotten, splitting headache, ache all over etc. Cannot do things planned for this weekend and might have to miss meeting up with relatives from Canada coming to to see us next week during their European trip. Still, hopefully the booster will stop me from ending up in hospital 🤞
Miriam Interestingly I have just looked at a quality prepacked sliced loaf stated to be wholemeal, on looking at the contents only 57% is wholemeal flour the rest is soya, I suspect that most prepacked wholemeal are in fact a mixture, as I was wondering how/why they were so light.
Yes, Sarnia, I have already had it once, back in March after our visit to France. But it doesn’t stop you getting it again and my ONS blood test s say I have ‘antibodies at a higher level’! But I have still succumbed and just hope the recent booster will stop it getting too bad. Canadian relatives due to come next Wednesday so hoping for a negative test by then.
Oh dear Archerphile are you sure you didn’t break a mirror awhile back. You are always so unlucky health wise re holidays, visitors etc so very sorry this has happened to you again. Keep rested and drink plenty of water. Mr A?.
Mr A had his ONS Covid result today and he is negative so that’s good. Feeling a bit better tonight. Still have sore throat but feeing much more perky!
Lady RSeptember 20, 2022 at 11:19 PM
ReplyDeleteSARNIA deepest apologies I do hope you had a very pleasant 🎂 yesterday!
Lady RSeptember 20, 2022 at 11:20 PM
Oops wrong blog 🙄
Lady RSeptember 20, 2022 at 11:22 PM
No it isn’t CC post confused me 🤣
JaniceSeptember 21, 2022 at 7:43 AM
Happy belated birthday Sarnia 🎂🎉🎈🎁 . Don't know if you did anything actually on the day but you must have had a wonderful week in Greece before it.
And many happies from me too Sarnia, hope your Greek holiday was a wonderful start to birthday celebrations.
ReplyDeleteRe thé little pest in the photo above - we are being truly invaded by these wretched animals at the moment. Piles of droppings all over the lawn (they used to use just one corner); every plant I love being nibbled to death, holes dug in both lawn and flowerbeds where they try to start a burrow!
ReplyDeleteWe may live near Watership Down but these aren’t nice friendly bunnies more like garden wreckers!
I found the only answer Archerfile was really high raised borders, mine vary between 2ft and 2ft 6" high ( I wanted to save myself from the constant bending of gardening as I got older) and I also bought some very large tubs which are 20 inches high and the bunnies from the field haven't managed to jump into any of them. Nowadays I can look at a picture like that and think aaah how sweet, what a dear little creature! It would cost a fortune to make them from sleepers but I should imagine concrete blocks would be a lot cheaper. I cobbled mine together from cheap as chips used pallets from a nursery and leftover planks and it looks like a tinker's yard but it is productive. Now if only I could stop the Cabbage White caterpillars decimating the cabbages 😣
ReplyDeleteI’ve spent most of the day sieving soil to fill my raised bed I’ve built out of bits of old fence I dismantled. Our “lawn” is just full of clover, creeping buttercups and dandelions, so I’m trying to pick out all the little roots. I do find it therapeutic but it kills my back. Hope this ruddy raised bed is worth the effort next year when I plant some courgettes. I am quite proud of my creation though.
ReplyDeleteHappy 🎂 🍷 🎈 Birthday Miriam - any plans?
ReplyDeleteOoooh, is it Miriam’s Birthday today?
ReplyDeleteI hope you are looking in to collect all your good wishes and happy birthdays and have a lovely day.
💐 🌺 🌸 🌹
Happy birthday Miriam. 💐🎂🍾
ReplyDeleteWishing you all the best on your birthday Miriam 🎂🍹🎁💐
ReplyDeleteAnd HAPPY BIRTHDAY to MIRIAM from me too.
DeleteMany happy returns of the day Miriam. Hope you have a nice day. You and Sarnia must both be Virgos. 🎂🎉🎈🎁
ReplyDelete🎶Happy birthday to you!🎶🐈⬛🎂🥂🎂
ReplyDeleteThank you ALL so much, for the wonderful Birthday wishes. It's meant a lot.
ReplyDeleteI had a wonderful lunch out in a country pub, in a lovely village very close to where I live, but I have never been there. It is one of those places, that you would only go to visit, as it is not on a route to anywhere. The pub was lovely but cold, which is so very understandable as everyone is hesitating putting the heating on, lighting fires etc.
I had a prime steak baguette with fried onions and mushrooms. This was a "light snack"but was enormous and came with chunky chips, red cabbage coleslaw and a green salad. It was a meal for me, not a snack.
I need to have words with my younger sister tomorriw, as she sent me a 1000 piece jigsaw of a painting by Monet, Le Printemps.
I know that I am quite skillful at jigsaws, but this will definitely challenge me!!
Oh by the way, I am back...🤣
Thank you for all your good wishes, kind ladies.
ReplyDeleteIt's been a bit of a whirlwind this last month: 2 1/2 weeks with my daughter whom I hadn't seen since the funeral; then a week with my son who I see once in a blue moon and my daughter-in-law and grandchildren of whom I see even less. All this back in Nidri for the first time since 2018, this time without David, and I was not at at all sure how it would be. As it happened it was wonderful, with such a warm welcome from friends made over the years who had not forgotten me at all.
Daughter-in-law fell in love with the place and wants to go back.
Back now in the silent house, all spick and span with my daughter's assistance, with a lot of experiences to process.
Sounds wonderful Sarnia so pleased for you. Lovely memories to hold close throughout the coming months of Autumn /Winter which I know you feel so difficult.
DeleteSo pleased that you have had some precious family time Sarnia.
DeleteWhat a lovely and healing time for you Sarnia. Hopefully it won’t be so long until you see your family again and add to all those memories
DeleteA month of experiences to process Sarnia - enjoy your peaceful time alone gradually thinking through what you have enjoyed with family and without David. And do not fail to congratulate yourself on what you have achieved since he went.
DeletePoor Hilary Mantel. She has died far too young, and would have written much more. I liked her historical detail.
ReplyDeleteBelated birthday wishes Sarnia and Miriam.
DeletePleased you have both had an enjoyable time.
My exciting news is that I think Percy (escaping from the rain and then on another occasion from Sacha cat and her brother Joey ) is now able to use the cat flap.
I am also encouraged by Poppy who since the fancy cat flap was installed has refused to go out but did go into the garden when I went outside today .She now back inside and I don't think I had left the door open.
It would make my day if she has worked out that she can come and go into the back garden when she wants to.
The weather has been glorious here on the autumn equinox. We took advantage of it and had a lovely walk at Lyme. Not looking forward to the shortening daylight hours though.
ReplyDeleteI also took advantage of such a lovely day. I did a visit to garden nursery and have spent all afternoon in the garden.
DeleteWindow box, hanging basket, tubs - all planted up, loads of extra bulbs put in, along with some new plants.
Apart from general tidying up and pruning, the garden is now done, spring.
Oh, Miriam, I wish! There is years' worth of work still to do in my garden before it is anything like done. Presently correcting initial mistakes born of ignorance: the lavender originally planted has turned out to be far bigger than expected, swamping many of the other plants. Today I bought four Munstead variety, which research promises will not be as overwhelming. A job for Nigel next week. I've also managed to source the Acer Katsura that I wanted. When it wasn't available last year we substituted Orange Dream for colour, not realising that it couldn't cope with full sun. That was a very expensive mistake!
DeleteNow home from a lovely couple of days in Stratford, All’s Well That Ends Well on Wednesday evening, great trip to Kenilworth Castle, which I would recommend to anyone if they were in the area, the Richard III last night, incredibly intense but fantastic, all credit to Arthur Hughes.
ReplyDeleteKitchen refurb going reasonably smoothly & I know I’ll be pleased with final result, but I find the waiting between the different stages somewhat irksome.
Well done P tb Y for your garden work.
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean about weeding the lawn especially those creeping weeds that go on for ever under the turf.
However I have found lots of verbascum plants which have seeded themselves in the lawn .
Really pleased about that.
My "lawn" is gradually turning from beige to green
Today I finally finished my raised bed. A week and a half spent sieving soil on and off. It has become a nursery bed for over winter with 3 hydrangeas, a geranium and a Japanese anemone.
DeleteTomorrow I start the cold frame project.
PtbY, I'm filled with admiration and not a little envy. I have to get people in to do this sort of thing and it costs!
DeleteSarnia….any project is researched via countless you tube videos showing what to do.
DeleteAlas, my creaky joints and decreasing reserves of energy don't take me beyond the research stage.
DeleteAh clod frames!
ReplyDeleteLove them.
My cold frame houses my tomato plants until October ish and then it becomes a cold frame for the winter
Tomatoes have been amazing this year but since the frame is near the house they have been well watered.
Haven't fed them.
Keep forgetting
I’ve started on my part of the front garden.
ReplyDeleteIt’s very sad, a strip about eighteen inches wide above the terrace with very old and neglected shrubs in compacted earth with the odd ‘thing’ planted between shrubs by the lady upstairs who has tried her very best to ‘ keep things up ‘.
I’ve been digging old stuff out and attempting to turn the earth over.
I’m pleased that at eighty I am still able to do some heavy digging even if only a foot at a time.
I'll be interested to hear how it progresses MrsP.
DeleteStill got lots to do in the garden. Have potted up 48 pelargonium cuttings, another 12 to go tomorrow. Haven't cut back the lavender border yet as the bees are still visiting what flowers are left.
ReplyDeleteCC. Can you take cuttings from trailing geranium bedding plants and if so could you over winter them in a cold frame or indoors?
DeleteYes you can, I did it for the first time last year and my hanging baskets with them in performed really well. They need to be overwintered frost free, mine are in a conservatory which doesn't go below 7C.
DeletePtbY - my mum used to take cuttings from her geraniums and kept them overwintered on windowsills inside her tenth floor flat. She only ever had a balcony but had very green fingers.
DeleteRighto. I’ll do that and keep them on the spare bedroom windowsill and hope for the best. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteAddendum - I seem to also remember polythene bags had something to do with it. Mini cloches ?
DeleteI don't use plastic bags or cloches with pelargoniums and don't have a problem with them taking unlike lavendar and rosemary for which I always use a cloche.
DeleteSorry typo "lavender"
DeleteKP !
ReplyDeleteHave no idea if this is significant but since you refreshed this page and started with three - 3 - below the heading, meaning three comments ……. My page has stuck with showing 3 even though there are now many many more posts.
Is it my IPad at fault or have others experienced this.
It’s never happened before, and it’s not happening on the other thread.
Should I be worried …… said Mrs Dale !
Sorry Mrs P - the top of my page says 40 comments.
DeleteAh Ha ! Suddenly it tells me 46
DeleteWas it the Ambridge Fairy do you think ?
LanJan, I now have a designated space for a clod frame but have yet to acquire one. I originally thought of getting a cold frame, but your kind sounds so much more interesting!
ReplyDelete🤣 I'm slow. I have been pondering if it was one with walls made from turfs! I 😣
DeleteIt is a cold night here, with a low of 5C forecast overnight. I hope my newly planted plants will be OK.
ReplyDeleteI am almost on the point of putting the heating or fire on, but trying to hold out for a bit longer.
I am off for a snuggle down in bed, either reading a book or to continue listening to the Paul Temple - The Jonathon Mystery, which I am half way through.
I will have my furry black, purring HWB snuggled up beside me, abd she is hot stuff.
It has been a cold night Miriam, it was very chilly outside this morning when I fed the birds.
DeleteStrictly has just started so Autumn must have arrived!
DeleteIndeed. Last night I made my first Saturday night beef hotpot of the season, to eat in front of Strictly. It has become an annual event!
DeleteBut, as we say nearly eatery year - who on earth were some of those new contestants? We only knew less than half of them!
No, that was not a Freudian slip, it was spellcheck!
DeleteI don't mind not knowing the contestants, just want them to put in the effort and preferably be nice as well.
DeleteI was cold this morning and my downstairs was only 16.8C. I found I had left a kitchen window open after cooking. It's no wonder I was chilly last night...
DeleteTime to dig out the coats and the dogs’ fleeces then!😊🐶🐾🐾
ReplyDeleteLike others, I enjoy watching Strictly even though I hardly know any of them. It, however, means the end of Summer and short days and long nights. It is only about 4 weeks now until the clocks change. This I find depressing.
ReplyDeleteYesterday I went to get some moss kill stuff, as my front lawn has suddenly a lot in it.
No gardening stuff, just ailses of Christmas "tat"!
I need to go to the garden centre again.
,Sarnia.- yesterday 7:04 pm.
ReplyDeleteI shall call it my clod frame from now on!
I have never been a fan of Autumn unlike I think Lady R but after the summer we have had I am enjoying the slightly colder days .
I would rather be slightly too cold than slightly too hot.
Being a sucker for bargains I purchased a lot of different plug plants at the back end and have potted them on .
Not sure where they will all go.
Bang on LJ! 🍁🍄🍂🔥🍁 although my thoughts will be with those unable to heat their properties even small homes (like ours) Good job I am not actually a Lady of the Manor 🤣
DeleteCouldn't find any clod frames online : (
DeleteBut I think my shoe would benefit from a clog frame or two : )
ReplyDeleteJust heard from Nuffield. 2nd eye op going ahead on 31st Oct. Very excited. 2 eyes for Christmas!!! 🎉🎉
ReplyDeleteWork now finished for the day whilst I celebrate with a glass. 🥂
Better not go too mad because I’ve a day out with Lanjan tomorrow and a visit to cowgirl. I’ve the promise of a bag of chicken sh*t!!!! Hahaha
Great news PTBY. I hope it all goes smoothly.
ReplyDeleteI had fun assembling two new stools from Ikea this morning, quite pleased with how they look.
Thanks KP. I love a bit of flat pack assembly.
ReplyDeleteGreat news ptby 👏
ReplyDeleteArcherphile thought of you when watching the latest Gardeners World.
What did you think of the dahlia lady? Especially her dried in-house collection!!
How is your relationship with your smart meter progressing?
Haven’t watched the lastest GW yet. Mr A was at a concert at The Anvil on Friday night so it is recorded. Sounds great though if it’s about dahlias. I shall look forward to watching.
DeleteSmart meter - after watching it for a couple of days on the worktop and being horrified at how it goes up when you put the kettle on, we have hidden it in a cupboard! I daren’t see what it costs to cook my Sunday Roast in our electric oven (no gas here)
But it has given us advantages in the meter readings and we got a bonus for installing it. At the moment we are £130 in CREDIT on our bill after the first injection from the government so are rather pleased with how things are going……so far!
Delighted to hear your news P tbY.
DeleteI have just arrived at the lovely Hotel in Goathland .
Lovely train journey.
By gum it is colder oop north than dan south.
I was in shirt sleeves for the journey.
P tbY is looking after me tomorrow whist my son is doing his signal box duties.
As she has said our plan is to meet up with Cowgirl and then all of us will return here for Dinner.
Have a lovely get together / mini meet-up LJ/ CowGirl and PtbY enjoy your time together and congratulations PtbY on your date for second op.
DeleteAll good to hear.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAh, Cowgirl, the lady with the imposing name! Lucky you are all three relatively near each other and can get about. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to hearing what the three on the mini-meet up, have been up to 😃
ReplyDeleteHopefully they haven't been as wet and cold, as I have been here, today.
I was woken up in the night, by torrential rain, which then went on for hours and as for the wind - it was gale force. This was far from the predicted "fresh breeze" forecast.
One good job done today, the freezer has been defrosted. It was like defrosting the N.Pole though.
I defintely need to replace it soon.
My Bonnie has just discovered my previous cats, favourite place. This is the bottom of the airing cupboard. I have to remember to check it, so I don't shut her in. This is something which I often did 🙀
DeleteMy sister in law had a cat called Daffodil who loved to settle in the bottom of the airing cupboard! Dogs are lovers of warm places too. In the summer they find a patch of sunlight and in winter snuggle up near a radiator. They have a child’s duvet in one bed and one of them is usually to be found there in the early morning. Katy arranged a visit from a dog physiotherapist as she was worried about stiffness in Dudley’s back legs. She gave him laser treatment during which he fell asleep but I have to say he was much friskier afterwards dashing around with Buddy. Yes, it is a step too far but Katy is paying!
DeleteI've heard how beneficial laser therapy is with rheumatics etc. The problem is, it has to continue to get the trye benefit. I hope Katy had deep pockets..😀
DeleteYes, Physio is coming again in two weeks! Katy will do anything for these dogs. Looks as if Dudley will have to have an op to remove his anal glands as they have given him a lot of trouble. We don’t have them insured but I pay each month into a bank account for them and it will pay most if not all of it. Trouble with insurance is that they have so many conditions to fulfil. In this case his age, nearly nine, and the fact that he has a history of anal gland problems would exclude him anyway. It
DeleteRe cats and airing cupboards: our Solomon would retreat to the back of the airing cupboard when called upon to do something against his wishes, eg going outside in the cold when he had been lazing about indoors nearly all day. He would have to be forcibly extracted, spitting and swearing, from behind the airing rack by my husband, and thrust out of the front door.
DeleteHe would immediately jump onto the window sill and bang on the door knocker to be let back in again.
Lady R - we watched the GW programme about the dahlias tonight. What an incredible number of varieties that lady grew, it seems almost an obsession! But we couldn’t understand why her entire house had dahlias hanging from the ceiling to dry or what she did with them when they were dry!
ReplyDeleteMr A warned me not to start hanging flowers from the beams as he’d keep walking into them.
My father in law grew dahlias and fuschias, we have several of them in our flowerbeds. Every year he would remind me to tell our gardener to dig them up for the winter. Every year we would remind him our gardener said they were fine in our Kent clay soil.
DeleteOver the past few years they have established themselves and put on a fine display, a lovely reminder of all Dad's hard work.
When we finally move from this shoe, we shall have to see about digging them up and taking them with us. But it would be a shame to leave the beds empty. Can dahlia corns be split like daffodil bulbs?
Archerphile indeed the dried dahlias around the lady’s house were extraordinary! Do you think they are renewed every so often or maybe even sold to someone like “Bloom & Wild” for their dried English bouquets?
DeleteI can hardly believe it was 4yrs ago on the 24th of this month that I hijacked you briefly at Hinton Ampner (dahlia time) I had to check my iPad diary to confirm and even then found it hard to believe, what a lot of water has gone under the bridge since then - for us all….
What a lovely day we had. Meet up at cowgirls for tea and freshly baked scones this morning. Best China service!!!! Very posh. Even had a look at cowgirls coffin her friend has made for her!! Nothing like being prepared.
ReplyDeleteThen Mr PtbY drove us down the coast road to Scarborough where we had a lovely time in TK Maxx. Luckily Janet loves this as much as I do.
Back to our local pub for a late afternoon drinkie. Then back to Goathland for dinner at Janet’s hotel with her son and Cowgirl. Now laid in bed stuffed and knackered. The weather was coolish but fine luckily.
Sounds a great day ptby ⭐️ did you all meet originally at the Waterloo Staion gathering?
DeleteThat must 3 or 4 yrs ago this December 😱 Little did we know then what was waiting just around the corner……
Janet and I met at the original Waterloo meet. Met cowgirl up here near Whitby with Seasider a bit later. Think it’s 4 years ago now since the original Waterloo meet.
DeleteHow lovely to meet up for a day like that, it's so nice to be able to do it again after all we've been through.
DeleteAh I remember now ptby thanks for the reminder 🤗
DeleteAs P tbY has said ,we had a lovely time yesterday .
ReplyDeleteCowgirl's scones were really tasty with home made crab apple jelly and her homemade fruit loaf was so moist plus we were given some of everything to take home as well as some new laid eggs .
I was ferried around which was great and today because my son wasn't
on signal box duty he drove me to PtbYs and then we all went to the delightful little town of Helmsley for lunch and then back to their place for yet another brew before I was driven back to the hotel for a bit of a rest before the evening meal.
I could get used to all this high living
Yorkshire folk know how to look after their friends.
DeleteSounds Perfect.
DeleteMy nieghbours crab apple tree is weighed down with fruit. When these are fully ripe, I intend to ask if I can have some. I just love crab apple helly, esp with a hintbof clove in it.
I have looked long and hard for my jelly bag, but it is gone. I will have to improvide, if I can't find a replacement.
We're off to North Yorkshire next Monday to help my cousin's widow celebrate her birthday. We are going to take her out for lunch instead of her making us a usual fantastic spread. Really looking forward to seeing the wonderful scenery around where she lives again and her of course.
ReplyDeleteWell the posh china was brought out because I remembered Mrs p ages ago said she liked to drink from a china cup and I thought that LanJan had agreed, but no it was someone else but who ? It was good to catch up.
ReplyDeleteHaving said I would never have another dog, I now have a 8 month old black and tan short haired Dachshund. Its a long story but I was approached by my neighbour at the riding establishment next door on behalf of one of her clients.Shes a real sweety, but had no training, not bothered by cats or hens, though Tinkerbell is staying out of raach. Baby gate at the bottom of the stairs so she can have her own space.
Sorry PTY, but I have called her Lucia.
What part of North Yorkshire C.C ?
She lives between Settle and Skipton Cowgirl.
DeleteI can’t remember who else said they liked tea in a cup, though I’ve a feeling it might have been the farmers wife ( but can’t remember her name now )
DeleteAnd that reminds me that she has disappeared again.
Perhaps it was Suz.
Pleased for the three of you that you had such a sociable time together.
I think that tea is better drunk out of either a China cup or mug
ReplyDeleteI don't know why that is.
It may have been me in the past who mentioned that.
Anyway it was a good Yorkshire brew we had in our China cups
Hope Tinkerbelle and Lucia get on ,Cowgirl.
Mr A always insists on having his afternoon cuppa in a proper China cup with a saucer.
DeleteI just use any old mug.
Even if we have guests who are quite happy with, or even prefer a mug, he still has to have the cup and saucer! It’s quite embarrassing, especially when we go to have tea with them as they feel obliged to dig out a cup and saucer just for him.
Knowing my preference my eldest always presents me with a bone china or porcelain cup and saucer, often on a tray. She drinks her tea, or hot water / slice of lemon, from a bone china cup and saucer
DeleteMy other daughter shoves a mug in my direction but her daughters always give me tea in a cup and saucer and seem to relish and respect their grandmother’s preference.
I currently have two matching Limoges cups and saucers for my early morning tea, later in the day it’s smaller china cup and saucer.
Bedtime herbal tea is in a mug.
Who says I’m fussy ?
I say I’m discerning !
Tea in a china cup or something else -
DeleteI have some bone china mugs which I always drink my tea out of. I use a mug, as it is the equivalent of two cups.
I was told by a grandma, a great aunt or similar of that generation, that it had to be china in order to get the proper taste. I was lead to believe, by that person, that as tea is best made when the water has just boiled, china keeps it at the correct temparature for taste.
With anything else, the heat from the water goes to heat the mug/cup, so spoils the tea it contains. No idea if this is why, but it sounds a reasonable explanation to me.
Cats and airing cupboards: see entry Sept 28th at 10.46pm. Should have put it here really - late to the party as usual.
ReplyDeleteWhen I re homed my BritishBlue, Burlington Berty, the first photograph the new owner sent to me was of BB sitting comfortably in the airing cupboard
DeleteWhere she had found him on her return from work.
I had a spare fleecy dressing gown hanging in the airing cupboard. This somehow slipped of the hanger, unnoticed by me, onto the floor. This is what Bonnie loves to curl up on, she certainly loves her comforts.
DeleteWhat a morning I had today. I was having problems with my emails, and I needed to reset my settings to both receive and send these. To cut a long story short - it took me hours. I had to delete my webmail, reset my password and set it all up again.
ReplyDeleteThe phone was easy, but the main PC was a nightmare. Luckily there was a very good help page with step by step instructions, and it worked, eventually.
I am getting too old for this technology!
To add - once I was working again, about 10 emails suddenly appeared - some of which were important, especially the one about my energy tariff. I have re-done my monthly direct debit as suggested, but I think the figures are wrong. I would rather pay too much than get into arrears.
DeleteWhat a nightmare Miriam (so time consuming too!)
DeleteWith you on paying more DD to be sure of credit. Right now we are comfortable in that area 🙏
Talking of getting older you are one of our youngsters I believe still being in your 60’s. I wonder in which age group our youngest bloggers are in 🤔
Lady R. I was 68 a week ago.
DeleteThere you are then a youngster 🤣
DeleteAny in their 30’s/ 40’s etc 🤔
I’m in the 50’s bracket but at the mo feel about 100!!
DeleteI had my 'flu jab this morning which was painless and quick.
ReplyDelete5hours later, my arm is so sore and swollen already. Thank goodness I have 6days 'till the covid booster.
I had a lovely pressie this morning, a dead mouse which was carefully placed by my bag on the bedroom floor, beside my bed!
There are things starting to happen with the empty house, the one with the overgrown garden which adjoins my garden. Two storage have been removed and I am thinking mice have been disturbed, hence my (unwanted) gift.
Miriam I was going to have my flu jab tomorrow (Saturday) but because my COVID Booster was done last Sunday when I checked I was told no it must be 7 days so now it will be Monday 🤔 Must be a reason for the strictness…… Hope your arm calms down before too long 🙏
DeleteThank you for the reminder Mrs P I do indeed remember now. What a nasty experience that was for you!
DeleteWe both had ours at the same time and were both fine thankfully.
DeleteYes together is ok but if separately must be 7 days at least apart CC
DeleteOur Covid booster jabs were at the new ‘Health Hub’ in the town centre. We were told we couldn’t have the flu jab as well because they had run out! We’ll have to make an appt at our own surgery.
ReplyDeleteAs usual Mr A was fine but I had a very swollen and painful arm 3 days after the vaccine and still have it a week later, so am quite glad I didn’t have the flu one at the same time.
ARCHERPHILE - I have not forgotten that you also had an ongoing problem of an itchy arm. Not forgotten because I suffered the same.
DeleteDid your itchy arm continue ?
Mine still does itch, not all the time but at frequent interludes day and night.
I have meant to ask you for months but keep forgetting, now seems a good time.
Yes I still do get itches at the top of that arm from time to time and also have developed an intermittent pain that extends from the elbow right down to the wrist when I try to stretch my arm out, to reach the steering wheel for example. It’s as though the ligaments don’t want to stretch or the elbow is locked. I don’t know if both things are as a result of past boosters or something new but the lastest booster certainly prompted the hot, swollen and very itchy top arm again.
DeleteThanks ARCHERPHILE - I still get the itching at the top of my arm, but more so at the inside bend of the elbow, ( on the same arm of course ) and that breaks out at anytime.
DeleteI shall be interested to see what happens after my booster.
My son and myself had unpleasant side effects from the Modern and I understand that a lot of other people did as well, and apparently the Moderna dosage has been halved for these present boosters. I suppose to begin with there was guesswork going on re. amount to give. I have had my letters for covid and flu but will book them for a month apart, and I think I might ask to have Pfizer and not Moderna although if they have halved the dose it might be okay.
ReplyDeleteI haven't booked mine yet because my daughter has just had covid ( travelling for work in the same car as someone who then tested positive) so I've been up and down stairs taking up meals. She is back at work now but still with a night time cough. Unfortunately my son, daughter in law and baby who travelled back to the Philippines a fortnight ago are now stuck in a hotel in Manila with covid. They intended to stay a few days there to get over the jet lag and to visit the cat park again ( a park where volunteers feed a lot of stray street cats) but then one after another they have gone down with it, and of course they can't fly on to Mabel's home island until they all test negative. Fortunately the hotel does room service and they can eat in their room, and in Manila there are proper hospitals if needed. Out there masks are still compulsory when out of doors.
You must be missing your som and family already Janice.
DeleteMy next door neighbour’s son lives on the tip of Borneo where he is a teacher. I think it is part of Malaysia but not far from the Philippines and the Covid restrictions are still very tight there. He and his Malaysian fiancée have been trying to arrange their wedding for the past 2 years but he can’t even get clearance to travel to Manilla for the required documents for their marriage because of the restrictions!
Just had our third power cut this weekend. Very inappropriately timed as we were trying to watch Laura Kuenssberg bearding Liz Truss on the Breakfast on Sunday programme, and it has not recorded either. Last night we had a half-cooked dinner as the oven switched off in the middle of cooking and because it was chicken it ended up in the bin!
ReplyDeleteIs this a new way to save energy I wonder?
Certainly not helping your food bill Ap and very 😡 annoying I wonder what the explanation is for so many unannounced cuts.
DeleteDo you have bbc iPlayer AP you could then watch your programme that way on catch up 🤔
Yes Lady R. Good idea. We’ll do that later.
DeleteLots of people at a garden coffee event Saturday morning complaining of swollen arms and being floored by recent flue jab.
ReplyDeleteI had mine at 1 o/clock, and not a single side effect experienced so far.
Is there something wrong with me ?
Just wait Mrs P! Mine took 3 days to catch up with me!
DeleteWas that really a whole 24 hours without comments?
ReplyDeleteThat’s what I thought Sarnia I even restarted my iPad as I thought it was going to be a case of a number of posts stuck in the pipeline!
DeleteHad my flu jab Monday didn’t feel a thing - slightly achy arm in the evening but only when used in certain movements so 🤞🏼
Had a lovely day yesterday in North Yorkshire. We had a delicious lunch in a quaint pub with my cousin's widow. Then we went for a walk to the chuchyard to see my cousin's grave which is in a beautiful spot with stunning views. It was a long drive but worth it.
ReplyDeleteIt was a beautiful day for it CC.
DeleteI can hardly believe this.
ReplyDeleteJust heard from Saga that our Baltic Cruise booked for next July… replace the one that was cancelled this March…….to replace the one that was cancelled in 2021…….to replace the one that was cancelled in Sept 2020…..has been cancelled!!
Apparently next years cancelation is due to ‘commercial reasons’ and we have been offered an alternative, similar itinerary cruise next May or June instead. Or a full refund!
Seeing that they have had a large lump of our money since 2020 (no interest of course) and the new replacement will cost a bit more, we are uncertain what to do.
I suspect that in the current financial circumstances that have not had enough bookings for our particular cruise and are having to lump different sailings together, rather like BA at Heathrow. But the constant alterations and disappointments are mounting up.
It will be just our luck that we’ll get to within a few weeks of departure and Russia will do something silly in the Baltic, like blowing up a pipeline under the sea that will cause yet another cancellation! 🫤
Take the money and run, AP!
ReplyDeleteCrikey Moses AP 😱 I think the message is (sadly) as Sarnia says cut and run. So many disappointments already. How about a luxury hotel break in the UK in a part of the country you love or would most like to visit for the first time. A true comfy traditional Country Hotel with extras of course! Your other abroad holidays also seem to have been dogged by health problems, I do really feel for you both though….🙁
ReplyDeleteARCHERPHILE ……… do you know that there is a river cruise on a hotel boat up and down the Severn in Gloucestershire and Worcestershire.
DeleteI did one of there short cruises with a friend on the canal from Gloucester Docks some years ago and my friend and I both enjoyed the experience.
Perhaps it’s worth exploring if you decide to take your money and run as Sarnia suggests.
Sarnia if you take your money back ask them for interest on your monies. I did this once with BT when I had to pay in advance to put a telephone line in £1000 in those far off days. They gave me simple interest and took it off my bill.
ReplyDeleteCC a lovely part of the world, when my niece was young Skipton Castle was her favourite to go place.
Lucia , why oh why did I have another dog ! Took her in the car and before I had got to Whitby she had chewed through the anchor point on her car harness. Managed to get a chain link in the pet shop, designed for other purposes but does the trick only to find when I went for my Covid jab she had tried to chew through the harness itself. I can mend that from the remnants of the old previously chewed strap. I hope she settles as I dont want her in the boot.
Toilet training is another matter, its going to take a long time as she was previously allowed to do it in the house, it is frustrating though to take her for a walk only for her to perform when she gets in the house. Some success last night , took her for a walk just before 10 went for about 20 mins nothing, got to the front door and she performed, hurrah ! will just have to persevere
She is adorable though , so no regrets really, she makes me walk four times a day which will be good for me over the winter plus there is no lazing in bed in the morning.
What breed is she, Cowgirl? We are quite lucky that neither of ours are chewers although we had some of it with Buddy when he was a puppy but he grew out of it! Toilet training isn’t easy in dogs who have been allowed to do it in the house. I’m sure you know how to deal with it but it does take time. The message will get through eventually! 🐶🐾🐾🐶
DeleteShe is a smooth haired black and tan Dachshund, they are known to be difficult to train, but early signs are good. Hopefully a few short journeys in the car with some interesting outings will give her confidence.
DeleteShould have said standard
DeleteApologies Archerphile and Sarnia for getting your names muddled
ReplyDeleteThey have had four chances Archerfile, I wouldn't give them any more. I'd be looking at other options and would definitely ask for interest on the money they've kept for so long.
DeleteI had the chewing of restraints in the car with Lady. You may remember that it happened with the dog carer when I was in hospital Cow Girl ( who then demanded a considerable sum of money from me )
DeleteThis problem with Lady was finally overcome when I performed the same training for leaving her alone in the house, that is very short ( micro) times in the car but still able to see me and then extending the absence incrementally until reaching the point of my disappearance. It did work but she would never stay in the boot ( which is open to the car ) either in my car or my friend who is mum to Lady’s friend MISHA. But after the week with friend when I moved she, Lady, had finally got used to being in the back and now happily jumps in without protest.
I’m very sorry to hear about the toileting problem, but in my experience dogs are as fastidious as cats in this matter and I hope she will soon get the message. And I am also sure you will love her more for knowing what she has experienced in her past.
Well done for taking her on.
We will get there,as has Lady. I thought I might get her a harness for walking in too just so she gets the hang of it
DeleteI love castles and my short visit to Skipton Castle has stayed with me for all the decades since. I was enchanted by the inner courtyard with a tree in the middle.
ReplyDeleteI would love to go there again.
Cruise update, if anyone is interested.
ReplyDeleteChanged to exactly the same itinerary but in May instead of July - good, means we get a holiday a bit sooner after a very long time without one.
Cabin upgraded and in a better position in the ship - can’t complain about that
A generous refund made - sort of takes care of the ‘interest’ question
Pianist Jools Holland and his group are on the ship to give concerts -have always liked his piano playing.
Reason for cancellation was that fewer people are wanting to cruise, especially in the Baltic region, because St Petersburg is off limits nowadays. So people are choosing trips around the British Isles and Ireland instead. And some ships have been diverted to suit the new demands of passengers.
Good news, lets hope it comes to fruition.
DeleteReally hope you get your holiday Archerfile 🤞
DeleteArcherphile….🤞 for your cruise. So annoying the constant cancellations.
ReplyDeleteCowgirl….was just wondering today how you were getting on with Lucia. Poor thing, she’ll soon come round to your ways. Thank god she isn’t a Great Dane, now that would be a mess in the house.
Just made a bread and butter pudding with Georgina’s eggs this aft. Neon yellow yolks!!!! So good.
Glad Georges eggs came up to par , remembering your bad one, not one of mine I might add..
DeleteLucia had a very successful 5 pm walk, doing all that was required, lets hope she performs when I take her out at 10. Its only a week so doing well.
ReplyDeleteShalom on Erev Yom Kippur.
Thank you Stasia, I very much appreciate your good wishes.
DeleteI didn’t send a New Year greeting this year as it only applies to me on this blog (I assume). But as you have mentioned Yom Kippur I shall extend my heartfelt hopes for a much more peaceful 5781, especially in the Ukraine and happiness and long life to everyone, everywhere.
I've just spent what feels like half the morning trying to book a Covid booster.
ReplyDeleteThe local branches of Boots no longer do them and I was directed to the main branch in town - £13 each way by taxi or 15 min walk from the nearest bus stop. Anyway, access to any destination from here, including the local shopping centre is a no-go due to massive road works.
The group practice can only offer appointments at the three main surgeries, all three or more miles away. I didn't get a spring booster either for the same reason - and I'm classed as vulnerable!
Sarnia, will your surgery not send out a practice nurse to give you your booster at home.?
DeleteOur surgery does just that, for people that can’t get to the surgery or are elderly and/or vulnerable. Mind you, as we are in a very countrified area with no public transport they probably have to, or they would risk having lots of Covid infections amongst this group.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Delete'Fraid not, AP. It is assumed that everyone has access to a family member/local volunteer set-up/neighbour with nothing better to do - in other words, not their problem.
DeleteOur Practices also do covid booster and flu vacs at home where needed similar to Archerphile. A friend of ours had his at home, have they actually refused outright Sarnia? Volunteer drivers another route I have used them for appointments at Basingstoke Hospital when driving myself home has not been an option, ours is called Community Care Car Service suggested donation depending on the journey required and if unable to pay - free (as some who are able to pay often increase their donation)
Delete🤞🏼for you.
I know you may feel awkward asking, but have you got a neighbour you could ask to give you a lift to the nearest available site & offer petrol money? In our parish mag they ask for volunteers to help people in the area ( we’re fairly rural, minimal buses) with these sort of things, I collect an elderly couple’s prescription each month and have never been asked to do anything else so assume they have plenty of volunteers.
DeleteI tried a community volunteer service for hospital appointments and it was a disaster, often leaving me high and dry on the far side of town and a £15 taxi fare. These days my neighbours are all very nice people, but young families with both parents working and enough organisational problems of their own.
DeleteSarnia,have you been in touch with your Dr?
ReplyDeletePerhaps there are others in your position and you could share a taxi or better still they might have a car.
I went for my jab on Monday.
I walked there-less than a mile- but hadn't realised how long it would take so only arrived exactly at the correct time 10:25am.
By 10:35 am I was on a bus in the opposite direction to my home to do a bit of shopping.
Why do they ask if you are right or left handed?
I said I was in a dilemma because although I am right handed I sleep on my LHS and suggested he gave me the injection in my right arm.
He agreed this was the better option.
It is no longer possible to 'get in touch' with a doctor to discuss anything. Chances are that when you ring the surgery you're about no 20 in the queue. Sometimes after all the recorded preamble about www. you're more or less told go away and stop bothering us, we're busy. A long-term acquaintance has been told she needs regular blood-pressure checks, for which she has to go to the nearest surgery and put her arm in a hole in the wall like an ATM. Like an ATM it then issues a print-out.
ReplyDeleteI recently had a text to say that the nearby pharmacy could offer me a blood pressure check. I went and had it done and the result was sent to the surgery. I think pharmacies are really valuable in undertaking checks like this. I do have to wait to speak to the surgery but having had a persistent cough over the summer I was given an appointment a fortnight after my phone call to see the nurse practitioner. She organised a chest XRay which Katy took me to at the hospital on the same day. I have another appointment with the nurse next Wednesday. Services on the island are not brilliant especially since COVID but your story, Sarnia is awful and shows me things here could be a lot worse. We have made appointments for our covid booster on 25th at the hospital and I think it very bad that you are contemplating not having yours because of the logistics of getting there. Maybe your local councillor could help. The building our surgery is in has a problem after only about 7 years since construction. They are moving next year to the industrial estate in Newport and the parish council here are trying to organise transport there for non drivers. Maybe your parish council could do the same. There must be help out there for you. Wishing you well. 😊
ReplyDeleteLike P tb Y I also had one of Georgina's eggs yesterday and one of her sister's.
ReplyDeleteI rarely bake so mine were poached .
They do taste and look with their orange yolks so much better than shop bought eggs.
They travelled from Yorkshire with me and none of the eggs broke.
Lovely .
Email message from my Energy supplier this morning.
ReplyDeleteThey are putting up my DD each month by£14 even though apparently I have a credit of £507!
I suggest you contact your supplier to have this rectified, the energy company are just trying it on.They are obliged to review every 6 months and adjust accordingly. Have they told you this is the statutory review?
DeleteFunny that - I've just been informed that my payments will be doubled, when my account is in credit, my usage has been drastically reduced and I'm on a fixed term contract that doesn't end until Dec 2023.
ReplyDeleteI don't think so!
I too am on a fixed contract that ends next year. My energy supplier have contacted me to say that my direct debit has been suspended as from next month.
DeleteI had this tussle with my energy supplier- OVO - earlier this year.
DeleteI can’t remember the figures exactly but I had a credit of over five hundred pounds. I queried the need to increase the amount of my DD reasoning that my credit would cover the rising costs for the next month or two, especially as I would be moving within three months. I spoke to several ‘ advisers ‘and each of them insisted that I made the increase. If I didn’t they would refuse to supply me.
I knew that I should take this further up the chain of command but with trying to navigate the problems of moving I chose to let it go, gave in and increased my DD.
I was advised that to keep my energy payments in line, it was best to increase by monthly DD by £40. This I did, as with the monthly £67 rebate I won't be out of pocket. My next review is January, so it will be accurately sorted then. This increase figure is to include the next increase in April next year, and was the calculated monthly figure for the next 12months.
DeleteI’m with Ovo too and I just ignore the changes they advise in my DD. I have purposely overpaid over the summer to cover winter costs hopefully! They are saying I can lower my DD but last year I went along with their recommendations and ended up in debit! The advantage with Ovo is that they give interest on credit balances and so I go along with my payments. Katy and I share bills so at least I have her contribution. I feel deeply for those who can’t afford the high costs ahead. I am arranging a monthly payment to the food bank but it is disconcerting that food banks are necessary in these days. My step daughter who works in the care sector has just taken on a second job, cleaning, which pays more than her care work. Low wages for essential work like this account for much of today’s poverty.
DeleteWell done Sarnia for fixing!
DeleteA year ago, we followed the advice of Money Saving Expert that the then price cap was better value than most price fixes. Certainly, the two year fix our supplier was offering seemed un-necessarily high. Now, of course, it turns out that fixing would have been the smart move. Oh the joys of 20-20 hindsight!
We're with SO Energy who have been very good. We have the option to review our Direct Debit online and change it up or down as necessary. We're in credit at present because we pay equal amounts each month. They also give the option of paying more in the winter months. But I reckon that summer living is generally cheaper, so better to take the hit then than at Christmas time!
A friend is on a pre-payment meter with Utilita. It seems to eat money. We strongly suspect that something is faulty. But the issue is taking months to sort out. Customer service? 0/10.
I had my Covid jab this morning. Gosh it hurt, and this pain continued for a couple of hours afterwards, in spite of using an ice-pack. Suddenly it just vanished, and all is now well. Why - no idea, just one of those unknown things.
ReplyDeleteI have been watching an old episode of All Creatures Great and Small, the original series. In it, it is just pre WWII and there were complaints about the cost of goods:- Bread - 4d a loaf, Butter 1s 4d and three farthings, a pound.
How things have changed.
I usually buy a Hovis Granary loaf which a week ago was £1.85, today it was £2.15.
I will now try and find a cheaper equivalent. I cannot make bread, it never rises no matter how I've tried. I might try a bread mix though.
Mr CC has been baking bread for most of today while I was out at Dunham Massey with a friend. The freezer is now well stocked with rolls, foccacia and paninis.
DeleteI have made my own bread for years. Try making before you go to bed and let it rise overnight, just keep it somewhere cool, even in the fridge. Then let it come to a warm room temperature and proceed as normal. I cant get fresh yeast round here unfortunately, i love to nibble it, so just throw dried yeast in with the flour and salt and water and it rises every time.So have another go Miriam ,
DeleteOr make sour dough !
DeleteYou will need a starter though Miriam
I started making bread during lockdown when I was only doing weekly shops. I am not sure that making bread for one will save you money, but it is fun & satisfying, the biggest problem I found was that I ate a lot more bread which was detrimental to my waistline!
DeleteIt isn't possible to get fresh yeast here now either, but it is possible to get L'hirondelle fresh yeast (from France) via Amazon. It is sold in a pack of little blocks of 12 for about £11, and apparently it is possible to freeze the ones you don't want to use immediately. I bought them to make hot cross buns because mine never turn out as well as my mother's did, and the only difference I could think of is that I use dried yeast and she always used fresh. I haven't needed any from the left over ones in the freezer yet to know how well it works after freezing.
ReplyDeleteI have bought fresh yeast on e bay, yes you can freeze it and it works, but that , that is frozen becomes slimy, not suitable for nibbling ! I have excellent results with dried, I never add sugar or water to it, just mix it all i.Local bakeries will usually sell fresh yeast , Morrisons have done in the past, but as I havent been for years I dont know if they still do. When they didnt have any on the shelves I used to ask at the bakery section and they always gave me some often free of charge !
DeleteI don’t know where my daughter got her starter or yeast from as she is deep down on the Lizard, but she is making bread and scones for herself and for her guests in the cottages for their welcome packs. I think she is making bread every third day and seems to be on a roll with it now.
ReplyDeleteJanice- I will ask her about the yeast, find out if she has found a source in Cornwall and if she has will pass it on to you.
There is nothing like the taste of fresh bread Mrs P, both my neighbours have a loaf from me each week.
DeleteThat's kind Mrs P. I am okay at present as I stocked up and have a supply in the deep freeze. It would be nice to be able to buy fresh yeast online in Cornwall. My main problem is that we are living out in the sticks and it isn't possible to buy it in the village shops. I have continued shopping online since the pandemic but they don't seem to supply fresh yeast for delivery, only dried. I would normally use dried but I just wanted to see if fresh made a better more risen bake. My mum used to make superb hot cross buns, kids in the village used to just happen to call in when she was cooking her "shiny" buns, and every year I try to make as good but fail. 😣
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ReplyDeleteI have recently listened to a series of just 5, 15min episodes called - Katherine Jakeways - Forty Weeks. The only reason I mention this, is that is comparable to the Ben, Beth and Chelsea situation. This is, boy gets girl pregnant after a one night, casual sex. It is what happens with the 3 of them during the pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteSome might like it as I did, others perhaps not so.
Thanks all for the tips on breadmaking. I will give it another try and be more patient re proving, and kneading the dough. I thinks that's my problem, too impatient!
ReplyDeleteYes Miriam you are correct, kneading is very important, no cheating on either count. Look forward to your telling us how it goes.
DeleteMy tomorrows bread is now proving overnight.
Do you make white bread or brown? I only eat granary, wholemeal or similar, so are there differences, as to the techniques involved and needed in making this type of bread?
DeleteThe method is always the same. My usual bread is a mix of wholemeal and white, but I often use rye and sometimes spelt. My absolute favourite is gruyere and cumin/ seed.
DeleteWith pure whole meal the loaf will be denser.
So much for getting a booster!
ReplyDelete10 days later I have tested positive for Covid, feel rotten, splitting headache, ache all over etc.
Cannot do things planned for this weekend and might have to miss meeting up with relatives
from Canada coming to to see us next week during their European trip.
Still, hopefully the booster will stop me from ending up in hospital 🤞
Oh that's sad if you miss your relatives. Take care. 💐
DeleteThat's a shame Archerphile. Hope that you are feeling better soon .
DeleteHaven't you had it once already, AP?
ReplyDeleteThinking of you Archerphile….rest up. 💐
ReplyDeleteInterestingly I have just looked at a quality prepacked sliced loaf stated to be wholemeal, on looking at the contents only 57% is wholemeal flour the rest is soya, I suspect that most prepacked wholemeal are in fact a mixture, as I was wondering how/why they were so light.
So sorry to hear you now have covid ARCHERPHILE - despite feeling rotten now, it is to be hoped that it does not become full blown.
ReplyDeleteNo sign of any side effects from my flue jab last week, and nothing from my Covid booster yesterday so far.
Yes, Sarnia, I have already had it once, back in March after our visit to France. But it doesn’t stop you getting it again and my ONS blood test s say I have ‘antibodies at a higher level’!
ReplyDeleteBut I have still succumbed and just hope the recent booster will stop it getting too bad.
Canadian relatives due to come next Wednesday so hoping for a negative test by then.
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ReplyDeleteMrs P my reply to October 7th.
ReplyDeleteOh dear Archerphile are you sure you didn’t break a mirror awhile back. You are always so unlucky health wise re holidays, visitors etc so very sorry this has happened to you again. Keep rested and drink plenty of water. Mr A?.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes, Archerfile. What rotten luck but hope negative by Wednesday so you can see relatives.
DeleteMr A had his ONS Covid result today and he is negative so that’s good. Feeling a bit better tonight. Still have sore throat but feeing much more perky!
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