Each year we print cards designed by our daughters. We started doing this when they were small and over the years the output has evolved through hand drawn cartoons to these drawn using a drawing tablet attached to a PC, since younger daughter moved out it is just our older one that does them. They have become more political over the years and she gets quite o lot of positive feedback from friends & family
SozDecember 16, 2024 at 10:46 AM I’ll watch that on iPlayer. The Peaks aren’t exactly on our doorstep - about an hour and half drive to Dovedale and the Roaches. We used to walk there quite a lot. Unfortunately can’t walk very far at the moment, wondering whether those walking canes would give me enough support. I’m picking up a new car - new to me - today!!! I am a bit nervous ; it’s an automatic which I’m not used to. On the test drive I drove very sedately; it will take me some time to stop my left hand change gear!
Cheshire CheeseDecember 16, 2024 at 12:40 PM I've had an automatic car for 8 years and wouldn't have anything else now.
Proud to be Yorkshire.December 16, 2024 at 2:41 PM Same here. Had automatic for last 7 years. Love it. Why more people don’t have them I’ll never know. Makes driving a breeze.
AmbridgesMrsPDecember 16, 2024 at 3:58 PM Some people believe that ‘ proper driving ‘ is what they enjoy doing. For me it’s nothing to do with breeze or ease !
SozDecember 16, 2024 at 6:16 PM Well sadly the car was not ready to collect today so I’ll have to wait a week and travel down to south coast in our old Honda which is an old friend and has served us well. I used to enjoy driving and was very adventurous but the roads are so much busier now. On Sunday afternoons I would take my father on ‘magical mystery tours’ without a sat nav!! Sometimes we found a village church and doubled the congregation for evensong. How does anyone feel about driverless cars?
ArcherphileDecember 16, 2024 at 12:36 PM Just a little warning for those using a PC computer with Windows 11 Mr A opened up his PC this morning and went to use Edge, the browser, when suddenly the screen was filled with big warning notices ‘from Microsoft’ with a loud spoken warning too. They said they had detected a Trojan virus on our computer and gave a number to ring to get instructions how to deal with it. It warned not to close down the computer or the Trojan would spread further into our files. We couldn’t just close the page because the mouse wouldn’t work.. Fortunately Mr A called me to look & see what I could do. Before I did anything I looked up Google on my iPad and found that there a dozens of similar scams going round like this one, don’t ring the number given it will lead to the scammers who are trying to access your details and then sell an expensive programme to deal with Trojan hackers. So I just switched off the computer at the wall socket and will open it up again in a couple
AmbridgesMrsPDecember 16, 2024 at 3:59 PM Well done that savvy woman !
MistralDecember 16, 2024 at 5:02 PM Thanks Archerphile.
ArcherphileDecember 16, 2024 at 10:14 PM When I switched on again a couple of hours later everything was fine. I ran a scan with our Norton virus protection system and it cleared rouge files and left everything safe again. I’m just very thankful Mr A didn’t click on the rogue page
I just wish he had decided to get an Apple Mac computer when he had to replace his old machine last year. instead of opting for Microsoft again.
AmbridgesMrsPDecember 16, 2024 at 7:56 PM Sarnia ?
I do hope your listening to Front Row this evening. ( Monday ) Substantial piece about the organ
Sarnia December 16, 2024 at 8:34 PM That's very thoughtful of you, Mrs P. In fact I've been dozing by my cosy stove while enjoying the small, pre-lit Christmas tree from my son, that arrived yesterday.
To be honest, I've been off organs for some considerable time. One can only keep going for so long without inspiration, and the last 13 years have finally worn me down. Anyway I can’’t cope with all this last-minute stuff the way I used yo, and I don’t actually want to any more!
That’s a super Christmas card KP, very topical and mirrors exactly what happened to us recently! An Amazon delivery was chucked over our 6ft high gate into wet flowerbed below. Poured with rain all night but we didn’t know delivery was there & only found it next morning. Surprised because I hadn’t anything on order. Both parcels saturated, one open with dead leaves and twigs blown into it. When I checked, they weren’t even for us, but for some neighbours 200yds down the road! Seeing as our house name is on the gate, the driver should have realised it didn’t match the address on the parcels!
That is deplorable AP I do hope your neighbours have complained to whoever (Amazon) Also the recipient would have received a text to say delivered looked out and nothing there!!
I have got a number of items in a cupboard ready to take with me to younger daughters, food goodies to add to the table. But have now been asked to buy the ham and nuts, so will pick them up on the next shopping trip.
Sarnia, will you be alone for the day itself, or will your son be visiting ?
I am feeling really cheered up now having read that some of you haven't done your cards yet. I have done about 2/3rds but the rest always take me longest because they are the ones I write letters with or at the very least fill up all sides of the card. People like my cousin's widower in Australia who has very few links in this country now. I am probably the only one left that remembers his wife when young before they left at about 22 years of age. I would rather be enjoying cooking mincepies or christmas shaped biscuits than writing cards. If you are around Miriam, or anyone, do you put sugar in your mincepie pastry? I never have but apparently some people do. My daughter's nice ex long term boyfriend is staying with his parents in Colombia for an extended christmas break and has texted for my mincepie recipe because he liked the fact they were not too sweet. Possibly it might be because I don't put sugar in the pastry. Haven't made my christmas pudding yet either. Going out with daughter who has a day off work tomorrow to hunt down a turkey. Little grandson ( 3 in March) is a great distraction from card writing too. He "helped" decorate our tree the other afternoon. I managed to put the fragile baubles up high out of reach, but he has discovered a great game using the decorations as target practice for his ball.
Miriam, if I remember rightly, you once told us you were one of the ‘Waspi Women’, affected by the alteration in the retirement age for women. So I expect you will be very upset by the announcement from the new government today. Another swipe at the older generation!
I’ve been thinking throughout today that we would hear from Miriam this evening at how aggrieved she would be. I’m surprised not to have seen a post from her. I imagine she is very angry. Pretty understandable IMO.
Here, here Mrs P. Just been watching speeches by various members of the government last year promising these women would be compensated and now? Yet another promise broken.
I too am one of the Waspi women and have supported their cause. I have had to wait until this year for my state pension at age 66. I did receive a letter informing me of the increase in the age for claimants a few years ago, but I retired early with a private pension. I joined the Waspi women because my generation of women often gave up work to care for our children or parents and therefore did not make sufficient NI contributions to receive a full state pension. I never expected to receive any financial recompense, I just agreed with the principle.
Yes, Mrs P, alone. My son was due to visit this Monday and Tuesday but an emergency situation arose with one of his students which could not be resolved by remote working, so he couldn't come. Try again after NY.
As I am still not playing there will be no services either, so it will be extremely quiet. I don't mind: there is a mountainous backlog of washing and stuff to get through where I've been under the weather for so long, and I'll be able to tackle it one tiny bit at a time as I feel able, without any distractions.
Today and tomorrow my shower is being renovated, which will give great pleasure when finished.
I hope you are genuinely not minding being alone Sarnia, but also hope you do get telephone contact on the day from your son and perhaps your daughter too. When I told my eldest that I would not mind spending Christmas alone, her reply was that then she would feel guilty. I resisted the temptation to tell her that feeling that was her responsibility, not mine. She knows that well enough. I do wonder if now that their father has died they feel greater responsibility towards their mother. I would very much like to have those conversations.
I hope you will feel able to cook a nice meal for yourself on the day, or on Boxing Day.
Not at all, Mrs P, not at all. I toyed with the idea of being collected for church on Christmas Day, but the service is earlier, at 10am. As the busy, busy secretary would have to be there well before, it would probably mean being picked up at 9am, so - Nah, don't think so!
Nice meal: oh yeah, Sainsbury's frozen beef dinner for one on the day, and lamb dinner on Boxing Day - or possibly even the other way round, who knows.
Parcel arrived from my son today; I think I've got an aeroplane for Christmas!
Mmm yes, I recently discovered a red cabbage spiced salad in Tesco and went and bought a second lot. Along with beetroot, very good with cold meats. And new potatoes of course.
I also thought the cards were great KP. My favourite is the Good King Wenceslas one. It makes a good political point. I am still cross about it. My daughter also makes her cards. Hers are simple visual ones. This year she bought little wooden cut out cat figures, sprayed them black, stuck a diamonte green eye on them, then on to gold card plus a pile of tinsel as if the cat is either playing with it or sleeping in it, which is what our Bella cat does. Sarnia I am resisting the temptation to open a package from Magic Flute until I have finished my cards!
Janice, re sugar in mince pie pastry. I don't put sugar in mine as I think it's too much with the sweet mincemeat. I do put egg yolks in which makes the pastry richer.
I’ve finally managed some cards this evening and have a few stamps from last year, so five to post tomorrow. I had my B12 injection today and am off to Dulverton tomorrow for my covid jab. Yes, I know it’s late, I just didn’t get around to it, which is why I have to make tomorrows journey.
Hopefully now you have had your B12 jab you will be able to face Christmas, both MrNuts and daughter slump significantly in the weeks running up to their jabs and then bounce up like a droopy plant being watered.
Actually it never seems to make any difference to me but I’m pleased nevertheless to be able to have it. Do your family members have pernicious anaemia KP, or is it some other condition ? And thanks for your good wishes.
Last post from Miriam was on December 8th stating stepping away for a break as she does from time to time when she feels she has upset someone with her advice or comments on this occasion it was Sarnia who then immediately assured her that as she was feeling so unwell probably her own comments probably came across more sharply than intended. However we know our Miriam and 🤞🏼 she will return to us. I hope she is still reading the blog and all our comments on how enraged we are on her behalf as an affected WASPIE!i
I’ve driven a complete circle around Exmoor today. Previously since living here I’ve gone to a destination there and back on the same road, but as it was a bright tho’ cold day and mostly dry, I gave myself a little adventure. Mostly struck by the devastation within the woodlands which are extensive in this part of the UK, huge areas blown completely flat. The Ed and Emma’s around here must be so overwhelmed with available work with lots still to be dealt with. And all the rivers running fast and furious, though whatever flooding there might have been has now abated.
You put me to shame Mrs P. I am still plucking up courage to drive the mile down to the village by myself. So far have just had a little practice drive with son sitting beside me. I've had a nice day though. I decided to start writing a brief message in my remaining cards to say I would write properly in the New Year, and got out my great aunt's, possibly about a 100 years old, T G Green heavy yellow mixing bowls. I generally only use them at Christmas time for making the pudding and mincepies. So the pudding is made and the others have all had a stir and a wish, including little Max. I think we all know what Max's wish was for. To anyone who asks what he would like for christmas he says a red toy car. I love the connection I feel with my great aunt when using her cooking bowls. She was a good cook and there are many questions I wish my younger self had asked her. She made a superb Victoria sponge with a flaky top that I have never achieved. The nearest I can get to it is by sprinkling caster sugar on the top before cooking, but it isn't anything as good as hers. If you are reading Miriam do you have any ideas about it?
Come on Janice- do that one mile, then back again and get your confidence back.
I didn’t inherit any kitchen equipment, but did buy lots of substantial kitchen bowls from flea markets when living in Malmesbury and I love them, even though I don’t cook now. But they do still connect me to the woman I once was, and I really do miss her.
Brought in the tree we bought last weekend, there wasn’t a massive choice and I had my doubts, now it’s up in the lounge they’re confirmed! It’s so bushy there’s no space for the decorations to hang, I’m quite glad we’re not having guests. I imagine it will look ok once decorated.
I am still in the background, hovering around + reading. What a delight to read how things are going so well with you all. As a Waspi, I am so angry as I am one, but I wouldn't have got any compensation, regardless. To get such, it had to be proven with evidence as to the lack of finances and savings, as to show the inability to pay bills, rent etc. In my case, my lovely Dad died so I got an inheritance, which I used as my income for awhile until my pensions could be consolidated into one and then used. What angers me is that my inheritance, could not be used in the way I would have preferred,and became my income source at that time. Still I was very lucky unlike so many others, in that I had a roof over my head, could maintain it and life my life.
Good to have you back with us Miriam. We are possibly all pretty angry on behalf of those WASPI women who had promises made to them. I must admit that the only two women I have known who come into this category were aware of the restrictions imposed upon them to work those extra years, one of them being my direct supervisor who was also carer to both her parents. I’m pleased to hear that although unfair, your inheritance allowed you to remain reasonably comfortable.
To add I will finally put up my 🎄 tomorrow, it's better late than never..🎅 Now for the high winds and the yellow warnings for the next 24+ hours. I am well sorted as,my store cupboards, fridge + freezer are well stocked.
Glad to hear that you are OK Miriam. I must admit that when I first heard the news breaking about Waspi women, I immediately thought of you and hoped you wouldn’t be badly affected. So I’m glad that you had alternative means, even if it was due to sad circumstances
Tree now decorated but would look better with more lights. The nativity scene is very crowded, over the years extra characters have appeared: several pigs, a turtle, a snake, a bird, an old fashioned dentist & patient, and a unicorn… there are also paper chains, a Christmas tree and presents and a string of miniature cards based on my daughter’s designs. Still more full of cold than Christmas spirit but getting there, I hope no-one has been impacted by the winds, stay safe everyone.
For the first time in decades I’ve finished my cards and either delivered or posted by Friday evening. Amazing ! Helped out and met new people at a LETS Solstice Soup Kitchen yesterday, final shopping this afternoon and have now delivered Lady to her Christmas stay. I’m off to Bath for my Christmas tomorrow with Nine Lessons and Carols at Bath Abbey tomorrow evening. Wishing everybody the least stressful time over the next few days and a safe journey to all who may be travelling to reach their Christmas destination.
Wishing the lovely people on this blog all the best for the coming festive season however you may be spending it. A peaceful few days over Christmas for us followed by a very busy weekend with family visiting. To all those of you who are travelling I wish you safe journeys.
A very merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you all. I will be going upstairs to eat Christmas dinner with my family. We live in a house divided into two flats so I haven,t far to go.
Earlier we had the Buenas Noches ( the good night) traditional "feast" prepared by my filipino daughter in law. Always an interesting experience with Filipino and Spanish dishes, and usually eaten after midnight mass ( the country is mainly Roman Catholic) but that is too late fo us. We took little Max to the united family crib service at 3 pm, and I might decide to brave the rain and mist and go with my daughter to the Midnight, and then put the turkey in the rayburn when we get back to cook overnight.
Woke up his misty morning to a flurry of messages from daughter who is feeling too grotty to host a full lunch (so we’ll just go over with snacks and presents) and siblings trying to arrange a family video chat which is proving surprisingly difficult. No doubt something will happen mid afternoon with everyone in various degrees of food/drink induced relaxation but not sure where the younger generations will be.
Woke this morning to find that the aftereffects of all the remedial chiropractic treatment had begun to wear off at last, as well as extra problems arising from last week's shower installation.Breathing is easier than for months and I've managed to wash a few dishes without pain in back, ribs and shoulders.
Two garden tokens for Christmas and a beautiful model aeroplane from my son. It's a Vickers Viscount like the one I used to travel back and forth to college in as a student teacher in the 1960s.
Have had a very very busy day cooking for the family, but also enjoyable having a lot of fun with Max. Am now collapsed in a chair relaxing while the rest watch Puss in Boots. Midnight was nice as we were sitting in a row in front of four people with excellent voices. The two men were basses and were harmonising. Have been chuckling at Impresario 😀
I do hope everyone has had a happy and enjoyable day We certainly have. Daughter drove over to collect us (so Mr A could indulge in a glass of wine or two). A magnificent lunch was laid on, turkey with every trimming imaginable, all cooked by son.in.law. Then a lovely afternoon chatting with the 3 grandchildren. The eldest two discussing teaching, syllabuses (syllbi), staff room gossip etc which seemed so strange remembering having changed their nappies many, many years ago! And the youngest telling us all about the online interviews he has just had for Oxford next year from two of the colleges. It all seemed a bit unreal. Then daughter drove us home again, bless her and we slumped in front of the TV till bedtime.
I’m glad to hear that people seem to have had a good time. We ended up having nibbles bits, presents & a couple of games with younger daughter, a chaotic group WhatsApp video call with my sibs and then home for a very satisfactory dinner. A pleasant day all round & MrNuts seemed happy enough with my present to him of tickets to see Charles Collingwood in Eastleigh
Very nice Christmas Day in Yorkshire. A friend came for lunch but soon pushed off back to his house. So a relaxing rest of the day for us. I indulged in a babysham! at lunch time. Disappointed in Christmas strictly, first time I’d seen one. Wallace and Gromit was brilliant and really enjoyed Gavin and Stacey. Today I’m doing nothing houseworky. Will take old dog round the park then indulge in telly and a turkey sandwich for the rest of the day.
We had an enjoyable Christmas Day. A walk up to the summit of Teggs Nose in the morning. Christmas dinner early afternoon followed by a family video call. After clearing up we watched some TV with bubbly and chocolates. Today has been spent mostly getting ready for our 8 visitors this weekend. We did manage our traditional Boxing Day walk on a very muddy Alderly Edge in some very misty and murky weather this morning.
Here in Bath the mist has not lifted all day. However a lovely circular walk from Bathampton along the canal into Sidney Gardens o into and through town, the weir, then back to the car. I was able to link up all the bits of the city I’m familiar with and knew where I was at all times. Most satisfactory. Wonderful food frequently at the table, watched with the family G and S which I’ve never seen before, then this afternoon’s W and G. Neither my kind of viewing, but at least I’ve joined in with the rest of the nation which is rare for me. Home tomorrow as my family off to Oxford to their other G parents sibling and cousins.
My Christmas Day is on Sunday. The hostess is big Sis + bro in law. There'll also be two niece's plus their partners, not forgetting two grand niece's and a grand nephew. A good family get-together and a fun day is planned. I'm the kitchen maid, but will have a fancy headress, earrings and a festive apron, to suit the occasion
Re. Wallace and Gromit - the attention to detail, scenery, ‘costumes’ etc is extraordinary and the story line very inventive. However, for me, it just went on a bit too long. I lost track of what was happening half way through and thought it might have better to screen it in two episodes. I just kept thinking of how much work it must have taken to film, how many staff must have been involved and how many hours taken to set up scenes and move the ‘puppets’. A real tour de force. As for Gavin and Stacy, we never watched the earlier series so the final series was of no interest to us. However we felt battered over the head with the number of trailers the BBC kept showing, even to the extent of including the programme in the news. Too much BBC!
Have never followed either of them AP and found the tv schedule overall to be appalling. Did my usual watch of “Its a wonderful life” and “The Snowman” sniffles at the end of both - as usual 🤭 Today just between channels one to five 24 films were shown 😱 so that limited staff required I suppose.
I’m pleased to be coupled with you Lady R as I said above, I’ve never watched Gavin and Stacey or the Grommet business, and having been polite and watched with family, hope never to have to do so again. Nothing in either programme appealed to me. On the other hand I did find the Roger Moore documentary mildly entertaining. ( I was an early admirer and loved ‘ The Saint ‘ )
Also we enjoyed “The gone Christmas Fishing” which we watched on catch up. Love the scenery, chit chat with laughs and the overall tranquility and lack of stardom just two mates of 30yrs plus relaxing. 🤗
Yes, the Islands have been intermittently cut off since Christmas Eve, with Alderney totally isolated. Aircraft and passengers stranded all over the place.
I’ve spent Christmas in London with my daughter and family. I drove down in my new car on Christmas morning; no lorries but more traffic than I expected. I’m getting used to it being automatic and only changed imaginary gears with my left hand once!! Like many of you I had never watched Gavin and Stacey but watched that final episode with the family. I can see its appeal - even though I didn’t know the characters I found myself caught up in it. Whereas the Outnumbered episode we all watched fell flat and seemed forced. Nothing to compare with News Announcers singing and dancing their way through South Pacific! One of my Christmas presents is to see “Ballet Shoes” at the Olivier theatre. It was my favourite children’s book and it looks an interesting production.
I'm off to my big family meet-up tomorrow. There'll be 10 of us, three generations and we'll be all together. I suddenly realised today that I needed to wrap up some belated Christmas presents, along with two Birthday ones. The problem was, I thought I had plenty of birthday paper but definitely not so. No way was I was going out to buy some. At least I had the gorgeous birthday cards to go with these gifts, which are now wrapped in Christmas paper! It's the thought that counts..😀
I’m in bed - I think I’ve got flu - had my flu jab on the Friday before Christmas so may be just a touch of flu. Spent the night coughing up mucus, managed my tea and feeding Lady and Puss and that was a challenge enough.
Fingers crossed it’s just a touch of flu Mrs P. Hope the sun is shining on you this morning as it is in the midlands. Going to be counting the extended minutes to each day soon. As I often say to myself at this time of year - we’re the right side of Christmas !!
Just managed to drag myself out of bed and make tea. Another night of coughing and feeling pretty dreadful this morning. Lady not walked yesterday- she does use the garden - Yes Soz it’s flu of some kind, though I’m sure it could be a lot worse. I’ll soldier on…. No choice but to do otherwise.
What a lovely family day yesterday. Needless to say, I slept late and haven't eaten much today. What a brilliant get together, where so much fun was had by all. Meal was Beef, Yorkshire puds, roasties, leeks, peas, red cabbage, cauliflower plus loads of gravy, which was followed by Eton Mess and Bakewell Tart. I daren't mention Charades and other games which were played!! I got home close to 10'clock. The drive home didn't bother me at all, as my vision is so good again after my laser treatment a few months ago, to clear the cloudy vision which often happens after cataract ops. As a result I now have a new pair of clear driving glasses, which were worth every single costly penny, plus my car has auto-responsive full beam headlights. By this I mean, I put the lights onto full beam and somehow cars in front, cars approaching and street lights are detected so lights automatically change to dipped headlights! It's quite spooky technology, but it suits me...
I must add, that my washing dried outside today (which included bedding) in the sun and stiff breeze. Now to iron it all, but I'll wait until next year!!
Happy New Year to everyone. I hope that 2025 is a really good year for us all, and a healthier one for those of us who have had health hiccups this year, whether minorish like mine or more serious like some of you and yours. Mrs P. Hope you are better soon. Keep in the warm and rest as much as possible. Honey and lemon in warm water can be helpful. Honey is soothing if you are coughing a lot, and the lemon is rich in vitamin C and antibacterial. Sarnia I liked Lanterns in Wet Leaves very much. Quite deep I thought and the flashes of humour made nice touches.
Thank you, Janice. I don't get a lot of feedback,so that means a lot to me. It's a nerve-wracking decision to put your own work out in the public domain, and sometimes I'm left wondering if I've just got ideas above my station.
Of course you haven't got ideas above your station Sarnia. Think about John Clare, one of my favourite poets, classed as a peasant in the class system of the day but that didn't stop him from writing, and with his own individual dialect way of spelling. Every one of us is unique and has our own way of looking at the world, and every one of us has the right to express that through whatever medium we choose. A good bit resonated with me, and will with others, and when that happens it is a nice feeling because you think "yes" someone else has felt the same way. Have also just finished reading The Wild Silence, and some time ago The Salt Path, and if ever there was someone who took the risk of putting herself and their personal lives out in the public domain it is Raynor Winn. Liked your illustrations as well.
Mrs P hope you are feeling much better by now; if not that you have been able to access some medical help. Has anyone in your family you stayed with at Christmas, been ill? Youngsters are usually able to throw things off pretty quickly.
Sarnia do you get any feedback from your publisher ? The very fact that your work has been published must give you some confidence. Most of us just dream of such an achievement. And Janice, I loved your explanation of why everyone has their own means to express themselves and the joy when you find you are not alone in your thoughts. After producing what I believed to be my best piece of art for mock o level, my teacher criticised it harshly. I never painted again because I trusted her judgement and lost all confidence in my artistic ability; but when I became a teacher, I was very sensitive to the student’s feelings about their work.
Oh, Soz, he doesn't get any either. This is very much a local, 'shoestring' outfit, and it's very rare for me to make a sale (blessings Janice, OWiaS and Maryellen). Most of them get given away locally or no one would ever read them at all!
As I put in the other blog I wish everyone a very happy, healthy and peaceful New Year. Including those who only use this particular blog and perhaps only read but don’t write. To those of us who have been having health problems this year, I hope for much better times ahead and the best treatment possible from the NHS. Thank you all for your friendship and companionship online, it is greatly appreciated.
I too wish all contributors and readers of this blog a better New Year than that experienced in 2024.
After another night of coughing, though feeling mildly less unwell in myself, I did call the surgery and had a call back from a doctor within an hour. I have just arrived home from giving Lady a short walk and visiting Tesco where our lovely Swedish pharmacist hoped I would be better soon as she gave me the antibiotics. One of the staff noticing how worn out I looked offered to help me to the car with my shopping as well. The Dr suggested I might have a mild chest infection and that sounded about right to me. Yes Soz, my daughter is unwell too. I think we probably picked something up at the Service at Bath Abbey over Christmas. We both felt a bit odd the following day, then we were both ok for the rest of Christmas, until Saturday when it hit us both. G daughter appears to be untouched. Hale and hearty youngsters !
Thank you to all for your kind thoughts and encouragement over the last year. It is much appreciated.
May the happier and healthier times be the more prolific for all during 2025. However as we know tough times have a habit of putting their heads above the parapet in which case may strength be given to see them through not least from the friendship and support that this blog gives. Happy New Year and special thanks to you KP for your work and time in ensuring our blog continues ⭐️👏🏻⭐️
I agree with every word Lady R. - well said! This blog remains a lifeboat in so many ways and is much appreciated. Let’s keep it bobbing along in 2025. 🚣🏻♂️. Thank you KP.
The last of the weekend visitors left yesterday afternoon. I've just been catching up with the blog after spending the day trying to get the house in some semblance of order. The doors of the spare bedrooms have been closed, they will be be tackled when our batteries have been recharged.
I also appreciate what you have done to keep the blog going KP and would like to wish everyone all the best for 2025.
Happy New Year everyone. We’re home having seen the new year in with friends in Kent, we have been doing this for 25 years now apart from one year when they came to us for Christmas instead & lock down when we had a “bake-off” style competition over FaceTime. Drive back in the rain was not pleasant with ninja cars without lights appearing through the spray. Feeling slightly jaded as usual for January 1st but hoping 2025 treats the world better than the last 10 or so years.
What did I do on New Year's Day - I went to the supermarket! It was so empty, but then again so were the shelves which I did expect. At least I got all that I needed, basically fruit + veg. which were all still very fresh, plus a few other basics. I was back home by 10.15am.
Take Care all, as the cold spell is now starting. ❄️ I am of the mindset, keep warm and don't worry about the heating costs until later.. Mind you I have so many pairs of warm + cosy slippers + socks, thick jumpers + cardigans, plus a lovely black furry, purring, HWB, who snuggles up every night.🐈⬛
I hope that everyone manages to keep nice and warm during this cold spell. We were on dog walking duty yesterday and it was lethal underfoot in places. Just to rub it in, a friend has just posted a photo of herself from Zanzibar in a bathing costume!
Our oil fired boiler has decided that now is the time to give up, along with our wood burning stove. I am growing in size as I put on each layer of clothing. No Jack Frost patterns on inside of our windows …..yet! NZ and Zanzibar sound quite appealing.
What horrible timing, KP. Still, it's a chance to move on from the wood burner as they are carcinogenic. My gas-fired stove looks cosy and welcoming, is a very efficient heater, and what's more, doesn't aggravate my asthma. Good luck with the replacements!
Rural areas don't have access to gas pipe lines though, and tanked gas is horribly expensive. Kiln dried wood for wood burners is less polluting but is more expensive than ordinary seasoned wood. It is generally non seasoned wet wood that is most problematic, and we found out years ago after getting a moisture meter that wood sold as seasoned is rarely properly seasoned. Buying a year ahead of use, or using your own fallen branches, and storing in a barn can be useful if you have the space. We rely mostly on an oil fired rayburn, but do use our woodburner as well in the coldest weather, and it makes a nice cosy atmosphere over Christmas. About 30 years old, simply but solidly built and easy to use, but I know you can get more efficient double burn woodburners nowadays. Hope you have got some hot water bottles Soz!!
Thanks, Janice, I was wondering about that. My neighbours have all embraced the log-burning trend with enthusiasm and my health, and presumably that of others like me, has been in decline ever since.
I think there is actually a law now saying not to burn wood with a higher moisture content than 20%, but of course people can buy so called seasoned wood in good faith from sellers out to make a quick sale from fairly newly cut logs. Two years in a dry but draughty barn is the ideal, and it needs to be cut into logs not left as tree trunks because they will take a lot longer to dry, but my guess is that most is only 6 months seasoned. The only way to implement the law is to have spot checks and tests on wood pre sale, which should work in town where most people buy in their logs. Went on an open garden day a few years back and some rock star or other had bought an ancient place that used to be a little monastery near Boscastle, old carp ponds and everything, and I was impressed with his way of dealing with the fallen and thinned out trees. He could afford quite a bit of gardening help though. Nice vegetable gardens and chickens too. Huge old open front barns with tree trunks in one then gradually cut and placed in an adjoining barn, and they were all in date order, with the newer year trunks replacing previous years trunks. Forgotten his name but must have been someone who dreamt of retiring to the country, and was making a good go at it. My cousin her daughter and granddaughter are arriving about 4 for a Christmas cup of tea so I had better stop wittering on and get back to making biscuits and sausage rolls!!!
We’re not icicles yet. We have the wood burner door open and are using smokeless fuel at the moment. Evidently there was a small fire in chimney last week when I was in London. A plate in the chimney has melted and needs to be replaced. Hopefully we can get hold of someone who knows what they are doing next week. The burner is about the same age as yours Janice and has been very well used . It has kept our little cottage warm for many years. So in case it needs replacing we went to look at new ones yesterday. We were told that they would be far more efficient . Unfortunately gas is not an option here. As Janice has said, there is not the same access to gas pipes in the country. Our oil fired boiler has never been brilliant but heats the water and a few radiators though our main heat supply has always been from our Squirrel wood burner. When that is working properly, the whole house feels warm. On the farm we have a plentiful supply of wood which is well dried before we use it but we also use a smokeless fuel which pumps out more heat.
We are told to expect snow before 6pm but there’s no sign of it so far. ⛄️
Sarnia I do understand your dislike of wood burners for health reasons. My son suffered from asthma badly and I don’t expect our fires helped. I do remember the smell of a Wrights coal tar vaporiser filling the whole house - a very cleansing sort of smell but a nice one. However I’ve always loved open fires and would ignore the dust and soot they create. I find them mesmerising and would sit as close as possible to imagine intricate cities in the red hot coals.
Oh Soz - your last sentence brought my childhood back to me brilliantly. I did the same, although I can’t remember exactly what it was I saw in those glowing embers. My dad, a foot courier in the city used to go to the fish market in his lunch break and collect broken pallets ( not pallets as we know them today, much smaller boxes ) he would bundle them up and tied with string he would bring them home for the fire. I suppose because they were made from cheap timber, they had a lot of resin in them, and this used to flare once in contact with a flame. Bliss !
Sarnia - I think we can accept that it is a sore point for you, along with it being so with some others, without you needing to apologise for mentioning it. It’s an open subject with different opinions along the way in discussing it.
Internet banking. I've been locked out of my app since the fraud in February. Last week I got an email from the bank with the new user ID I had asked for.
Well, I hadn't asked for one, so on Thursday with great difficulty I visited the branch with my son, and the email was indeed a fraud.
The old app was cleared and a new one set up with different information. On Friday my son ordered me a microwave online, which was duly delivered on Saturday.
Today I've been warned that a second recipient has been added to the account at 3.36pm on Thursday (by which time we were back home) and a suspicious payment on my online account has been stopped.
I am now locked out of my internet account AGAIN, accused of entering an incorrect user ID.
I would think you are too Sarnia. I would say change your bank but there is no guarantee that another one would be more efficient. Are you able to contact your present bank by phone?
I intend to visit the branch again tomorrow (another exhausting day and £20 in taxi fares) to say my piece, which means a cancelled chiropractor visit that my breathing badly needs.
It's been suggested that they're getting in through my phone, and I've no idea what to do about that!
That's so frustrating Sarnia. I've never used my phone or tablet for banking or shopping preferring the PC which I find less fiddly. After reading about your experiences I think I'll stick with that!
Sarnia. Have you tried the helpline no. 159 which will connect you to your own banks fraud department? Here you can talk about the possible extra payments taken that you've mentioned, and they might be able to sort this out for for you. This might save you an expensive taxi fare trip out along with your health problems. It is worth a try and a starting point. Can your son help you?
The fraud department contacted me and have taken all the details, including reference to the police, but nothing will happen for 5 days. In the meantime I have more bread in the freezer but I've run out of eggs.
My son has done all he can, but it's back to work tomorrow and back to college for the grandchildren, so he's a bit stressed about his own stuff.
..and you can manage to get some eggs. These are a staple of my diet as love these for lunches, be scrambled, poached or an omelette in this cold spell. It makes a difference to soup.
Hope all are not snowbound. I had sleet/snow overnight and I woke up to a white world. There's been a gradual thaw, with more rain/sleet today, but it is now freezing hard, so sheet ice! Oh well, I made use of my half-price electricity hours today, as I had the oven + hobs on. I was batchcooking to replace meals for the freezer, plus bread. The only problem was, just how much washing up I had to do as a result. Hopefully it will be worth the effort.
We've had more snow this morning. It must have come after the milk was delivered as there were no footprints on the drive. The birds are making the most of the food that I'm putting out in this cold weather.
In the East Midlands snow has disappeared and the water is rising. The people who live at the junction of our lane and the Main Street in the village are watching the water very closely as bow waves from cars force the water ever nearer. They have no chance with the milk tanker coming to fetch our milk.
Unless someone is willing to stand in the path of the tanker and ensure it makes very slow progress.
It was wet here this morning, but bright sunlight has been pouring through the window for several hours now.
I finished my antibiotics two days ago. Still feel utterly rotten and it’s morphed into a cold now. Was so looking forward to resuming choir this afternoon, and will have to wait another week now.
Good idea - that would definitely help but there is no exact time for the tanker to arrive. You could be waiting for hours. Some drivers are more considerate and do drive according to the conditions. The reason it floods far more often than in the past is because the 2 villages on the hills behind us have doubled in size, with buildings on green field sites which absorbed far more water than the concrete that has replaced them; a fact that seems too obvious for our councillors to understand . Rant over
Sorry to hear you are still feeling rotten Mrs P. Maybe you need a longer course of antibiotics to completely clear it. My sister in law and her daughter’s family have had something similar and it has taken them a long time to recover.
I’m quite concerned already that it’s likely to take a long recovery and then I’m given my date for surgery before I am fully recovered. But then, the forced inactivity post surgery would enable me to get some decent strength back.
Yesterday, the. excessive rain turned the road past our house into a river, water being unable to drain away due to blocked culverts. Our house has been literally drenched, right up to the bedroom windows, every time a vehicle tries to plough through. Today, we have snow. I feel like hibernating until Spring
How tiresome AP these winter months are being an assortment of trials one way and another! Is Mr AP still attending Southampton for appointments? I have a friend due there tomorrow (a good friend of hers drives her) for 2.30pm eye appointment.Fingers crossed for the weather! Another friend has recently had a heart problem, a great walker and never sitting but is now due to start a once a week for 6 weeks attendance at Alton Rehab so if your husband should notice a new man in attendance called Ron it may be him…Depending on day of the week attending.
It is just wet, windy and very muddy here. There are 3 flowers already out on the pink camellia bush and pink roses still out on one of the shrub roses. They shouldn't be out at the same time. The seasons they are a changing.
We are lucky in that being up on the slope of the hill the water coming off the fields just keeps on going down the track and misses the garden and house. The track becomes a mudbath though, and water collects in the lane. It has been much worse since the farmer near us has grubbed out the old hedges, as many others have done, to make much larger fields, so there aren't the hedges there now to hold back the water and let it soak in or drain more slowly.
Ironically we are in a scheme at the moment that pays us to maintain our hedges and old pastures. We have a closed herd ( every cow has been bred on our farm, we don’t buy in fresh stock) but we are trying to reduce the size of it as the three brothers are getting quite old and creaky and milking is a full time job. So we don’t farm intensively and prefer smaller hedge lined fields. How long we can continue as a smaller business is a moot point. Farmers don’t retire willingly.
Do you have a mixed herd or stick to one breed Soz? My dad liked Ayrshires although there were others as well. There was one beautiful white Charolais who led the herd. She would mother anything in sight, including me, and would let me ride on her back,. Milking is a heck of a tie though, and as my brother gradually took over from my father ( and I agree about farmers never retiring willingly!) they switched to beef cattle.
We have British Friesians. We did have some Holstein Friesians, they gave more milk but were not so healthy as the smaller British Friesians. We’re lucky as all our milk goes to a local dairy making Stilton cheese. That must have been fun riding on your beautiful Charolais. Evidently my husband used to prefer to ride the pigs - they were smaller and didn’t run so fast as the cows - though he made sure he jumped off before the pig reached the brook!
I've had ice, snow, sleet, hail and sunshine, all in one day. The only thing I can say - it's cold and my CH is on all day now. Even 🐈⬛ won't go out and actually uses a litter tray, which shows how awful the weather is, as usually she just won't!
To add. Pusscat is hardly going out so as such she is full of energy. My home is now like an activity centre/obstacle course where the main participant is black with green-eyes... I did chuck her out a short while ago, but was back in again quickly. 😸
In answer to Lady R - yes Gerald still goes to cardiac rehab every week. His session is Tuesday mornings. It’s been 23 years now since he’s has been going after the initial 6 weeks. He is still under the care of a heart/lung specialist at Southampton, his next appt is via a telephone consultation to see if he needs to go for another assessment or a change of drugs. I hope Mr R is continuing well and you are able together some rest
Wow that is some time scale AP thank goodness Gerald lives in the right area to attend this great facility which in turn is thanks to the lovely Dr Bethall who also created the “Home Focus” visiting group of which I was a part for a long time now disbanded like many things I’m afaraid. Mr R is still suffering from what is known as hospital delirium totally fine much of the time but when it hits is most distressing all round. In its way it mirrors dementia as he will be shocked we are married or another scenario that I have been on the gad with his goddaughter and left him alone. Some nights are hard but last night was blissful 😴 His Dr is aware and is there as and when we need her. AM carers have finished also after 5 visits the District Nurses the last one found a lump in his groin which we know is ok as the Dr home visited same day as getting the report it is noted and just to be aware.We are going out for car rides and yesterday even had lunch at The GARTHOWEN garden centre at Four Marks. Love it there and family owned - for at least 70 yrs all food fresh and cooked to order 🙂 Anyway enough for now apart from adding this blog is certainly my lifeboat right now and you are all a wonderful crew! Thank you too Ruth and now of course KP (and our middle man)
Thank you so much Sarnia I did think of you actually with regard to the situation. The odd thing is Mr R seems perfectly ok with my neighbour and my sister etc but that is daytime. If it is the hospital delirium it can come and go for sometime if it does not well…. Surgery wise he is well supported but family and friends it can be felt rather want to back off certainly of staying with your person in order for you to be able to go out. Goddaughter will but very busy with work. Mr R now has a watch version of personal alarm but not really taking the technology of it in so…. but there we re that’s life as the saying goes All things will pass or something similar and so fortunate that much of the day is pretty good.
Janice I’ve replied re cows further back. Lady R I do understand that need for a little time away from it all to recharge the batteries. Glad that you’re able to go for a few drives - some garden centre cafes are very good.
Los Angeles fires so distressing what a terrible and frightening time for the people there whether ordinary or multimillionaires residents homes and a lifetimes memories gone but keeping one’s life is the biggest blessing, and 🙏🏼 for those that have not.
Hi Lady R. Thank you for thinking of me. A slight sprinkling of snow one morning which had gone by lunch time. Just cold here. No illness either. Just haven’t had much to say. I will say that I’m really pleased that I’ve got my mother of the groom wedding outfit sorted for the end of June. Got a black dress with red roses on, that sounds awful but it’s lovely. I had to have the car to the garage near York this week so I suddenly thought I’ll pop into Clarks and see if they have any red shoes in the sale. ( I really don’t like paying full price, true Yorkshire woman) I was pleasantly surprised and got some red sling backs and a small matching handbag half price. Then hit marks for some hold your gut in scaffolding knickers. A friend has a black fascinator I’m going to borrow so I’m all set. 😊
I never or rather very rarely, pay full price for anything unless it is exactly what I want. The last time I paid full price was for 3 pairs of trousers from M+S. These were exactly what I wanted, fitted perfectly, and as I just couldn't decide, I bought two pairs in store, and then ordered a 3rd pair, in a different colour, on-line. It's rare I'm so rash. I love black + red and your outfit sounds absolutely gorgeous + classy. The last wedding I went to, I wore purple + black, with a bit of cream mixed in. It suited me.
It's still very cold and icy here. Yesterday evening our next door neighbour's daughter got her car stuck in the snow and ice outside our house, ending up broadside across the lane. Mr CC and her dad eventually managed to dig her out, but it took a while. She's promised to bake MrCC some choc chip cookies as a thank you! We did manage a walk earlier in the day, it was precarious in places but I really enjoyed being out in the cold, frosty conditions. My very little used snow boots came in very useful. I hope that everyone stays warm, cosy and safe while this weather continues.
It's now dawn when my aeroplanes arrive from the Islands, closely followed by flocks of migratory birds who obviously think it's time to fly north again.
Very cold here but the sunshine gives you a lift. It is reassuring to see snowdrops and daffodils making their way upwards while hellebores can be seen all over the place drooping heavily while it’s so frosty. Sarnia did you get anywhere with the bank?
Thank you for asking, Soz. I warned my milk provider that they might be denied access to my account and they issued me with an emergency ticket.
However, they informed me yesterday that payment had been received as usual, so that deliveries would not be a problem. However, I'm still locked out of the app, so I can't use the Sainsbury's account. I used up my cash reserve on the shopping a friend did for me this week, so it's a bit of a pi ckle.
I’ve just spent ten minutes sitting in the garden in the falling light. The big owl has been back in the tree giving very loud whhooo calls. Nearby in another garden a tiny response of t wit every time he / she called. Was it mum and baby or male and female ? They have moved off now, back towards the nearby woods I imagine. My kind of magic !
Each year we print cards designed by our daughters. We started doing this when they were small and over the years the output has evolved through hand drawn cartoons to these drawn using a drawing tablet attached to a PC, since younger daughter moved out it is just our older one that does them. They have become more political over the years and she gets quite o lot of positive feedback from friends & family
ReplyDeleteSozDecember 16, 2024 at 10:46 AM
ReplyDeleteI’ll watch that on iPlayer. The Peaks aren’t exactly on our doorstep - about an hour and half drive to Dovedale and the Roaches. We used to walk there quite a lot. Unfortunately can’t walk very far at the moment, wondering whether those walking canes would give me enough support.
I’m picking up a new car - new to me - today!!! I am a bit nervous ; it’s an automatic which I’m not used to. On the test drive I drove very sedately; it will take me some time to stop my left hand change gear!
Cheshire CheeseDecember 16, 2024 at 12:40 PM
I've had an automatic car for 8 years and wouldn't have anything else now.
Proud to be Yorkshire.December 16, 2024 at 2:41 PM
ReplyDeleteSame here. Had automatic for last 7 years. Love it. Why more people don’t have them I’ll never know. Makes driving a breeze.
AmbridgesMrsPDecember 16, 2024 at 3:58 PM
Some people believe that ‘ proper driving ‘ is what they enjoy doing.
For me it’s nothing to do with breeze or ease !
SozDecember 16, 2024 at 6:16 PM
Well sadly the car was not ready to collect today so I’ll have to wait a week and travel down to south coast in our old Honda which is an old friend and has served us well. I used to enjoy driving and was very adventurous but the roads are so much busier now. On Sunday afternoons I would take my father on ‘magical mystery tours’ without a sat nav!! Sometimes we found a village church and doubled the congregation for evensong.
How does anyone feel about driverless cars?
ArcherphileDecember 16, 2024 at 12:36 PM
ReplyDeleteJust a little warning for those using a PC computer with Windows 11
Mr A opened up his PC this morning and went to use Edge, the browser, when suddenly the screen was filled with big warning notices ‘from Microsoft’ with a loud spoken warning too. They said they had detected a Trojan virus on our computer and gave a number to ring to get instructions how to deal with it. It warned not to close down the computer or the Trojan would spread further into our files. We couldn’t just close the page because the mouse wouldn’t work..
Fortunately Mr A called me to look & see what I could do. Before I did anything I looked up Google on my iPad and found that there a dozens of similar scams going round like this one, don’t ring the number given it will lead to the scammers who are trying to access your details and then sell an expensive programme to deal with Trojan hackers.
So I just switched off the computer at the wall socket and will open it up again in a couple
AmbridgesMrsPDecember 16, 2024 at 3:59 PM
ReplyDeleteWell done that savvy woman !
MistralDecember 16, 2024 at 5:02 PM
Thanks Archerphile.
ArcherphileDecember 16, 2024 at 10:14 PM
When I switched on again a couple of hours later everything was fine. I ran a scan with our Norton virus protection system and it cleared rouge files and left everything safe again. I’m just very thankful Mr A didn’t click on the rogue page
I just wish he had decided to get an Apple Mac computer when he had to replace his old machine last year. instead of opting for Microsoft again.
AmbridgesMrsPDecember 16, 2024 at 7:56 PM
Sarnia ?
I do hope your listening to Front Row this evening. ( Monday )
Substantial piece about the organ
Sarnia December 16, 2024 at 8:34 PM
That's very thoughtful of you, Mrs P. In fact I've been dozing by my cosy stove while enjoying the small, pre-lit Christmas tree from my son, that arrived yesterday.
To be honest, I've been off organs for some considerable time. One can only keep going for so long without inspiration, and the last 13 years have finally worn me down.
Anyway I can’’t cope with all this last-minute stuff the way I used yo, and I don’t actually want to any more!
That’s a super Christmas card KP, very topical and mirrors exactly what happened to us recently!
ReplyDeleteAn Amazon delivery was chucked over our 6ft high gate into wet flowerbed below. Poured with rain all night but we didn’t know delivery was there & only found it next morning. Surprised because I hadn’t anything on order. Both parcels saturated, one open with dead leaves and twigs blown into it. When I checked, they weren’t even for us, but for some neighbours 200yds down the road!
Seeing as our house name is on the gate, the driver should have realised it didn’t match the address on the parcels!
That is deplorable AP I do hope your neighbours have complained to whoever (Amazon)
DeleteAlso the recipient would have received a text to say delivered looked out and nothing there!!
Hands up, all ye poor peasants: hast thou started gath'ring thy winter fu-u-el yet?
ReplyDeleteNo !
DeleteAnd no cards even started yet either .
Me neither.
DeleteDone about 3 /4 just can’t get in the mood and received hardly any too so we bloggers are not alone.
DeleteI have got a number of items in a cupboard ready to take with me to younger daughters, food goodies to add to the table.
DeleteBut have now been asked to buy the ham and nuts, so will pick them up on the next shopping trip.
Sarnia, will you be alone for the day itself, or will your son be visiting ?
I am feeling really cheered up now having read that some of you haven't done your cards yet. I have done about 2/3rds but the rest always take me longest because they are the ones I write letters with or at the very least fill up all sides of the card. People like my cousin's widower in Australia who has very few links in this country now. I am probably the only one left that remembers his wife when young before they left at about 22 years of age. I would rather be enjoying cooking mincepies or christmas shaped biscuits than writing cards.
DeleteIf you are around Miriam, or anyone, do you put sugar in your mincepie pastry? I never have but apparently some people do. My daughter's nice ex long term boyfriend is staying with his parents in Colombia for an extended christmas break and has texted for my mincepie recipe because he liked the fact they were not too sweet. Possibly it might be because I don't put sugar in the pastry. Haven't made my christmas pudding yet either. Going out with daughter who has a day off work tomorrow to hunt down a turkey. Little grandson ( 3 in March) is a great distraction from card writing too. He "helped" decorate our tree the other afternoon. I managed to put the fragile baubles up high out of reach, but he has discovered a great game using the decorations as target practice for his ball.
Miriam, if I remember rightly, you once told us you were one of the ‘Waspi Women’, affected by the alteration in the retirement age for women. So I expect you will be very upset by the announcement from the new government today. Another swipe at the older generation!
ReplyDeleteI’ve been thinking throughout today that we would hear from Miriam this evening at how aggrieved she would be.
DeleteI’m surprised not to have seen a post from her.
I imagine she is very angry.
Pretty understandable IMO.
Here, here Mrs P. Just been watching speeches by various members of the government last year promising these women would be compensated and now? Yet another promise broken.
DeleteDitto as soon as this news broke I called out loud “oh no Miriam” ☹️
DeleteI too am one of the Waspi women and have supported their cause. I have had to wait until this year for my state pension at age 66. I did receive a letter informing me of the increase in the age for claimants a few years ago, but I retired early with a private pension.
DeleteI joined the Waspi women because my generation of women often gave up work to care for our children or parents and therefore did not make sufficient NI contributions to receive a full state pension. I never expected to receive any financial recompense, I just agreed with the principle.
I really enjoyed the Christmas cards made by Kpnuts daughters. They are very talented.
ReplyDeleteYes, Mrs P, alone. My son was due to visit this Monday and Tuesday but an emergency situation arose with one of his students which could not be resolved by remote working, so he couldn't come. Try again after NY.
ReplyDeleteAs I am still not playing there will be no services either, so it will be extremely quiet. I don't mind: there is a mountainous backlog of washing and stuff to get through where I've been under the weather for so long, and I'll be able to tackle it one tiny bit at a time as I feel able, without any distractions.
Today and tomorrow my shower is being renovated, which will give great pleasure when finished.
I hope you are genuinely not minding being alone Sarnia, but also hope you do get telephone contact on the day from your son and perhaps your daughter too.
DeleteWhen I told my eldest that I would not mind spending Christmas alone, her reply was that then she would feel guilty. I resisted the temptation to tell her that feeling that was her responsibility, not mine. She knows that well enough.
I do wonder if now that their father has died they feel greater responsibility towards their mother.
I would very much like to have those conversations.
I hope you will feel able to cook a nice meal for yourself on the day, or on Boxing Day.
Not at all, Mrs P, not at all. I toyed with the idea of being collected for church on Christmas Day, but the service is earlier, at 10am. As the busy, busy secretary would have to be there well before, it would probably mean being picked up at 9am, so - Nah, don't think so!
DeleteNice meal: oh yeah, Sainsbury's frozen beef dinner for one on the day, and lamb dinner on Boxing Day - or possibly even the other way round, who knows.
Parcel arrived from my son today; I think I've got an aeroplane for Christmas!
PS. I've discovered Sainsbury's frozen spiced red cabbage. Now that's something I can get excited about!
DeleteMmm yes, I recently discovered a red cabbage spiced salad in Tesco and went and bought a second lot.
DeleteAlong with beetroot, very good with cold meats.
And new potatoes of course.
Enjoy !
I also thought the cards were great KP. My favourite is the Good King Wenceslas one. It makes a good political point. I am still cross about it. My daughter also makes her cards. Hers are simple visual ones. This year she bought little wooden cut out cat figures, sprayed them black, stuck a diamonte green eye on them, then on to gold card plus a pile of tinsel as if the cat is either playing with it or sleeping in it, which is what our Bella cat does.
ReplyDeleteSarnia I am resisting the temptation to open a package from Magic Flute until I have finished my cards!
Longing to know what you think. Should you wish it, author's contact details available from publisher once he knows there's a connection.
DeleteJanice, re sugar in mince pie pastry. I don't put sugar in mine as I think it's too much with the sweet mincemeat. I do put egg yolks in which makes the pastry richer.
ReplyDeleteI will try that. Thanks.
DeleteSilence from Miriam.
ReplyDeleteKnow that we hope you are OK Miriam however disappointing the news.
I’ve finally managed some cards this evening and have a few stamps from last year, so five to post tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteI had my B12 injection today and am off to Dulverton tomorrow for my covid jab.
Yes, I know it’s late, I just didn’t get around to it, which is why I have to make tomorrows journey.
Hopefully now you have had your B12 jab you will be able to face Christmas, both MrNuts and daughter slump significantly in the weeks running up to their jabs and then bounce up like a droopy plant being watered.
DeleteActually it never seems to make any difference to me but I’m pleased nevertheless to be able to have it.
DeleteDo your family members have pernicious anaemia KP, or is it some other condition ?
And thanks for your good wishes.
Last post from Miriam was on December 8th stating stepping away for a break as she does from time to time when she feels she has upset someone with her advice or comments on this occasion it was Sarnia who then immediately assured her that as she was feeling so unwell probably her own comments probably came across more sharply than intended. However we know our Miriam and 🤞🏼 she will return to us. I hope she is still reading the blog and all our comments on how enraged we are on her behalf as an affected WASPIE!i
ReplyDeleteLady R to the rescue as usual, with her trusty oil can for pouring on troubled waters!
DeleteOf course, you're quite right, this time I am to blame for Miriam's absence, just at a time when she needs a safe space to let off steam.😟
Come on MIRIAM - we are here for you !
DeleteI’ve driven a complete circle around Exmoor today.
ReplyDeletePreviously since living here I’ve gone to a destination there and back on the same road, but as it was a bright tho’ cold day and mostly dry, I gave myself a little adventure.
Mostly struck by the devastation within the woodlands which are extensive in this part of the UK, huge areas blown completely flat.
The Ed and Emma’s around here must be so overwhelmed with available work with lots still to be dealt with.
And all the rivers running fast and furious, though whatever flooding there might have been has now abated.
You put me to shame Mrs P. I am still plucking up courage to drive the mile down to the village by myself. So far have just had a little practice drive with son sitting beside me.
ReplyDeleteI've had a nice day though. I decided to start writing a brief message in my remaining cards to say I would write properly in the New Year, and got out my great aunt's, possibly about a 100 years old, T G Green heavy yellow mixing bowls. I generally only use them at Christmas time for making the pudding and mincepies. So the pudding is made and the others have all had a stir and a wish, including little Max. I think we all know what Max's wish was for. To anyone who asks what he would like for christmas he says a red toy car.
I love the connection I feel with my great aunt when using her cooking bowls.
She was a good cook and there are many questions I wish my younger self had asked her. She made a superb Victoria sponge with a flaky top that I have never achieved. The nearest I can get to it is by sprinkling caster sugar on the top before cooking, but it isn't anything as good as hers. If you are reading Miriam do you have any ideas about it?
Come on Janice- do that one mile, then back again and get your confidence back.
DeleteI didn’t inherit any kitchen equipment, but did buy lots of substantial kitchen bowls from flea markets when living in Malmesbury and I love them, even though I don’t cook now.
But they do still connect me to the woman I once was, and I really do miss her.
Brought in the tree we bought last weekend, there wasn’t a massive choice and I had my doubts, now it’s up in the lounge they’re confirmed! It’s so bushy there’s no space for the decorations to hang, I’m quite glad we’re not having guests. I imagine it will look ok once decorated.
ReplyDeleteOurs is quite bushy but it looks fine with the decorations on, so I hope that yours does also KP.
DeleteI am still in the background, hovering around + reading.
ReplyDeleteWhat a delight to read how things are going so well with you all.
As a Waspi, I am so angry as I am one, but I wouldn't have got any compensation, regardless.
To get such, it had to be proven with evidence as to the lack of finances and savings, as to show the inability to pay bills, rent etc.
In my case, my lovely Dad died so I got an inheritance, which I used as my income for awhile until my pensions could be consolidated into one and then used.
What angers me is that my inheritance, could not be used in the way I would have preferred,and became my income source at that time.
Still I was very lucky unlike so many others, in that I had a roof over my head, could maintain it and life my life.
Good to have you back with us Miriam.
DeleteWe are possibly all pretty angry on behalf of those WASPI women who had promises made to them.
I must admit that the only two women I have known who come into this category were aware of the restrictions imposed upon them to work those extra years, one of them being my direct supervisor who was also carer to both her parents.
I’m pleased to hear that although unfair, your inheritance allowed you to remain reasonably comfortable.
To add I will finally put up my 🎄 tomorrow, it's better late than never..🎅
ReplyDeleteNow for the high winds and the yellow warnings for the next 24+ hours.
I am well sorted as,my store cupboards, fridge + freezer are well stocked.
Glad to hear that you are OK Miriam. I must admit that when I first heard the news breaking about Waspi women, I immediately thought of you and hoped you wouldn’t be badly affected. So I’m glad that you had alternative means, even if it was due to sad circumstances
DeleteTree now decorated but would look better with more lights. The nativity scene is very crowded, over the years extra characters have appeared: several pigs, a turtle, a snake, a bird, an old fashioned dentist & patient, and a unicorn… there are also paper chains, a Christmas tree and presents and a string of miniature cards based on my daughter’s designs.
ReplyDeleteStill more full of cold than Christmas spirit but getting there, I hope no-one has been impacted by the winds, stay safe everyone.
For the first time in decades I’ve finished my cards and either delivered or posted by Friday evening. Amazing !
ReplyDeleteHelped out and met new people at a LETS Solstice Soup Kitchen yesterday, final shopping this afternoon and have now delivered Lady to her Christmas stay.
I’m off to Bath for my Christmas tomorrow with Nine Lessons and Carols at Bath Abbey tomorrow evening.
Wishing everybody the least stressful time over the next few days and a safe journey to all who may be travelling to reach their Christmas destination.
Seasons Greetings to everyone........and in the words of the late, inimitable, Mr DA......'May your God go with you.'
ReplyDeleteAnd to you Burnham Beeches. You have brought back memories. I used to like Dave Allen's humour.
ReplyDeleteI went to a live performance once up in Cardiff, and some of his jokes/stories were a bit more risque than on his television programme.
DeleteI loved Dave Allen !
DeleteWishing the lovely people on this blog all the best for the coming festive season however you may be spending it. A peaceful few days over Christmas for us followed by a very busy weekend with family visiting.
ReplyDeleteTo all those of you who are travelling I wish you safe journeys.
Archerphile, I’ve posted a comment to yours on 17th about Waspi women. I haven’t been able to log on to the iPad recently.
ReplyDeleteHappy Christmas Esscee!
DeleteMay I endorse CC festive wishes to each and everyone of you wonderful, kind and supportive blogger friends. 🥰🙏🥰🙏
ReplyDeleteA very merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you all. I will be going upstairs to eat Christmas dinner with my family. We live in a house divided into two flats so I haven,t far to go.
ReplyDeleteSo lovely to hear from you Gianna sending warm Christmas wishes to you and your loved ones 🎄 💕
DeleteHope you have a lovely Christmas Gianna and a good 2025.
DeleteHappy Christmas and a Good NewYear to all our mainly silent friends on this blog, as well of course to all regular posters.
ReplyDeleteWell said Mrs P 🤗
DeleteHappy Christmas All.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the festive season with your loved ones and in your own Special ways.
Happy Hanukkha 🕯
And to you Miriam.
ReplyDeleteEarlier we had the Buenas Noches ( the good night) traditional "feast" prepared by my filipino daughter in law. Always an interesting experience with Filipino and Spanish dishes, and usually eaten after midnight mass ( the country is mainly Roman Catholic) but that is too late fo us. We took little Max to the united family crib service at 3 pm, and I might decide to brave the rain and mist and go with my daughter to the Midnight, and then put the turkey in the rayburn when we get back to cook overnight.
ReplyDeleteMax's parents are looking forward to tomorrow morning as it will be the first time he will wake up to find a stocking on his bed.
DeleteWoke up his misty morning to a flurry of messages from daughter who is feeling too grotty to host a full lunch (so we’ll just go over with snacks and presents) and siblings trying to arrange a family video chat which is proving surprisingly difficult. No doubt something will happen mid afternoon with everyone in various degrees of food/drink induced relaxation but not sure where the younger generations will be.
ReplyDeleteWishing all a lovely day wherever you are and whoever your with, but not forgetting those alone.
ReplyDeleteMay your God be with you.
Woke this morning to find that the aftereffects of all the remedial chiropractic treatment had begun to wear off at last, as well as extra problems arising from last week's shower installation.Breathing is easier than for months and I've managed to wash a few dishes without pain in back, ribs and shoulders.
ReplyDeleteTwo garden tokens for Christmas
and a beautiful model aeroplane from my son. It's a Vickers Viscount like the one I used to travel back and forth to college in as a student teacher in the 1960s.
Happy Christmas everyone!
Have had a very very busy day cooking for the family, but also enjoyable having a lot of fun with Max. Am now collapsed in a chair relaxing while the rest watch Puss in Boots. Midnight was nice as we were sitting in a row in front of four people with excellent voices. The two men were basses and were harmonising.
DeleteHave been chuckling at Impresario 😀
Wallace and Gromit: "Vengeance Most Fowl", just brilliant!
ReplyDeleteI do hope everyone has had a happy and enjoyable day
ReplyDeleteWe certainly have. Daughter drove over to collect us (so Mr A could indulge in a glass of wine or two). A magnificent lunch was laid on, turkey with every trimming imaginable, all cooked by son.in.law. Then a lovely afternoon chatting with the 3 grandchildren. The eldest two discussing teaching, syllabuses (syllbi), staff room gossip etc which seemed so strange remembering having changed their nappies many, many years ago! And the youngest telling us all about the online interviews he has just had for Oxford next year from two of the colleges. It all seemed a bit unreal. Then daughter drove us home again, bless her and we slumped in front of the TV till bedtime.
I’m glad to hear that people seem to have had a good time. We ended up having nibbles bits, presents & a couple of games with younger daughter, a chaotic group WhatsApp video call with my sibs and then home for a very satisfactory dinner. A pleasant day all round & MrNuts seemed happy enough with my present to him of tickets to see Charles Collingwood in Eastleigh
ReplyDeleteVery nice Christmas Day in Yorkshire.
ReplyDeleteA friend came for lunch but soon pushed off back to his house. So a relaxing rest of the day for us. I indulged in a babysham! at lunch time. Disappointed in Christmas strictly, first time I’d seen one. Wallace and Gromit was brilliant and really enjoyed Gavin and Stacey.
Today I’m doing nothing houseworky. Will take old dog round the park then indulge in telly and a turkey sandwich for the rest of the day.
I am so hoping that all have enjoyed the last two days, in the best ways possible and to suit everyones own circumstances.
ReplyDeletePS Gavin + Stacey - was just brilliant and a very fitting Finale.
The actors certainly kept their characters the same, along without ageing much...
We had an enjoyable Christmas Day. A walk up to the summit of Teggs Nose in the morning. Christmas dinner early afternoon followed by a family video call. After clearing up we watched some TV with bubbly and chocolates.
ReplyDeleteToday has been spent mostly getting ready for our 8 visitors this weekend. We did manage our traditional Boxing Day walk on a very muddy Alderly Edge in some very misty and murky weather this morning.
Cheshire West where I am, has been foggy all day, but then I'm not far from the river.
DeleteHere in Bath the mist has not lifted all day. However a lovely circular walk from Bathampton along the canal into Sidney Gardens o into and through town, the weir, then back to the car. I was able to link up all the bits of the city I’m familiar with and knew where I was at all times.
DeleteMost satisfactory.
Wonderful food frequently at the table, watched with the family G and S which I’ve never seen before, then this afternoon’s W and G. Neither my kind of viewing, but at least I’ve joined in with the rest of the nation which is rare for me.
Home tomorrow as my family off to Oxford to their other G parents sibling and cousins.
My Christmas Day is on Sunday.
ReplyDeleteThe hostess is big Sis + bro in law.
There'll also be two niece's plus their partners, not forgetting two grand niece's and a grand nephew.
A good family get-together and a fun day is planned.
I'm the kitchen maid, but will have a fancy headress, earrings and a festive apron, to suit the occasion
So what did you do yesterday and today Miriam.
DeleteWere you on your own with Puss ?
Re. Wallace and Gromit - the attention to detail, scenery, ‘costumes’ etc is extraordinary and the story line very inventive. However, for me, it just went on a bit too long. I lost track of what was happening half way through and thought it might have better to screen it in two episodes. I just kept thinking of how much work it must have taken to film, how many staff must have been involved and how many hours taken to set up scenes and move the ‘puppets’. A real tour de force.
ReplyDeleteAs for Gavin and Stacy, we never watched the earlier series so the final series was of no interest to us. However we felt battered over the head with the number of trailers the BBC kept showing, even to the extent of including the programme in the news. Too much BBC!
Have never followed either of them AP and found the tv schedule overall to be appalling.
DeleteDid my usual watch of “Its a wonderful life” and “The Snowman” sniffles at the end of both - as usual 🤭
Today just between channels one to five 24 films were shown 😱 so that limited staff required I suppose.
I’m pleased to be coupled with you Lady R as I said above, I’ve never watched Gavin and Stacey or the Grommet business, and having been polite and watched with family, hope never to have to do so again.
DeleteNothing in either programme appealed to me.
On the other hand I did find the Roger Moore documentary mildly entertaining.
( I was an early admirer and loved ‘ The Saint ‘ )
Also we enjoyed “The gone Christmas Fishing” which we watched on catch up. Love the scenery, chit chat with laughs and the overall tranquility and lack of stardom just two mates of 30yrs plus relaxing. 🤗
DeleteAnother day of it being totally misty + foggy, and it seems it will be the same again tomorrow. I would prefer to see snow than this!
ReplyDeleteOhhh ! I find this misty weather so enticing, so atmospheric, and driving through Somerset today was so beautiful.
DeleteYes, the Islands have been intermittently cut off since Christmas Eve, with Alderney totally isolated. Aircraft and passengers stranded all over the place.
ReplyDeleteI’ve spent Christmas in London with my daughter and family. I drove down in my new car on Christmas morning; no lorries but more traffic than I expected. I’m getting used to it being automatic and only changed imaginary gears with my left hand once!!
ReplyDeleteLike many of you I had never watched Gavin and Stacey but watched that final episode with the family. I can see its appeal - even though I didn’t know the characters I found myself caught up in it. Whereas the Outnumbered episode we all watched fell flat and seemed forced. Nothing to compare with News Announcers singing and dancing their way through South Pacific!
One of my Christmas presents is to see “Ballet Shoes” at the Olivier theatre. It was my favourite children’s book and it looks an interesting production.
I'm booked to go and see Ballet Shoes with my three crossword writing friends!
DeleteI'm off to my big family meet-up tomorrow. There'll be 10 of us, three generations and we'll be all together. I suddenly realised today that I needed to wrap up some belated Christmas presents, along with two Birthday ones.
ReplyDeleteThe problem was, I thought I had plenty of birthday paper but definitely not so. No way was I was going out to buy some.
At least I had the gorgeous birthday cards to go with these gifts, which are now wrapped in Christmas paper! It's the thought that counts..😀
It certainly is Miriam! Have a wonderful day tomorrow 🎄🎉🎄🎉 and look forward to hearing all about it 😄
DeleteI’m in bed - I think I’ve got flu - had my flu jab on the Friday before Christmas so may be just a touch of flu. Spent the night coughing up mucus, managed my tea and feeding Lady and Puss and that was a challenge enough.
ReplyDeletePoor Mrs P, I'm so sorry. I know exactly what that's like and I wouldn't wish it on anybody.
DeleteIt might not be too bad Sarnia.
DeleteFeeling hungry now, so toast beckons….. with more tea of course.
Ah, hungry is good!
DeleteSo glad to hear you are feeling a little better Mrs P funny how toast is always the welcome go to 🤗
ReplyDeleteFingers crossed it’s just a touch of flu Mrs P. Hope the sun is shining on you this morning as it is in the midlands. Going to be counting the extended minutes to each day soon. As I often say to myself at this time of year - we’re the right side of Christmas !!
ReplyDeleteJust managed to drag myself out of bed and make tea.
DeleteAnother night of coughing and feeling pretty dreadful this morning.
Lady not walked yesterday- she does use the garden -
Yes Soz it’s flu of some kind, though I’m sure it could be a lot worse.
I’ll soldier on…. No choice but to do otherwise.
Soz can you send Hampshire some of your sun please been dull here for days and days!
ReplyDeleteMrs P keep resting and drinking plenty of fluids - as if you did not know this 🤭 💐
What a lovely family day yesterday.
ReplyDeleteNeedless to say, I slept late and haven't eaten much today.
What a brilliant get together, where so much fun was had by all.
Meal was Beef, Yorkshire puds, roasties, leeks, peas, red cabbage, cauliflower plus loads of gravy, which was followed by Eton Mess and Bakewell Tart. I daren't mention Charades and other games which were played!!
I got home close to 10'clock. The drive home didn't bother me at all, as my vision is so good again after my laser treatment a few months ago, to clear the cloudy vision which often happens after cataract ops.
As a result I now have a new pair of clear driving glasses, which were worth every single costly penny, plus my car has auto-responsive full beam headlights.
By this I mean, I put the lights onto full beam and somehow cars in front, cars approaching and street lights are detected so lights automatically change to dipped headlights! It's quite spooky technology, but it suits me...
I must add, that my washing dried outside today (which included bedding) in the sun and stiff breeze.
ReplyDeleteNow to iron it all, but I'll wait until next year!!
Happy New Year to everyone. I hope that 2025 is a really good year for us all, and a healthier one for those of us who have had health hiccups this year, whether minorish like mine or more serious like some of you and yours.
ReplyDeleteMrs P. Hope you are better soon. Keep in the warm and rest as much as possible. Honey and lemon in warm water can be helpful. Honey is soothing if you are coughing a lot, and the lemon is rich in vitamin C and antibacterial.
Sarnia I liked Lanterns in Wet Leaves very much. Quite deep I thought and the flashes of humour made nice touches.
Thank you, Janice. I don't get a lot of feedback,so that means a lot to me. It's a nerve-wracking decision to put your own work out in the public domain, and sometimes I'm left wondering if I've just got ideas above my station.
DeleteOf course you haven't got ideas above your station Sarnia. Think about John Clare, one of my favourite poets, classed as a peasant in the class system of the day but that didn't stop him from writing, and with his own individual dialect way of spelling. Every one of us is unique and has our own way of looking at the world, and every one of us has the right to express that through whatever medium we choose. A good bit resonated with me, and will with others, and when that happens it is a nice feeling because you think "yes" someone else has felt the same way.
DeleteHave also just finished reading The Wild Silence, and some time ago The Salt Path, and if ever there was someone who took the risk of putting herself and their personal lives out in the public domain it is Raynor Winn.
Liked your illustrations as well.
Your very brave Sarnia, and well done for being so.
DeleteMrs P hope you are feeling much better by now; if not that you have been able to access some medical help. Has anyone in your family you stayed with at Christmas, been ill? Youngsters are usually able to throw things off pretty quickly.
ReplyDeleteSarnia do you get any feedback from your publisher ? The very fact that your work has been published must give you some confidence. Most of us just dream of such an achievement.
And Janice, I loved your explanation of why everyone has their own means to express themselves and the joy when you find you are not alone in your thoughts.
After producing what I believed to be my best piece of art for mock o level, my teacher criticised it harshly. I never painted again because I trusted her judgement and lost all confidence in my artistic ability; but when I became a teacher, I was very sensitive to the student’s feelings about their work.
Oh, Soz, he doesn't get any either. This is very much a local, 'shoestring' outfit, and it's very rare for me to make a sale (blessings Janice, OWiaS and Maryellen). Most of them get given away locally or no one would ever read them at all!
DeleteOWiaS has a backlog of books to read! Providing feedback has just been added to list of new year resolutions!
DeleteNo pressure, dear Lady, just a million thanks for buying them!
DeleteAs I put in the other blog I wish everyone a very happy, healthy and peaceful New Year. Including those who only use this particular blog and perhaps only read but don’t write.
ReplyDeleteTo those of us who have been having health problems this year, I hope for much better times ahead and the best treatment possible from the NHS. Thank you all for your friendship and companionship online, it is greatly appreciated.
Beautifully expressed ❤️
DeleteAll I want to say is, that I'm wishing:-
ReplyDeleteHealth + Happiness to all here, as the New Year approaches.
Happy New Year to each + everyone.
With love and a massive collective virtual hug 🤗 ❤️ 🎉🎆
I too wish all contributors and readers of this blog a better New Year than that experienced in 2024.
ReplyDeleteAfter another night of coughing, though feeling mildly less unwell in myself, I did call the surgery and had a call back from a doctor within an hour.
I have just arrived home from giving Lady a short walk and visiting Tesco where our lovely Swedish pharmacist hoped I would be better soon as she gave me the antibiotics. One of the staff noticing how worn out I looked offered to help me to the car with my shopping as well.
The Dr suggested I might have a mild chest infection and that sounded about right to me.
Yes Soz, my daughter is unwell too. I think we probably picked something up at the Service at Bath Abbey over Christmas. We both felt a bit odd the following day, then we were both ok for the rest of Christmas, until Saturday when it hit us both.
G daughter appears to be untouched. Hale and hearty youngsters !
Thank you to all for your kind thoughts and encouragement over the last year.
It is much appreciated.
Best way forward, Mrs P, just one foot in front of the other!
DeleteThat just got me to the kitchen to cook some dinner.
It appears “poet” Sarnia that we share a name 🤭 I shall say no more!
ReplyDeleteHow do you know that?
DeleteOh, of course, Mr Google told you. That fellow is so indiscreet!
DeleteTee hee
DeleteMay the happier and healthier times be the more prolific for all during 2025. However as we know tough times have a habit of putting their heads above the parapet in which case may strength be given to see them through not least from the friendship and support that this blog gives.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year and special thanks to you KP for your work and time in ensuring our blog continues ⭐️👏🏻⭐️
I agree with every word Lady R. - well said!
ReplyDeleteThis blog remains a lifeboat in so many ways and is much appreciated. Let’s keep it bobbing along in 2025. 🚣🏻♂️. Thank you KP.
Happy new year to you all.
ReplyDeleteThanks KP for doing a sterling job.
Now if we can just get through the weekend of snow and low temps……
The last of the weekend visitors left yesterday afternoon. I've just been catching up with the blog after spending the day trying to get the house in some semblance of order. The doors of the spare bedrooms have been closed, they will be be tackled when our batteries have been recharged.
ReplyDeleteI also appreciate what you have done to keep the blog going KP and would like to wish everyone all the best for 2025.
Happy New Year everyone. We’re home having seen the new year in with friends in Kent, we have been doing this for 25 years now apart from one year when they came to us for Christmas instead & lock down when we had a “bake-off” style competition over FaceTime. Drive back in the rain was not pleasant with ninja cars without lights appearing through the spray. Feeling slightly jaded as usual for January 1st but hoping 2025 treats the world better than the last 10 or so years.
ReplyDeleteWhat did I do on New Year's Day - I went to the supermarket!
ReplyDeleteIt was so empty, but then again so were the shelves which I did expect.
At least I got all that I needed, basically fruit + veg. which were all still very fresh, plus a few other basics.
I was back home by 10.15am.
Take Care all, as the cold spell is now starting. ❄️
I am of the mindset, keep warm and don't worry about the heating costs until later..
Mind you I have so many pairs of warm + cosy slippers + socks, thick jumpers + cardigans, plus a lovely black furry, purring, HWB, who snuggles up every night.🐈⬛
Happy New Year one and all!
ReplyDeleteA very happy New Year to you all. Due to ill health I wasn't able to make my usual visit to UK last year but hope to do so in 2025.
ReplyDelete🤞for you Gianna and a happier and healthier 2025 to you 🎊😍
DeleteAlso wishing you good health for 2025 Gianna.
DeleteA daft joke to welcome the New Year:
ReplyDeleteDid I ever tell you I once worked in a calendar factory?
I got fired, though, just for taking a few days off!
🤭 🤣 👏🏻
DeleteHo ho ho!
DeleteHeard on ‘ Front Row ‘ this evening that the classic 1934 ‘ Anne of Green Gables ‘ is on Iplayer- just passing on !
ReplyDeleteI hope that everyone manages to keep nice and warm during this cold spell. We were on dog walking duty yesterday and it was lethal underfoot in places.
ReplyDeleteJust to rub it in, a friend has just posted a photo of herself from Zanzibar in a bathing costume!
Lucky her !
DeleteYou know me by now rather be here warm and cosy than in a swimming costume (at anytime!) 🤣
DeleteMidsummer in NZ, now slowly heading towards autumn.
DeleteOur oil fired boiler has decided that now is the time to give up, along with our wood burning stove. I am growing in size as I put on each layer of clothing. No Jack Frost patterns on inside of our windows …..yet!
DeleteNZ and Zanzibar sound quite appealing.
At least when our, very elderly, oil boiler die I’d a few years back it had the decency to do so in the spring. What can happen to a log burner?
DeleteWhat horrible timing, KP. Still, it's a chance to move on from the wood burner as they are carcinogenic. My gas-fired stove looks cosy and welcoming, is a very efficient heater, and what's more, doesn't aggravate my asthma. Good luck with the replacements!
DeleteI mean Soz, of course.
DeleteRural areas don't have access to gas pipe lines though, and tanked gas is horribly expensive.
ReplyDeleteKiln dried wood for wood burners is less polluting but is more expensive than ordinary seasoned wood. It is generally non seasoned wet wood that is most problematic, and we found out years ago after getting a moisture meter that wood sold as seasoned is rarely properly seasoned. Buying a year ahead of use, or using your own fallen branches, and storing in a barn can be useful if you have the space.
We rely mostly on an oil fired rayburn, but do use our woodburner as well in the coldest weather, and it makes a nice cosy atmosphere over Christmas. About 30 years old, simply but solidly built and easy to use, but I know you can get more efficient double burn woodburners nowadays.
Hope you have got some hot water bottles Soz!!
Thanks, Janice, I was wondering about that. My neighbours have all embraced the log-burning trend with enthusiasm and my health, and presumably that of others like me, has been in decline ever since.
DeleteI think there is actually a law now saying not to burn wood with a higher moisture content than 20%, but of course people can buy so called seasoned wood in good faith from sellers out to make a quick sale from fairly newly cut logs. Two years in a dry but draughty barn is the ideal, and it needs to be cut into logs not left as tree trunks because they will take a lot longer to dry, but my guess is that most is only 6 months seasoned. The only way to implement the law is to have spot checks and tests on wood pre sale, which should work in town where most people buy in their logs.
DeleteWent on an open garden day a few years back and some rock star or other had bought an ancient place that used to be a little monastery near Boscastle, old carp ponds and everything, and I was impressed with his way of dealing with the fallen and thinned out trees. He could afford quite a bit of gardening help though. Nice vegetable gardens and chickens too. Huge old open front barns with tree trunks in one then gradually cut and placed in an adjoining barn, and they were all in date order, with the newer year trunks replacing previous years trunks. Forgotten his name but must have been someone who dreamt of retiring to the country, and was making a good go at it.
My cousin her daughter and granddaughter are arriving about 4 for a Christmas cup of tea so I had better stop wittering on and get back to making biscuits and sausage rolls!!!
We’re not icicles yet. We have the wood burner door open and are using smokeless fuel at the moment. Evidently there was a small fire in chimney last week when I was in London. A plate in the chimney has melted and needs to be replaced. Hopefully we can get hold of someone who knows what they are doing next week. The burner is about the same age as yours Janice and has been very well used . It has kept our little cottage warm for many years. So in case it needs replacing we went to look at new ones yesterday. We were told that they would be far more efficient .
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately gas is not an option here. As Janice has said, there is not the same access to gas pipes in the country. Our oil fired boiler has never been brilliant but heats the water and a few radiators though our main heat supply has always been from our Squirrel wood burner. When that is working properly, the whole house feels warm. On the farm we have a plentiful supply of wood which is well dried before we use it but we also use a smokeless fuel which pumps out more heat.
We are told to expect snow before 6pm but there’s no sign of it so far. ⛄️
Sorry to hear about your problems Soz, I hope that you manage to keep warm in the forthcoming cold spell.
DeleteSarnia I do understand your dislike of wood burners for health reasons. My son suffered from asthma badly and I don’t expect our fires helped. I do remember the smell of a Wrights coal tar vaporiser filling the whole house - a very cleansing sort of smell but a nice one.
DeleteHowever I’ve always loved open fires and would ignore the dust and soot they create. I find them mesmerising and would sit as close as possible to imagine intricate cities in the red hot coals.
Oh Soz - your last sentence brought my childhood back to me brilliantly. I did the same, although I can’t remember exactly what it was I saw in those glowing embers.
DeleteMy dad, a foot courier in the city used to go to the fish market in his lunch break and collect broken pallets ( not pallets as we know them today, much smaller boxes ) he would bundle them up and tied with string he would bring them home for the fire. I suppose because they were made from cheap timber, they had a lot of resin in them, and this used to flare once in contact with a flame.
Bliss !
Thank you for your generous reply Soz. Of course your log burners are a necessity in the country.
DeleteIt's obviously a sore point of mine and I apologise for mentioning it.
Sarnia - I think we can accept that it is a sore point for you, along with it being so with some others, without you needing to apologise for mentioning it.
DeleteIt’s an open subject with different opinions along the way in discussing it.
Thank you, Mrs P.
DeleteInternet banking.
ReplyDeleteI've been locked out of my app since the fraud in February. Last week I got an email from the bank with the new user ID I had asked for.
Well, I hadn't asked for one, so on Thursday with great difficulty I visited the branch with my son, and the email was indeed a fraud.
The old app was cleared and a new one set up with different information. On Friday my son ordered me a microwave online, which was duly delivered on Saturday.
Today I've been warned that a second recipient has been added to the account at 3.36pm on Thursday (by which time we were back home) and a suspicious payment on my online account has been stopped.
I am now locked out of my internet account AGAIN, accused of entering an incorrect user ID.
My son is furious.
I would think you are too Sarnia. I would say change your bank but there is no guarantee that another one would be more efficient. Are you able to contact your present bank by phone?
DeleteI intend to visit the branch again tomorrow (another exhausting day and £20 in taxi fares) to say my piece, which means a cancelled chiropractor visit that my breathing badly needs.
DeleteIt's been suggested that they're getting in through my phone, and I've no idea what to do about that!
That's so frustrating Sarnia. I've never used my phone or tablet for banking or shopping preferring the PC which I find less fiddly. After reading about your experiences I think I'll stick with that!
DeleteSarnia. Have you tried the helpline no. 159 which will connect you to your own banks fraud department?
ReplyDeleteHere you can talk about the possible extra payments taken that you've mentioned, and they might be able to sort this out for for you.
This might save you an expensive taxi fare trip out along with your health problems.
It is worth a try and a starting point.
Can your son help you?
The fraud department contacted me and have taken all the details, including reference to the police, but nothing will happen for 5 days. In the meantime I have more bread in the freezer but I've run out of eggs.
DeleteMy son has done all he can, but it's back to work tomorrow and back to college for the grandchildren, so he's a bit stressed about his own stuff.
I tried to explain what had been done with my account but it won't publish.
DeleteGood Luck and I hope you get things sorted out.
Delete..and you can manage to get some eggs. These are a staple of my diet as love these for lunches, be scrambled, poached or an omelette in this cold spell.
DeleteIt makes a difference to soup.
Hope all are not snowbound.
ReplyDeleteI had sleet/snow overnight and I woke up to a white world.
There's been a gradual thaw, with more rain/sleet today, but it is now freezing hard, so sheet ice!
Oh well, I made use of my half-price electricity hours today, as I had the oven + hobs on. I was batchcooking to replace meals for the freezer, plus bread.
The only problem was, just how much washing up I had to do as a result. Hopefully it will be worth the effort.
We've had more snow this morning. It must have come after the milk was delivered as there were no footprints on the drive. The birds are making the most of the food that I'm putting out in this cold weather.
ReplyDeleteJust dull, damp and moody here in the sub-tropical Hampshire Basin.
Deleteand very windy Sarnia therefore the temp of 2c is giving a feel like temp of -8c brrrrrrr
DeleteIn the East Midlands snow has disappeared and the water is rising. The people who live at the junction of our lane and the Main Street in the village are watching the water very closely as bow waves from cars force the water ever nearer. They have no chance with the milk tanker coming to fetch our milk.
DeleteUnless someone is willing to stand in the path of the tanker and ensure it makes very slow progress.
DeleteIt was wet here this morning, but bright sunlight has been pouring through the window for several hours now.
I finished my antibiotics two days ago.
Still feel utterly rotten and it’s morphed into a cold now.
Was so looking forward to resuming choir this afternoon, and will have to wait another week now.
Good idea - that would definitely help but there is no exact time for the tanker to arrive. You could be waiting for hours. Some drivers are more considerate and do drive according to the conditions.
DeleteThe reason it floods far more often than in the past is because the 2 villages on the hills behind us have doubled in size, with buildings on green field sites which absorbed far more water than the concrete that has replaced them; a fact that seems too obvious for our councillors to understand . Rant over
Sorry to hear you are still feeling rotten Mrs P. Maybe you need a longer course of antibiotics to completely clear it. My sister in law and her daughter’s family have had something similar and it has taken them a long time to recover.
Quite a few people I know are suffering with lingering bugs this winter Mrs P. I hope that you feel better soon.
DeleteI’m quite concerned already that it’s likely to take a long recovery and then I’m given my date for surgery before I am fully recovered.
DeleteBut then, the forced inactivity post surgery would enable me to get some decent strength back.
That's interesting, Soz. You seem to live in a quite similar environment to Janice.
ReplyDeleteYesterday, the. excessive rain turned the road past our house into a river, water being unable to drain away due to blocked culverts. Our house has been literally drenched, right up to the bedroom windows, every time a vehicle tries to plough through.
ReplyDeleteToday, we have snow.
I feel like hibernating until Spring
How tiresome AP these winter months are being an assortment of trials one way and another! Is Mr AP still attending Southampton for appointments? I have a friend due there tomorrow (a good friend of hers drives her) for 2.30pm eye appointment.Fingers crossed for the weather! Another friend has recently had a heart problem, a great walker and never sitting but is now due to start a once a week for 6 weeks attendance at Alton Rehab so if your husband should notice a new man in attendance called Ron it may be him…Depending on day of the week attending.
DeleteIt is just wet, windy and very muddy here. There are 3 flowers already out on the pink camellia bush and pink roses still out on one of the shrub roses. They shouldn't be out at the same time. The seasons they are a changing.
ReplyDeleteWe are lucky in that being up on the slope of the hill the water coming off the fields just keeps on going down the track and misses the garden and house. The track becomes a mudbath though, and water collects in the lane. It has been much worse since the farmer near us has grubbed out the old hedges, as many others have done, to make much larger fields, so there aren't the hedges there now to hold back the water and let it soak in or drain more slowly.
DeleteIronically we are in a scheme at the moment that pays us to maintain our hedges and old pastures. We have a closed herd ( every cow has been bred on our farm, we don’t buy in fresh stock) but we are trying to reduce the size of it as the three brothers are getting quite old and creaky and milking is a full time job. So we don’t farm intensively and prefer smaller hedge lined fields. How long we can continue as a smaller business is a moot point. Farmers don’t retire willingly.
DeleteDo you have a mixed herd or stick to one breed Soz? My dad liked Ayrshires although there were others as well. There was one beautiful white Charolais who led the herd. She would mother anything in sight, including me, and would let me ride on her back,.
DeleteMilking is a heck of a tie though, and as my brother gradually took over from my father ( and I agree about farmers never retiring willingly!) they switched to beef cattle.
We have British Friesians. We did have some Holstein Friesians, they gave more milk but were not so healthy as the smaller British Friesians. We’re lucky as all our milk goes to a local dairy making Stilton cheese. That must have been fun riding on your beautiful Charolais. Evidently my husband used to prefer to ride the pigs - they were smaller and didn’t run so fast as the cows - though he made sure he jumped off before the pig reached the brook!
DeleteI've had ice, snow, sleet, hail and sunshine, all in one day.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I can say - it's cold and my CH is on all day now.
Even 🐈⬛ won't go out and actually uses a litter tray, which shows how awful the weather is, as usually she just won't!
To add. Pusscat is hardly going out so as such she is full of energy. My home is now like an activity centre/obstacle course where the main participant is black with green-eyes...
DeleteI did chuck her out a short while ago, but was back in again quickly. 😸
In answer to Lady R - yes Gerald still goes to cardiac rehab every week. His session is Tuesday mornings. It’s been 23 years now since he’s has been going after the initial 6 weeks. He is still under the care of a heart/lung specialist at Southampton, his next appt is via a telephone consultation to see if he needs to go for another assessment or a change of drugs. I hope Mr R is continuing well and you are able together some rest
ReplyDeleteWow that is some time scale AP thank goodness Gerald lives in the right area to attend this great facility which in turn is thanks to the lovely Dr Bethall who also created the “Home Focus” visiting group of which I was a part for a long time now disbanded like many things I’m afaraid. Mr R is still suffering from what is known as hospital delirium totally fine much of the time but when it hits is most distressing all round. In its way it mirrors dementia as he will be shocked we are married or another scenario that I have been on the gad with his goddaughter and left him alone. Some nights are hard but last night was blissful 😴 His Dr is aware and is there as and when we need her. AM carers have finished also after 5 visits the District Nurses the last one found a lump in his groin which we know is ok as the Dr home visited same day as getting the report it is noted and just to be aware.We are going out for car rides and yesterday even had lunch at The GARTHOWEN garden centre at Four Marks. Love it there and family owned - for at least 70 yrs all food fresh and cooked to order 🙂
DeleteAnyway enough for now apart from adding this blog is certainly my lifeboat right now and you are all a wonderful crew! Thank you too Ruth and now of course KP (and our middle man)
Thoughts very much with you, Lady R. Some of this sounds very familiar. I'm so relieved that you seem to have the help you need.
DeleteThank you so much Sarnia I did think of you actually with regard to the situation. The odd thing is Mr R seems perfectly ok with my neighbour and my sister etc but that is daytime. If it is the hospital delirium it can come and go for sometime if it does not well…. Surgery wise he is well supported but family and friends it can be felt rather want to back off certainly of staying with your person in order for you to be able to go out. Goddaughter will but very busy with work. Mr R now has a watch version of personal alarm but not really taking the technology of it in so…. but there we re that’s life as the saying goes All things will pass or something similar and so fortunate that much of the day is pretty good.
DeleteMother Julian of Norwich: 'All shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well'.
Delete🙏🏼 🙂
DeleteWishing you all well and in the very best of ways.
ReplyDelete"May your troubles be little ones" - Oops not the right occasion - or is it?
Janice I’ve replied re cows further back.
ReplyDeleteLady R I do understand that need for a little time away from it all to recharge the batteries. Glad that you’re able to go for a few drives - some garden centre cafes are very good.
Soz and Janice, I’ve so enjoyed your farming notes. Thank you.
DeleteI do envy you Janice your memory of riding on the lovely white Charolais.
I love cows !
Lady R - keep on keeping on, we will continue to be here for you.
Thank you Mrs P 🙏🏼 I will.
DeleteLos Angeles fires so distressing what a terrible and frightening time for the people there whether ordinary or multimillionaires residents homes and a lifetimes memories gone but keeping one’s life is the biggest blessing, and 🙏🏼 for those that have not.
Thinking of you PTBY no posts since Jan 1st assume snow and ice prolific where you are or maybe poorly as many are right now.
ReplyDeleteHi Lady R.
DeleteThank you for thinking of me.
A slight sprinkling of snow one morning which had gone by lunch time. Just cold here.
No illness either. Just haven’t had much to say.
I will say that I’m really pleased that I’ve got my mother of the groom wedding outfit sorted for the end of June. Got a black dress with red roses on, that sounds awful but it’s lovely. I had to have the car to the garage near York this week so I suddenly thought I’ll pop into Clarks and see if they have any red shoes in the sale. ( I really don’t like paying full price, true Yorkshire woman) I was pleasantly surprised and got some red sling backs and a small matching handbag half price. Then hit marks for some hold your gut in scaffolding knickers. A friend has a black fascinator I’m going to borrow so I’m all set.
I never or rather very rarely, pay full price for anything unless it is exactly what I want. The last time I paid full price was for 3 pairs of trousers from M+S. These were exactly what I wanted, fitted perfectly, and as I just couldn't decide, I bought two pairs in store, and then ordered a 3rd pair, in a different colour, on-line. It's rare I'm so rash.
DeleteI love black + red and your outfit sounds absolutely gorgeous + classy.
The last wedding I went to, I wore purple + black, with a bit of cream mixed in. It suited me.
That outfit sounds lovely PtbY. Black and red is my favourite colour combination, I wear a lot of it!
DeleteIt's still very cold and icy here. Yesterday evening our next door neighbour's daughter got her car stuck in the snow and ice outside our house, ending up broadside across the lane. Mr CC and her dad eventually managed to dig her out, but it took a while. She's promised to bake MrCC some choc chip cookies as a thank you!
ReplyDeleteWe did manage a walk earlier in the day, it was precarious in places but I really enjoyed being out in the cold, frosty conditions. My very little used snow boots came in very useful. I hope that everyone stays warm, cosy and safe while this weather continues.
Your red roses dress sounds lovely PtbY.
ReplyDeleteRed and black always a winner for me too CC.
It's now dawn when my aeroplanes arrive from the Islands, closely followed by flocks of migratory birds who obviously think it's time to fly north again.
ReplyDeleteI suppose they must know what they're doing!
Very cold here but the sunshine gives you a lift. It is reassuring to see snowdrops and daffodils making their way upwards while hellebores can be seen all over the place drooping heavily while it’s so frosty.
ReplyDeleteSarnia did you get anywhere with the bank?
Thank you for asking, Soz. I warned my milk provider that they might be denied access to my account and they issued me with an emergency ticket.
ReplyDeleteHowever, they informed me yesterday that payment had been received as usual, so that deliveries would not be a problem. However, I'm still locked out of the app, so I can't use the Sainsbury's account. I used up my cash reserve on the shopping a friend did for me this week, so it's a bit of a pi ckle.
I’ve just spent ten minutes sitting in the garden in the falling light.
ReplyDeleteThe big owl has been back in the tree giving very loud whhooo calls. Nearby in another garden a tiny response of t wit every time he / she called.
Was it mum and baby or male and female ?
They have moved off now, back towards the nearby woods I imagine.
My kind of magic !
That sounds absolutely wonderful. I'm quite envious 😍
DeleteMagical. Those are moments worth living for.
DeletePrecious moments MrsP
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