maryellenJanuary 21, 2025 at 7:47 PM I think Neil is worthy of a less slushy storyline than this.................................!
AmbridgesMrsPJanuary 22, 2025 at 1:29 AM It all feels very contrived, and after many decades of nothing of Neil’s background and nary a mention of his life before his arrival in Ambridge, it smacks to me of a desperation or paucity of Story lines. I am decidedly disappointed.
ArcherphileJanuary 21, 2025 at 10:31 PM Were we supposed to believe any of what happened tonight? I found the story totally ridiculous, that after one email to a website, a phone call the very next day leads to sensible Neil rushing off to a hotel and meeting someone who found him on her doorstep 65 years ago. And it is hinted that said lady is actually his real mother Bingo! Lost birth mother found hale and hearty after one day of searching. Come on, scriptwriters/Editor, treat your audience with more respect.
JaniceJanuary 21, 2025 at 11:03 PM The way she said she had thought about him every day of her life and always wondered how he was sounded more like a mother than someone who had just visited him a handful of times in a childrens home, but if so why on earth would she not just tell him. Susan was right she did hesitate so there will be more to that storyline.
I agree this seems rather contrived, a more realistic scenario would have been to go onto one of the ancestry sites that matches DNA & maybe find some half siblings or cousins
I'm not 100% convinced that "Nelly" is genuine. She hasn't told Neil any facts she couldn't have found in newspaper archives (digitised by the Ambridge Fairy), assuming Neil's discovery was covered at the time. Her additional comments about her feelings etc are not verifiable. I was surprised that the origin of his name didn't come up, perhaps his foster parents had already told him. I'm not sure about the hesitation Emma mentioned, but I don't feel it implies that Nelly is Neil's birth mother.
This is my preferred scenario! Nelly is Neil's half-sister. The baker fathered Neil while in a clandestine but genuine relationship which began after his wife (Nelly's mother) died. To avoid suspicion, the pregnancy was concealed and he engineered the doorstep discovery of the (newborn?) baby. Nelly may or may not have known, but I think it's more likely he made a deathbed confession to her. He was basically a decent man who would have liked to acknowledge his son, but he and Neil's mother sadly agreed it would cause too much hurt and unhappiness to too many people. Neither of them is still alive.
I feel a half-sister relationship would blend with Carter family dynamics more successfully than a mother-son relationship, though what the scriptwriters have in store for Neil, who knows!
I am not engaged in any other forum regarding TA than this one. Others I know are. It seems to me however that as a whole those of us who comment on here are in agreement regarding this silly story line. I’m pleased to be in good company. The only voice not yet heard seems to be Miriam and I look forward to hearing her views.
(KP how are you Mr Nuts & daughter? Do hope you are all feeling considerably better 🤞🏼)
Neil storyline totally random as far as I can tell but guess there will be a reason. As it all started with a visit to the Dr maybe he is about to discover some inherited illness that will give the actor his Archers exit ☹️ NO PLEASE NOT!
Mrs P. wanted my views, so here they are, but as per usual are a bit different. These have been posted in my TA group so some might already know these. Nellie is an aunty. She had an older sister for whatever reason, was disowned by their father, the Baker. She got into trouble, and the sisters hatched this plan, to ensure the safety + well being of baby Neil. Sister wanted nothing to do with him, but Aunty Nellie did! Well, I was asked and always think outside the box..😆😵💫
Guessing CC and talking. Even if most of us think it’s rubbish. A good attempt Miriam and a possibility.
I think Lady R’s idea is the most likely as agree this all started with Neil’s visit to his GP. It’s also the most down to earth ( ie very like Neil himself ) and the one that makes common sense. I do like Miriam’s idea of the older sister though.
Yes indeed, CC! The scriptwriters must get a lot of job satisfaction from so successfully pulling our strings. It’s rubbish writing, as Mrs P says, but at least it’s a change from when they were going through their confrontational phase!
A post elsewhere says “the clue (to Neil’s mother) is in the name, Neil being the nearest feminine equivalent to Nellie (the cast list spells it Nelly). Two reasons why I think that’s wishful thinking on the poster’s part: it assumes the authorities who named Neil knew Nelly was his mother but didn’t make it public, which leaves several question marks, and also it was quite usual then to name foundlings after the individual who found them.
So yes, Neil may have been named after this new woman in his life (who confuses me by sounding younger not older than him, about Joy’s age) but not, I feel, because she is his mother.
Actually it was before his visit to the doctor that Neil first recalled his childhood and said he wasn’t interested in delving further because he was perfectly happy with the status quo. He changed his mind after she mentioned the possible advantages of.knowing any medical history. At least Henry doesn’t have contend with this situation to contend as the clinic will have screened his biological father and logged the details.
It's far too early to know for certain that Henry won't have such problems. Some medical conditions don't appear until much later in later life, but can still have a genetic marker. These are not known until they are specifically looked for.
Sorry, Miriam, I evidently didn't express myself clearly - I meant Henry wouldn't have the same difficulty as Neil has in identifying his father when he is old enough to do so, and if desired, information about his father 's medical history which might affect him in future - nothing too serious I imagine or his father would have been screened out as a donor. (His father might develop or have developed undetected medical conditions later in his life, of course. I wonder if the clinics require donors to update them on this so they can pass on the info, also to what extent the initial screening takes in the donor's family 's medical history......?
PS. Donor conceived children can access non-identifying info about their father, such as medical history, at age 16 which is two years earlier than identifying information .
Henry is 16yrs in January 2027, so is this what the hint on the podcast was relating to, as to might he then want to try to find out more about his biological father then and also he can then do, as I've said before, a genealogy DNA test. That's for the future I so realise so no need to even try to speculate. I do wonder though, when we hear Henry starting to ask who his dad is and why he's never met him. What will Helen along with Pat and Tony, tell him. Henry is 14yrs now and with Lee moving to SF, he's lost yet another male in his mother's life, plus he has now an angsty attitude to his Uncle Tom. To me it's now just a question of when not if, Henry want to know more.
But why, when and how would Henry do a DNA test?? (This is a genuine question, not a rhetorical on.) The general recommendation is to start telling children they are.donor conceived at 5 years and not leave it later than 10 so I imagine he and Helen have already begun that conversation, especially with Henry being such a mature and intelligent lad.
Regarding family medical history - many, many times in my life I have been asked if there were any instances in my family of this disease or that condition. I have always had to answer I don’t know because of being adopted. And it is always just left at that. It has never, ever been suggested that I try to trace my background. Even when pregnant with complications,or during my recent heart diagnosis, has a doctor suggested I try to trace family. Which is why I feel this story has been written more for dramatic purposes than accuracy.
I think my suggestion, the other day, that the Neil story has been written as a contribution to a national campaign to recruit foster careers may be right. This morning BBC Breakfast interviewed a leader of the Foster Care association about the great shortage of foster places for the hundreds of children who need a safe, loving home. She emphasised that they need many more people to come forward and find out more about what fostering involves and what a difference they could make to a child’s life. Niels story, about his childhood and the kind foster parents who looked after him, could encourage listeners to come forward.
Oh, excellent news! I love the village panto. It reminds me of the village pantos of my childhood when I was an 8-year-old chorus girl, one of four in crepe paper costumes. We would take the show round the smaller village halls where the local ladies would put on an after-show spread for us. That was the best bit if the entire proceedings as far as I was concerned!
Are now Maryellen if Ambridge had a carnival, I would have similar memories to yours. Going to my cousins village on the outskirts of London in the forties and fifties was the highlight of my year. Then as a young mother living in a Wiltshire market town, Carnival was again a highlight with the added incentive of my children and myself being involved. Even later in life organising and taking part on the OLN float at London Pride was great too. But Panto ? Couldn’t stand them even as a child. Crass !
I can assure you, MrsP,, there was nothing crass about our villages pantos or my mother wouldn't have allowed me to take part! They were more like straight plays with the story more important than the capers. Our version of Lynda was the local piano teacher who was very refined. But I have read this week's cast list to see who Joy's celebrity is, and I now fear the worst!
It could be fun. I hope they devote a whole episode to it. Totally improbable that Joy could get someone so suitable for a panto at such short notice. Perhaps he is a past contact of Mick's, and that will help thaw the present ice between Joy and Mick. I was surprised at how cruel Joy's remark to him was. She owes him a big apology.
Wouldn't it have been easier for Ambridge to offer to host the roofless panto? Perhaps they could even have rearranged Joy's coach to ferry people in the other direction.
Ah yes, no dramatic potential. And Lynda has already disparaged their artistic pretensions.
Oh no, Mrs P, my comment wasn’t meant to sound stern (the perils of written communication - I should have included a smiley face!). Absolutely no offence taken. I was interested in your experiences of carnivals, the nearest to them we had was Cherry Fair at the end of June, from the days when cherries were commercially grown near the church on the river bank. All that remained when I was young was the field name, Cherry Orchard, and the name of the annual fair. I loved the procession of decorated floats past our front door! ,
What part of the UK was this ME ? My mother, the youngest of a large Greenwich family had two of her sisters re homed on the outskirts of Orpington in Kent. Chelsefield was the village, now part of Greater London. My mum was always very much taken with the Major Domo swinging his mace. I loved all the floats and the fact that my cousin was the Carnival Queen ( she still lives in the village age 85. ) My daughter was the junior carnival princess when we lived in Malmesbury, crowned by Princess Anne’s father in law no less ! One of my happiest memories in my whole life was when kitted out in my Victorian full length petticoat ( bought in Portobello Road market ) which I had dyed red, with a black fascinator on my head and a black lace shrug and black lace up boots with a collecting bucket walking the parade collecting contributions. Oh to be young and full of life !
This was in North Bucks, but Cherry Fairs, designed to give orchard owners the opportunity to sell their ripe cherries, date from medieval times and are dotted around, mostly in the southern half of the country, I think. Sadly. 90% of our cherry orchards were lost during the 20th century when it became cheaper to import.
But orchards are returning. There is a community orchard coming along nicely in Dunster, and I was involved in Minchinhampton with a start up there. But I do wonder how many cherry trees there are even in new orchards.
I am still enjoying both the BBC Saturday Archers podcast and All about the Archers released on a Tuesday evening on YouTube also as just an audio I believe. Ev
Had not finished! Every few weekS All about the Archers puts up an interview with an actor this week it was with Perdita (Kate) what a lovely person naturally attractive and a wonderful personality. Loves playing Kate as so totally different to herself - thankfully she says 😄
I'm with OWIAS. The Felpersham Panto will move lock, stock + barrel, and give a performance in Ambridge. This has to be the sensible solution and why Lynda is so confident of winning the wager. It has never been revealed what the Panto is/was, so Cinderella seems the most likely one.
Well, at least we were spared the weeks of discussion, casting, rehearsals and speculation that used to accompany the Christmas pantomime in Ambridge. A one-week quickie panto is much preferable, to me, at least.
I hadn’t heard of “northern icon”:Berwick Kaler, ignorant southerner that I am, but now I’ve read more about his style I can imagine a director’s personality clash between him and Lynda. Fortunately, the timescale doesn’t allow for much of one! I gather he and the actor who plays Mick have long been a double act at York, so will Mick will surely be the second Ugly Sister, The actor who plays Robert Snell is also well-known as a pantomime dame, but Robert is usually backstage in his role as chief technician.....
I've obviously read the same article which was interesting. The other thing I picked up on, was that Jeremy Howe was at one time, the theatre director at that York venue, so knows both Mick and Berwick Kaler from way back.
Yes, the Vince intrusion is spoiling the regular panto storyline for mr. Wish he would vanish in a puff of smoke! So Mick is Buttons - and Tony, played by renowned Shakespearean actor David Troughton, is the second Ugly Sister. It doesn’t sound like Tony to me but perhaps DT wanted to add pantomime dame to his impressive cv before retiring!
I had no idea that Berwick Kaler was a real person either, apart from noticing that the character is listed in the Radio Times cast list as being played by ‘Himself’! Personally, I am feeling a right old curmudgeon because I am not enjoying any of this panto stuff. It is far too late after Christmas, feels shoehorned in and seems irrelevant to Ambridge’s daily life. Moan over! 😑
Surely the annual lt's as relevant to Ambridge's life as the annual Fete. for example. Do you feel the same about the shenanigans that have often surrounded that, Archerphile, or it it simply the fact it's often a panto that's bugging you? Many villagers enjoy then, I guess, and seeing your neighbours performing in them is always a draw!
The whole panto thing brings to mind some friends of ours. When their children were teenagers they were involved in organising the local youth panto which their children performed in. One of her sons met his now wife while doing it and went on to study drama at university. They are involved in the organisation of the same panto which their teenage children are now performing in. The musical and acting skills have obviously passed down the generations. We took the our children once to watch it but they weren't very impressed with the genre of entertainment even though the standard was good.
Remember me saying about a Bro in Law having a pace-maker last year? Tomorrow he's back into hospital when hopefully a procedure will be attempted to "zap" the area of the heart muscle, which is giving the abnormal electrical impulses. If this is successful then he can have the pacemaker removed, if not then the pacemaker becomes permanent. The one he had fitted was one to be just that. It's just 🫰at the moment. Whatever happens, at least the outcome will finally be known.
That is very interesting Miriam, thank you so much for posting it. Do please keep us informed, I for one will be very interested in knowing how it goes. Is this in Australia or here in the UK ? I will want to know how invasive the procedure is.
It's happening at Broadgreen Hospital in Liverpool, which is the major cardiac unit for this area, which BIL who although is in Wales comes under. It is about a 2hour drive plus tolls, as they have to cross the R. Mersey over one of the bridges. I'll let you know what happens.
Back to the Panto. I bet all that'll be heard will be Berrick + "Mick" reprising their Ugly Sister + Buttons routine which they've done before, along with Tony aiding + abetting. Who knows it might just be good!
Relying to ME’s question at 11.37 yesterday morning.
No, I have nothing against pantomimes at all. Used to love being taken to the Theatre Royal at Windsor for the annual pantomime, saw Cliff Richard in pantomime at the London Palladium ( I had a crush back then!) and took my own children to various shows too. What bugged me in previous years was the drawn out squabbling over rôles, arguments over scripts, etc etc and Lynda’s whole controlling attitude. And yes, a Christmas pantomime or play is a legitimate annual village event…..but this is not Christmas. Christmas in Ambridge is over and gone, time to get on with other matters, wind up some other stories. And present some better scripts than we have been subjected to lately.
I'm enjoying the parallel of Ambridge life with the hastily arranged Panto, in that the Cinderella pantoland is being played out in the village in real life. That's my last comment on this topic, but it's amusing me and I certainly will be listening to the Sunday Omnibus.
To add and this is a favourite of mine:- The Village Green bench has overheard and knows so much, such as Ben + Joy, Denise + hubbie and now Susan + Tony. If only it could tell all!
Just wanted to say, Miriam, that judging by this week’s cast list you are absolutely right about Berwick, Mick and Tony being the only panto characters we’ll hear. Shame!
I’ve had a little of the problems that ME has been having. Unable to publish, asking me to ‘ try again later ‘ numerous times. This has been over the last two days.
The paralysis between Ambridge life and Pantoland are so like the Christmas Carol references we were treated by last autumn. Is this going to happen often. I can’t decide whether Vince is a modern-day Demon King taking advantage of gullible Leonard, or a throwback to a Scrooge reformed by Leonard’s moving words,,,,',?
How on earth is Vince volunteering to move set pieces during the performance when he is supposed to be hosting his mother's birthday in the village hall. Is he going to bring them all to the panto instead?
In my opinion, this year’s panto storyline was ill-conceived, scrappily assembled and completely unconvincing (apart from Leonard’s coach restoration). I hoped it would be all right on the night, but no. As it is now, it would be a compliment to TA to say it was like EastEnders. High time for a change of editor!
Agree 100% Maryellen. And the blatant nepotism in this case really annoyed me. I am fearful that the introduction of this man Berwick whatever may preface yet another newcomer to Ambridge. I found his voice and delivery extremely grating.
As for the nepotism. I’m sure it’s happening much of the time, particularly in respect of the BBC as well as the entertainment industry throughout, however the extended publishing throughout the media in this instance has really annoyed me intensely.
Agree absolutely with Maryellen and Mrs P. I think the BBC cutbacks are greatly affecting The Archers. Poor Editing, poor scriptwriting, the necessity to use less experienced (in TA) actors and fewer appearances by the long term cast members is becoming all too apparent. The Archers production team are short of money…and it shows.
All I can say is, that after this type of "Lull" week, TA often springs many big and unexpected S/L's onto us listeners. There have been subtle hints interwoven into TA in the last few weeks, well in my mind.
I listened to the omnibus this morning. The whole week in one go makes it easier to understand what is going on and tie up conversations between the characters. I realised that I must be very thick because I hadn’t picked up any of the clues and references to Cinderella at all. The two sisters and the lost shoe for example. And hints from previous weeks had just sailed over my head. I had taken every scene, argument, discussion, for real and never realised how clever the SWs had been. Perhaps it’s my age or something. So well done to Miriam and Maryellen and everyone else who understood the sub plots!
I listened to the Omnibus as well but then I always do, and in it's continuity it made so much more sense and understanding. I have to say, I loved it! Now will Jill wear her dressing-gown again? 😆
I have to admit - having read ARCHERPHILEs comment above - I’m afraid I didn’t get any of the clues, lost shoe, two sisters etc. but I can see now that had I understood, I might have appreciated how clever the SW s had been. So I suppose I should apologise for describing it as rubbish.
What is Lord Ashfordly doing in Ambridge? He should get back to Aidensfield to make sure the estate is running well and Greengrass is not up to his poaching again! 😉
Come on somebody, please tell. Who is he ? ( apart from yet another new voice that may or not become a familiar character )
I did wonder if Linda might start an affair thus leading to Robert having a heart attack and dying. Oh no, I forgot ! That can’t happen, because Robert has already had a change of voice along with a change in his character.
The actor is well known for so much more than just Heartbeat. He has often been seen on TV or heard in radio dramas. He was in today's episode of The Rivals, as was Emerald O'Hanrahan (aka Emma) in yesterday's.
Sorry, have been unwell today and unable to log in to explain about Lord Ashfordly. He was, indeed, the lord of manor in the series Heatbeat, set in North Yorkshire. I think it ran for 16 series back in the 80s to the 2000s. Rupert Vansittart, has a very distinctive and recognisable voice and is always able to be recognised in whatever role he plays. The Heartbeat series has been being repeated on ITV 3 every evening and has been my accompaniment to making supper, so I have been revelling in a much loved series that was first seen in my early marriage days. Mrs P (or is it LanJan) might like to know that the North Yorks railway and station feature frequently .
Ah, yes Mrs P, I remember now. I think she has a relative (son?) who volunteers on the North Yorks heritage railway. Heatbeat used the station a lot in the programmes _ when new people arrived or were lraving it was always down to the station to board the lovely old steam train.
I enjoy seeing the steam train running through the outskirts of the town here, but I’ve yet to take a trip on it. As a child I used to love being at the bottom of the garden at my aunts house in Orpington where the line to the Kent coast ran past and being so close to the steam train. Such power is very exciting.
Chelsea and Zainab both feeling attacked and criticised.😞 I got the impression 'I don't think you'd get it if I told you' and 'I just don't date' was Zainab coming from a different cultural perspective, and wanting to maintain her own priciples without appearing to judge Chelsea. If Chelsea hadn't been all guns blazing and indignant for Brad, they might have ended up having a civilised conversation and found out that their positions weren't so far apart after all. Tracey and Chelsea, both hearts of gold, both too ready to jump in with both feet and mouth off when perhaps listening might be the better first step.
Chelsea at one time seemed to have a great career chance of hairdressing + beautician work. Where has this gone, as all that's heard now is her working in the tea-room, which seems a waste of her skills.
Ahh good old Robert and Lindy an Ambridge example of a solid marriage for once in that Lindy was completely honest about being propositioned by the “lord” as AP and I think of him and no dramatic drama followed her announcement such as “well you must have encouraged him etc” and then a period of angst all round. Is Fallon on here way to being pregnant again following all these romantic assignations - only to be discovered while Harrison is away and maybe does not come back ie RIP but I do hope not!
Yes there is a sense that we may be saying goodbye to Harrison. I too hope that isn’t the case, but the feeling that he might be leaving Ambridge for longer than a few months seems to be in the air.
I listen to the podcast and enjoy it. I have not watched the ‘ All about the Archers ‘ discussions for weeks. I find that I feel very uncomfortable particularly with the two female presenters. Can’t put my finger on what bothers me, other than disliking their form of presentation.
I have been very entertained and informed by the Archers Podcast. Listened to every one. They always have a cast or production member in to answer questions and give background information. I find it well worth listening to.
I still follow both the Sounds podcast and “The all about The Archers” on YouTube of which there was an extra one at the weekend discussing the book Archers Unseen if it has been mentioned on here I have missed it, however just after midnight today I ordered it from Amazon and it is arriving today 😱 Phillipa who is in charge of YouTube sessions is currently doing her Linda Snell bit by producing her local panto which always takes place February half term! At Christmas everyone is too busy and so by holding it at this time cast and audience are more easily available and relaxed. Apparently the event has been held this way for a long time…The YouTube team consists of Phillipa, Lauren, Katy and Quentin either all together or as a group of either 2 or 3.
Regarding the future of Harrison - I have looked up James Cartwright on Google and cannot find details of any new roles he might be taking up, that would take him away from Ambridge permanently. I was very surprised to see how many other TV series he has been in, including Downton Abbey, Father Brown and Dalgliesh. He has also been in films and received acting awards. Who knows what ha might be going to appear in next?
Hello everyone.I haven’t been able to make comments for a while,although I’ve kept up with the programme regularly.I would just like to say ,Miriam that I agree with your hopes for Harrison and Fallon’s future.
Lovely to see your name here again Portia. Hopefully the problems with posting are cleared up now so you can join in more often.
Well, that was a lovely episode tonight - raw sewage fooding through Bridge Farm! But well done to the SWs for tackling a really important and topical subject, the state of our water supplies and sewage control. I wonder if Rex was affected on his narrow boat? I’m not sure if the stream that passes Bridge Farm is a tributary of the Am.
I looked at the bookseller’s blurb online and got the impression the book consisted of snippets of information about what went on behind closed doors in Ambridge, arranged by location. I might have got that wrong - let me know! 🙂
After last night's "poo-nami" I've been searching for my Archers map, which seems to have gone awol. I just wanted to see where the brook is in relation to Bridge Farm + other Ambridge places. Perhaps others can help.
Googling Ambridge maps brings up quite a choice. I don’t think they all agree in every detail. Heydon Brook is shown flowing into the Am. My book says the bridge in Bridge Farm no longer exists. It used to carry the Little Croxley road over Heydon Brook but the Brook now runs through a culvert under the road. Bridge Farm lies between Home Farm and Heydon Berrow/Ten Elms Rise.
My Ambridge map ( 1986) doesn’t show any any brook or stream anywhere near to Bridge farm. Although the road runs alongside, so the name - Bridge - would be a clue I would have thought. I imagine the road did once run over the brook and there would have been a bridge. The map does show some more river a field away and on the other side of the road. That river is not named but could be part of the Am if it curves around the village and then back again - or rather if the village grew within the curve of the river. If we have never heard of the brook before perhaps it’s a new invention of the SWs in order to facilitate another drama of current public concern.
Heydon Brook featured in TA back in February 2009 when the Environment Agency traced pollution in Heydon Brook to a collapsed drain under Bridge Farm's yard. Helen came up with an eco-friendly solution. (From The Story of Bridge Farm, by Keri Davies posted on the BBC's TA website in 2013.)
Thanks for the replies. I was thinking Hayden Brook but wasn't sure how close it was to Bridge Farm along with the mention of Brookfield. PS I still haven't found my map, but it has to be somewhere.
A couple of stressful - and smelly - episodes 😞. I've never suffered anything like that, but I think they gave a good(?!) impression of the devastation such an event causes. It must be an absolutely awful thing to go through. Flooding would be bad enough. But sewage - urghh! I hope the cause of the flooding is identified and the guilty parties work to help set right the misery they have caused. The one silver lining is that Brian will no longer be cast as the most evil river polluter the Am has ever known ...
Many years go now when I was sharing the relief manager role at the small M&S branch where I worked for 31yrs a huge rain storm caused drains unable to cope and because of where they ran in relation to the store it caused sewage to come up into the sales floor area 😱 of course the store had to close for a clean up operation. As it happens I was most fortunate not to witness or endure it as I was on holiday in the Cotswolds, but my other half / friend was not so fortunate and I learned of the drama from her through a phone chat that we had.
A large Pharmacy I once ran, was also flooded overnight after a storm. It might have only been water, but it was very dirty + smelly. My first 'phone calls were to my immediate Boss + Head Office - who sorted it all out, but it took ages.
To add, those of us who had work shoes and personal belongings ruined, were never compensated, the reason being was that these should not have been where they were..
I was watching an old episode of Heartbeat last night and Lawrence’s actor was playing exactly the same type of upper class bully. He’s obviously been typecast!
I know many like me, are also members of the many other TA groups available. The one I belong to, which is a small one and not sure if others belong to the same one, has been closed until Monday. Sadly this had to be done, due to some pontificating about Lawrence's attitude and all that this entailed. I was disgusted at some comments + so called conversations. It all got so very heated, that I applaud the decision of the admins. At least here is calm and lovely, just as it should be with TA.
Last week’s treatment of racism has been more restrained than 20 years ago when Usha was the victim of attacks by a gang of racist thugs (including Roy Tucker). Verbal comments only this time round, thank goodness, and from an isolated character so no suggestion that racism is particularly widespread or entrenched in the area.
Now for the podcast. How I would love Ruth Jones to write a few episodes for TA. She could do similar to Victoria Wood, who wrote some for Comic Relief one year. We could have Pat being really Welsh again alongside Natasha, with Ruth as a guest, using her Nessa personna. At the end of the podcast, what a surprise to hear from the original Pru Forrest. When Judi Dench was 90yrs, I actually e-mailed the podcast to say how lovely it would be to hear how this wonderful actress appeared in TA, voicing Pru Forrest, alongside Jack Woolley and Terry Wogan. It seems this might actually happen.
Wow Mick & Joy house sitting at Home Farm - where did that come from, are we about to meet The Gill’s at last when they return from their holiday. Maybe Mick & Joy are going to become “staff” and be given accommodation🤭
Yes it seemed to me that we would perhaps at last hear from the Gills at last. Perhaps they were put on the back burner before being developed into live residents of Ambridge emerging from the land of the phantom characters of the village.
Wouldn't the dairy's business insurance pay for professional deep cleaning? (Or is their an exclusion clause that prevents payouts when these do not serve the interests of a good plot-line?)
I didn’t recognise Adam last night. Heard this chap talking and thought ‘who is that, a new character?”. Wasn’t until his name was mention that I realised it was him. I notice on another blog that several people thought the same. Perhaps he’s had voice training!
Me too, Archerphile! I completely failed to recognise Alastair until later when someone named him. Maybe the actor has different voices for different roles and accidentally picked a non-Ambridge one!
I think Helen was really nasty to Clarrie last night. Someone of Clarrie age shouldn’t be expected to do the cleaning up after such a massive influx of sewage. I wouldn’t blame Clarrie for walking out and leaving Helen and co to get on with the job themselves …..except I assume she needs the wages. Surely the farms insurance should have provided a specialist cleaning company to do the job. Especially if they want to get clearance for providing foodstuffs again?
Whereas Natasha was genuinely kind and thoughtful in redeploying.Clarrie to baking.for the Tearoom, which meant no loss of earnings for Clarrie, wouldn’t overtax her, and played to her strengths. No wonder Clarrie was delighted!
This is not my idea but something I read else-where, but I liked the idea. The Gills gave Mick the keys to go into Home Farm, to look after the "bearded dragon" only. He decided to move himself + Joy in. There are no controls for the fancy House, as these are controlled by their mobiles + i-pads, which of course, they have taken with them. 😁🤣
Could be! But then the gadget mad Gills probably have multiple security cameras around their house, also connected to their phones. They'd quickly spot what was going on ....
What I don't understand is this:- Helen, Tom + Natasha are rightly so, concentrating on cleaning the dairy + Bridge Farm, but who is doing the same at the Beechwood House and who is also overseeing it? They are trying to keep the business going, but... and how does this affect Kirsty?
“All about the Archers” YouTube visual also stated (thank goodness) that the obvious course of action following such a disaster would be to get a professional deep clean firm in and claim on your insurance. Bridge Farm's living depends on its reputation so a no brainer! What protective gear did the 4 wear I would have thought complete white suits and head gear etc would be needed. No way would I have gone anywhere near the substance in any of the affected areas.
Perhaps their insurance is prohibitive due to the previous E-coli and they don't want to or can't claim, but of course it is ridiculous. Joy has mentioned her insurance a few times.
It's now nearly 2 weeks since Sewage-gate, so surely a professional deep clean firm would have it a sterile area again. Perhaps though, after the E-coli event, they have a massive excess on the insurance policy, the only way to keep costs down on the premium.
Hmmm that’s the catch 22 with insurance excesses 😱 even so the longer they are not allowed to open the more the business will suffer - even when it does open again. Maybe this is the 5yr SL hinted at in one of the BBC podcasts…..
I stand by my previous thought as to the 5yr s/l. It is to do with Henry and who his biological father is. This will be highlited when Khalil's dad appears in Ambridge, so soon after Lee left. Then there is Jack and his inheritance from Rob, which is in trust with Miles.
I wondered if Ian could have been Henry's biological father. At the time Ian was wanting a child but Adam not keen, and I wondered if Ian had secretly become a donor. Helen would have been given some choice of the type of donor she wanted, and being a close friend of Ian she might well have described the kind of qualities he had.
Interesting and convoluted Janice. I would imagine tho’ that the donor organisation would have geographical information and would be unlikely to match two people from such a small area within this small island. More likely to be a donor from Australia.
It was established that Ian couldn’t father children so Adam fathered Zander. I think that disappointed all the listeners who would have liked Ian to be Henry’s biological father. Ian was generally more popular with listeners then than he seems to be now, though we’ve heard so little of him lately that he’s becoming one of Ambridge’s forgotten army!
Good point, Mrs P. Even if Ian had a) coincidentally decided to donate through the same clinic Helen chose, and b) been found to be donor-worthy, surely the clinic was extremely unlikely to match two individuals from the same parish. Just under 4 years to go before Henry can find out!
When I referred to Henry’s paternity at the time of the original podcast, I said I thought someone else here had a better idea for the ongoing storyline starting now that the podcast mentioned - but I’ve forgotten who and what it was! Lady R, perhaps?
The long story line temptingly suggested to us may well be the slow decline of Bridge Farm. I imagine that often any decline in a business is slow, although obviously it can be rapid following some dramatic incident. This event with the sewage overflow is clearly affecting Pat more so than others, tho’ we have not heard from Tony at all. I would suggest, reluctantly, that it might also be in the mix to give Pat a long lasting condition, although again, that has already been done with Jack Woolly. Whatever it may be, those stalwarts of us will be able to define it I imagine once we realise that we are truly in the realms of it.
maryellenJanuary 21, 2025 at 7:47 PM
ReplyDeleteI think Neil is worthy of a less slushy storyline than this.................................!
AmbridgesMrsPJanuary 22, 2025 at 1:29 AM
It all feels very contrived, and after many decades of nothing of Neil’s background and nary a mention of his life before his arrival in Ambridge, it smacks to me of a desperation or paucity of Story lines.
I am decidedly disappointed.
ArcherphileJanuary 21, 2025 at 10:31 PM
Were we supposed to believe any of what happened tonight? I found the story totally ridiculous, that after one email to a website, a phone call the very next day leads to sensible Neil rushing off to a hotel and meeting someone who found him on her doorstep 65 years ago. And it is hinted that said lady is actually his real mother
Bingo! Lost birth mother found hale and hearty after one day of searching.
Come on, scriptwriters/Editor, treat your audience with more respect.
JaniceJanuary 21, 2025 at 11:03 PM
ReplyDeleteThe way she said she had thought about him every day of her life and always wondered how he was sounded more like a mother than someone who had just visited him a handful of times in a childrens home, but if so why on earth would she not just tell him. Susan was right she did hesitate so there will be more to that storyline.
I agree this seems rather contrived, a more realistic scenario would have been to go onto one of the ancestry sites that matches DNA & maybe find some half siblings or cousins
ReplyDeleteI'm not 100% convinced that "Nelly" is genuine. She hasn't told Neil any facts she couldn't have found in newspaper archives (digitised by the Ambridge Fairy), assuming Neil's discovery was covered at the time. Her additional comments about her feelings etc are not verifiable. I was surprised that the origin of his name didn't come up, perhaps his foster parents had already told him. I'm not sure about the hesitation Emma mentioned, but I don't feel it implies that Nelly is Neil's birth mother.
ReplyDeleteThis is my preferred scenario! Nelly is Neil's half-sister. The baker fathered Neil while in a clandestine but genuine relationship which began after his wife (Nelly's mother) died. To avoid suspicion, the pregnancy was concealed and he engineered the doorstep discovery of the (newborn?) baby. Nelly may or may not have known, but I think it's more likely he made a deathbed confession to her. He was basically a decent man who would have liked to acknowledge his son, but he and Neil's mother sadly agreed it would cause too much hurt and unhappiness to too many people. Neither of them is still alive.
ReplyDeleteI feel a half-sister relationship would blend with Carter family dynamics more successfully than a mother-son relationship, though what the scriptwriters have in store for Neil, who knows!
That's it.
I am not engaged in any other forum regarding TA than this one.
DeleteOthers I know are.
It seems to me however that as a whole those of us who comment on here are in agreement regarding this silly story line.
I’m pleased to be in good company.
The only voice not yet heard seems to be Miriam and I look forward to hearing her views.
Thank youKP for the new thread
ReplyDelete(KP how are you Mr Nuts & daughter? Do hope you are all feeling considerably better 🤞🏼)
ReplyDeleteNeil storyline totally random as far as I can tell but guess there will be a reason. As it all started with a visit to the Dr maybe he is about to discover some inherited illness that will give the actor his Archers exit ☹️ NO PLEASE NOT!
Oops question for our other bog KP
ReplyDeleteMrs P. wanted my views, so here they are, but as per usual are a bit different. These have been posted in my TA group so some might already know these.
ReplyDeleteNellie is an aunty.
She had an older sister for whatever reason, was disowned by their father, the Baker. She got into trouble, and the sisters hatched this plan, to ensure the safety + well being of baby Neil. Sister wanted nothing to do with him, but Aunty Nellie did!
Well, I was asked and always think outside the box..😆😵💫
Well, whatever one thinks of this storyline, they've got people guessing.
ReplyDeleteGuessing CC and talking.
DeleteEven if most of us think it’s rubbish.
A good attempt Miriam and a possibility.
I think Lady R’s idea is the most likely as agree this all started with Neil’s visit to his GP.
It’s also the most down to earth ( ie very like Neil himself ) and the one that makes common sense.
I do like Miriam’s idea of the older sister though.
Yes indeed, CC! The scriptwriters must get a lot of job satisfaction from so successfully pulling our strings. It’s rubbish writing, as Mrs P says, but at least it’s a change from when they were going through their confrontational phase!
DeleteA post elsewhere says “the clue (to Neil’s mother) is in the name, Neil being the nearest feminine equivalent to Nellie (the cast list spells it Nelly). Two reasons why I think that’s wishful thinking on the poster’s part: it assumes the authorities who named Neil knew Nelly was his mother but didn’t make it public, which leaves several question marks, and also it was quite usual then to name foundlings after the individual who found them.
ReplyDeleteSo yes, Neil may have been named after this new woman in his life (who confuses me by sounding younger not older than him, about Joy’s age) but not, I feel, because she is his mother.
Actually it was before his visit to the doctor that Neil first recalled his childhood and said he wasn’t interested in delving further because he was perfectly happy with the status quo. He changed his mind after she mentioned the possible advantages of.knowing any medical history. At least Henry doesn’t have contend with this situation to contend as the clinic will have screened his biological father and logged the details.
It's far too early to know for certain that Henry won't have such problems.
DeleteSome medical conditions don't appear until much later in later life, but can still have a genetic marker. These are not known until they are specifically looked for.
Sorry, Miriam, I evidently didn't express myself clearly - I meant Henry wouldn't have the same difficulty as Neil has in identifying his father when he is old enough to do so, and if desired, information about his father 's medical history which might affect him in future - nothing too serious I imagine or his father would have been screened out as a donor. (His father might develop or have developed undetected medical conditions later in his life, of course. I wonder if the clinics require donors to update them on this so they can pass on the info, also to what extent the initial screening takes in the donor's family 's medical history......?
DeletePS. Donor conceived children can access non-identifying info about their father, such as medical history, at age 16 which is two years earlier than identifying information .
DeleteHenry is 16yrs in January 2027, so is this what the hint on the podcast was relating to, as to might he then want to try to find out more about his biological father then and also he can then do, as I've said before, a genealogy DNA test.
DeleteThat's for the future I so realise so no need to even try to speculate.
I do wonder though, when we hear Henry starting to ask who his dad is and why he's never met him.
What will Helen along with Pat and Tony, tell him.
Henry is 14yrs now and with Lee moving to SF, he's lost yet another male in his mother's life, plus he has now an angsty attitude to his Uncle Tom.
To me it's now just a question of when not if, Henry want to know more.
But why, when and how would Henry do a DNA test?? (This is a genuine question, not a rhetorical on.) The general recommendation is to start telling children they are.donor conceived at 5 years and not leave it later than 10 so I imagine he and Helen have already begun that conversation, especially with Henry being such a mature and intelligent lad.
DeleteLets just hope Mr T was never a sperm donor.
DeleteRegarding family medical history - many, many times in my life I have been asked if there were any instances in my family of this disease or that condition. I have always had to answer I don’t know because of being adopted. And it is always just left at that. It has never, ever been suggested that I try to trace my background. Even when pregnant with complications,or during my recent heart diagnosis, has a doctor suggested I try to trace family. Which is why I feel this story has been written more for dramatic purposes than accuracy.
ReplyDeleteIsn't the whole of TA mostly written for dramatic purposes?
DeleteOooh CC 👍!
DeleteYes Josh you are right, Ben does fancy Zanab …….. but your a bit late to the party ‘cos we knew ages ago.
ReplyDeleteDon’t know who I disliked more last night, Josh or Pip! Ben is the only Ambridge Archer offspring I have time for
DeleteI think my suggestion, the other day, that the Neil story has been written as a contribution to a national campaign to recruit foster careers may be right.
ReplyDeleteThis morning BBC Breakfast interviewed a leader of the Foster Care association about the great shortage of foster places for the hundreds of children who need a safe, loving home. She emphasised that they need many more people to come forward and find out more about what fostering involves and what a difference they could make to a child’s life.
Niels story, about his childhood and the kind foster parents who looked after him, could encourage listeners to come forward.
DeleteI had hoped this for Harrison + Fallon, but that ship seems to have firmly sailed now.
DeleteWhere's the funding for this panto coming from?
ReplyDeleteOh dear oh dear - what a load of nonsense tonight’s episode was.
ReplyDeleteIn recent times The Archers really is sounding desperate !
Oh, excellent news! I love the village panto. It reminds me of the village pantos of my childhood when I was an 8-year-old chorus girl, one of four in crepe paper costumes. We would take the show round the smaller village halls where the local ladies would put on an after-show spread for us. That was the best bit if the entire proceedings as far as I was concerned!
ReplyDeleteAre now Maryellen if Ambridge had a carnival, I would have similar memories to yours. Going to my cousins village on the outskirts of London in the forties and fifties was the highlight of my year.
DeleteThen as a young mother living in a Wiltshire market town, Carnival was again a highlight with the added incentive of my children and myself being involved.
Even later in life organising and taking part on the OLN float at London Pride was great too.
But Panto ? Couldn’t stand them even as a child.
Crass !
I can assure you, MrsP,, there was nothing crass about our villages pantos or my mother wouldn't have allowed me to take part! They were more like straight plays with the story more important than the capers. Our version of Lynda was the local piano teacher who was very refined. But I have read this week's cast list to see who Joy's celebrity is, and I now fear the worst!
DeleteWell yes ME I suppose it is ‘the capers ‘ that I find so objectionable.
DeleteSorry for the offence.
Smacked fingers !
It could be fun. I hope they devote a whole episode to it. Totally improbable that Joy could get someone so suitable for a panto at such short notice. Perhaps he is a past contact of Mick's, and that will help thaw the present ice between Joy and Mick.
ReplyDeleteI was surprised at how cruel Joy's remark to him was. She owes him a big apology.
Wouldn't it have been easier for Ambridge to offer to host the roofless panto? Perhaps they could even have rearranged Joy's coach to ferry people in the other direction.
ReplyDeleteAh yes, no dramatic potential. And Lynda has already disparaged their artistic pretensions.
I think it might be Cinderella, and involving Tracey's pretty shoe/s.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Zainab as Cinderella and Ben as Prince Charming.
DeleteOr Chelsea as Prince Charming in the Principal Boy Tradition.
DeleteI agree, Janice, the missing shoe is a major clue. Well spotted!
DeleteOh no, Mrs P, my comment wasn’t meant to sound stern (the perils of written communication - I should have included a smiley face!). Absolutely no offence taken. I was interested in your experiences of carnivals, the nearest to them we had was Cherry Fair at the end of June, from the days when cherries were commercially grown near the church on the river bank. All that remained when I was young was the field name, Cherry Orchard, and the name of the annual fair. I loved the procession of decorated floats past our front door!
What part of the UK was this ME ?
DeleteMy mother, the youngest of a large Greenwich family had two of her sisters re homed on the outskirts of Orpington in Kent. Chelsefield was the village, now part of Greater London. My mum was always very much taken with the Major Domo swinging his mace. I loved all the floats and the fact that my cousin was the Carnival Queen ( she still lives in the village age 85. )
My daughter was the junior carnival princess when we lived in Malmesbury, crowned by Princess Anne’s father in law no less !
One of my happiest memories in my whole life was when kitted out in my Victorian full length petticoat ( bought in Portobello Road market ) which I had dyed red, with a black fascinator on my head and a black lace shrug and black lace up boots with a collecting bucket walking the parade collecting contributions.
Oh to be young and full of life !
Pleased you weren’t offended !
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThis was in North Bucks, but Cherry Fairs, designed to give orchard owners the opportunity to sell their ripe cherries, date from medieval times and are dotted around, mostly in the southern half of the country, I think. Sadly. 90% of our cherry orchards were lost during the 20th century when it became cheaper to import.
DeleteBut orchards are returning.
DeleteThere is a community orchard coming along nicely in Dunster, and I was involved in Minchinhampton with a start up there.
But I do wonder how many cherry trees there are even in new orchards.
I am still enjoying both the BBC Saturday Archers podcast and All about the Archers released on a Tuesday evening on YouTube also as just an audio I believe. Ev
ReplyDeleteHad not finished! Every few weekS All about the Archers puts up an interview with an actor this week it was with Perdita (Kate) what a lovely person naturally attractive and a wonderful personality. Loves playing Kate as so totally different to herself - thankfully she says 😄
ReplyDeleteI'm with OWIAS.
ReplyDeleteThe Felpersham Panto will move lock, stock + barrel, and give a performance in Ambridge. This has to be the sensible solution and why Lynda is so confident of winning the wager.
It has never been revealed what the Panto is/was, so Cinderella seems the most likely one.
Plus when Lynda wins, this will pay for the expenses involved.
DeleteCongrats, Janice! I'm guessing Mick will be the second Ugly Sister.
ReplyDeleteYes! Looking forward to friday already.
DeleteKenton won't be happy - The Bull will be deserted!
DeleteWell, at least we were spared the weeks of discussion, casting, rehearsals and speculation that used to accompany the Christmas pantomime in Ambridge.
ReplyDeleteA one-week quickie panto is much preferable, to me, at least.
I hadn’t heard of “northern icon”:Berwick Kaler, ignorant southerner that I am, but now I’ve read more about his style I can imagine a director’s personality clash between him and Lynda. Fortunately, the timescale doesn’t allow for much of one! I gather he and the actor who plays Mick have long been a double act at York, so will Mick will surely be the second Ugly Sister, The actor who plays Robert Snell is also well-known as a pantomime dame, but Robert is usually backstage in his role as chief technician.....
ReplyDeleteI've obviously read the same article which was interesting. The other thing I picked up on, was that Jeremy Howe was at one time, the theatre director at that York venue, so knows both Mick and Berwick Kaler from way back.
DeleteThe panto seems to have already started with Vince acting the part of villain
ReplyDeleteYes, the Vince intrusion is spoiling the regular panto storyline for mr. Wish he would vanish in a puff of smoke! So Mick is Buttons - and Tony, played by renowned Shakespearean actor David Troughton, is the second Ugly Sister. It doesn’t sound like Tony to me but perhaps DT wanted to add pantomime dame to his impressive cv before retiring!
ReplyDeleteI had no idea that Berwick Kaler was a real person either, apart from noticing that the character is listed in the Radio Times cast list as being played by ‘Himself’!
ReplyDeletePersonally, I am feeling a right old curmudgeon because I am not enjoying any of this panto stuff. It is far too late after Christmas, feels shoehorned in and seems irrelevant to Ambridge’s daily life.
Moan over! 😑
Surely the annual lt's as relevant to Ambridge's life as the annual Fete. for example. Do you feel the same about the shenanigans that have often surrounded that, Archerphile, or it it simply the fact it's often a panto that's bugging you? Many villagers enjoy then, I guess, and seeing your neighbours performing in them is always a draw!
DeleteThe whole panto thing brings to mind some friends of ours. When their children were teenagers they were involved in organising the local youth panto which their children performed in. One of her sons met his now wife while doing it and went on to study drama at university. They are involved in the organisation of the same panto which their teenage children are now performing in. The musical and acting skills have obviously passed down the generations. We took the our children once to watch it but they weren't very impressed with the genre of entertainment even though the standard was good.
ReplyDeleteRemember me saying about a Bro in Law having a pace-maker last year?
ReplyDeleteTomorrow he's back into hospital when hopefully a procedure will be attempted to "zap" the area of the heart muscle, which is giving the abnormal electrical impulses.
If this is successful then he can have the pacemaker removed, if not then the pacemaker becomes permanent. The one he had fitted was one to be just that.
It's just 🫰at the moment.
Whatever happens, at least the outcome will finally be known.
That is very interesting Miriam, thank you so much for posting it.
DeleteDo please keep us informed, I for one will be very interested in knowing how it goes.
Is this in Australia or here in the UK ?
I will want to know how invasive the procedure is.
It's happening at Broadgreen Hospital in Liverpool, which is the major cardiac unit for this area, which BIL who although is in Wales comes under. It is about a 2hour drive plus tolls, as they have to cross the R. Mersey over one of the bridges.
DeleteI'll let you know what happens.
Apologies every-one..
ReplyDeleteI've posted on the wrong page 😪 😱
Back to the Panto.
ReplyDeleteI bet all that'll be heard will be Berrick + "Mick" reprising their Ugly Sister + Buttons routine which they've done before, along with Tony aiding + abetting.
Who knows it might just be good!
Ye gods !
ReplyDeleteWho is writing this rubbish ?
I think that's my line of the week:
ReplyDeleteYou don't want to spoil things by throwing custard at each other.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteTesting. Will the rest of this message show?
ReplyDeleteTesting.Sorry folks, please could you tidy this, KPnuts, thanks v m.
ReplyDeleteThanks for doing that, KPnuts.
DeleteRelying to ME’s question at 11.37 yesterday morning.
ReplyDeleteNo, I have nothing against pantomimes at all. Used to love being taken to the Theatre Royal at Windsor for the annual pantomime, saw Cliff Richard in pantomime at the London Palladium ( I had a crush back then!) and took my own children to various shows too.
What bugged me in previous years was the drawn out squabbling over rôles, arguments over scripts, etc etc and Lynda’s whole controlling attitude.
And yes, a Christmas pantomime or play is a legitimate annual village event…..but this is not Christmas. Christmas in Ambridge is over and gone, time to get on with other matters, wind up some other stories. And present some better scripts than we have been subjected to lately.
Understood, Archerphile!
DeleteI didn’t like pantomimes as a child.
ReplyDeleteLoud and vulgar.
I have no reason to change my attitude now.
Oh yes you have! 😉
DeleteTesting. SOS! My posts state and look published and are notified, but then disappear.
ReplyDeleteHolding my breath - might have cured it!
DeleteStay with us Maryellen, we need you on board.
DeleteI'm enjoying the parallel of Ambridge life with the hastily arranged Panto, in that the Cinderella pantoland is being played out in the village in real life.
ReplyDeleteThat's my last comment on this topic, but it's amusing me and I certainly will be listening to the Sunday Omnibus.
To add and this is a favourite of mine:-
DeleteThe Village Green bench has overheard and knows so much, such as Ben + Joy, Denise + hubbie and now Susan + Tony.
If only it could tell all!
Just wanted to say, Miriam, that judging by this week’s cast list you are absolutely right about Berwick, Mick and Tony being the only panto characters we’ll hear. Shame!
ReplyDeleteI’ve had a little of the problems that ME has been having.
ReplyDeleteUnable to publish, asking me to ‘ try again later ‘ numerous times.
This has been over the last two days.
The paralysis between Ambridge life and Pantoland are so like the Christmas Carol references we were treated by last autumn. Is this going to happen often. I can’t decide whether Vince is a modern-day Demon King taking advantage of gullible Leonard, or a throwback to a Scrooge reformed by Leonard’s moving words,,,,',?
ReplyDeleteI swear I typed ‘parallels’!
DeleteAnd the second 'Leonard' should of course be 'Mick'.
DeleteHow on earth is Vince volunteering to move set pieces during the performance when he is supposed to be hosting his mother's birthday in the village hall. Is he going to bring them all to the panto instead?
ReplyDeleteThe River Am still seems to have a good supply of "Red Herrings"..😆
DeleteThat is a very clever remark Miriam - and it’s made me laugh as well.
DeleteIn my opinion, this year’s panto storyline was ill-conceived, scrappily assembled and completely unconvincing (apart from Leonard’s coach restoration). I hoped it would be all right on the night, but no. As it is now, it would be a compliment to TA to say it was like EastEnders. High time for a change of editor!
ReplyDeleteAgree 100% Maryellen.
ReplyDeleteAnd the blatant nepotism in this case really annoyed me.
I am fearful that the introduction of this man Berwick whatever may preface yet another newcomer to Ambridge.
I found his voice and delivery extremely grating.
As for the nepotism.
I’m sure it’s happening much of the time, particularly in respect of the BBC as well as the entertainment industry throughout, however the extended publishing throughout the media in this instance has really annoyed me intensely.
Agree absolutely with Maryellen and Mrs P. I think the BBC cutbacks are greatly affecting The Archers. Poor Editing, poor scriptwriting, the necessity to use less experienced (in TA) actors and fewer appearances by the long term cast members is becoming all too apparent.
ReplyDeleteThe Archers production team are short of money…and it shows.
All I can say is, that after this type of "Lull" week, TA often springs many big and unexpected S/L's onto us listeners.
ReplyDeleteThere have been subtle hints interwoven into TA in the last few weeks, well in my mind.
Preferably an interesting storyline that is somewhere between "lull" and "angst and melodrama" Miriam.
ReplyDeleteI there's going to be a slow build-up for something, but what?
DeleteIt's impossible to know in Ambridge.
I listened to the omnibus this morning. The whole week in one go makes it easier to understand what is going on and tie up conversations between the characters.
ReplyDeleteI realised that I must be very thick because I hadn’t picked up any of the clues and references to Cinderella at all. The two sisters and the lost shoe for example. And hints from previous weeks had just sailed over my head.
I had taken every scene, argument, discussion, for real and never realised how clever the SWs had been. Perhaps it’s my age or something.
So well done to Miriam and Maryellen and everyone else who understood the sub plots!
I listened to the Omnibus as well but then I always do, and in it's continuity it made so much more sense and understanding.
DeleteI have to say, I loved it!
Now will Jill wear her dressing-gown again? 😆
I have to admit - having read ARCHERPHILEs comment above - I’m afraid I didn’t get any of the clues, lost shoe, two sisters etc. but I can see now that had I understood, I might have appreciated how clever the SW s had been.
DeleteSo I suppose I should apologise for describing it as rubbish.
I thought the Pantoland parallels were incredibly silly, the custard pie throwing incident, for example, and Neil (of all people!) cross-dressing....
DeleteOh thank you Maryellen, you have made me feel better.
DeleteI thought the parallels were unconvincing. Tracy must have big feet if Neil even thought her shoes would fit him!
DeleteWhat is Lord Ashfordly doing in Ambridge? He should get back to Aidensfield to make sure the estate is running well and Greengrass is not up to his poaching again! 😉
DeleteAnd was Linda rather smitten with him?!
DeleteNo idea who he was - ? AP ? - but Linda clearly was smitten and bold enough to flirt with him.
DeleteI recognised “The Lords” voice straight away AP but then of course he would be in my circle 🤣😂
ReplyDeleteAs if !!!
Come on somebody, please tell. Who is he ?
ReplyDelete( apart from yet another new voice that may or not become a familiar character )
I did wonder if Linda might start an affair thus leading to Robert having a heart attack and dying.
Oh no, I forgot ! That can’t happen, because Robert has already had a change of voice along with a change in his character.
I've never watched it but I believe that Lord Ashfordly was a character in the programme Heartbeat, played by Rupert Vansittart
ReplyDeleteThanks CC
DeleteThe actor is well known for so much more than just Heartbeat. He has often been seen on TV or heard in radio dramas.
ReplyDeleteHe was in today's episode of The Rivals, as was Emerald O'Hanrahan (aka Emma) in yesterday's.
Sorry, have been unwell today and unable to log in to explain about Lord Ashfordly.
ReplyDeleteHe was, indeed, the lord of manor in the series Heatbeat, set in North Yorkshire. I think it ran for 16 series back in the 80s to the 2000s. Rupert Vansittart, has a very distinctive and recognisable voice and is always able to be recognised in whatever role he plays.
The Heartbeat series has been being repeated on ITV 3 every evening and has been my accompaniment to making supper, so I have been revelling in a much loved series that was first seen in my early marriage days.
Mrs P (or is it LanJan) might like to know that the North Yorks railway and station feature
frequently .
It’s Lan Jan AP not me
DeleteAh, yes Mrs P, I remember now. I think she has a relative (son?) who volunteers on the North Yorks heritage railway. Heatbeat used the station a lot in the programmes _ when new people arrived or were lraving it was always down to the station to board the lovely old steam train.
DeleteI enjoy seeing the steam train running through the outskirts of the town here, but I’ve yet to take a trip on it.
DeleteAs a child I used to love being at the bottom of the garden at my aunts house in Orpington where the line to the Kent coast ran past and being so close to the steam train.
Such power is very exciting.
Sorry, should have posted that on the other thread.
DeleteChelsea and Zainab both feeling attacked and criticised.😞
ReplyDeleteI got the impression 'I don't think you'd get it if I told you' and 'I just don't date' was Zainab coming from a different cultural perspective, and wanting to maintain her own priciples without appearing to judge Chelsea. If Chelsea hadn't been all guns blazing and indignant for Brad, they might have ended up having a civilised conversation and found out that their positions weren't so far apart after all.
Tracey and Chelsea, both hearts of gold, both too ready to jump in with both feet and mouth off when perhaps listening might be the better first step.
Chelsea at one time seemed to have a great career chance of hairdressing + beautician work. Where has this gone, as all that's heard now is her working in the tea-room, which seems a waste of her skills.
ReplyDeleteYes, I wondered that Miriam.
DeleteAhh good old Robert and Lindy an Ambridge example of a solid marriage for once in that Lindy was completely honest about being propositioned by the “lord” as AP and I think of him and no dramatic drama followed her announcement such as “well you must have encouraged him etc” and then a period of angst all round.
ReplyDeleteIs Fallon on here way to being pregnant again following all these romantic assignations - only to be discovered while Harrison is away and maybe does not come back ie RIP but I do hope not!
I'm getting the same re Harrison. Hopefully not RIP but something meaning he can no longer work.
DeleteYes there is a sense that we may be saying goodbye to Harrison.
DeleteI too hope that isn’t the case, but the feeling that he might be leaving Ambridge for longer than a few months seems to be in the air.
Presumably the hire of the barn isn't free so I wonder if and how it was paid for.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if any here are also The Archers Podcast listeners with Emma Freud.
ReplyDeleteThis week's was great.
I listen to the podcast and enjoy it.
DeleteI have not watched the ‘ All about the Archers ‘ discussions for weeks.
I find that I feel very uncomfortable particularly with the two female presenters. Can’t put my finger on what bothers me, other than disliking their form of presentation.
I have been very entertained and informed by the Archers Podcast. Listened to every one. They always have a cast or production member in to answer questions and give background information. I find it well worth listening to.
DeleteI still follow both the Sounds podcast and “The all about The Archers” on YouTube of which there was an extra one at the weekend discussing the book Archers Unseen if it has been mentioned on here I have missed it, however just after midnight today I ordered it from Amazon and it is arriving today 😱 Phillipa who is in charge of YouTube sessions is currently doing her Linda Snell bit by producing her local panto which always takes place February half term! At Christmas everyone is too busy and so by holding it at this time cast and audience are more easily available and relaxed. Apparently the event has been held this way for a long time…The YouTube team consists of Phillipa, Lauren, Katy and Quentin either all together or as a group of either 2 or 3.
DeleteRegarding the future of Harrison - I have looked up James Cartwright on Google and cannot find details of any new roles he might be taking up, that would take him away from Ambridge permanently.
ReplyDeleteI was very surprised to see how many other TV series he has been in, including Downton Abbey, Father Brown and Dalgliesh. He has also been in films and received acting awards. Who knows what ha might be going to appear in next?
All I wish is that Harrison returns safe and well from his secondment, straight back into the loving arms of Fallon.
DeleteAm I wishful thinking?
Hello everyone.I haven’t been able to make comments for a while,although I’ve kept up with the programme regularly.I would just like to say ,Miriam that I agree with your hopes for Harrison and Fallon’s future.
ReplyDeleteNice to see you posting Portia - have you had the same problems that many of us have suffered from time to time, in not being able to log on ?
DeleteYes I have Mrs.P. Good to hear from you.I gave up trying to comment for a while,but having acquired a new laptop was tempted to try again.
DeleteLovely to see your name here again Portia. Hopefully the problems with posting are cleared up now so you can join in more often.
DeleteWell, that was a lovely episode tonight - raw sewage fooding through Bridge Farm! But well done to the SWs for tackling a really important and topical subject, the state of our water supplies and sewage control. I wonder if Rex was affected on his narrow boat? I’m not sure if the stream that passes Bridge Farm is a tributary of the Am.
My order of The Archers Unseen book arrived this evening. Has anyone else heard of it / got it and read it - if so opinions 🤔
ReplyDeleteI looked at the bookseller’s blurb online and got the impression the book consisted of snippets of information about what went on behind closed doors in Ambridge, arranged by location. I might have got that wrong - let me know! 🙂
DeleteAfter last night's "poo-nami" I've been searching for my Archers map, which seems to have gone awol. I just wanted to see where the brook is in relation to Bridge Farm + other Ambridge places.
ReplyDeletePerhaps others can help.
Googling Ambridge maps brings up quite a choice. I don’t think they all agree in every detail. Heydon Brook is shown flowing into the Am. My book says the bridge in Bridge Farm no longer exists. It used to carry the Little Croxley road over Heydon Brook but the Brook now runs through a culvert under the road. Bridge Farm lies between Home Farm and Heydon Berrow/Ten Elms Rise.
DeleteMy Ambridge map ( 1986) doesn’t show any any brook or stream anywhere near to Bridge farm. Although the road runs alongside, so the name - Bridge - would be a clue I would have thought. I imagine the road did once run over the brook and there would have been a bridge.
DeleteThe map does show some more river a field away and on the other side of the road. That river is not named but could be part of the Am if it curves around the village and then back again - or rather if the village grew within the curve of the river.
If we have never heard of the brook before perhaps it’s a new invention of the SWs in order to facilitate another drama of current public concern.
Heydon Brook featured in TA back in February 2009 when the Environment Agency traced pollution in Heydon Brook to a collapsed drain under Bridge Farm's yard. Helen came up with an eco-friendly solution. (From The Story of Bridge Farm, by Keri Davies posted on the BBC's TA website in 2013.)
DeleteThanks for the replies. I was thinking Hayden Brook but wasn't sure how close it was to Bridge Farm along with the mention of Brookfield.
DeletePS I still haven't found my map, but it has to be somewhere.
A couple of stressful - and smelly - episodes 😞. I've never suffered anything like that, but I think they gave a good(?!) impression of the devastation such an event causes. It must be an absolutely awful thing to go through. Flooding would be bad enough. But sewage - urghh!
ReplyDeleteI hope the cause of the flooding is identified and the guilty parties work to help set right the misery they have caused.
The one silver lining is that Brian will no longer be cast as the most evil river polluter the Am has ever known ...
Many years go now when I was sharing the relief manager role at the small M&S branch where I worked for 31yrs a huge rain storm caused drains unable to cope and because of where they ran in relation to the store it caused sewage to come up into the sales floor area 😱 of course the store had to close for a clean up operation. As it happens I was most fortunate not to witness or endure it as I was on holiday in the Cotswolds, but my other half / friend was not so fortunate and I learned of the drama from her through a phone chat that we had.
ReplyDeleteA large Pharmacy I once ran, was also flooded overnight after a storm.
DeleteIt might have only been water, but it was very dirty + smelly.
My first 'phone calls were to my immediate Boss + Head Office - who sorted it all out, but it took ages.
To add, those of us who had work shoes and personal belongings ruined, were never compensated, the reason being was that these should not have been where they were..
DeleteEnough Poo already!
ReplyDeleteI hope this racist bore is written out as quickly as he appeared. I am not familiar with the actor, but I really dislike his voice.
ReplyDeleteWhat a very rude and ignorant man Lawrence is 😱 !
DeleteI was watching an old episode of Heartbeat last night and Lawrence’s actor was playing exactly the same type of upper class bully. He’s obviously been typecast!
DeleteMistral and Lady R between them have written my post for me.
DeleteAnd me!
DeleteGood for Linda - integrity won.
ReplyDeleteShe did well esp.with not doing the interview.
DeleteI know many like me, are also members of the many other TA groups available.
ReplyDeleteThe one I belong to, which is a small one and not sure if others belong to the same one, has been closed until Monday.
Sadly this had to be done, due to some pontificating about Lawrence's attitude and all that this entailed. I was disgusted at some comments + so called conversations.
It all got so very heated, that I applaud the decision of the admins.
At least here is calm and lovely, just as it should be with TA.
All I want to know is how Fallon + Harrison will go on now? And what about Kirsty with her sale of Beechwood and her buying of Willow Farm?
DeleteLast week’s treatment of racism has been more restrained than 20 years ago when Usha was the victim of attacks by a gang of racist thugs (including Roy Tucker). Verbal comments only this time round, thank goodness, and from an isolated character so no suggestion that racism is particularly widespread or entrenched in the area.
ReplyDeleteActually, 30 years ago in May 1995.
DeleteNo way maryellen 30 Years! 😱
DeleteI couldn’t believe it was that long ago either, Lady R, but the character entries for Usha and Roy on the TA website confirm it!
DeleteI can't believe that it was 30 years ago either!
DeleteWhere on earth has time gone! The Archers must have one of the most loyal fan bases ever.
DeleteI listened to the Omnibus this morning as I always do.
ReplyDeleteThe events of last week sounded so much better, but then I knew what to expect.
Now for the podcast.
ReplyDeleteHow I would love Ruth Jones to write a few episodes for TA. She could do similar to Victoria Wood, who wrote some for Comic Relief one year.
We could have Pat being really Welsh again alongside Natasha, with Ruth as a guest, using her Nessa personna.
At the end of the podcast, what a surprise to hear from the original Pru Forrest.
When Judi Dench was 90yrs, I actually e-mailed the podcast to say how lovely it would be to hear how this wonderful actress appeared in TA, voicing Pru Forrest, alongside Jack Woolley and Terry Wogan.
It seems this might actually happen.
Wow Mick & Joy house sitting at Home Farm - where did that come from, are we about to meet The Gill’s at last when they return from their holiday. Maybe Mick & Joy are going to become “staff” and be given accommodation🤭
ReplyDeleteYes it seemed to me that we would perhaps at last hear from the Gills at last.
DeletePerhaps they were put on the back burner before being developed into live residents of Ambridge emerging from the land of the phantom characters of the village.
Wouldn't the dairy's business insurance pay for professional deep cleaning?
ReplyDelete(Or is their an exclusion clause that prevents payouts when these do not serve the interests of a good plot-line?)
My thoughts exactly
DeleteMy thoughts as well. And as for expecting Susan + Clarrie to sort it out, this is not their job as to the potential bio-hazard.
DeleteI didn’t recognise Adam last night. Heard this chap talking and thought ‘who is that, a new character?”. Wasn’t until his name was mention that I realised it was him. I notice on another blog that several people thought the same. Perhaps he’s had voice training!
ReplyDeleteMe too, Archerphile! I completely failed to recognise Alastair until later when someone named him. Maybe the actor has different voices for different roles and accidentally picked a non-Ambridge one!
DeleteAnyone know who Celia Sparrow is?
ReplyDeleteHaven’t a clue Janice….i thought it was going to be Miles!
DeleteRemember when Helen was on a cheese judging panel (also exhibiting, I think) and Celia Sparrow was the contestant who lost out?
DeleteThank you maryellen. I'm impressed by your memory!
DeleteYes, you're right. I'd forgotten. A bit of interesting drama coming up methinks, or maybe a friendship and collaboration.
DeleteI have to confess I had a little help from Googlechum!!
DeleteI think Helen was really nasty to Clarrie last night. Someone of Clarrie age shouldn’t be expected to do the cleaning up after such a massive influx of sewage. I wouldn’t blame Clarrie for walking out and leaving Helen and co to get on with the job themselves …..except I assume she needs the wages. Surely the farms insurance should have provided a specialist cleaning company to do the job. Especially if they want to get clearance for providing foodstuffs again?
ReplyDeleteI agree Archerfile. It's unrealistic to expect the staff to undertake specialist cleaning work, especially involving the production of food.
DeleteWhereas Natasha was genuinely kind and thoughtful in redeploying.Clarrie to baking.for the Tearoom, which meant no loss of earnings for Clarrie, wouldn’t overtax her, and played to her strengths. No wonder Clarrie was delighted!
DeleteDid Natasha though, talk with Helen before re-locating Clarrie...
DeleteI thought Clarrie was horrible by blaming Chelsea.
DeleteI expect the three managers talked about the temporary relocation of. staff. Odd no mention of Adam during the crisis - or did I miss it?
DeleteThis is not my idea but something I read else-where, but I liked the idea.
ReplyDeleteThe Gills gave Mick the keys to go into Home Farm, to look after the "bearded dragon" only. He decided to move himself + Joy in. There are no controls for the fancy House, as these are controlled by their mobiles + i-pads, which of course, they have taken with them.
Could be!
DeleteBut then the gadget mad Gills probably have multiple security cameras around their house, also connected to their phones. They'd quickly spot what was going on ....
What I don't understand is this:-
ReplyDeleteHelen, Tom + Natasha are rightly so, concentrating on cleaning the dairy + Bridge Farm, but who is doing the same at the Beechwood House and who is also overseeing it?
They are trying to keep the business going, but...
and how does this affect Kirsty?
“All about the Archers” YouTube visual also stated (thank goodness) that the obvious course of action following such a disaster would be to get a professional deep clean firm in and claim on your insurance. Bridge Farm's living depends on its reputation so a no brainer! What protective gear did the 4 wear I would have thought complete white suits and head gear etc would be needed. No way would I have gone anywhere near the substance in any of the affected areas.
ReplyDeletePerhaps their insurance is prohibitive due to the previous E-coli and they don't want to or can't claim, but of course it is ridiculous. Joy has mentioned her insurance a few times.
ReplyDeleteIt's now nearly 2 weeks since Sewage-gate, so surely a professional deep clean firm would have it a sterile area again.
DeletePerhaps though, after the E-coli event, they have a massive excess on the insurance policy, the only way to keep costs down on the premium.
Hmmm that’s the catch 22 with insurance excesses 😱 even so the longer they are not allowed to open the more the business will suffer - even when it does open again. Maybe this is the 5yr SL hinted at in one of the BBC podcasts…..
DeleteI stand by my previous thought as to the 5yr s/l.
DeleteIt is to do with Henry and who his biological father is. This will be highlited when Khalil's dad appears in Ambridge, so soon after Lee left. Then there is Jack and his inheritance from Rob, which is in trust with Miles.
..along with Henry and his recent farming input.
DeleteI wondered if Ian could have been Henry's biological father. At the time Ian was wanting a child but Adam not keen, and I wondered if Ian had secretly become a donor. Helen would have been given some choice of the type of donor she wanted, and being a close friend of Ian she might well have described the kind of qualities he had.
ReplyDeleteInteresting and convoluted Janice.
DeleteI would imagine tho’ that the donor organisation would have geographical information and would be unlikely to match two people from such a small area within this small island.
More likely to be a donor from Australia.
It was established that Ian couldn’t father children so Adam fathered Zander. I think that disappointed all the listeners who would have liked Ian to be Henry’s biological father. Ian was generally more popular with listeners then than he seems to be now, though we’ve heard so little of him lately that he’s becoming one of Ambridge’s forgotten army!
DeleteGood point, Mrs P. Even if Ian had a) coincidentally decided to donate through the same clinic Helen chose, and b) been found to be donor-worthy, surely the clinic was extremely unlikely to match two individuals from the same parish. Just under 4 years to go before Henry can find out!
DeleteWhen I referred to Henry’s paternity at the time of the original podcast, I said I thought someone else here had a better idea for the ongoing storyline starting now that the podcast mentioned - but I’ve forgotten who and what it was! Lady R, perhaps?
The long story line temptingly suggested to us may well be the slow decline of Bridge Farm.
DeleteI imagine that often any decline in a business is slow, although obviously it can be rapid following some dramatic incident.
This event with the sewage overflow is clearly affecting Pat more so than others, tho’ we have not heard from Tony at all.
I would suggest, reluctantly, that it might also be in the mix to give Pat a long lasting condition, although again, that has already been done with Jack Woolly.
Whatever it may be, those stalwarts of us will be able to define it I imagine once we realise that we are truly in the realms of it.
New thread opened