Life in Ambridge

                                                                     New sign for the dairy?


  1. AmbridgesMrsPFebruary 23, 2025 at 2:41 PM
    The long story line temptingly suggested to us may well be the slow decline of Bridge Farm.
    I imagine that often any decline in a business is slow, although obviously it can be rapid following some dramatic incident.
    This event with the sewage overflow is clearly affecting Pat more so than others, tho’ we have not heard from Tony at all.
    I would suggest, reluctantly, that it might also be in the mix to give Pat a long lasting condition, although again, that has already been done with Jack Woolly.
    Whatever it may be, those stalwarts of us will be able to define it I imagine once we realise that we are truly in the realms of it.

  2. I think the problem with Pat is that, it's bringing back too many bad memories of the previous E-coli event, when Bridge Farm was on the brink of closure.
    If anyone is interested, I came across an article titled The Story of Bridge Farm, on the BBC archers Web page.
    It makes interesting reading.

  3. Are Lilian and Justin really so stupid as not to realise that the Gills have got security everywhere and would probably be able to view their every move?

  4. Poor Kirsty. Mind you, I wouldn't want to buy her house either. She should tell Brenda to go away, and tell Roy to be patient.

    1. Might Kirsty in desperation put her house back on the market at a price Emma and Ed could afford? (Just something Emma said yesterday.......)

    2. That is a very good suggestion Maryellen.

  5. It has taken me so long to be able to leave a comment - sign in to Google , check it’s me by opening Google photos, go back to Google, log in again, assure them it’s me, ad infinitum!
    Now I have forgotten what I wanted to say.
    Oh yes! Did anyone get the impression that the Gills may be of Asian heritage? I couldn’t quite catch what Mick said their first names were but Mr Gills name sounded vaguely Asian. And somewhere I read, or heard that very rich people from that area were buying up big country houses and spending fortunes on kitting them out. Or did I dream that?

    1. AP Once you're here, can you add the site onto your home-screen as a short-cut? If you can, then you'll get an icon which only needs to be clicked.
      This is what I've done.

    2. Yes ARCHERPHILE I got that inference too.
      Though one of them, I thought, had a European first name.
      They certainly don’t appear to want to become part of the village community and are guarding their privacy very well indeed.

    3. Thanks for the suggestion Miriam, that exactly what I had done , a different icon for each blog. But today I had the dreaded ‘sign in with Google’ message and had infuriating problems. I did have to download an iPad update the other day and I think that might have been the problem. But when I logged in today it seems to be OK again

  6. Oh how the mighty have fallen !
    Or rather perhaps falling…. As Natasha has not yet reached the floor, fallen off her clackerty clack high heels.
    How dare she accuse Fallon of taking advantage of the tea room’s misfortunes when that is precisely what she did to Fallon, taking over the tea room after Fallon brought it up into such a resounding success, then putting her into such a position that she needed to walk away.
    Natasha is a waspish bitch.

    1. Can I say in the nicest possible way that I totally disagree with your last sentence, Mrs P - but I do appreciate your correct spelling of Natasha's name. The Nocasha's, Gnatasha's and Gnasher's encountered on other blogs really give me the pip. Maybe they were faintly amusing first time around but now they are so, so stale, with neither relevance or wit.

    2. I entirely agree with Mrs P’s opinion of Natasha’s nasty comments to Fallon about the dip in customer numbers at the Tea Room.She lashed out at Emma too recently but later climbed down and apologised.Hopefully she may,in due course pay Fallon the same courtesy.

  7. I think she is a toal hypocrite - complaining of Fallon doing lunches, after she decided to poach customers away from the Bull with her pancake promotion. What goes around etc....

    1. I agree that Natasha has no grounds to complain about Fallon and the Bull extending their offering. She’s always been the hard-headed business woman (still is with her house negotiation with Kirsty) so cannot complain when others use similar tactics.

    2. But she does complain about others using her own tactic’s against her doesn’t she.
      Time and time again.
      Just as, after the use of her sharp tongue, she returns the next day, or soon after and apologises.
      This tactic when frequently used is hypocritical. If she was truly sorry she would seek to rein in her sharp tongue and find a less unpleasant and crushing manner in which to express her dislike of a situation. Rather than, as she does, blame events on the actions of others instead of accepting that those actions arise as a result of her choices, or simply because ‘that’s life ‘.

      Maryellen - I had every expectation that you would take offence, ( politely of course as you always do ) at the last sentence of my previous post.
      I almost added a note at the end to say so.
      I admire your ability to be such a stalwart of Natasha, who I admit is a smart business woman. I’ve always felt tho’ that the really smart business people are those who manage to be caring to others as well as being number one in their business practices.

    3. Sorry I was grumpy about Natasha’s nicknames. Clearly, if they still brighten someone’s day, they still have a point and readers like me who are irritated by them can do their best to skip them.
      Yes, Mrs P, I-admire Natasha as a smart business woman who still manages to be caring to others (witness her recent thoughtfulness for Clarrie) and is also capable of considerable kindness on a purely personal level. She certainly doesn’t deserve the lurid description of her in your last sentence!

    4. Have to continue to disagree Maryellen

      Natasha frequently makes waspish remarks, sharp and to the point.
      Waspish !
      She is IMO a ‘ bitch ‘ a mild description of a woman by todays standing I would say.
      I would say she is not ‘ bitchy ‘ in the recognised sense. She does not gossip or say unpleasant things about others, and I agree she is often kind to others, but, nevertheless I believe that the way she often operates with others, particularly other woman, the description’ bitch ‘ is warranted.

      You and I, Maryellen are going to disagree on the character of Natasha forever more. This will be my final comment on this occasion.

    5. Well, I suspect Natasha and Fallon are both characters who are with us for the duration, so let’s hope they can learn from each other and coexist amicably and successfully, rather than being forced into continual conflict by the scriptwriters’ penchant for confrontational drama.

    6. While my opinion of Natasha is closer to MrsP than Maryellen I do share ME’s dislike of the unpleasant nicknames that often feature on some websites, and previously o the BBCblog I think. Neither funny or affectionate & I am glad that they are not used by my friends on this forum.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I think Natasha had no right to talk to Fallon like she did, esp. how she ousted her from the Tea Room by not renewing the lease, and making her just an employee but wanting her to provide what she always did
    Fallon is finding her feet in The Bull, which she so needs whilst Harrison is elsewhere..
    Now all we need is for Chelsea to join her Mum + Fallon.
    The customers will vote with their feet, but there has to be room for both the Tea Room + the Bull in Ambridge in differing ways.
    I have to admit that I loved Natasha giving a day-old left-over cake to Fallon of all people!
    She should taken it for the shop.

  9. I thought this evenings fare was good.
    Nothing silly, nothing dramatic, but both aspects dealing with important issues.
    Azra’s assessment of Justin spot on, and Linda drawing Azra out on Kalil’s childhood cancer very well done.
    Congratulations for a serious and well produced episode, and done with an eye to the budget too.

  10. BBC News - Wild beaver release approved for England

    Now this will definitely help the re-wilding project but antagonise others, such as David!
    I hope this is shown well in Ambridge. It's not exactly a direct farming issue, but one which could affect farms in the area.

    1. Sorry link didn't work, but the article can be seen or searched for on the BBC news site. It's a good read.

    2. Thanks for the tip, Miriam - I agree it’s an interesting read. Today’s (Saturday’s) Guardian has an item about beavers in Cornwall which features a very enthusiastic farmer. His next suggested species for introduction there is storks! Might the TA scriptwriters will pick up on it, I wonder.....?

  11. I wish it to be publicly known that for half a minute this evening, I had my hands around Natasha’s throat throttling her.

    And Maryellen if you feel inclined to defend that extremely deliberate nastiness this evening, then I bow to you.

    1. I was more struck by Fallon’s less attractive side, which we don’t see often but undoubtedly exists. I remember her being equally strident over finances hin the early stages of her relationship with Harrison.

    2. PS. Actually I think Natasha’s comments about Fallon’s backward step etc contained a lot of truth which is why Fallon reacted badly, of course.

    3. Yes we did see the more negative aspects of Fallons personality in that encounter. But it happens rarely.
      So rarely, that I often wonder if Fallons more positive encounters are truly genuine, or are perhaps a foil for what is simmering away underneath.
      I don’t think Fallon is a saint !
      Whereas Natasha displays it all out front.
      Always quick to respond to any comment good or poor, frequently waspish or at the very least sharp, and always forensically targeted.
      They are two very different woman, and the writing and characterisation of each of them along with the acting is so very very good.

    4. To clarify :
      I don’t think Fallon is a saint, but I do think she often hides her true nature, which may not be the Miss goody two shoes that she often presents as.

  12. Fallon 👍, Natasha 👎
    That's my result.

  13. I don't think it's a black-and-white situation. Natasha has her virtues, Fallon has her faults.

    1. At the moment I can't think of any virtues Natasha has. Please tell me what these are.
      Yes, Fallon has her faults, bit then don't we all.

    2. Miriam - her instinctive kindness for starters. A major virtue but sadly underrated, I've always thought. Shall I go on?
      Re your last sentence - "but then don't we all" - the "all" would include Natasha so logically she should be excused her faults on the same grounds as Fallon and the rest of us. Otherwise it would look like one law for Fallon and everyone else and another for Natasha.

  14. The storyline about Natasha and her credit cards has been touched on several times. I wonder where it's going.

    1. My instinct is growing regarding the slow downfall of Bridge Farm that I suggested might be the long running SL recently hinted at..
      That hint last night that CC is referring to might start as a tiny stream, but could it gradually become a small riverlet along with further problems with Helen’s cheese making empire ?
      We have already been re introduced to the other cheese maker that Helen feels intimidated by.
      Might these minor hiccups enlarge and form together to become considerably larger problems ?

    2. It's so mirroring the E. Coli outbreak, when the Bridge Farm produce had to be re-branded and re-launched.
      Do Tom + Helen have business shares in the farm or are they just joint managers?
      I remember Home Farm did something like this, and also Brookfield was put into something similar after Phil's death.
      TBH. I can't recall it all.

    3. I have to say that the E - Coli outbreak has been completely forgotten by me.
      Please remind me, when was it ?

    4. I think I've posted this before, but go to the BBC website where there is a good read titled, The Story of Bridge Farm. This includes the E-coli happening which was in 2011

  15. The Archers always amazes me, as to how differently we all listen, interpret + then discuss this radio serial drama.
    I loved the parallel last night, when Lynda talked about Lent with Khalil.

  16. It seems that the BBC are trying very hard to feature other religions in its programmes - and here we have the excellent example of Azra and her family, fasting for Ramadan etc, the problems children had a school because of their religion..
    So now I am waiting for mention of the Borchester Synagogue, thought it would probably be located in Felpersham. And how about someone asking for Matzos and Tomor margarine in the village shop for a start. Especially with Passover coming up.

  17. I think it’s less about the religion of the Ambridge newcomers, rather the multi cultural differences.
    I can’t speak for others but for myself because I have chosen to move around and often live outside of my home city London, I have seen the gradual rise in multicultural differences outside of a city environment.
    In the two and half years I’ve been in Minehead I have seen a rise in brown and black faces since I arrived.
    As a Londoner I’ve had friends and close relationships with different faiths and experienced various cultural rituals since my teenage years. But outside of London most friendships have been of the homogeneous white British or European variety.
    Some second and third generation immigrant citizens are moving out of cities and choosing to integrate into smaller communities, and those communities are needing to become familiar with different faiths and cultures.
    Jewish communities have always been with us, generally well distributed around the UK, more so in some cities than others. I’ve not been aware of any corner shop or supermarket where Matzos have not been on the shelves, perhaps less so where margarine is concerned. But they have been available along with Chinese food items and in recent years a preponderance of Polish fare.
    We have recently had the addition here in Minehead of a very smart Ukrainian shop opening up.
    I think the BBC is boxing clever by bringing an Asian family to Ambridge. I imagine it’s possible that statistics have been produced to show that there is a rise in Asian listeners to TA, and if that is not so, then perhaps it soon will be.

  18. Different foods and peoples, take longer to reach Cornwall I think. Mabel either has to order Filipino ingredients from a London supplier, or when we went to Exeter in Devon for the Christmas market she found a specialist shop there.
    I find the Passover interesting, were the Hebrews protected from the Plague (?) because it was rat borne and getting rid of bread and grain from the house also got rid of the rats? And was staying indoors protective as with us during Covid. And what kind of plague like that last one kills only babies snd cattle. I suppose this type of discussion belongs on the other blog really.
    I did think the father/daughter discussion was nice especially with the lightened mood at the end with Zainab's dad racing her home.

  19. Good to hear Pat in crusading mode again. She and Emma make an impressive team.

  20. I couldn’t believe that,in MIck’s absence,Joy once again flouted the Home Farm house sitting rules by bringing Lillian and Brian in.If the robot cleaner has been damaged there will no doubt be ructions from Mick and the Gills,if it is true that they can tune into the situation at home.

    1. In total agreement Portia.
      Not good !

      I do think however that this is a very silly SL.
      But I suppose I should hold my tongue and hope that it’s the beginning of something substantial.

    2. Great to hear Kirsty defend herself tonight. I hope she thinks long and hard about what Natasha said. If all the Bridge Farm enterprises are going broke, can Tom and Natasha even afford their 'peanuts' offer? I think she should follow Joy's advice and take her house off the market. If she loses Willow Farm, something else will turn up, and she will get Brenda off her back. She needs to have a break from these demanding people and really re-examine what she wants.

  21. I wonder where Kirsty would live if she loses Willow farm, because whoever buys it would want to live there. Would she then give Helen her notice and move back into the Beechwood house, even though it has bad memories for her.

    1. It would save Joy from having Tom, Natasha and the twins living next door.

    2. Maybe she could share Rex's boat as a temporary solution. If Roy was in danger of losing his sale, he might decide to carry on letting it out to her. In any case, she could have a word with him and ask him to call Brenda off.

    3. Mistral. My thoughts exactly. Roy wants Kirsty to buy Willow Farm and to continue to letting it to her, is advantageous in a way.
      Kirsty is committed as she was just about to exchange contracts, when Poo-gate happened.

    4. I think that a while ago it was said that Roy needed to sell in order to buy a place where he is living now.

  22. Natasha is obviously after a cheap deal, as it seems she needs to recuperate monies from somewhere, whilst still getting exactly what she wants.

  23. Natasha wanted to use Tom's credit card because she said hers were " maxed out", and if they are in that state now I don't see how they could make the mortgage repayments.

  24. I think the Maliks will end up buying Kirsty's house.

    1. It sounded as if it was heading that way OWIAS

    2. I had the same thought.
      It seemed a clear sign post.

    3. That’s a shame. I was rooting for Emma. Still am!

    4. Noticed again that this weeks writer had a south Asian name - Nina Ahmed I think ?
      I’m enjoying the developing diversification of Ambridge and am prepared to continue to welcome it while the Malik family settle into the village, but look forward to a time when it’s no longer necessary to focus on their comings and going’s once they are truly ensconced.

      I think Maryellen that Emma and her dream of a house in the village has been put on hold for the time being, perhaps to be resurrected sometime in the future. Like you, I hope someday we will see it come to be a reality.

    5. Don't forget Emma + Ed have borrowed monies from Will to set up the Tree Surgery business. They are meant to be paying him back monthly, but is this actually happening?
      As such, how can they get the deposit, let alone pay a mortgage on any property in Ambridge.

    6. I’m sure the scriptwriters can wangle it. Look at Will and how he acquired No. 1, The Green.......🙂

  25. Natasha certainly seems very stressed at the moment. Her behaviour and the way she speaks to people has been dreadful. But at least last night it seemed she had lowered her expectations and apologised. I must admit that I am finding the long drawn out story of who lives where in Ambridge has become very boring and I’d like to get back to some happy/funny stories occasionally

    1. I love the Ambridge Fairy playing Monopoly, as to who buys what 🧚‍♀️🪄

  26. Doesn't Natasha's Dad have bi-polar or similar? I wonder if this is relevant, but then perhaps not, just another TA Red Herring tossed into the mix.
    The other thought is, is this the long-term S/L, which was hinted at in a podcast awhile ago?

    1. I think all the angst going on around Natasha and Tom - mostly Natasha actually - along with Pat getting on her high horse again and Tony not quite approving, is all the low grumbling of the long term SL hinted at a few weeks ago.
      I’ve said this before…. In the last couple of weeks….. that I suspect that the long SL will be ( is ? ) the very slow death of the Bridge Farm enterprise.
      Natasha maxing out on her cards ; the dairy and cheese making failing to get back on its feet ; the veg box sales below what they were, all signs of a slow disintegration.

    2. And how will this affect Adam, seeing as he works there too ? Ages since heard from him or Ian

  27. There is Henry though who is showing the kind of entrepreneurial spirit that might save the farm in the long term, and I wonder if Natasha's fruit juice business could be expanded.


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