AmbridgesMrsPJanuary 11, 2025 at 5:39 PM I’ve just spent ten minutes sitting in the garden in the falling light. The big owl has been back in the tree giving very loud whhooo calls. Nearby in another garden a tiny response of t wit every time he / she called. Was it mum and baby or male and female ? They have moved off now, back towards the nearby woods I imagine. My kind of magic !
MiriamJanuary 11, 2025 at 6:44 PM That sounds absolutely wonderful. I'm quite envious 😍
Another cold day, grateful for the log burner. I hope everyone is keeping warm and safe. I am acutely aware that some of our number, especially those quite local to me in Hampshire have been having some challenges, I live just outside Ropley which is near Alresford, I think I am one of the younger members of this group, but I am semi retired so might be able to help with shopping, appointments and the like if needed.. Please feel free to let me know if you’d like my contact details.
That is indeed a kind offer, KP, although that would be a very long drive to help with shopping. I would welcome your details, although how to manage this on an open forum is a puzzler. This would not be to make a workhorse of you, rather to make a new friend and perhaps some out
Oops, how did that happen? Outings for coffee or lunch, as I rarely get out at present. I am in touch with Mrs P, Mistral and Maryellen if that helps for a mutual contact.
KP as one of the locals you are referring to may I say I am deeply touched and appreciative of your kind offer. Currently we are able to manage with goddaughter and neighbour but one never knows and it is comforting that such a wonderful gesture is at hand. Bless you 🙏🏼
What a kind and thoughtful offer KP. At the moment we manage as Mr AP is still driving (I no longer drive and have SORNed my car ) Living where we do, equidistant to Andover, Basingstoke and Winchester with no public transport, we have been used to taking ourselves everywhere, covering considerable distances. Now I mainly rely on grocery deliveries or click and collect. However if he were no longer able to drive for some reason, life would become very difficult. So I really do appreciate your thoughts but hope very much that I shan’t have to avail myself of the help for some considerable time. We should know more in February about what my husband’s health prospects are, so may have to take big steps then.
Hi, Archerphile, Lady R ad Sarnia, my mobile number is 07903855026 if you want to make a note of it. I’ll leave this post up for a couple of days, I think this blog is quiet enough to be safe. Maybe we can arrange a mini meeting when things are more settled. Sarnia, I am planning on coming down to Southampton for some shopping in the next couple of weeks, maybe we could meet for a coffee?
KP, that sounds wonderful, thank you so much. You may have gathered that my string of chest infections has left me with severe asthma, so I would need to be collected, but there are numerous coffee shops nearby.
Please can I have a bit of a show off and a boast and tell you all the wonderful news I have just heard. Grandson Griffin, currently an A Level student at Peter Simmons College in Winchester, has just had the official offer of a place at Oxford University for September! We are thrilled for him, we knew he is very bright, but not that much! He had to do various tests on his maths and physics, then have two interviews, one via Zoom. Now all he has to do is get 3 A* results in the summer. We shall be keeping fingers tightly crossed for him.
Wow! That's really good. Having to get 3 A*s is tough though. Just getting through the tests and interviews is a wonderful achievement. You must be very proud.
He is going to study engineering, preferably civil engineering. He wants to design bridges and other big things! I reckon it’s all the time he spent creating things with Lego when he was little! And yes, we are tremendously proud of him and quite honestly, surprised. It never occured to us that anyone in our family would go to Oxford which is where we lived when first married and saw all the undergrads swanning around in their gowns!
The most wonderful news AP and only right that as very proud grandparents you are bursting with pride. 👏🏻⭐️👏🏻⭐️ (Have you noted KP’s mobile yet by the way 🤔)
Archerphile, lovely news, I hope the A levels go smooothly. My grandmother lived in Oxford opposite what was then the Polytechnic, now Oxford Broookes, lovely city.
I’ve just had a brain wave. Instead of writing a list of jobs for the day and being disappointed that most don’t get done for one reason and another I’ve decided to write a list of jobs I’ve done today. I’ve already got 4 on the list. Makes me feel much better in myself. Why I’ve never thought of this before is beyond me!
Congratulations to your grandson Archerphile reminds me of Alan Bennett’s ‘The History Boys’ . PTBY there is one hitch in your plan to only write down the jobs you’ve done if the purpose of the list is to remind you of what needs to be done! Might it lead to some jobs never being done?!?!
I’ve been for my ‘ urgent ‘ ECG today. Had to go to Porlock so took lady on to the Weir and walked round the marsh. Then had a baked potato lunch. Feel a lot better for getting out as have only done a short walk to the park for the last five days.
Sounds as though you’re getting back to normal. I’ve been to Porlock Weir a couple of times - liked it. I think we walked along the coast westwards to a little church in the woods.
Yes Soz, that would have been Culborne Church. I’ve not done that walk, but a couple in the cafe yesterday had just completed it and ticked it off their, or his, long cherished ambition list.
Not back to normal yet but did complete the mountain of washing up that had accumulated over the past three weeks before yesterday and will attempt some hoovering today.
At this time of year I get obsessed with diaries and calendars; they are drastically reduced once it’s January. I actually use them …………for a few weeks. Then at the end of the year I don’t like to throw the calendars away as the pictures are so beautiful 😊
A bit of trivia for you all I don’t know if you remember, but last year I was mourning the absence of Campbells Concentrated Soups in the supermarkets. Waitrose told me they weren’t being made any more & I couldn’t find them anywhere except on Amazon - someone offering a couple of cans of Chicken soup for £18!! They were so handy to use, not as soup, but as an ingredient for other dishes. So I haven’t been able to make any of my favourite meals (Chicken Gougère, David’s Noodles etc) Yesterday, daughter phoned to say she’d seen some in Asda, a shop I normally don’t visit. She bought me 6 cans of various varieties and was told that Asda will be continuing to stock them for the future. I am a happy bunny today! 🥫.
One small victory in life ARCHERPHILE ! I hear that ASDA are limping in the supermarket stakes, perhaps they are resorting to old staples as a comeback ploy.
Re ARCHERFILE'S earlier post , I found the following on line : "Campbell's Soup UK announced that their condensed soups were back in stock at major supermarkets."
This afternoon I planted some tulips. I know it’s a bit late but a local garden centre had reduced all their bulbs a lot. The tulip bulbs were still firm and I didn’t take much persuading. Look forward to Monty’s “British Gardens” tonight.
I didn’t finish planting all those that I bought. Don’t think I’ve got the energy now to finish the job. Hope yours flower Soz, tho’ they might be late.
I shall look out for the Campbells condensed soups when I visit Tesco today. I don’t want to go shopping and I’m not at all sure I’ve got the energy, but I do need supplies and I need to collect my prescription. So I will have to go !
Maybe treat yourself to a home delivery next time while your energy is low. The bit I find difficult in a supermarket shop is at the checkout; I pack bags slowly and get slower worrying about it. Tesco do a click and collect service too which can make things easier.
I always use a self-scanner in the supermarket. This means I can pack my bags as I shop, and then check-out is so quick + easy. I always do meal plans. These are the lists I do - what I've got in the freezer, what I'm going to cook+prepare or get out of the freezer, then do my shopping list for just what I need for the week. OK I often buy extra, but only if it's something I use and is a good offer.
I went to my local pharmacy to pick up a prescription a few days ago. Even though I'd had a text message to say it was ready for collection, I was there for ages. They were so busy, but then it is January which is always such a bad time, but it seemed in chaos. I so wanted to help out and organise them 😃
Did anyone listen to the Radio 4 drama - "Waiting in the Wings" written by Noel Coward? I came across it today via Sounds and so enjoyed it with it's great cast. It certainly was a good listen whilst blitzing the bathroom.
Our bedding had worn out so we had to replace it, thankfully we found some that we liked in Dunelm. Our mattress is very deep and we have difficulty finding sheets to fit, but the choice there was good and reasonably priced. It then had had to be washed so I was pleased to be able to put it out on the washing line. It wasn't completely dry but only needed a short time in the drier to finish it off. We managed to get some jobs done in the garden today, although it was a bit chilly! Our garden waste collection recommences next week and we filled the bin up. The cyclamens and hellebores are in flower and there are buds on the snowdrops. I'm looking forward to the spring show of bulbs now.
Cheshire East is much better than Cheshire West, as my green bin collection doesn't start until the end of February. Mind you that's my excuse of leaving the garden for now.
I got a first coat of paint on our dining room this aft. Ended up with almond white because I was sick of looking at colours and it was on offer. Anyway the first coat has gone on really patchy so I’m hoping for a big improvement tomorrow with the second coat. Haven’t slept well for the last two nights and tonight I am jiggered. Have come to bed for an early night. 🤞I can actually get to sleep tonight.
Soz - I couldn’t possibly do a home delivery, I wouldn’t know where to start. Anyway, I need the autonomy of being in control of my actions. And I read reports such as those from AP where so many items are given in exchange for what was asked for. That would drive me insane ! I have delayed the shop until tomorrow. Lady had a fight which took all my energy to overcome. I’ve spent two evenings watching Master and Commander and enjoyed it as much again as I did in the cinema many years ago. I’m also deep into the biography of Alistair Cooke.
I told my daughter in an email yesterday that I feel I have aged ten years in the last six months. I hope that is a temporary feeling and not an underlying truth.
I think its Asda online ordering that allows you to tick a box to say you do not want substitutions. I usually have Morrisons, and they send you an email about an hour before delivery telling you what, if anything, has been substituted and if there are any you don't want you just tell the driver when he arrives and they are taken back and not charged for. A few days ago a delivery came and several of the vegetarian things, Quorn and Linda Macartney, weren't available and no substitutions available to have either. I was a bit cheesed off because I rely on the Quorn roast "meats" for Sunday dinner for my son, and I said to the driver that once before they didn't bring these things but just the day after I went with son and daughter in law to Morrisons, just for the ride out, and they had those things in the shop. The driver said that it was because their online orders were done in the early morning hours whereas the new day's deliveries didn't arrive until the afternoon. I must admit that at times like Christmas it is nice to browse in the actual shops. My next door neighbour taught me how to order online during covid.
Not sure why Mrs P thinks I get a lot of substitutions in my online orders - not me, M’Lord! Most weeks my order is exactly correct, nothing missing and no substitutions. The only one that stands out in my memory was back in the Autumn when a red wine box was unavailable & substituted with a white wine! As Janice says, I get an email from Sainsburys on the morning of my click &collect or delivery with a full list of my order and any substitutions are listed so you can decide in advance if you want them or not. If they substitute with an item more expensive than the one you ordered you are given the difference as a voucher for the next shop.
Sorry if I got that wrong AP It must have been someone else. Anyway, I shan’t be doing online shopping, it’s only me and I would not be able to order enough.
Mrs P I completely understand your aversion to online shopping. It needed a lot of patience on my daughter’s part to get me started and I’m not totally au fait with it now. When I was really stuck on my own in Bournemouth and not well enough to go out, my daughter in London did an online shop for me to be delivered to my address. It worked and ,made life a lot easier.
I believe you are a very independent , capable woman who has kept as active as possible while dealing with some serious health issues. This latest flu seems to sap everyone’s energy for a long time. I am positive you will regain your characteristic vigour but it may take longer than usual.
MrsP, I hope that you manage to get some supplies in and that you start to feel better soon. We tried, unsuccessfully, to do online shopping during lockdown and have just carried on in person since. However, my shopping habits have changed a lot since 2020. I buy a lot less from the supermarket and more locally as well as online deliveries from non supermarket outlets.
Mr Soz is very pleased that you are buying less from supermarkets. As a farmer he would like me to avoid them completely. Since Covid my shopping habits have changed too. The little shop in our nearest village served the local community brilliantly throughout lockdown and most of us have stayed loyal and still shop there. Meat I tend to buy from local farm shops - it is more expensive than elsewhere but it is tastier. I do use supermarkets as well but buying half the amount of goods I used to buy from them.
Many thanks for encouraging messages folks. A bad night. Book. IPad. Light out. More book. Try again. IPad again. Finally horlicks and cheese and biscuits and sleep at gone four. And I had been in bed before eleven ! So now at 2.45 pm drinking my first cup of tea.
Must try to get to Tesco. Need meds and milk and bread and eggs.
Do you have a neighbour you can ask, to pop to the shops for you just for the necessities you so obviously need? If a neighbour asked me to do similar, I would certainly be very pleased to help out esp. if I hadn't realised that there was a problem. I'm sure the pharmacy you use will have a delivery service, so you can get a one off delivery for your prescription. Just trying to help out with differing ideas to consider. I hope Lady is doing OK.
Now you could do with KP’s kind offer Mrs P but it’s a long drive from Hampshire unfortunately, but you may have your own version nearby but I agree that it can be easier to be the giver than doing the asking!
You have it in one Lady R ! Always ready to offer, but rarely ask. Neighbour kindly organised bringing the bin round to the terrace for emptying on Tuesday, knows I have been unwell, but has not made any offers. Friend Simon is in big trouble and has disappeared tho’ is messaging sporadically.
But I managed ! Forgot to have any breakfast but managed Tesco and the prescription ( in house, marvellous service) and at the checkout by 3.55 pm. Result ! Took Lady for a quick run around the recreation ground nearby and home to a cuppa and a call from younger daughter.
I’ve just treated myself to a fresh bread sandwich of smoked salmon and cream cheese, and bought lots of vegetables to make another casserole with meat in freezer. There’s ambition for you !
I really hope to be able to return to strength and balance class tomorrow and crucially SINGING !
Please don’t worry CC - I always keep an extensive stock cupboard and always ( usually) have at least one litre of goats milk in hand as well as bread. I forgot the eggs today, but since i had a three egg omelette last night I shan’t worry. I look forward tho’ to local hens laying again, always have empty egg boxes and egg money in the car.
We’re a bit of a plague house at the moment. I started feeling rough on Friday, Saturday was spent mainly shivering in bed, counting down the the minutes until the next dose of paracetamol and trying not to cough because it hurts 🥴 by Sunday morning Mr Nuts and daughter both running temperatures and coughing. MrNut is also managing to be sick because that’s how his body reacts. Yesterday was spent on sofa with a blanket, at least I feel slightly better today, just tired as sleep he’s been difficult. Happy days
Hope it’s a quick infection of some sort KP. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
I had another poor night, no sleep again until gone five am. Then falling back to sleep after alarm at around eight. So….. no class - no singing. Again !
Oh KP how horrid for you all. Be sure to continue taking care of yourselves and resting resting resting and of course plenty of fluid - as if you did not know 🤭 just showing concern of course. 🌡️ 🛏️ 😴 ☕️ 💐
So many seem to be suffering from seasonal bugs at the moment, and I wish you all well.. Mind you the weather doesn't help, aa it's cold with no sun, which certainly doesn't help with feeling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. I feel like I'm in hibernation at the moment, but then that's just the January "blues", not helped by the December credit card bills arriving, and now need to be paid! My next big bill due soon is my latest combined energy one, which I'm dreading.. At least I can then decide whether to change tariff or not.
Good Health to one and all along with a group virtual 🤗
We went for a walk up to Teggs Nose this morning, there is still some snow up there. We enjoyed our cuppa in the cafe sitting next to the log burner afterwards.
Your post has led me to look up Teggs Nose, then on to Ludds Church and more CC. I’ve never been to the Peak District. Probably never will now ! All looks wonderful though.
Another late start to the day, but have managed some cutting back in the garden using a little energy available today.
Every little helps, as they say, Mrs P, one step at a time
My major achievement today was to book a doctor's appointment on their 'simple to use' Anima system and actually get a reply posted on my message board or whatever it is!
The secret seems to be that once your request has been explained, click NO for everything else whether it's true or not, to avoid being dispatched down endless rabbit holes from which there is no escape.
Listening this evening to Crossing Continents commemorating Holocaust Memorial Day on the 27 th January. And remembering the only person I have ever had a connection to when I was sixteen and a cadet nurse at Farnborough Hospital, a woman with her prisoner tattoo number on the inside of her forearm.
We watched the programme about the Lost Music of Auschwitz, a really moving account of the several Orchestras that were formed there. Those prisons who could play an instrument were forced to entertain the Nazi guards and camp commanders, they also had to play marches for the prisoners setting off to their slave work in the mornings, and returning in the evenings, carrying the bodies of those that had died during the day. It was a heartbreaking story, but so interesting to hear the music played on the same odd mixture of instruments found in the camp. I will admit the programme reduced me to tears.
CC I have an email from the practice this morning to say that there is a response on my dashboard - but there isn't. In fact, according to my dashboard there are now 4 responses requiring my attention, but when I click on it, it says I have no responses.
Why not just ring the surgery to find out what the problem is. They must know about your input, to have replied so they will have a record. Just trying to help you only..
I'm afraid that's not how it works, Miriam. 1 You will be put on hold FOREVER while a faint voice keeps exhorting you to use Anima. 2. You will get a recorded message saying they're not taking calls at present, ring back later. This can go on for days. 3. OR the call is put through to the Weston Lane surgery who, I'm convinced either outsource to a call centre in Outer Mongolia, or they equip their receptionists with cocoa tins and a long pice of string. Either way they are so distant they might as well be on the moon, and therefore totally unintelligible.
Sorry for my simple thoughts, yet again. My surgery is so different, as always answers the phone if go past all the automatic blah blah, and if in a queue then it's not long at all. Good Luck in getting it sorted.
Due to it being Christmas/ NY and also being unwell, I forgot to organise my six weekly B12 injection. Called the surgery today, 4 th in queue, quickly reduced to 2nd. Reception took my request and returned within a minute or so with two alternatives. Booked. It will be seven weeks, but that is my mistake, not the surgery’s. I’m grateful. And very sorry for Sarnia who I imagine is now locked into one of these new fangled corporate medical facilities. Before I moved here I took note of the massive number of complaints on SM of how the local surgery had deteriorated in recent years. Made my decision on what I had read and opted to go with the local independent surgery with two hubs in Dunster and Porlock. Both new purpose built medical centres one three miles outside of Minehead the other five miles in the opposite direction, and both with their own parking and easy to drive to. And when no longer able to drive local bus services both. ( for the time being of course ! ) And in the last 24 hours have heard a ghastly tale of the inability to deal with an emergency from the local corporate facility here in Minehead itself, over the week twixt C’mas and NY - similar to what Sarnia is experiencing- with the patient finally in Musgrove and diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. But he never got to see a GP !
Soz: seems to me that the mindset required for successful navigation of Anima is that if someone who sits in front of a screen all day rattling away on a keyboard, for whom such things are second nature.
Having said that, as a university assessment manager my son is one such and he has spent hours wrestling with Anima on my behalf to no avail.
The receptionists at my local surgery are obliged to use it, but say it's a waste of time.
Today I received a 'no reply' text from a nurse complaining that she keeps ringing me and I don't answer my phone. I have explained multiple times that they should ring me on my landline; my mobile is PAYG, it's only on when I'm using it, and I only take calls from my daughter.
I use my mobile in a similar way Sarnia. My son wanted me to have one in case the car ever broke down, and only family and close friends have the number with a few other numbers like Rescue my Car! I prefer to give my email or landline number. It is a simple Doro mobile that has an alarm that if pressed phones through to my daughter, son and home landline. Don't ask how many times when I first had it I caused panic by pressing it accidentally! I am very careful with it now. The only thing I regret is that it doesn't take the really nice photos the modern smart phones do, and my daughter in law has one that tells her what the names of plants are if she photographs them.
This is a cross over post between the two pages. Has anyone listened to the two series of the R4 series "The Gift"? These are stories about what happens when ancestry DNA tests have been done. Some, but not all, are really interesting listens.
Remember all, to get your mobiles fully charged tonight plus know where candles, matches, torches are, just in case electricity supplies are disrupted. I will do as I did in the last storm, keep a thermos filled with boiling water...😄
I shan’t bother to do any preparation towards the storm. I shall probably just have managed to get to sleep as it arrives, then will likely sleep through whatever it does and wake up when it’s all over.
I have the same problem as Sarnia with my mobile, always ask for my landline to be used. Nobody listens !
Thank you Miriam. My son bought me a headlight and some outside solar lights for Christmas. The headlight is very bright and useful in taking veg peelings and leftovers to the compost bin in the evening. He has just brought his uncle a belated Xmas present of a plug in light. You keep it plugged in and charging and if the electricity goes off it senses it and automatically turns on. He did this because we had popped down to the village a couple of weeks ago for daughter in law to shop for some things she had run out of, and the electricity went totally down in the main part of the village. So the shopping had to be abandoned and then we went to check on brother in law and he was trying to get round the house with a tiny toy torch that had come out of his christmas cracker with us on Christmas Day!!!
CC A niece of mine, is meant to be flying to Edinburgh tomorrow morning for a long weekend. I don't envy her at all, but they don't want to lose the hotel costs 🙅♀️ Even the trains aren't running as these are now ending in Newcastle.
Mrs P. How I envy you, as my storm alert with winds up to 70mph, is for 24 hours. Hence why I'm being prepared. Luckily you obviously aren't going to be affected in the same way. I've had an e-mail from my house insurance today, to alert me as to what isn't insured, basically anything in the garden such as hedges, fences, garden furniture so secure these as best as possible.
Dear Miriam, I understood that the storm alert is for the whole of the UK. I do not decry you being prepared, it is simply that I am choosing not to be. The last couple of storms seem to have passed me by, although I have encountered much storm damage evident in the locality. I have come to a vague realisation that my home is in an area which seems to be protected by North Hill, and perhaps I’ve come to rely on that. Of course I could be completely wrong and pay for being so by damage.
I hope your preparations protect you and you come through it all intact in the next 36 hours.
I think I was told that my granddaughter is returning to University in Newcastle tomorrow, though on this occasion by Mega Bus, not flying, which she sometimes does. It might be an interesting journey, or it might be postponed.
Miriam, you don't give your niece's departure airport, but I've just checked the Edinburgh arrivals schedule and apart from the very early hours this morning, all flights are cancelled or diverted.
They left Stansted, got to Edinburgh, did a couple of circles but obviously couldn't land. The message came up that it was diverting to Cologne for some reason. I was tracking the flight and its path went out over the North Sea in line for Holland/Germany, but suddenly there was a sharpish right turn and it then landed back at Stansted, 3hrs after they has left! No idea what their plans are now after their trip to Scotland + back again. TBH I was very surprised to see it depart. The "girlies"still have a Burns night supper booked plus hotel rooms for Saturday night and flights back on Sunday. No doubt they will set off again tomorrow in some way or another.
I was tempted, but the winds were so strong and there was a lot of stuff flying around (bins emptied today) that I daren't risk. I just didn't fancy having to go around my neighbours, to collect my knickers!
I woke up at about 3.30am to hear torrential rain with strong winds. There have been a couple of trees down in the near vicinity, but it's been nothing like the last storm. It is now turning into a lovely, bright and much calmer evening. My washing will be out tomorrow.
For lovers of the Charles Parish mysteries , there is a brand new series starting next week Monday, 2.15pm on Radio 4. Note not 4extra, as it’s a new story not a repeat.
I meant to post about the new Charles Parish two days ago, then forgot. So yes, thank you AP.
As predicted the storm seemed to bypass M’hd though it did hit Devon and parts of Cornwall. How did you fare Janice ?
I’ve had a steroid injection in my index finger knuckle today. I’ve been in semi permanent pain for almost a year. It’s killing me right now but hope this will work.
Another roofing sheet off the big shed but no trees down, so not as bad as it could have been. Hope the steroid injection works. My mum used to have them in her knee and she seemed to find them helpful.
As for steroid injections, sometimes they work, sometimes not. Over the last twenty years or so I’ve had them successfully in my thumb joint, reasonably successful in my knee and no difference in my ankle. I wrapped/ bandaged my hand last night to immobilise it and so far today no pain. Managed to get Lady to the beach yesterday late afternoon. The cranes and diggers are rearranging the sand again. No deckchairs here !
Mrs P. Steroid injections into a joint will be painful for about 48hrs. Just support it in some way, and if necessary use an ice pack, be it frozen peas. The benefit will soon be known. Wish you well.
MrNuts & I were supposed to be seeing Charles Collingwood “50 glorious years as Brian” at the Concord club in Eastleigh tomorrow afternoon with lunch booked for 12.30. Neither of us are going to be up to it. If any of the Hampshire contingent on here are up to it they would be welcome to go in our stead as the tickets will otherwise go to waste…
What a huge shame and disappointment KP. Unfortunately I am not up to travel at the moment either and Mr AP will be going to a concert at The Anvil tonight alone
So disappointed for you KP unfortunately not possible to take up your very kind offer of tickets, health issues abound in all our Hampshire abodes it seems! I do hope each day is bringing a little improvement for you all. Some more bad weather today I believe so do take care everyone.
We have a flock of feral pigeons scoffing the bird food, I counted 2 dozen on our neighbour's roof this morning. They eat the food on my table and ground feeder but, at least they can't get at the hanging seed and fat ball feeders. I'm planning to do the bird count today, hopefully some other ones will get a look in.
I'd forgotten about the bird count CC, glad you reminded me. At the moment we seem to be in the middle of yet another storm and not a bird in sight. All sheltering somewhere I expect. Wè don't have feral pigeons but quite a lot of rooks.The bird count will have to wait until tomorrow or whenever the wind and rain stops. It only seems like 5 minutes ago I was doing it last year. I am keeping fingers crossed no more roofing sheets will be off the shed roof, with two already off the wind can get in and under the rest. Our trusty usual builder/repairer hasn't been able to do it yet because of the wind and the roof being high up.
Wonder if your lunch would have been haggis as it was Burns day. We are having it today instead of the usual roast. Daughter is endeavouring to make a vegetarian one for her brother. She has found a recipe that includes a bit of nutmeg. Hope she doesn't overdo it or he might be hallucinating afterwards 😁
Did the bird count yesterday, the county spotting the most birds was Hampshire! Hooray!! I saw 44 birds, comprising 4 different types of tit, robins, blackbirds, woodpigeons, dunnocks, goldfinch, nuthatches, great spotted woodpecker and a single magpie! Apparently the average number of birds spotted per person is 27, so I was well up on the average but that probably only because we have a large garden
I no longer encourage birds into my garden, as 🐈⬛ just loves to get them to play with. Think of Sylvester the cat, sitting under Tweety-Pie in it's cage, sitting licking it's lips..that's my cat! All my neighbours have bird feeders etc, so I don't feel guilty, as the birds have lots of food sources so close by. I do though have a lovely Robin, which is often seen sitting on my washing line. Long may it last.
My neighbour who was upstairs has now bough, and moved into the other ground floor flat. My kitchen window and a side window in my sitting room look out onto what was her garden and she had a number of bird feeders so I was able to see and watch lots of birds. Her garden to her new flat is on the other side of the property and she has moved all her feeders there to encourage the birds to migrate to her new garden. So I bought a window feeder last week to put on my kitchen window. I will have to take it down when the window cleaners come every month, so hope that won’t be too arduous.
For once, I wasn't affected by yesterday's weather event. OK there was rain+wind, but nothing unusual. I hope all you "Down South" weren't badly affected, as I've read about power cuts and flooding in some areas. Mind you, after some sun today (don't blink or you'll miss it) it's back to rain, cloud + gloom + cold again. Still I did manage to open some windows this morning, to get fresh air throughout the house and get rid of that stuffy feel, plus the onion + garlic aroma after my cooking event yesterday. How I wish I could get out into the garden, but it's far too sodden. My snowdrops are about to flower soon, which always cheers me up as it is the first sign of Spring approaching. A lot of my bulbs are only just appearing above soil level, which is very late this year. I got my latest 3 month dual energy bill a few days ago - enough said, but not quite as bad as I expected but still 🙈
I have had a very reflective and heart-rending day, following all the commemorations of International Holocaust Day. The services at Auchwitz and here in London have been very moving and I congratulate the BBC on their programming and the seriousness and compassion of their commentators today. Such stories, such horrors, such suffering. I was very proud that King Charles was determined to be at Auchwtiz in person to pay tribute. He said many years ago he wanted to be leader of faith, not one in particular but all faith. They kept mentioning that it was the 80th Anniversary of the liberation of the camp, which kept reminding me that it will be my ‘80th Anniversary’ too, later this year. Where has the time gone?
Since the age of sixteen I’ve been acutely aware of the holocaust. At that age I went with a group of friends to the Academy Cinema in Oxford Street ( later in life I was an usherette there for about a year ) where we watched some of what was filmed during the time of liberation. That’s when I discovered that at the precise time I was entering this world - in April 1942 - Hitler and his party were ramping up the attempt to eradicate any part of the human race that that they considered unworthy of living as not being Arian. That occasion has never left me. As mentioned in a recent post, at that time I was working with a woman who had her designated number tattooed on her arm. And knowing her has contributed towards my abiding disgust of tattoos for the rest of my life. I know of course that I have no personal responsibility, but because this horrific world event took place coinciding with my birth I have always felt a sense of guilt. All of the above was overlaid with the often mentioned message when a child, that my father had every intention of killing my mother and me, should Hitler overcome Britain. ( my father was a very passionate man ! )
I did a supermarket shop today and on getting a big bag of goods off the back seat of car, there was a small pool of milk. This was hastily mopped up. The milk had toppled over and leaked from the cap but not much seemed to have leaked out. How wrong I was! All the contents of this bag had milk on them somewhere even my tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, carrots. All these have had to be washed and are now drying on various cake racks etc! Tomorrow I'll be using carpet shampoo on the car seat, it'll probably the one I have left over from my last cat, as it is anti-bacterial and neutralises odours. This sadly was the one I had to use, when that cat started with incontinence.
I found the pet neutraliser cleaner from Pets at Home, far better than the 50/50 vinegar/water mix, plus it has a pleasant smell. Luckily I don't think the milk soaked in.
We went to see the new Bob Dylan film yesterday afternoon. It wasn’t a film I would choose to go to but 3 other friends were going so Mr P said we’d go. It was really good. I right enjoyed it. I don’t like folk music, every one sounded the same. The acting was excellent. I would recommend seeing it.
I’m really pleased to be able to say that today I have felt normal and with energy for the first time since Boxing Day. I actually attempted Coniger and got a good halfway up, much further than I expected. I turned round and came back because I realised that I had not made a mental note of length of parking time allowed. All parking in Dunster Village is free but with time limits. I certainly hope I shall feel up to attacking Coniger again someday. Its pretty steep with a Folly at the top. One of these days I’ll get to see it. To celebrate I took myself off to the NT Dunster Castle tea rooms for some lunch.
So pleased to hear that you're feeling better MrsP. It's been a lovely winter day here, crisp and sunny. We decided to go to Dunham Massey and walked round the deer park. The deer were out in force. After lunch we visited the winter garden which was looking and smelling lovely. A very enjoyable day.
You are amazing Mrs P. Very pleased you are feeling well enough to go hill climbing and have the energy to get to choir as well. I’m trying to get fitter but still find walking any significant distance difficult. My pelvis hasn’t completely healed but is fairly straight. I use a crutch for support but that puts pressure on my shoulder. Maybe a steroid injection for the shoulder pain would help.
I can remember pushing my father ( well into his 80s) up one of the steep hills at Warbarrow Bay. He told me that he’d like to see me climbing that hill at his age . I replied that I hoped I would have someone to give me a push if I needed it. He did feel a little dizzy the next day and I felt a bit guilty but he recovered and stayed fit into his 90s.
MrNuts & I actually managed to make it to the theatre this evening having washed several lots of tickets over the last fortnight. We saw A Man for all Seasons at Chichester starring Martin Shaw along with Garry Wilmot & Timothy Weston (3rd or 4th time I’ve seen him at Chichester, he must be fairly local) Nice to be getting back to normal even if we’re still coughing
Pleased M&M KP are able to be out and about again. From my experience and talking to others this bunged up and or coughing continues for weeks. Only ever went to Chichester theatre once in the sixties. Memorable because very late that night returning on the A3 we encountered a car stopped on the road with the driver unconscious and hanging from the open door. Often wonder what happened. No mobile phones then but remember stopping another car fortunately with a doctor driving it, and leaving the situation in his hands.
Mrs P. You asked me to let you know about BIL's procedure. I can't do this just yet, as don't know the full story yet, just the basics. As soon as I do I'll tell you, but this might take a few days. I'm so glad to hear you be so active again, keep it up.
I have never actually bought anything from Crocus but have often been tempted. They do have a wide selection of plants and sometimes the less popular ones but they are expensive. Usually I buy from local nurseries or plant sales. I’m looking for a yellow hellebore and they have got a couple I like but they seem fairly dear.
Thanks Soz - I rather take the view that the cost of anything is only relevant if comparisons are made. Since I don’t have the mental energy or the impetus to trawl the internet for comparisons I might as well buy something that suits me even if it costs a bit more. As you say, they do seem to have some less popular plants. I wrote to them on their pro forma about the area of my garden which is acidic due to the needle fall from the firs towering above, asking about particular flowers and shrubs as I’m planning a white area. I received an extensive reply within 24 hours covering all aspects of my enquiry. I’m impressed ! The local garden centre is not at all inspiring but there are two others within reasonable distance for a day trip which are, but these large money making outfits don’t sit well with me and buying online will, I think, make me think more selectively and be less spontaneous than when at a garden centre. Also I get many plants from local events, fetes etc and local people who propagate on and sell for peanuts at their garden gates, so save money in that way.
No, Miriam, not yet. They said it depended on priority. However, there have been two more bank scares this week (both false alarms as it happens but the anxiety quotient is the same) and at prest I barely have enough breath to get up the stairs. There are signs of improvement, but I had begun to feel so much better and now I'm back where I started again.
My snowdrops are just starting to flower. This is so cheerful for me, as it means the seasons are changing helped by the longer light afternoons. Even the mornings are starting to get lighter earlier, even if more slowly.
Another day full of activity. I’ve hoovered everywhere I can get to, had an afternoon chat with a cuppa with a visitor and still plan to get some more tasks fulfilled for this evening. Whohooo I’m feeling good. It’s such a nice feeling.
Sarnia I’m very sorry that you are still feeling rubbish. I really think you need to insist on a Drs appointment.
All the surgeries in the area are part of the same group and all use the same Machiavellian system Mrs P. I've already changed to this current one which is now the nearest, and a great improvement on the previous one, which has a dreadful reputation. The staff are lovely and caring - it's just getting to them that's the problem.
This might seem a very silly suggestion, but why not do the old method of writing a letter to the surgery. At least this way you can state your situation, simply and clearly and also remind them as to your land-line number as the method of communication. It's worth a try 😀
At the risk of sounding as if I'm deliberately trying to be awkward, Miriam, it's a steep uphill to the letter box, which at present I just couldn't manage. Yes, I could ring a neighbour and ask them to do it, but who knows, it's been a week now since I applied so the appointment might yet arrive first.
You are all so kind and helpful, but at present my resources for making any kind of effort are absolutely zilch!
Whilst cleaning my bird feeders this morning it brought to mind what they said on Winterwatch about the RSPB looking into whether bird tables do more harm than good because of the wet and mouldy food and the poo spreading diseases. My table has a plastic liner which I wash every week, but I haven't seen any like that on sale recently. I don't always remember to clean out the bird bath as frequently as I should, I must give myself a reminder on that one. I'll be interested to see what their research comes up with.
Thank you Miriam for your kindness in asking how we are. I will post again later as I have a shopping delivery due and our meal to get. It is not an easy time but knowing you and our other blogger friends are here and so caring is so lovely. 🥰
I paid off my Barclaycard credit card bill on Thursday, which was done on-line. All went through well so I thought, but the payment is still showing as pending on my bank account. Panic as to why. However I've just seen that there is a major IT problem with Barclays so perhaps this is why my payment isn't going through. IF I get a late payment fee, then I'll fight it. Goodness knows how customers of that bank are managing with every day to day life.
Miriam to follow up your kind enquiry (and any others that may be interested) an week ago Friday Mr R was once again taken into hospital re breathing and sodium and magnesium level problem. An ambulance in 5 mins! Fortunately this time only 2 full days and one night but as his last two admissions were only in September - 1week and November 3 weeks - at the very least hospital delirium has struck and has been around since the 3 week admission. Also changes in medication need to be thoroughly explored (Miriam you may well have a view regarding this) The symptoms are not all the time but when present are so distressing for us both of course I cannot show it I have to be calm and kind which I am happy to do to ease any angst that I can. Then pop out to make a cuppa, have a cry when necessary and return as before. His Dr is so kind. Last Monday I was due a phone call I had requested re medication as soon as I said he had been in hospital over Fri and Sat she said we will leave this call and I will come to see him at 1pm. She checked him over then did a quiz with him and another at home appointment will be made to assess further, not by her this time and maybe a scan. If - as she has been thinking it is delirium action can then be taken but ideally needs to be asap. Of course worse scenario- it could be my mum all over again. When he is clear minded it is crystal and when not very fanciful and much anxiety. Details of which tear me apart. However I am one of many people in this situation and others here will also have had experiences of their own. We are still managing a few local trips out, lucky to be living around lovely countryside and garden centres nearby. Also occasionally a shop 🙂 I have waffled on but this is the first quiet moment I have had to be able to let it all out! Thank you for your patience if you have stuck with my “tomb” to the end 🫢
Oh Lady R, it all sounds horribly tough for you both. So glad Lord R got prompt hospital treatment, and that you have such a lovely and conscientious doctor. Praying for the problem to be identified swiftly and for effective treatment to relieve the symptoms. Do take care of yourself, won't you? Have you got family and friends who can help out with some meals, or to give you a short respite break? 🤗🙏
I'm so sorry to hear that things are still difficult for you Lady R. Having such an understanding GP must be helpful and I do hope that something can be done to ease your situation.
The post I wrote late last night - to Lady R seems not to have posted …… So….. You are having such a difficult and wearing time. Talking it through, and crucially writing it down is in itself therapeutic, so write away and let us know how it’s all going, as frequently as you can and want to.
You know very well that your online friends are here for you all the way, and beyond.
A recent encounter with a person who it seemed clear to me had a condition similar to my mother, I found to be very distressing as it reminded me so much of how she was and what I had needed to experience. He has died over the Christmas period and the memories brought back to me about my mother as she died have been difficult. So I can fully understand how your present situation is bringing recurring memories for you. This time will pass Lady R. Your friends here and your friends around you will help you through this time and comfort you.
AmbridgesMrsPJanuary 11, 2025 at 5:39 PM
ReplyDeleteI’ve just spent ten minutes sitting in the garden in the falling light.
The big owl has been back in the tree giving very loud whhooo calls. Nearby in another garden a tiny response of t wit every time he / she called.
Was it mum and baby or male and female ?
They have moved off now, back towards the nearby woods I imagine.
My kind of magic !
MiriamJanuary 11, 2025 at 6:44 PM
That sounds absolutely wonderful. I'm quite envious 😍
SozJanuary 11, 2025 at 7:19 PM
ReplyDeleteMagical. Those are moments worth living for.
Cheshire CheeseJanuary 11, 2025 at 10:00 PM
ReplyDeletePrecious moments MrsP
Someone else gets her birthday cards from Waitrose!
ReplyDeleteAnother cold day, grateful for the log burner. I hope everyone is keeping warm and safe.
ReplyDeleteI am acutely aware that some of our number, especially those quite local to me in Hampshire have been having some challenges, I live just outside Ropley which is near Alresford, I think I am one of the younger members of this group, but I am semi retired so might be able to help with shopping, appointments and the like if needed.. Please feel free to let me know if you’d like my contact details.
What a lovely offer KP. Very kind.
DeleteThat is indeed a kind offer, KP, although that would be a very long drive to help with shopping. I would welcome your details, although how to manage this on an open forum is a puzzler. This would not be to make a workhorse of you, rather to make a new friend and perhaps some out
DeleteOops, how did that happen?
DeleteOutings for coffee or lunch, as I rarely get out at present.
I am in touch with Mrs P, Mistral and Maryellen if that helps for a mutual contact.
KP: in terms of mutual contacts I've had an idea.
ReplyDeleteDo you by any chance know C Noyce who was a teacher there for some years?
That is a kind and thoughtful offer KP.
ReplyDeleteI hope one or two of your Hampshire neighbours might be able to avail themselves of your help on occasion.
so kind.
ReplyDeleteKP as one of the locals you are referring to may I say I am deeply touched and appreciative of your kind offer. Currently we are able to manage with goddaughter and neighbour but one never knows and it is comforting that such a wonderful gesture is at hand. Bless you 🙏🏼
ReplyDeleteWhat a kind and thoughtful offer KP. At the moment we manage as Mr AP is still driving (I no longer drive and have SORNed my car ) Living where we do, equidistant to Andover, Basingstoke and Winchester with no public transport, we have been used to taking ourselves everywhere, covering considerable distances. Now I mainly rely on grocery deliveries or click and collect. However if he were no longer able to drive for some reason, life would become very difficult. So I really do appreciate your thoughts but hope very much that I shan’t have to avail myself of the help for some considerable time. We should know more in February about what my husband’s health prospects are, so may have to take big steps then.
ReplyDeleteHi, Archerphile, Lady R ad Sarnia, my mobile number is 07903855026 if you want to make a note of it. I’ll leave this post up for a couple of days, I think this blog is quiet enough to be safe. Maybe we can arrange a mini meeting when things are more settled. Sarnia, I am planning on coming down to Southampton for some shopping in the next couple of weeks, maybe we could meet for a coffee?
ReplyDeleteNoted KP and once again thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and kindness ❤️
DeleteKP, that sounds wonderful, thank you so much. You may have gathered that my string of chest infections has left me with severe asthma, so I would need to be collected, but there are numerous coffee shops nearby.
DeleteThat's an exciting thing to look forward to!
Sarnia, if you message me so I have your number, then we can fix a meet up for coffee and maybe relieve the cabin fever a bit.
DeletePlease can I have a bit of a show off and a boast and tell you all the wonderful news I have just heard.
ReplyDeleteGrandson Griffin, currently an A Level student at Peter Simmons College in Winchester, has just had the official offer of a place at Oxford University for September! We are thrilled for him, we knew he is very bright, but not that much! He had to do various tests on his maths and physics, then have two interviews, one via Zoom. Now all he has to do is get 3 A* results in the summer. We shall be keeping fingers tightly crossed for him.
That is wonderful news Archerfile. Well done Griffin! What does he want to study?
DeleteWow! That's really good. Having to get 3 A*s is tough though. Just getting through the tests and interviews is a wonderful achievement. You must be very proud.
DeleteWhat proud grand-parents you must be and rightly so.
DeleteTo have got this far is a massive achievement in itself.
He is going to study engineering, preferably civil engineering. He wants to design bridges and other big things! I reckon it’s all the time he spent creating things with Lego when he was little! And yes, we are tremendously proud of him and quite honestly, surprised. It never occured to us that anyone in our family would go to Oxford which is where we lived when first married and saw all the undergrads swanning around in their gowns!
DeleteI hope that he achieves his dream Archerfile.
DeleteThat's great news Archerphile. Well done to your clever grandson. What college is he headed for?
DeleteThe most wonderful news AP and only right that as very proud grandparents you are bursting with pride. 👏🏻⭐️👏🏻⭐️
ReplyDelete(Have you noted KP’s mobile yet by the way 🤔)
Yes I have noted it
DeleteProud grandparents indeed ARCHERPHILE
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to your grandson and his parents.
Archerphile, lovely news, I hope the A levels go smooothly. My grandmother lived in Oxford opposite what was then the Polytechnic, now Oxford Broookes, lovely city.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to your grandson Archerphile. i wish him all the best for his A levels.
ReplyDeleteWell done to your grandson Archerphile.
ReplyDeleteI’ve just had a brain wave. Instead of writing a list of jobs for the day and being disappointed that most don’t get done for one reason and another I’ve decided to write a list of jobs I’ve done today. I’ve already got 4 on the list. Makes me feel much better in myself.
Why I’ve never thought of this before is beyond me!
Congratulations to your grandson Archerphile reminds me of Alan Bennett’s ‘The History Boys’ .
ReplyDeletePTBY there is one hitch in your plan to only write down the jobs you’ve done if the purpose of the list is to remind you of what needs to be done! Might it lead to some jobs never being done?!?!
🤣 I am familiar with that anyway Soz 🤭
DeleteDoesn’t everybody have a ‘ never to be done ‘ list anyway ?
DeleteI certainly do !
Mine's in my head.
DeleteI still have a list of jobs to complete after my O levels!
DeleteSurely some of those must have vanished of their own accord by now?
DeleteTrue, but 'update list' is probably on the list somewhere.
DeleteI’ve been for my ‘ urgent ‘ ECG today.
ReplyDeleteHad to go to Porlock so took lady on to the Weir and walked round the marsh. Then had a baked potato lunch.
Feel a lot better for getting out as have only done a short walk to the park for the last five days.
Sounds as though you’re getting back to normal. I’ve been to Porlock Weir a couple of times - liked it. I think we walked along the coast westwards to a little church in the woods.
DeleteYes Soz, that would have been Culborne Church.
DeleteI’ve not done that walk, but a couple in the cafe yesterday had just completed it and ticked it off their, or his, long cherished ambition list.
Not back to normal yet but did complete the mountain of washing up that had accumulated over the past three weeks before yesterday and will attempt some hoovering today.
Used to be paper list with highlighter pens for me - bliss 😂 still so on occasions!
ReplyDeleteAt this time of year I get obsessed with diaries and calendars; they are drastically reduced once it’s January. I actually use them …………for a few weeks. Then at the end of the year I don’t like to throw the calendars away as the pictures are so beautiful 😊
ReplyDeleteA bit of trivia for you all
ReplyDeleteI don’t know if you remember, but last year I was mourning the absence of Campbells Concentrated Soups in the supermarkets. Waitrose told me they weren’t being made any more & I couldn’t find them anywhere except on Amazon - someone offering a couple of cans of Chicken soup for £18!!
They were so handy to use, not as soup, but as an ingredient for other dishes. So I haven’t been able to make any of my favourite meals (Chicken Gougère, David’s Noodles etc)
Yesterday, daughter phoned to say she’d seen some in Asda, a shop I normally don’t visit. She bought me 6 cans of various varieties and was told that Asda will be continuing to stock them for the future.
I am a happy bunny today! 🥫.
One small victory in life ARCHERPHILE !
DeleteI hear that ASDA are limping in the supermarket stakes, perhaps they are resorting to old staples as a comeback ploy.
I’m really resistant to writing lists !
ReplyDeleteRe ARCHERFILE'S earlier post , I found the following on line :
ReplyDelete"Campbell's Soup UK announced that their condensed soups were back in stock at major supermarkets."
That’s really interesting Patricia - I hadn’t heard that so it was a lovely surprise to find them again. I’m very glad they are still being made.
DeleteHow lovely that the Hampshire residents can perhaps arrange a get together and meet up, in the near future.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds a lovely idea.
This afternoon I planted some tulips. I know it’s a bit late but a local garden centre had reduced all their bulbs a lot. The tulip bulbs were still firm and I didn’t take much persuading. Look forward to Monty’s “British Gardens” tonight.
ReplyDeleteI didn’t finish planting all those that I bought.
DeleteDon’t think I’ve got the energy now to finish the job.
Hope yours flower Soz, tho’ they might be late.
I shall look out for the Campbells condensed soups when I visit Tesco today.
ReplyDeleteI don’t want to go shopping and I’m not at all sure I’ve got the energy, but I do need supplies and I need to collect my prescription.
So I will have to go !
Maybe treat yourself to a home delivery next time while your energy is low. The bit I find difficult in a supermarket shop is at the checkout; I pack bags slowly and get slower worrying about it. Tesco do a click and collect service too which can make things easier.
DeleteI always use a self-scanner in the supermarket. This means I can pack my bags as I shop, and then check-out is so quick + easy.
DeleteI always do meal plans. These are the lists I do - what I've got in the freezer, what I'm going to cook+prepare or get out of the freezer, then do my shopping list for just what I need for the week.
OK I often buy extra, but only if it's something I use and is a good offer.
I went to my local pharmacy to pick up a prescription a few days ago. Even though I'd had a text message to say it was ready for collection, I was there for ages.
ReplyDeleteThey were so busy, but then it is January which is always such a bad time, but it seemed in chaos.
I so wanted to help out and organise them 😃
I bet you were itching to get behind that counter Miriam!
DeleteI was! 😉
DeleteDid anyone listen to the Radio 4 drama - "Waiting in the Wings" written by Noel Coward?
ReplyDeleteI came across it today via Sounds and so enjoyed it with it's great cast.
It certainly was a good listen whilst blitzing the bathroom.
Our bedding had worn out so we had to replace it, thankfully we found some that we liked in Dunelm. Our mattress is very deep and we have difficulty finding sheets to fit, but the choice there was good and reasonably priced. It then had had to be washed so I was pleased to be able to put it out on the washing line. It wasn't completely dry but only needed a short time in the drier to finish it off.
ReplyDeleteWe managed to get some jobs done in the garden today, although it was a bit chilly! Our garden waste collection recommences next week and we filled the bin up. The cyclamens and hellebores are in flower and there are buds on the snowdrops. I'm looking forward to the spring show of bulbs now.
Cheshire East is much better than Cheshire West, as my green bin collection doesn't start until the end of February.
DeleteMind you that's my excuse of leaving the garden for now.
I got a first coat of paint on our dining room this aft. Ended up with almond white because I was sick of looking at colours and it was on offer. Anyway the first coat has gone on really patchy so I’m hoping for a big improvement tomorrow with the second coat. Haven’t slept well for the last two nights and tonight I am jiggered.
ReplyDeleteHave come to bed for an early night. 🤞I can actually get to sleep tonight.
Soz -
ReplyDeleteI couldn’t possibly do a home delivery, I wouldn’t know where to start.
Anyway, I need the autonomy of being in control of my actions.
And I read reports such as those from AP where so many items are given in exchange for what was asked for.
That would drive me insane !
I have delayed the shop until tomorrow.
Lady had a fight which took all my energy to overcome.
I’ve spent two evenings watching Master and Commander and enjoyed it as much again as I did in the cinema many years ago.
I’m also deep into the biography of Alistair Cooke.
I told my daughter in an email yesterday that I feel I have aged ten years in the last six months.
I hope that is a temporary feeling and not an underlying truth.
I think its Asda online ordering that allows you to tick a box to say you do not want substitutions. I usually have Morrisons, and they send you an email about an hour before delivery telling you what, if anything, has been substituted and if there are any you don't want you just tell the driver when he arrives and they are taken back and not charged for.
DeleteA few days ago a delivery came and several of the vegetarian things, Quorn and Linda Macartney, weren't available and no substitutions available to have either. I was a bit cheesed off because I rely on the Quorn roast "meats" for Sunday dinner for my son, and I said to the driver that once before they didn't bring these things but just the day after I went with son and daughter in law to Morrisons, just for the ride out, and they had those things in the shop. The driver said that it was because their online orders were done in the early morning hours whereas the new day's deliveries didn't arrive until the afternoon.
I must admit that at times like Christmas it is nice to browse in the actual shops. My next door neighbour taught me how to order online during covid.
Not sure why Mrs P thinks I get a lot of substitutions in my online orders - not me, M’Lord!
ReplyDeleteMost weeks my order is exactly correct, nothing missing and no substitutions. The only one that stands out in my memory was back in the Autumn when a red wine box was unavailable & substituted with a white wine! As Janice says, I get an email from Sainsburys on the morning of my click &collect or delivery with a full list of my order and any substitutions are listed so you can decide in advance if you want them or not. If they substitute with an item more expensive than the one you ordered you are given the difference as a voucher for the next shop.
Sorry if I got that wrong AP
DeleteIt must have been someone else.
Anyway, I shan’t be doing online shopping, it’s only me and I would not be able to order enough.
Mrs P I completely understand your aversion to online shopping. It needed a lot of patience on my daughter’s part to get me started and I’m not totally au fait with it now. When I was really stuck on my own in Bournemouth and not well enough to go out, my daughter in London did an online shop for me to be delivered to my address. It worked and ,made life a lot easier.
DeleteI believe you are a very independent , capable woman who has kept as active as possible while dealing with some serious health issues. This latest flu seems to sap everyone’s energy for a long time. I am positive you will regain your characteristic vigour but it may take longer than usual.
MrsP, I hope that you manage to get some supplies in and that you start to feel better soon.
DeleteWe tried, unsuccessfully, to do online shopping during lockdown and have just carried on in person since. However, my shopping habits have changed a lot since 2020. I buy a lot less from the supermarket and more locally as well as online deliveries from non supermarket outlets.
Mr Soz is very pleased that you are buying less from supermarkets. As a farmer he would like me to avoid them completely. Since Covid my shopping habits have changed too. The little shop in our nearest village served the local community brilliantly throughout lockdown and most of us have stayed loyal and still shop there. Meat I tend to buy from local farm shops - it is more expensive than elsewhere but it is tastier. I do use supermarkets as well but buying half the amount of goods I used to buy from them.
DeleteI don’t like online shopping as I need to go round and look for inspiration. I did an online shop when we had covid and ended up with very little.
ReplyDeletePs. Just finished second coat of paint. Looks much better, thank goodness.
Many thanks for encouraging messages folks.
ReplyDeleteA bad night. Book. IPad. Light out. More book. Try again. IPad again.
Finally horlicks and cheese and biscuits and sleep at gone four.
And I had been in bed before eleven !
So now at 2.45 pm drinking my first cup of tea.
Must try to get to Tesco. Need meds and milk and bread and eggs.
Do you have a neighbour you can ask, to pop to the shops for you just for the necessities you so obviously need? If a neighbour asked me to do similar, I would certainly be very pleased to help out esp. if I hadn't realised that there was a problem.
DeleteI'm sure the pharmacy you use will have a delivery service, so you can get a one off delivery for your prescription.
Just trying to help out with differing ideas to consider.
I hope Lady is doing OK.
Now you could do with KP’s kind offer Mrs P but it’s a long drive from Hampshire unfortunately, but you may have your own version nearby but I agree that it can be easier to be the giver than doing the asking!
ReplyDeleteYou have it in one Lady R !
DeleteAlways ready to offer, but rarely ask.
Neighbour kindly organised bringing the bin round to the terrace for emptying on Tuesday, knows I have been unwell, but has not made any offers.
Friend Simon is in big trouble and has disappeared tho’ is messaging sporadically.
But I managed !
Forgot to have any breakfast but managed Tesco and the prescription ( in house, marvellous service) and at the checkout by 3.55 pm.
Result !
Took Lady for a quick run around the recreation ground nearby and home to a cuppa and a call from younger daughter.
I’ve just treated myself to a fresh bread sandwich of smoked salmon and cream cheese, and bought lots of vegetables to make another casserole with meat in freezer.
There’s ambition for you !
I really hope to be able to return to strength and balance class tomorrow and crucially SINGING !
Thanks again for kind messages.
Much appreciated.
So pleased to hear that you have got food in now MrsP. I was quite worried about you.
DeletePlease don’t worry CC - I always keep an extensive stock cupboard and always ( usually) have at least one litre of goats milk in hand as well as bread. I forgot the eggs today, but since i had a three egg omelette last night I shan’t worry. I look forward tho’ to local hens laying again, always have empty egg boxes and egg money in the car.
DeleteBut thank you all the same.
We’re a bit of a plague house at the moment. I started feeling rough on Friday, Saturday was spent mainly shivering in bed, counting down the the minutes until the next dose of paracetamol and trying not to cough because it hurts 🥴 by Sunday morning Mr Nuts and daughter both running temperatures and coughing. MrNut is also managing to be sick because that’s how his body reacts. Yesterday was spent on sofa with a blanket, at least I feel slightly better today, just tired as sleep he’s been difficult. Happy days
ReplyDeleteHope it’s a quick infection of some sort KP.
DeleteWishing you a speedy recovery.
I had another poor night, no sleep again until gone five am.
Then falling back to sleep after alarm at around eight.
So….. no class - no singing. Again !
KP, I'm sorry to have disturbed you when you and your family were so unwell. Wrong timing, though for all the right reasons.
DeleteOh KP how horrid for you all. Be sure to continue taking care of yourselves and resting resting resting and of course plenty of fluid - as if you did not know 🤭 just showing concern of course. 🌡️ 🛏️ 😴 ☕️ 💐
DeleteSo many nasty bugs about at the moment. I hope that you and your family feel better soon KP.
DeleteSo many seem to be suffering from seasonal bugs at the moment, and I wish you all well..
ReplyDeleteMind you the weather doesn't help, aa it's cold with no sun, which certainly doesn't help with feeling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
I feel like I'm in hibernation at the moment, but then that's just the January "blues", not helped by the December credit card bills arriving, and now need to be paid!
My next big bill due soon is my latest combined energy one, which I'm dreading..
At least I can then decide whether to change tariff or not.
Good Health to one and all along with a group virtual 🤗
Poor KP and family. I hope you're all beginning to feel better today.
ReplyDeleteWe went for a walk up to Teggs Nose this morning, there is still some snow up there. We enjoyed our cuppa in the cafe sitting next to the log burner afterwards.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds cosy. I actually like log burners and the smell of woodsmoke. I just wish they didn't do me so much damage, but there it is...
DeleteYour post has led me to look up Teggs Nose, then on to Ludds Church and more CC.
DeleteI’ve never been to the Peak District. Probably never will now !
All looks wonderful though.
Another late start to the day, but have managed some cutting back in the garden using a little energy available today.
Every little helps, as they say, Mrs P, one step at a time
DeleteMy major achievement today was to book a doctor's appointment on their 'simple to use' Anima system and actually get a reply posted on my message board or whatever it is!
The secret seems to be that once your request has been explained, click NO for everything else whether it's true or not, to avoid being dispatched down endless rabbit holes from which there is no escape.
That sounds complicated Sarnia. We use the NHS app for appointments and repeat prescriptions which seems to be pretty straightforward.
DeleteI use Patient Access and have never had any problems either.
DeleteListening this evening to Crossing Continents commemorating Holocaust Memorial Day on the 27 th January.
ReplyDeleteAnd remembering the only person I have ever had a connection to when I was sixteen and a cadet nurse at Farnborough Hospital, a woman with her prisoner tattoo number on the inside of her forearm.
Lest we forget
We watched the programme about the Lost Music of Auschwitz, a really moving account of the several Orchestras that were formed there. Those prisons who could play an instrument were forced to entertain the Nazi guards and camp commanders, they also had to play marches for the prisoners setting off to their slave work in the mornings, and returning in the evenings, carrying the bodies of those that had died during the day.
ReplyDeleteIt was a heartbreaking story, but so interesting to hear the music played on the same odd mixture of instruments found in the camp. I will admit the programme reduced me to tears.
I shall watch that on Iplayer AP.
DeleteCC I have an email from the practice this morning to say that there is a response on my dashboard - but there isn't. In fact, according to my dashboard there are now 4 responses requiring my attention, but when I click on it, it says I have no responses.
ReplyDeleteIf I had the energy I would scream.
Why not just ring the surgery to find out what the problem is. They must know about your input, to have replied so they will have a record.
DeleteJust trying to help you only..
I hope that you manage to get sorted out soon Sarnia.
DeleteI'm afraid that's not how it works, Miriam.
Delete1 You will be put on hold FOREVER while a faint voice keeps exhorting you to use Anima.
2. You will get a recorded message saying they're not taking calls at present, ring back later. This can go on for days.
3. OR the call is put through to the Weston Lane surgery who, I'm convinced either outsource to a call centre in Outer Mongolia, or they equip their receptionists with cocoa tins and a long pice of string.
Either way they are so distant they might as well be on the moon, and therefore totally unintelligible.
Sorry for my simple thoughts, yet again.
DeleteMy surgery is so different, as always answers the phone if go past all the automatic blah blah, and if in a queue then it's not long at all.
Good Luck in getting it sorted.
Due to it being Christmas/ NY and also being unwell, I forgot to organise my six weekly B12 injection.
DeleteCalled the surgery today, 4 th in queue, quickly reduced to 2nd.
Reception took my request and returned within a minute or so with two alternatives.
It will be seven weeks, but that is my mistake, not the surgery’s.
I’m grateful.
And very sorry for Sarnia who I imagine is now locked into one of these new fangled corporate medical facilities.
Before I moved here I took note of the massive number of complaints on SM of how the local surgery had deteriorated in recent years.
Made my decision on what I had read and opted to go with the local independent surgery with two hubs in Dunster and Porlock.
Both new purpose built medical centres one three miles outside of Minehead the other five miles in the opposite direction, and both with their own parking and easy to drive to. And when no longer able to drive local bus services both. ( for the time being of course ! )
And in the last 24 hours have heard a ghastly tale of the inability to deal with an emergency from the local corporate facility here in Minehead itself, over the week twixt C’mas and NY - similar to what Sarnia is experiencing- with the patient finally in Musgrove and diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
But he never got to see a GP !
I too have just looked up Anima, also Minehead which is not Anima but is One Medical and according to local feeling is not fit for purpose.
DeleteSoz: seems to me that the mindset required for successful navigation of Anima is that if someone who sits in front of a screen all day rattling away on a keyboard, for whom such things are second nature.
DeleteHaving said that, as a university assessment manager my son is one such and he has spent hours wrestling with Anima on my behalf to no avail.
The receptionists at my local surgery are obliged to use it, but say it's a waste of time.
Today I received a 'no reply' text from a nurse complaining that she keeps ringing me and I don't answer my phone. I have explained multiple times that they should ring me on my landline; my mobile is PAYG, it's only on when I'm using it, and I only take calls from my daughter.
ReplyDeleteI hope you've managed to sort it all out now.
DeleteI use my mobile in a similar way Sarnia. My son wanted me to have one in case the car ever broke down, and only family and close friends have the number with a few other numbers like Rescue my Car! I prefer to give my email or landline number.
DeleteIt is a simple Doro mobile that has an alarm that if pressed phones through to my daughter, son and home landline. Don't ask how many times when I first had it I caused panic by pressing it accidentally! I am very careful with it now. The only thing I regret is that it doesn't take the really nice photos the modern smart phones do, and my daughter in law has one that tells her what the names of plants are if she photographs them.
I tend to use whats app on my tablet for messaging more than anything else, and it has both phone and video calks.
DeleteThis is a cross over post between the two pages.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone listened to the two series of the R4 series "The Gift"?
These are stories about what happens when ancestry DNA tests have been done. Some, but not all, are really interesting listens.
Yes I've listened to those Miriam. They are interesting but they have made me decide never to do one.
DeleteRemember all, to get your mobiles fully charged tonight plus know where candles, matches, torches are, just in case electricity supplies are disrupted.
ReplyDeleteI will do as I did in the last storm, keep a thermos filled with boiling water...😄
I shan’t bother to do any preparation towards the storm.
DeleteI shall probably just have managed to get to sleep as it arrives, then will likely sleep through whatever it does and wake up when it’s all over.
I have the same problem as Sarnia with my mobile, always ask for my landline to be used. Nobody listens !
Thank you Miriam. My son bought me a headlight and some outside solar lights for Christmas. The headlight is very bright and useful in taking veg peelings and leftovers to the compost bin in the evening. He has just brought his uncle a belated Xmas present of a plug in light. You keep it plugged in and charging and if the electricity goes off it senses it and automatically turns on. He did this because we had popped down to the village a couple of weeks ago for daughter in law to shop for some things she had run out of, and the electricity went totally down in the main part of the village. So the shopping had to be abandoned and then we went to check on brother in law and he was trying to get round the house with a tiny toy torch that had come out of his christmas cracker with us on Christmas Day!!!
DeleteI'm concerned about my daughter who lives in Edinburgh, right in the red warning zone.
DeleteQuite so, Mrs P. I have several landline extensions, so that with every incoming call the whole house kicks off and I can hardly miss it.
DeleteCC A niece of mine, is meant to be flying to Edinburgh tomorrow morning for a long weekend. I don't envy her at all, but they don't want to lose the hotel costs 🙅♀️
DeleteEven the trains aren't running as these are now ending in Newcastle.
Mrs P. How I envy you, as my storm alert with winds up to 70mph, is for 24 hours. Hence why I'm being prepared.
DeleteLuckily you obviously aren't going to be affected in the same way.
I've had an e-mail from my house insurance today, to alert me as to what isn't insured, basically anything in the garden such as hedges, fences, garden furniture so secure these as best as possible.
Dear Miriam, I understood that the storm alert is for the whole of the UK.
DeleteI do not decry you being prepared, it is simply that I am choosing not to be.
The last couple of storms seem to have passed me by, although I have encountered much storm damage evident in the locality.
I have come to a vague realisation that my home is in an area which seems to be protected by North Hill, and perhaps I’ve come to rely on that.
Of course I could be completely wrong and pay for being so by damage.
I hope your preparations protect you and you come through it all intact in the next 36 hours.
I think I was told that my granddaughter is returning to University in Newcastle tomorrow, though on this occasion by Mega Bus, not flying, which she sometimes does. It might be an interesting journey, or it might be postponed.
ReplyDeleteMiriam, you don't give your niece's departure airport, but I've just checked the Edinburgh arrivals schedule and apart from the very early hours this morning, all flights are cancelled or diverted.
ReplyDeleteThey left Stansted, got to Edinburgh, did a couple of circles but obviously couldn't land. The message came up that it was diverting to Cologne for some reason. I was tracking the flight and its path went out over the North Sea in line for Holland/Germany, but suddenly there was a sharpish right turn and it then landed back at Stansted, 3hrs after they has left!
DeleteNo idea what their plans are now after their trip to Scotland + back again.
TBH I was very surprised to see it depart.
The "girlies"still have a Burns night supper booked plus hotel rooms for Saturday night and flights back on Sunday.
No doubt they will set off again tomorrow in some way or another.
To add they are a group of eleven late 30's to early 40's females, who won't be put off by today's jaunt.
DeleteI put a load of washing out on the line with loads of pegs this morning 🤞 it's still there when I go to bring it in!
ReplyDeletePerfect drying weather.
DeleteI was tempted, but the winds were so strong and there was a lot of stuff flying around (bins emptied today) that I daren't risk. I just didn't fancy having to go around my neighbours, to collect my knickers!
DeleteI woke up at about 3.30am to hear torrential rain with strong winds. There have been a couple of trees down in the near vicinity, but it's been nothing like the last storm.
ReplyDeleteIt is now turning into a lovely, bright and much calmer evening.
My washing will be out tomorrow.
For lovers of the Charles Parish mysteries , there is a brand new series starting next week
ReplyDeleteMonday, 2.15pm on Radio 4. Note not 4extra, as it’s a new story not a repeat.
It's now been subscribed to. Again a massive thanks. 😃
DeleteAP My first comment didn't post, but it was to say a big Thank-you for pointing this out along with 🤗🧡
DeleteThanks Archerfile, something to listen to while I'm doing the cleaning.
DeleteThanks Archerphile. Can’t wait.
DeleteI meant to post about the new Charles Parish two days ago, then forgot. So yes, thank you AP.
DeleteAs predicted the storm seemed to bypass M’hd though it did hit Devon and parts of Cornwall.
How did you fare Janice ?
I’ve had a steroid injection in my index finger knuckle today. I’ve been in semi permanent pain for almost a year. It’s killing me right now but hope this will work.
Another roofing sheet off the big shed but no trees down, so not as bad as it could have been.
DeleteHope the steroid injection works. My mum used to have them in her knee and she seemed to find them helpful.
Good to hear of minimal damage Janice.
DeleteAs for steroid injections, sometimes they work, sometimes not.
Over the last twenty years or so I’ve had them successfully in my thumb joint, reasonably successful in my knee and no difference in my ankle.
I wrapped/ bandaged my hand last night to immobilise it and so far today no pain.
Managed to get Lady to the beach yesterday late afternoon.
The cranes and diggers are rearranging the sand again.
No deckchairs here !
Have you tried a splint on your hand to immobilise it? I used one for carpel tunnel which was reasonably successful.
DeleteMrs P. Steroid injections into a joint will be painful for about 48hrs. Just support it in some way, and if necessary use an ice pack, be it frozen peas.
DeleteThe benefit will soon be known.
Wish you well.
MrNuts & I were supposed to be seeing Charles Collingwood “50 glorious years as Brian” at the Concord club in Eastleigh tomorrow afternoon with lunch booked for 12.30. Neither of us are going to be up to it. If any of the Hampshire contingent on here are up to it they would be welcome to go in our stead as the tickets will otherwise go to waste…
ReplyDeleteThat’s a shame KP.
DeleteCan you do a shout out on the Eastleigh SM page ?
What a huge shame and disappointment KP. Unfortunately I am not up to travel at the moment either and Mr AP will be going to a concert at The Anvil tonight alone
DeleteWhat a pity KP. I do hope you and your family get over this nasty virus soon.
DeleteI made myself a note when I read abut the new Charles Parrish series. I'm looking forward to listerning to it tomorrow,
DeleteSo disappointed for you KP unfortunately not possible to take up your very kind offer of tickets, health issues abound in all our Hampshire abodes it seems! I do hope each day is bringing a little improvement for you all. Some more bad weather today I believe so do take care everyone.
DeleteWe have a flock of feral pigeons scoffing the bird food, I counted 2 dozen on our neighbour's roof this morning. They eat the food on my table and ground feeder but, at least they can't get at the hanging seed and fat ball feeders. I'm planning to do the bird count today, hopefully some other ones will get a look in.
ReplyDeleteI'd forgotten about the bird count CC, glad you reminded me. At the moment we seem to be in the middle of yet another storm and not a bird in sight. All sheltering somewhere I expect. Wè don't have feral pigeons but quite a lot of rooks.The bird count will have to wait until tomorrow or whenever the wind and rain stops. It only seems like 5 minutes ago I was doing it last year.
DeleteI am keeping fingers crossed no more roofing sheets will be off the shed roof, with two already off the wind can get in and under the rest. Our trusty usual builder/repairer hasn't been able to do it yet because of the wind and the roof being high up.
Hope you and yours get better soon KP. There do seem to be some nasty bugs around this winter.
ReplyDeleteWonder if your lunch would have been haggis as it was Burns day.
DeleteWe are having it today instead of the usual roast. Daughter is endeavouring to make a vegetarian one for her brother. She has found a recipe that includes a bit of nutmeg. Hope she doesn't overdo it or he might be hallucinating afterwards 😁
Did the bird count yesterday, the county spotting the most birds was Hampshire! Hooray!!
ReplyDeleteI saw 44 birds, comprising 4 different types of tit, robins, blackbirds, woodpigeons, dunnocks, goldfinch, nuthatches, great spotted woodpecker and a single magpie!
Apparently the average number of birds spotted per person is 27, so I was well up on the average but that probably only because we have a large garden
I no longer encourage birds into my garden, as 🐈⬛ just loves to get them to play with.
ReplyDeleteThink of Sylvester the cat, sitting under Tweety-Pie in it's cage, sitting licking it's lips..that's my cat!
All my neighbours have bird feeders etc, so I don't feel guilty, as the birds have lots of food sources so close by.
I do though have a lovely Robin, which is often seen sitting on my washing line. Long may it last.
My neighbour who was upstairs has now bough, and moved into the other ground floor flat.
DeleteMy kitchen window and a side window in my sitting room look out onto what was her garden and she had a number of bird feeders so I was able to see and watch lots of birds.
Her garden to her new flat is on the other side of the property and she has moved all her feeders there to encourage the birds to migrate to her new garden.
So I bought a window feeder last week to put on my kitchen window.
I will have to take it down when the window cleaners come every month, so hope that won’t be too arduous.
For once, I wasn't affected by yesterday's weather event. OK there was rain+wind, but nothing unusual.
ReplyDeleteI hope all you "Down South" weren't badly affected, as I've read about power cuts and flooding in some areas.
Mind you, after some sun today (don't blink or you'll miss it) it's back to rain, cloud + gloom + cold again.
Still I did manage to open some windows this morning, to get fresh air throughout the house and get rid of that stuffy feel, plus the onion + garlic aroma after my cooking event yesterday.
How I wish I could get out into the garden, but it's far too sodden.
My snowdrops are about to flower soon, which always cheers me up as it is the first sign of Spring approaching. A lot of my bulbs are only just appearing above soil level, which is very late this year.
I got my latest 3 month dual energy bill a few days ago - enough said, but not quite as bad as I expected but still 🙈
I have had a very reflective and heart-rending day, following all the commemorations of International Holocaust Day. The services at Auchwitz and here in London have been very moving and I congratulate the BBC on their programming and the seriousness and compassion of their commentators today.
ReplyDeleteSuch stories, such horrors, such suffering. I was very proud that King Charles was determined to be at Auchwtiz in person to pay tribute. He said many years ago he wanted to be leader of faith, not one in particular but all faith. They kept mentioning that it was the 80th Anniversary of the liberation of the camp, which kept reminding me that it will be my ‘80th Anniversary’ too, later this year. Where has the time gone?
You were very much in my thoughts AP 🕯️
DeleteIt was a very thought provoking and sobering day Archerfile.
DeleteI endorse others comments above.
DeleteAnd where has the time gone ARCHERPHILE ?
In living our lives, which those we commemorate did not have.
What a very apt and moving comment, Mrs P.
DeleteSince the age of sixteen I’ve been acutely aware of the holocaust.
DeleteAt that age I went with a group of friends to the Academy Cinema in Oxford Street ( later in life I was an usherette there for about a year ) where we watched some of what was filmed during the time of liberation.
That’s when I discovered that at the precise time I was entering this world - in April 1942 - Hitler and his party were ramping up the attempt to eradicate any part of the human race that that they considered unworthy of living as not being Arian.
That occasion has never left me.
As mentioned in a recent post, at that time I was working with a woman who had her designated number tattooed on her arm.
And knowing her has contributed towards my abiding disgust of tattoos for the rest of my life.
I know of course that I have no personal responsibility, but because this horrific world event took place coinciding with my birth I have always felt a sense of guilt.
All of the above was overlaid with the often mentioned message when a child, that my father had every intention of killing my mother and me, should Hitler overcome Britain.
( my father was a very passionate man ! )
Well I jolly well hope he would have given your mother a choice in the matter.
DeleteI lit my candle at 8.00pm but it wasn't put on the window sill, due to curtains being closed. It sat on my fire surround instead. 🕯
DeleteI did a supermarket shop today and on getting a big bag of goods off the back seat of car, there was a small pool of milk. This was hastily mopped up. The milk had toppled over and leaked from the cap but not much seemed to have leaked out. How wrong I was!
ReplyDeleteAll the contents of this bag had milk on them somewhere even my tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, carrots. All these have had to be washed and are now drying on various cake racks etc!
Tomorrow I'll be using carpet shampoo on the car seat, it'll probably the one I have left over from my last cat, as it is anti-bacterial and neutralises odours. This sadly was the one I had to use, when that cat started with incontinence.
How frustrating Miriam. I hope that you manage to get rid of the smell, milk can be difficult.
DeleteThe milk was originally upright but I hit a pot-hole so everything toppled over. Just my luck the top leaked!
DeleteVinegar !
DeleteThat’s the best for neutralising lingering smells particularly organic smells.
Cat pee / milk etc.
I found the pet neutraliser cleaner from Pets at Home, far better than the 50/50 vinegar/water mix, plus it has a pleasant smell.
DeleteLuckily I don't think the milk soaked in.
We went to see the new Bob Dylan film yesterday afternoon. It wasn’t a film I would choose to go to but 3 other friends were going so Mr P said we’d go. It was really good. I right enjoyed it. I don’t like folk music, every one sounded the same. The acting was excellent. I would recommend seeing it.
ReplyDeleteI’m really pleased to be able to say that today I have felt normal and with energy for the first time since Boxing Day.
ReplyDeleteI actually attempted Coniger and got a good halfway up, much further than I expected. I turned round and came back because I realised that I had not made a mental note of length of parking time allowed. All parking in Dunster Village is free but with time limits. I certainly hope I shall feel up to attacking Coniger again someday. Its pretty steep with a Folly at the top. One of these days I’ll get to see it. To celebrate I took myself off to the NT Dunster Castle tea rooms for some lunch.
Glad you're feeling better. Don't push yourself too hard though. Perhaps it was good you didn't know the parking time.
DeleteSo pleased to hear that you're feeling better MrsP.
ReplyDeleteIt's been a lovely winter day here, crisp and sunny. We decided to go to Dunham Massey and walked round the deer park. The deer were out in force. After lunch we visited the winter garden which was looking and smelling lovely. A very enjoyable day.
And I’ve managed to get to choir and a number of people said how nice it was to see me back.
DeleteFeeling tired but good now.
You are amazing Mrs P. Very pleased you are feeling well enough to go hill climbing and have the energy to get to choir as well. I’m trying to get fitter but still find walking any significant distance difficult. My pelvis hasn’t completely healed but is fairly straight. I use a crutch for support but that puts pressure on my shoulder. Maybe a steroid injection for the shoulder pain would help.
DeleteI can remember pushing my father ( well into his 80s) up one of the steep hills at Warbarrow Bay. He told me that he’d like to see me climbing that hill at his age . I replied that I hoped I would have someone to give me a push if I needed it. He did feel a little dizzy the next day and I felt a bit guilty but he recovered and stayed fit into his 90s.
MrNuts & I actually managed to make it to the theatre this evening having washed several lots of tickets over the last fortnight. We saw A Man for all Seasons at Chichester starring Martin Shaw along with Garry Wilmot & Timothy Weston (3rd or 4th time I’ve seen him at Chichester, he must be fairly local) Nice to be getting back to normal even if we’re still coughing
ReplyDeletePleased M&M KP are able to be out and about again.
DeleteFrom my experience and talking to others this bunged up and or coughing continues for weeks.
Only ever went to Chichester theatre once in the sixties. Memorable because very late that night returning on the A3 we encountered a car stopped on the road with the driver unconscious and hanging from the open door.
Often wonder what happened.
No mobile phones then but remember stopping another car fortunately with a doctor driving it, and leaving the situation in his hands.
Has anyone used the garden company CROCUS ?
ReplyDeleteReviews please if so.
Mrs P. You asked me to let you know about BIL's procedure. I can't do this just yet, as don't know the full story yet, just the basics. As soon as I do I'll tell you, but this might take a few days.
DeleteI'm so glad to hear you be so active again, keep it up.
I have never actually bought anything from Crocus but have often been tempted. They do have a wide selection of plants and sometimes the less popular ones but they are expensive. Usually I buy from local nurseries or plant sales. I’m looking for a yellow hellebore and they have got a couple I like but they seem fairly dear.
DeleteThanks Soz - I rather take the view that the cost of anything is only relevant if comparisons are made.
DeleteSince I don’t have the mental energy or the impetus to trawl the internet for comparisons I might as well buy something that suits me even if it costs a bit more.
As you say, they do seem to have some less popular plants.
I wrote to them on their pro forma about the area of my garden which is acidic due to the needle fall from the firs towering above, asking about particular flowers and shrubs as I’m planning a white area. I received an extensive reply within 24 hours covering all aspects of my enquiry.
I’m impressed !
The local garden centre is not at all inspiring but there are two others within reasonable distance for a day trip which are, but these large money making outfits don’t sit well with me and buying online will, I think, make me think more selectively and be less spontaneous than when at a garden centre.
Also I get many plants from local events, fetes etc and local people who propagate on and sell for peanuts at their garden gates, so save money in that way.
People might be amused by this week's episode of Father Brown. Basically a "take off' of TA.
ReplyDeleteDid you get your GP appointment as booked?
DeleteYes I saw that on the Iplayer, and was struck by the similarities.
DeleteNo, Miriam, not yet. They said it depended on priority. However, there have been two more bank scares this week (both false alarms as it happens but the anxiety quotient is the same) and at prest I barely have enough breath to get up the stairs. There are signs of improvement, but I had begun to feel so much better and now I'm back where I started again.
DeleteLady R. How are are you + Lord R doing? It's very understandable if you don't want to say anything..which I so appreciate. 🤗
ReplyDeleteMy snowdrops are just starting to flower. This is so cheerful for me, as it means the seasons are changing helped by the longer light afternoons. Even the mornings are starting to get lighter earlier, even if more slowly.
ReplyDeleteAnother day full of activity. I’ve hoovered everywhere I can get to, had an afternoon chat with a cuppa with a visitor and still plan to get some more tasks fulfilled for this evening.
ReplyDeleteWhohooo I’m feeling good.
It’s such a nice feeling.
Sarnia I’m very sorry that you are still feeling rubbish.
I really think you need to insist on a Drs appointment.
There isn't a box on the Anima drop-down menu for that!
ReplyDeleteIs it time to change to a different surgery ?
DeleteWhere you can communicate with other human beings.
I read that people are turning up in A and E simply because they can't get through to their surgery.
DeleteAll the surgeries in the area are part of the same group and all use the same Machiavellian system Mrs P. I've already changed to this current one which is now the nearest, and a great improvement on the previous one, which has a dreadful reputation. The staff are lovely and caring - it's just getting to them that's the problem.
DeleteMmmm you really are stuck aren’t you.
DeleteWhat about patient transport, most surgeries have such a scheme.
Er, actually, no, n
DeleteThis might seem a very silly suggestion, but why not do the old method of writing a letter to the surgery. At least this way you can state your situation, simply and clearly and also remind them as to your land-line number as the method of communication.
DeleteIt's worth a try 😀
At the risk of sounding as if I'm deliberately trying to be awkward, Miriam, it's a steep uphill to the letter box, which at present I just couldn't manage. Yes, I could ring a neighbour and ask them to do it, but who knows, it's been a week now since I applied so the appointment might yet arrive first.
DeleteYou are all so kind and helpful, but at present my resources for making any kind of effort are absolutely zilch!
Carrier pigeon?
DeleteWhilst cleaning my bird feeders this morning it brought to mind what they said on Winterwatch about the RSPB looking into whether bird tables do more harm than good because of the wet and mouldy food and the poo spreading diseases. My table has a plastic liner which I wash every week, but I haven't seen any like that on sale recently. I don't always remember to clean out the bird bath as frequently as I should, I must give myself a reminder on that one. I'll be interested to see what their research comes up with.
ReplyDeleteThank you Miriam for your kindness in asking how we are. I will post again later as I have a shopping delivery due and our meal to get. It is not an easy time but knowing you and our other blogger friends are here and so caring is so lovely. 🥰
ReplyDeleteI paid off my Barclaycard credit card bill on Thursday, which was done on-line. All went through well so I thought, but the payment is still showing as pending on my bank account.
ReplyDeletePanic as to why. However I've just seen that there is a major IT problem with Barclays so perhaps this is why my payment isn't going through.
IF I get a late payment fee, then I'll fight it.
Goodness knows how customers of that bank are managing with every day to day life.
I heard about this Miriam and it was stated that no charges would be made as a result of this crash and if mistakenly taken woulda be reimbursed 🙏🏼
DeleteMiriam to follow up your kind enquiry (and any others that may be interested) an week ago Friday Mr R was once again taken into hospital re breathing and sodium and magnesium level problem. An ambulance in 5 mins! Fortunately this time only 2 full days and one night but as his last two admissions were only in September - 1week and November 3 weeks - at the very least hospital delirium has struck and has been around since the 3 week admission. Also changes in medication need to be thoroughly explored (Miriam you may well have a view regarding this) The symptoms are not all the time but when present are so distressing for us both of course I cannot show it I have to be calm and kind which I am happy to do to ease any angst that I can. Then pop out to make a cuppa, have a cry when necessary and return as before.
ReplyDeleteHis Dr is so kind. Last Monday I was due a phone call I had requested re medication as soon as I said he had been in hospital over Fri and Sat she said we will leave this call and I will come to see him at 1pm. She checked him over then did a quiz with him and another at home appointment will be made to assess further, not by her this time and maybe a scan. If - as she has been thinking it is delirium action can then be taken but ideally needs to be asap. Of course worse scenario- it could be my mum all over again. When he is clear minded it is crystal and when not very fanciful and much anxiety. Details of which tear me apart. However I am one of many people in this situation and others here will also have had experiences of their own. We are still managing a few local trips out, lucky to be living around lovely countryside and garden centres nearby. Also occasionally a shop 🙂 I have waffled on but this is the first quiet moment I have had to be able to let it all out!
Thank you for your patience if you have stuck with my “tomb” to the end 🫢
Oh Lady R, it all sounds horribly tough for you both.
DeleteSo glad Lord R got prompt hospital treatment, and that you have such a lovely and conscientious doctor.
Praying for the problem to be identified swiftly and for effective treatment to relieve the symptoms. Do take care of yourself, won't you? Have you got family and friends who can help out with some meals, or to give you a short respite break? 🤗🙏
I'm so sorry to hear that things are still difficult for you Lady R. Having such an understanding GP must be helpful and I do hope that something can be done to ease your situation.
DeleteThinking of you Lady R. 🙏
DeleteSounds really tough Lady R. Sending positive, supportive vibes your way.
DeleteThe post I wrote late last night - to Lady R seems not to have posted ……
You are having such a difficult and wearing time.
Talking it through, and crucially writing it down is in itself therapeutic, so write away and let us know how it’s all going, as frequently as you can and want to.
You know very well that your online friends are here for you all the way, and beyond.
A recent encounter with a person who it seemed clear to me had a condition similar to my mother, I found to be very distressing as it reminded me so much of how she was and what I had needed to experience. He has died over the Christmas period and the memories brought back to me about my mother as she died have been difficult. So I can fully understand how your present situation is bringing recurring memories for you.
This time will pass Lady R.
Your friends here and your friends around you will help you through this time and comfort you.
New thread opened