CowGirlSeptember 5, 2022 at 12:11 PM Only just realised there were more comments. Sadly LanJan people dont know how to talk to the bereaved. I remember my sister recounting how one of her friends had crossed to the road to avoid talking to her , she went over to talk to her, to the relief of both. At work, one of my colleagues lost her partner, her best friend came to me and said she didnt know how to talk to her she knew she had to phone. I told her to go home have a drink phone her and say you are sorry and you wont have to say anything else. The following morning she came in to thank me , the conversation had gone well and as I said she didnt need to say anything.
Proud to be Yorkshire.September 5, 2022 at 4:44 PM
Lanjan.September 5, 2022 at 8:21 PM I prefer being brief and to the point . I was very sorry to hear that A has died -then let the bereaved person to say what he or she feels like saying. Sometimes they want to talk . I do not like it when people say they are sorry for one's loss as your husband/ wife has been misplaced I once encountered a woman in a multi storey car park in Watford who was in tears . She said she had lost her car. Couldn't remember on which floor she had left it. My cousin and I helped her find it and she then told us that she was so upset because she had just lost her husband . It sounded wrong somehow.
ZoetropeSeptember 4, 2022 at 8:32 PM Mrs P, Prescriptions - I email my request to my GP and the script is sent to the Lloyd's pharmacy across the road from my home which is attached to a different GP practice. The scripts are made up on the premises. I have however had several letters from Lloyd's Pharmacy advertising a central system where the items are sent by post. I always ignore those letters.
Sorry the last thread ran over, busy weekend. Nephew’s wedding was wonderful, then terrific day at Sutton Hoo and a lovely catch-up with an old uni friend at a very pleasant hotel last night. Home today to finish clearing out kitchen before the work starts tomorrow
Earlier this evening a man from the Salvation Army came round with a collecting tin. I asked him if he was collecting for people who were finding it difficult to manage and he said that he was. He was dressed in Salvation Army Uniform and had a Collection tin but after I had given him some money I wondered if perhaps he was a con man. He was a man in his 70s I reckon.
It might be worth checking with the SA. I don’t think they usually collect this way but I may be wrong.If he is not legit the police should know to warn others in the community.
I have just discovered a curious fact, not sure that I like it though. Liz Truss was born exactly 12 months after my son, in the same hospital, the John Radcliffe in Oxford. Might even have been the same delivery suite as it was still being built then, the maternity Dept being the first one to open. Son is mortified to learn he is older than our next Prime Minister! Like realising most policemen are younger than oneself
Realising you are older than the PM is always a shock to the system, for me it was Cameron, the other profession I noticed getting younger was teachers, especially the head teachers ☹️
Archerphile !I have something in common with your son (apart from the fact that I also am older than the Prime Minister!) I was born in The Radcliffe Infirmary ,Oxford I presume that became the Do you know that the first person to be given Penicillin was a patient there? Apparently he was a policeman.. Sadly supplies ran out and he was not able to have further injections and he died shortly after.
Yes indeed , yet another coincidence, LanJan. My daughter was born in the (old) Radcliffe Infirmary (Walton Street entrance), one of the last babies to be born there, before Maternity moved to the John Radcliffe. I must say the difference in the facilities, rooms and especially bathrooms was huge! The old Radcliffe was archaic compared with the new!
Cheshire Cheese,you are right I should have asked to see some form of ID . I didn't because of the uniform and collecting tin. I have telephoned several Branches of the Salvation Army and there has been no reply . However I have just had a phone call from a woman at one of the branches and she says they do do house to house collections in September.. She is going to check to make sure that he was genuine. She said he should have had a document saying what he was doing but of course anyone could forge one of those. I think he was genuine . Would anyone go to the trouble of getting a SA uniform ? He was elderly -that doesn't mean to say he wasn't a con man. He was actually quite miserable - Not sure that I agree with going from house to house "Father Christmas" comes on a sleigh down our road in December and the Round Table knock on doors then. I love seeing FC but more often than not he has already moved on when the door bell is rung and it is dark and I don't like to answer the door after dark.
He probably was genuine, Lanjan. The trouble is nowadays we are so aware of con men and scams that we suspect everybody! Years ago I did house to house for the Children’s Society which was run by the C of E. I hated doing it and remember one house when I was told they only gave to animal charities! Most people were fine but it was the knocking on the door I disliked! You always feel like such an intruder!
It's become a sad world, when I just don't trust anyone on the 'phone or come to the door. I think that they are all out to scam me!! My favourite put down on the 'phone, is when they ask for Mrs. XxXxXx as I am Miss XxXxXx (as I never married), to which I answer that sadly she is dead. This is true as it relates to my late mother. It is surprising how quickly the call is ended. Naughty I know, but it ends a call quickly withoyt being rude.
Good news at last, as I had a GP phone appointment this morning, to talk about my latest, and 4th set, of blood tests. Suddenly everything is back in the normal ranges, which I am both surprised and delighted with Several things (3 in total) were not right, but the one that concerned me the most, was that my red blood cells were much larger than normal and of an irregular shape and not round, so my blood was too thick. All is now perfect after several months but it is not sure exactly what was the cause of these abnormalities. No more tests needed in the near future until my next routine ones.
I feel a different person tonight and will sleep much better, unless there is another violent, but amazing storm. Poor Bonnie was scared and took refuge in my lap. I loved it!!
I remember very clearly my very first involvement in community affairs. It was Self Denial week in the Salvation Army and I was for the first time allowed to take part. I could take you now to the very road in south London where I put envelopes through letterboxes and then the following week accompanied my mother in knocking on the doors to collect those envelopes now with some money inside.
Self Denial in the SA is similar to Lent in the Anglican Church and takes place each year when the ‘ soldiers’ - Salvationists - take the mission outside of the Army and into the community to ask for contributions towards the worldwide humanitarian work carried out by the Church. LanJans elderly gentlemen in uniform was probably a member of the corps nearest to her home. Most of us now receive a letter through the post requesting us to make a contribution once a year or at Christmas time. I am sad that an envelope asking me to deny myself something of value in order to give the equivalent towards helping those in need. I suppose that the bin in the supermarket for contributions to the food bank is much the same as the envelopes that I distributed when a child.
The rangers at Taiaroa Head colony attach a stainless steel band with a unique number to every albatross before it fledges. I think it's attached to the right leg. It keeps that number for life. When an albatross returns to its birthplace to find a mate it is given a set of coloured bands on the other leg. This makes it easy to identify from a distance. Our baby, known only as QT (for Quarry Track where its nest was situated) doesn't yet have a name but will be given one in the next few weeks. It's become a tradition to name the Royal Cam chick and it will in all probability be a Maori name. Her parents were known as OGK (dad, orange, green, black) and YRK (mum, yellow, red, black). We haven't seen OGK since May and it's feared he has died. If he doesn't turn up in twelve months time for his next breeding cycle it will mean he's almost certainly gone and YRK will probably look for a new mate.
I think the naming is nice as it means you should know when in a few years she returns and has a chick of her own. I was surprised at how long they can live, and have been reading about the albatross "Wisdom".
We are in celebratory mood! Katy was awarded a PhD in archaeology yesterday. She has been studying for several years at Winchester University alongside her full time job and has specialised in the transition fromMesolithic to Neolithic on the island. So she is now a Doctor. I’m so proud of her!😊
Such brilliant news Ev. Congratulations to Katy and well done to you for being there every step of the way for her. How proud Mike would be of you both ❤️
👑 On a different note it seems so surreal that our dear Queen may pass quite soon. I have never know anyone else on The Throne and I am feeling sad that she is not likely to live as long as her mother or The Duke Of Edinburgh, for me it was after his loss (amid Covid as well) that started her loss of weight etc. All family at Balmoral including Harry & Megan is this God working in his mysterious way. What were the odds of them being in the Country right now and will this be the chance for the brothers to unite once more. I would like to think so but fear not as too much has been said and written in America…..
I was just about to post something similar. It is looking a bit grim, but my main point would have also been that Harry is on his way, if not there. I too hope that bridges can be repaired, even if only partially.
Belated Congratulations to Dr. Katy. This is a magnificent acheivment. I had a wonderful jaunt this morning, in the sunshine. I went up the coast to what, in years gone by, was an old woollen mill. These days it is the most wonderful, wool, material, craft, hobby, etc. empire. I came out with wool and patterns for two jumpers, and I only planned for one. Still, it will keep me occupied during the winter months. I stopped at a big Aldi on my way home, as I had seen something advertised which appealed to me, which I don't have but always wanted. It was one of the middle ailse goods at a good price. This is a standing food mixer and remarkably good value for money. The problem is, I will have to rearrange my cupboards to store it, or I might just leave it sitting on the counter top, where it is now.. Not sure what to make first - a cake or use up a bread mix I have in a cupboard. Blow the housework tomorrow, as I will play with my new toy.
My daily storm is just starting - for the 4th day in a row - torrential rain, thunder and lightening - love it but Bonnie doesn't. 😿
Yes, it certainly looks very serious in Balmoral. I’m sure the entire family wouldn’t have been summoned if it were not so. We thought the Queen looked very frail when meeting our new PM on Tuesday, despite her very warm smile. I remember the death of her father very well, my Mum having to explain to me why the shops all had black drapes in their windows and why I couldn’t listen to Children’s hour as I usually did every day. Then, a year later, the excitement and joy of the Coronation, going up to London to see the decorations in The Mall. So now it may soon be our children and grandchildren who will have the excitement of a Coronation, and I do hope it won’t be a subdued or economised event because of the energy crisis. Hopefully by next year (or whenever) everyone will have something to celebrate.
With todays news and the warning given to the nation, I do hope that some TA characters are on standby, to record a sudden extra to be slotted into an episode. What a strange thing to say at this time, I know..
I have written an email to friends in London to confirm the long standing invitation to come and stay whenever I need to. I expect there to be a Lying In State and I very much want to attend. I pray for our Queen a peaceful end in her own bed at Balmoral, where she will be surrounded by her loving family, and yes including Harry. I pray for Charles some of the wisdom his mother has given to our nation.
Harry not in time Mrs P, a shame he did not fly with the others but did they even arrive in time? Charles and Anne were with her though. God bless her ❤️
I am glued also and I rather think that very sad announcement, which seems so inevitable now, is not that long away. I rather feel that the tone of the BBC news, suggests that more is now known to them but not the nation. I so hope I am wrong..
I am sure many of us have memories of meeting and/or seeing the now late, Queen Elizabeth II. Mine was a long while ago, when studying in Aberdeen. It was the day she came and hit the button to bring the first North sea oil onto shore. I skipped lectures, stood on the main street to see her drive past, then ran through the side streets onto another main road, to see her drive past again. I was so close on both times. Now what are yours?
Let's remember those happier times, that have meant so much to each and every-one, over this glorious reign.
My memory of seeing the queen was at the Badminton Horse Trials. Princess Ann and her then husband Mark Phillips were competing. She was standing not very far away next to a Land Rover wearing a headscarf and I was able to get a good photo of her. It would have been in the late seventies I think.
As one of the London school children randomly chosen to line the route of the Coronation procession I was close at ten years old. But even closer at Smiths Lawn on a Sunday afternoon in the late sixties when she would attend to watch Charles playing Polo. Although I had a Leica hanging around my neck I did not take a photograph, my husband was the professional, me just the back up. I was once in a line up when Princess Margaret visited the hospital during my training as a nurse, and many years later presented to Princess Anne at my local carers centre.
Although I am not a fervent royalist it is impossible not to feel a sense of loss this evening. I never met her, although my mother did, but I respected her immensely and think she did a magnificent job. The slightly irreverent part of me wonders if the Archers team are asking each other “what did we do last time?’
Our junior school went down to the towns castle when the queen came to visit. I was sat on the grass, in the second row as she walked past us into the castle. I can remember it like it was yesterday and it must have been about 1974.
I was one of 1000 Girl Guides who camped in Windsor Great Park in 1957. Some of us heard she was at Smith's Lawn and went to see the Queen.. She also drove round in an open car on another day.
I am sorry that Harry apparently was not able to see the Queen earlier today.. I find it strange and very sad that he was not able to travel up to Aberdeen until it was too late for him to say his goodbyes to her. I also think it is a pity that Kate could not perhaps leave her children with her mother or rather that her mother should go to their home so that Kate could accompany William to Balmoral.
I thought so too LJ as Kate and the Queen had a close relationship. No doubt she/they felt that the children would need her for comfort in the loss of gangan especially George who now becomes 3rd in line to the throne (but hopefully with a long living grandad) to delay his position to Heir Apparent.
I have just heard from my eldest niece, who is still at work. She is a director for,a near to Manchester, local council. They are busy putting their pre-planned "London Bridge is Down" formalities in place..
A very sad day for us all. I remember at the age of four asking my Mum why everyone was sad. She told me the King had died. I wasn’t sure who the King was. I do remember being scrubbed up and having a red, white and blue ribbon in my hair (newly curled!) for the coronation. W E had a party, not in the street as planned as it poured with rain all day! I still have my coronation mug which came full of sweets. The Queen has just always been there in my life. It seems strange this talk of the King.
Yes. That got me as well, thinking that, that will be the last time, that version of the National Anthem will be heard. I will find it strange thinking and singing King instead. I have just read something from His Majesty, King Charles III and it took me a second to absorb it.
I remember learning years ago that when the time came, the announcement would be along the lines of, 'The Queen is dead, God save the King.' At the time it struck me as very neat that the transfer of sovereignty was instantaneous. Now I just find it very odd that, for the first time in my lifetime, we have a KIng - taking me much longer than a few seconds to absorb it!
At least our new monarch has elected to remain Charles. I think that after knowing him by that name for 74 years, the public would have struggled to adjust to a King George, as he was rumoured to be considering.
I think King Charles has struck exactly the right note at the very beginning of his reign - Stopping his car in front of the gates at Buckingham Palace and walking over to greet, personally, the large crowd that had gathered to see him and Camilla arrive. It looks as though he intends to be a real Sovereign of the people and not a distant figure.
And I should like to add how moving I found Keir Starmer’s tribute to the Queen in the Commons this morning. It was beautifully written and movingly spoken. To my ears it sounded far more sincere than the sterile, flat delivery of our new PM. And I say this as a conservative voter and not a Labour one. Keir Starmer won the day for me.
I've watched a lot of TV today, as I just felt the need to see and hear the unfolding events. It reminded me of that Bank Holiday Monday, when Diana died, 25yrs ago. Today, to me is a moment in modern history as it is the 1stt time a change of Monarch had happened in I am still finding it strange to hear reference to The King, as I think some of the presenters are. One said, as the new King landed at Northolt, that the Queens car was waiting, which was quickly changed to the Monarchs car. As Archerphile has said, I too enjoyed many of the heartfelt, funny and meaningful tributes, given in The House of Commons. This may sound strange, but I know a flight tracking site, and as such, I followed the new Kings flight back to London. Why - this to me showed the end of one era and the start of our now, Kings reign.
To add - I am surprised that the Last Night of The Proms has been cancelled. This is normally such a wonderful and dare I say, patriotic event. At this time, this would probably mean much more than ever, for many.
We too have Flight Radar Miriam (as you can probably imagine) We always use it when one of the family is flying somewhere, follow their entire flight and make sure they land safely wherever they are going. So we watched several of the politician and royal flights over the past few days whilst having the TV on too.
And I too am very disappointed that the wonderful last night of the Proms has been cancelled. I was really looking forward to seeing Sheku Kanneh-Mason. It could have been made clear the music was in praise and celebration of the Queen’s life.
Yesterday we had a lovely day at RHS Bridgewater for our wedding anniversary, then came the news of the death of the queen. today has been spent just filling time and getting used to the new order. What a difference a day makes!
I watched both The Kings Speech and the service which followed. What struck me as to the service was the congregation - normal, everyday folk, of different ages, backgrounds and ethinicity, who were there solely to remember the late Queen. The Lone Piper and the singing of God Save The King, made me reach for another piece of kitchen roll. I am pleased though that there is now a new Prince and Princess of Wales. 🏴
Well done to King Charles and well done to Queen Camilla . I thought after all they have gone through ,to go and shake hands with all those people on their return to London was really special..
I utterly agree LJ I thought King Charles address to the Country was superb in every way. I was so pleased for him as before this he appeared somewhat awkward and stiff in his delivery to this end I felt a little on pins but his heart and soul was so obviously in this particular one and also the reality that he is now the King wishing only to continue and honour his mothers fine reign. Good luck to him and his Queen Consort and darling wife of 17yrs Camilla. Also to the new Prince and Princess of Wales . Strange how life pans out the 25th anniversary of P. Diana only just past and now William’s wife has inherited her title. I was pleased for the Queen that she past at her beloved Balmoral but the timing and the place so hard for both W & H where they woke up to the news of their mothers death as such young boys.
People say they remember where they were when they heard the news about Diana's death and it will no doubt be the same about this latest sad news. I was -and still am for the next couple of hours - in Devon where I have been spending a few days . It has been wet but a very welcome.Break and I have enjoyed it very much.. However with all these narrow roads ,I was glad that I was not doing the driving.
We thought King Charles’s first address to the Nation last night was superbly written and delivered. We feel confident that he will be a compassionate monarch, an excellent head of state representing us around the world and close to his people rather than a distant figure. We were also very pleased that he has made William and Kate Prince and Princess of Wales and that he, compassionately reached out to Harry and Meghan. I sincerely hope that Harry will now cancel the Publication of his biography, said to contain criticism of the Royal family and his upbringing and that Meghan will, have the sense to keep her mouth shut on the subject.
Agree 100/% AP totally blown away with the sincerity of King Charles first speech as King he appeared to have grown in confidence and stature overnight. How proud his mother would be.
Had a phone call from a cousin in France with her commiserations on the death of the Queen. She told me how well she was thought of in France. It was kind of her but reminded me how rusty my French Is! Our daughter in Edinburgh sent a photo of the hearse with the Queen' s coffin to our family WhatsApp group. She just happened to be on the road that it was travelling along and stopped to pay her respects. It was a very poignant photo as there was no other traffic on it and very few people.
All these National events aren’t doing anything for my figure! I seem to have been sitting on the sofa in front of the TV for days as neither of us want to miss a moment of all the historical proceedings. We feel privileged that we are allowed to witness so many of these events that would have been held out of sight to previous generations.
I am exactly the same also. What a lovely service from Edinburgh and a poignant procession up "The Royal Mile". I have to applaud all who are and were involved in the entire Edinburgh events, to have orchestrated things so quickly and effortlessly. I expect that there was a plan in place, for this sad occaision but to do all this is just 4 days is quite remarkable.
I did have a strange thought, as it seemed to me the bearers were struggling a bit with the coffin, which was so unlike yesterday. This reminded me of the funeral of the Princess of Wales, when the coffin was changed to a lead lined one. I wonder if something similar has occured.
An Anglo Scot of many years,I am so proud of the poignant and seamless way the first step of Queen Elizabeth’s journey south has been organised in Scotland.
If I may return to the mundane business of prescriptions being processed centrally, I collected my meds this afternoon and in conversation with the young female dispenser, she informed me that if I so wished, I was able to specify that my prescription was to be dispensed in house. She kindly then and there added a note on my details on the screen to that effect. I’m happy with this result. I cannot change the decision regarding centralisation but I am able to remove myself from being part of the process. Thank you to those who helped me to understand how widespread this new system is.
Mrs P are you still going to London to stay with your friend in order to visit Westminster Hall and pay your respects to the Queen? If so I am full of admiration as the wait time being predicted is many many many hours. So take great care!
No I’m not going. I finally made that decision yesterday evening after discussing it with my friend and my daughter. It has been a very long term intention to be there for the Lying in State. I did go to the Queen Mothers though I would not consider myself to be an arch monarchist, and I always disliked the Q mum, since seeing her visit a prefab near to my home when I was about twelve. However I went out of respect for her fierce loyalty to ‘ The Firm ‘. Churchill died before I was married and my then boyfriend his sister and myself all intended to pop up the road ( living then in Kensington) again out of respect. But as busy young people we never managed to get there and I have always regretted not making it.
Given the expected number of hours and the necessary restrictions detailed on the website, ( extremely lengthy) and my wish to go alone, not with a friend, I am disappointed but pragmatic in my decision. No loos no food or drink, and shuffling for hours, even with my ability to come alive when in company with others, I think it would be beyond my capacity. I did as a London schoolchild whose name was picked out of a hat, participate in lining the route, and I feel I must allow that to be enough. I never saw the Coronation on the television because I was there on the roadside and then travelling home, so I shall see the event now on my IPad and pay my respects in another way.
I think you are very wise Mrs P. The warnings issued sound horrendous, always assuming one could get to London. Queueing for up to 30 hours (do you catch 40 winks lying on the pavement?) no camping equipment, only a small bag to be taken into Westminster Hall (what on earth do you do with the larger one containing your bottles of water and food?) I imagine all these warning are going to put a lot of people off, especially older mourners, 7nless you live in the capital and have friends to support you.
Mrs P ,you must have seen Queen Salote of Tonga who in spite of the rain rode in an open carriage at the late Queen's. Coronation. That was the first time ,I suspect ,that most people had ever heard of Tonga . I met a Tongan years later who was amazed but delighted that his Queen had impressed us .
Lady R ,to answer an earlier question. I went to Devon last Wednesday until Saturday . Younger son has some sort of "timeshare "connected with the local heritage railway and was there for a week. Went by train and he brought me back. Lovely . I visited Lyndon and Lynmouth which I remember hearing about in 1952 when many people lost their lives in a dreadful flooding tragedy.
Goodness LanJan, which day did you go to Lynton /Lynmouth ? I went there too last week on the bus from Minehead. How strange that we should be in the same place and quite possibly on the same day. So you must have been staying in North Devon and the border is only a few miles up the road from me.
Yes I did see the queen of Tonga, and I have to admit that she is really the only part of the procession that I do remember. I have no picture in my head of the Queen at all, and I don’t really remember the rain. The strongest memory of the day is standing in the rain at Bellingham station having walked there with my dad as it was too early for the buses and seeing the headlines in the newspapers that Everest had been conquered by Edmund Hilary and Tensing ? ? ( Norbay ). I’ve never forgotten that part of the day.
LanJan, my brother was actually involved in the Lynmouth disaster. He had driven down to Devon for a short holiday on his own and was actually staying at the hotel that got washed away. Fortunately he escaped relatively unhurt but lost all his belongings and his precious car was washed away too I was only 8 at the time (he was considerably older than me) but remember all the worry my parents had very well. Needless to say, he lived out on the experience for many years afterwards!
As I said to LJ above I was there last week and like others I was very aware as a youngster of the Lynton Lynmouth disaster. The bus, the Coastal Express turns around for the return journey in the large car park which is on the site of the hotel you mention ARCHERPHILE. I only had ten minutes there and I had taken Lady with me. Sitting upstairs to get the best of the views Lady was very fidgety. She didn’t complain but I don’t think she enjoyed it so I am going to have to find a sitter for my exploration days out.
Mrs P, it sounds like Lady is a lovely companion! Her fidgeting reminds me of the time we took Gypsy on a boat trip. She was similarly uncomplaining but really didn’t enjoy it! After that we wouldn’t risk taking the boys as Dudley would have a panic attack and Buddy would fidget so much he would fall overboard! It seems you are enjoying your new surroundings and am pleased about that. 😊
Thank you both Mrs P & LJ for your interesting replies. I have to say Mrs P I am very relieved to hear your respects will be paid from home.I gather wrist bands are to be given out in order for people to be able to leave and then return to the queue to use the toilets to be provided. Still would not appeal to me not that I would be able to contemplate it anyway.
A lovely break LJ ⭐️ The Lynmouth floods were horrendous I was only 5yrs at that time but have seen footage over the years.
We have appointments for our flu and Covid boosters next Monday, I was expecting a phone call to rearrange them but haven't heard anything. Will phone the pharmacy tomorrow to check.
Have you noticed Cadbury’s Roses chocolates have shrunk too? I used to love the ones with a whole nut inside but now they are just tiny nut pieces! I still buy Tesco chocolate at £1 for a big bar. The whole nut one does have whole nuts in it! Also no palm oil! I avoid Cadbury’s chocolate now. It used to be my favourite until the hostile takeover. Since then they have cheapened the ingredients and it is certainly not the same.
I made appointments for our booster jabs next Wednesday - very easy to arrange online after a prompt from NHS. And talking about shrinking products - Mr A likes some biscuits called Gold Bars, they are covered with Caramac rather than chocolate. He takes one when going for a longish walk in case of a diabetic ‘low’. He not had any for a long time so I bought some last week and they were tiny! About two bites and they are gone. Same with a lot of confectionary and biscuits I suppose.
I suspect the product shrinkage is prompted by 2 factors, firstly cost, smaller portion-same price maintains profit in time of rising costs. Secondly the smaller portions mean the manufacturers can say a product serving has fewer calories to comply with dietary guidelines. Personally I don’t mind the smaller portions of confectionery as it does help me keep down my consumption as a small sugar hit is as much as I need. I get more irritated by recipe changes that affect the taste, I bought some Ritz crackers the other day & the flavour & texture were dreadful, they have reduced the fat content & they were more like cream crackers
I was reading in the news this morning that our new PM, Liz Truss, may try to scrap all the rules brought in by Boris to try to control obesity, such as stopping sales of sweets at checkouts, controlling the amount of sugar in drinks and foods etc. This is supposed to be part of her campaign to cutdown on government beurocracy. If so, I believe it will be a very retrograde step and a huge black mark on her premiership.
Can I change the subject a bit ? When I went into the village a few days ago , I thought someone had abandoned a toy on top of the post box, but it turned out to be a beautiful knitted cover! A real ray of sunshine.! When I looked on Google, there were lots of them and most touchingly lots paying tribute to the Queen! The Royal Mail seem to accept them, provided that they don't block any openings and I thought it was such a lovely way for small (and maybe even larger) communities to do something locally to celebrate the life of an exceptional woman. They're often done for charities and that seemed a good idea. I think it's called yarn bombing! anyway I just thought I'd mention it - Please forgive me if it has been brought up before!
I've seen images of these, which also appeared at the time of The Jubilee. I can knit, but I could create similar. It is always these little touching gestures, which mean so much.
CC The big standard post box is outside my nearest post office, which sadly now is a short drive away. I need to buy some stamps, so will go tommorow to see if it has a topping. There might just be, as there is a block of senior citizen sheltered accomodation flats, nearby.
We often have one of these post box hats in our village to mark some important occasion. It is such a pity when they get ruined by heavy rain, I’m expecting one any day now but especially looking forward to what will be crafted for the coming Coronation!
I think I know why some of my posts didn't publish and that is, only one comment can be published at any one time, so I was just unlucky.
I have watched another moving, sombre, and historical occaision today. Does anyone like me, have random thoughts whilst watching such an event? Perhaps it is that as I watch on my own, I have thoughts which I would otherwise say to another. My idle thoughts today, whilst watching the Procession were:-
a) How wonderful the drummers were, to keep such a perfect and steady drum beat, so to keep the matching in time and to keep to the strict schedule. b) How lovely, as the procession approached Westminster Halll, that the Big Ben lengthy renovations had been completed, as it looked so splendid in the sunshine.
Not silly at all Miriam I had exactly the same thoughts. The whole somber parade was exemplary I am always bowled over by the precision of all such events and the splendour of the uniforms and the Crown glistening in the sunshine showed the world what a wonderful place GB can be.
I was surprised to see the Crown on the coffin for the Procession. As you said, it glinted so well in the glorious sunshine. I watched ITV as the commentary was virtually non existant, and when there was any, it was for information only. One comment that was made, was the difference this was, as to the last time the Crown went down the Mall - when it was worn by Her Majesty in a gold coach, just over 70years ago...
Not silly Miriam, and your thoughts have been shared, so thank you. I too watched this afternoons somber parade. All of it. I grew up with such military splendour, my father no longer a serving soldier, but still involved in training army cadets, and with my uncle a beefeater at theTower. As a child my year was marked by the Trooping the colour, the Royal Tournament and in later years the Son e Lumier, (sp ?) if it was performed within travelling distance. This afternoon I marched the distance myself while standing to watch. With the bell marking each minute I marched in time with the parade for one minute every five, and I feel now that I have truly participated in todays splendour. Like you Miriam I loved that drum beat and again like you as I watched, many strange and lovely thoughts passed through my head, some of those thoughts centred on the many happy memories from my childhood being pushed to the front on Horseguards Parade or sitting on my fathers shoulders to see the panoply spread out in front of the crowds. I am also satisfied to see Harry and Megan take their part at this time and sincerely pleased that the problems associated with their departure to live outside of the UK seem to have been set aside if only for this brief time of solemnity within the family. Today has though made me feel very homesick for my city.
Harry walked so proudly and in his rightful place, alongside his brother and behind his father. His wife, looked quite overwhelmed by it all. I daren't say my real thoughts about her, as I would be straight off to the Tower!
She did indeed look overwhelmed and I thought close to tears. I did wonder, looking at her face, if perhaps she was regretting some of what she has said. Or was it all part of the act of being part of ‘ all this ‘ !
Miriam for the first time ever (out of desperation) I switched to ITV during the recent big events just to compare as the constant chatter on BBC was so distracting and having done so will continue to stay with ITV Monday. Excellent sensitivity having quiet periods of time just to absorb the solemnity of the occasion, the marching boots, the clip clop of horses hooves the band and the murmur of the crowd here and there etc.
Hear, hear Lady R. Having watched most coverage on BBC, especially in Scotland and yesterday, I feel that I never want to hear Huw Edwards voice again. Someone should inform him that often, less is more! Surprisingly, for us, we thought the ITV more conducive. And I am finally deigning to watch Sky News now that they have changed their big strap line at the bottom of the page from “The Queen Dies” to “The Queen’s Death” I cannot bear the use of the present tense in historical reporting.
Agree about present tense in historical events and also can’t bear it in books. It happens more and more nowadays and have turned away from many a good yarn because the story is not happening now but has happened. The irritation is too much to bear!!
I found watching ordinary people file past Her Majesty’s coffin very moving. Some got up from wheel chairs to bow and seeing the respect in peopl’s eyes and the way they bowed or curtseyed was such a testament to her awesome reign and dedication. To someone who grizzled that Charles hadn’t been elected my reply would be that we haven’t done all that well recently in electing our leader anyway and unlike politicians, Charles has had a lifetime of preparation and importantly had no choice in his destiny!
This is a reminder for those it might be of interest to - the new series of All Creatures Great and Small, starts tonight. It will be a lovely to watch something so calming and enjoyable.
My Radio Times for this week arrived today! I have just seen that All Creatures on. Thanks for mentioning it had it not done so I would not have known . We need a bit of escapism
My point Mrs P is that she is supposed to be an actress but to me all this hand clasping with a very unhappy looking Harry is not convincing.. He has looked miserable way before his Grandmother died. Well you make your bed and have to lie on it.
I’m afraid I have not found her convincing from the moment we first heard of her LJ - actress or not, I feel sorry for the poor sop, but as you say you make your bed …………..
My brother wishes the queen hadn't died! After waiting years his knee replacement (result of a lifetime of wading through winter mud on the farm and getting up and down tending to animals) was due on Monday, and now it's cancelled because of the bank holiday for the funeral. Due November now. I thought all the pageantry has been incredible, and found the service and wonderful music in St. Giles Church particularly moving.
Sorry about your brother Janice, but I do think it’s right that the day of the funeral should be for everyone who wishes to partake of the ceremony should be able to do so, and that must mean nurses and doctors as well as all the ancillary staff.
So sorry about the postponement of your brother's operation Janice. Surprisingly our flu and Covid boosters are going ahead on Monday. The pharmacy is closed but they are still doing vaccinations.
I feel for your brother Janice. 🤞it gets done in Nov. I watched the procession from Buckingham to the church and,yes, I got sick of Hew dodahs voice. I shall try itv for the funeral. I really do wish Kate would get a decent meal in her. She’s far too thin. Megan….saw her pull a kind of “I’m bored” face in the church. She just doesn’t ring true and poor old Harry has got lumbered with her simply cos he thinks with what’s between his legs! William has turned out to be a credit to his mother.
Up at 4am, four-hour drive to Athens and flight now delayed for 6 hours. All have decided it has been worth it for a week in such a beautiful place, and especially for me, as I thought I would never see it again
Autumn definitely seems to have arrived early. Although sunny today, it is very cool as the wind is coming from the north and I am back in a blouse with a jumper and tights! I was cold last night, and almost put the fire on, but I try not to put any heating on until October, usually. I hope all those in the queue in London, have taken warm layers with them and I wish them well.
Yes, that autumnal chill is in the air this evening! Thinking of those brave queue people.
I had an invitation to book my booster jab. Tried to online only to find the nearest centre is a pharmacy in Portsmouth! Only 7 miles as the crow flies but the crow doesn’t have to battle the ferry etc! There are no hubs on the island. My GP surgery can only vaccinate over 75’s at present and I am 74! I can choose to go to the mainland with the complications and expense that entails, wait until I a. 75 in April or for the go ahead for the surgery to open to over 65’s. My last jab was in November last year and we are told we need the booster before the onset of winter. I have E mailed the Dept of Health and checked with the local paper that they know about the problem. They do and have lobbied the powers that be with no success so far. It is good to know County Press are on the case though! At the moment it is a case of wait and see but what a mess! Trouble is those above don’t take all factors into account!😒
I have booked my covid vaccine. The next available dates on offer were just before having my flu vaccine, so have gone for a week later, at the beginning of October. This is 3 weeks away, but I am happy it is booked. I did the time difference, as I always react to jabs, swollen + stiff arm and sometimes other symptoms. After my last covid booster, also in November, I had a temp. shivers, headache so this is why I prefer to wait. After all it is not that long and I know that, it will be done before the next mutation and winter covid spike. EV I thought of you today when I saw a photo of the naval persons, rehearsing pulling the gun carriage for The Funeral, as there were so many Wrens taking part.
Watching the news of the London Queue, I would so like to applaud all the volunteers, who have given up their time to ensure things run so smoothly, which they are I read earlier today, the numbers of these and it was quite remarkable. There are so many hundreds from so many differing organisations. These include St.Johns Ambulance, The Samaritans, S/L interpretors to mention just a few. I need to try and find again, the article I saw about this. I hope that these volunteers, get the chance to go to Westminster Hall as the Lying in State comes to a conclusion. They deserve it.
Off topic, but this relates to the Autumn Covid booster. I found out yesterday, that it is not necessary to wait for a notification. Anyone over 65 can now just go onto tbe NHS booking site and book it, to suit.
I have to return to Basingstoke Hub again this Sunday as although I tried last Sunday at Mr R appointment it was a no go even as his carer. This was his 5th jab and like many I have not had any sort of jab since last November. Kindly Mr R goddaughter is taking me as I hate the massive car park in the centre. They even have a machine where you can enter your reg to tell you where you parked 😱
We shall be there next Wednesday Lady R. I hear that the vac, centre is in the Upper Mall in what was a shop until it closed - like so many others in Festival Place!
Yes AP. However where previous appointments were held they were in a medical environment from the beginning minimum contact with each other from leaving the car to returning. Being right in a busy (as is on a Sunday) shopping centre surrounded by people all the way including lifts which we had to use for Mr R it is a very different experience. The husband of our friends had his (5th) jab on a recent Friday and 3 days later tested positive… then by this Thursday his wife too, her appointment was for Friday just gone which of course had to be cancelled. As we had seen them we had to do tests but 🤞🏼 Ok so far. Anne could not get her jab same time as her husband either even though their age gap only 3yrs. Just wish we could have a more local vac centre. So far I have done 168 miles as our appointments are always separate. That is not counting last and this Sunday as we have and are being taken therefore a thank you donation for the driver given. Still grateful overall for being able to receive!
I have a new obsession. Celebrity SAS who dares wins. Ok I don’t know the celebs bar one or two but it’s compelling viewing. I also don’t sit there saying…”I’d be good at that” like I usually do at everything. How they keep going for duration when for the most time they are wet through I just don’t know. The language is appalling with the instructors shouting at them which might put people off but since first discovering the prog a couple of weeks ago we are now on series 3, bingeing on 2 or 3 episodes a day.
On the contrary PtbY, we watched the first half hour of the first episode being keen to watch what sounded like it was going to be an interesting series. Be we turned off because of the constant foul language and apparent bullying to perform going on. Not what we think of as entertaining at all.
I’m with PtbY, I have watched both the celebrity & non celeb versions. It is one of my guilty pleasures. I watch a lot of junk TV while I exercise as my “reward” I acknowledge that the language can leave more than a bit to be desired, which unfortunately is a reflection of society, both my daughters tend to use bad language more than I like despite being well educated & not exposed to much swearing growing up…
Sorry if I sounded a bit po-faced, but I cannot stand constant use of the f word and other unprintable words on television. We were very shocked to here the c word used on Have I got News for You recently and surprised it had not been edited out. None of my family swear much apart from a mild expletive and I personally, have never used the f word, it is just not in my vocabulary. So that particular programme, which could have been interesting was, for us, unwatchable
It’s odd how sometimes how a programme can override the language. In SAS it got me so not a regular watcher of it now, but when Matt Hancock goes in I think we might have to give it a go I cannot imagine him there for one moment but that will be the reason many will watch! However I overcome the Goggle Box language because we get so many laughs from it, and sometimes like last night los of tears regarding reaction to the Queens passing, particularly from Jenny and Wiltshire Mary - a lady with perfect diction and is an etiquette expert so lifts the tone and alongside her eccentric artist husband and their interesting abode great fun..
I love gogglebox. One of my favourites. There’s not many progs I laugh at but that is one of them. I love Jenny and Lee.
This morning we watched the new episode of the grand tour on Amazon prime. I always liked these three on top gear and their adventures on prime show some stunning scenery. I laughed so much at one point this morning, haven’t done so as much at a tv prog in years. I’ll be controversial in saying I love Jeremy clarkson. He says what people think.
Just wish we could watch the three amigos and their adventures again PtbY. Some of the funniest programmes ever were the old original Top Gear shows, I remember being absolutely helpless with laughter over some of their adventures. James May is my favourite of the three. Sadly they are only available on Amazon now and we don’t want to have to subscribe to a channel on which we would only watch one programme.. The TV licence is enough to pay
I give up! Yet again, a post of mine has not been published. There was nothing untowards nor controversial about it. I can't be bothered to rewrite it.
Archerphile…..I don’t look at Amazon prime tv as being a subscription for that station, I see it as a perk. What with free postage on Amazon parcels, Amazon music (got a few faves downloaded onto phone) and getting a free kindle book out of a choice of 8 every month I think the Prime price is good value. I chose to change from a monthly subscription to a yearly one before the price went up in august so have all that for £79 for this coming year. Considering that p&p can sometimes be nearly a fiver it soon pays for itself.
I also have Prime subscription primarily for the delivery, I feel slightly guilty using Amazon but it is so convenient. Some Top Gear episodes are available on Dave which is a Freeview channel
I don’t buy from Amazon as much as I used to but I always opt for the free delivery, even if it means waiting a bit longer, nothing is ever particularly urgent. I don’t do music downloads at all, I have no music on my phone or iPad at all, so that’s not an inducement for me. The third thing that puts me off trying Prime is that, on the couple of occasions I have tried their 1month free Prime offer, I have been bombarded by scam phone calls about it and emails reminding me to continue with a subscription. I can’t do with all that just to watch Top Gear, but my daughter does have a subscription. There are 5 in her family all ordering from Amazon, downloading stuff etc so it is worthwhile for them. I’ll have to invite myself over when Top Gear is on!
Oh it was almost worth the subscription to be able to watch the Jeremy Clarkson programme about his farm.Archerphile Brilliant. I have never been bombarded with anything to do with Prime .
I don't need Amazon prime but I am tempted to have their month's free trial, plus maybe one further month, without continuing it, just so I can watch the Tolkien based Rings of Power 8 episodes. It only seems to be available via Amazon.
When my cats refused to use their all singing all dancing cat flap that only allowed them in .Poppy refused to go out and I had to get cat litter quickly . In less than 24hours I had it. The same happened when I wanted fur ball paste. Like P tbY I decided to opt for annual subscription. I would certainly try a free trial.Janice.
Never let it be said that I am a bad sport so if you are reading the blog Spicycushion ,congratulations to Kent for beating Lancashire yesterday in the One Day Cup final. Our fielding was very poor. Years ago one had to be a member of one of the two Clubs to get tickets for the final . There were Ticket Touts at St John's Wood Station. Not any more. Because of greed there is too much Cricket(and non cricket in the form of The Hundred ) . Oh how pleased I am that I was able to see so much good cricket before £££££ reared its ugly head and County players went aboard during the English Cricket Season and Test players were rested .
Reading an earlier comment you made P tb Y I agree with what you say about the ubiquitous Huw Edwards . Someone said that he and Nicholas Witchell should be knighted for what they did on the day the Queen died. To be honest while I dislike listening to him ( I actually liked it better before regional accents were considered to be necessary .Give me posh accents -totally unlike mine- on the tele for Announcers) ) I did think that he did his best when although he obviously knew that the Queen had died he had to pretend for some reason that she hadn't
It has been Nicholas Witchell’s big event hasn’t it? We imagine he has been rehearsing for the Queen’s funeral for years. We expect he will stay on until after the Coronation, then retire. He seemed to disappear for a bit after the, then, Prince of Wales was overheard calling him ‘that dreadful man’ My problem with Huw Edwards was that he just wouldn’t keep quiet during the transfer of the Queen’s coffin from Holyrood to the Cathedral in Edinburgh. Constant repetitions of same remarks when the pictures and music spoke for themselves. Let’s see how he does today.
What a truly magnificent day. I am in awe of every aspect of its organisation and everyone who took part, especially the young Pall Bearers! I broke after the coffin had gone down and Charles declared King the pain etched on his face was clear for all to see that for this to happen his dear mother really had left this world and oh how that realisation hits home at the final moment of a funeral whoever you are 😢
After todays events, with the Crown Jewels being put onto the altar and therefore ready to be passed on, my thoughts went onto King Charles III coronation. This it, it should be on June 2nd 2023, exactly 70yrs to the day, after his late mothers. This is a Friday, which will then become the late May Bank Holiday, which is meant to be on the monday of that week.
It takes a long time to organise a Coronation. They had more than 16months to organise The Queen's If they have the King's Coronation on 2nd June it would less than 10 months Who knows though : perhaps they have already started organising things Do you know why 2nd June was chosen for the Queen's Coronation? It was because that date statistically had been the sunniest driest day on record !!! Well you know what happened on that date in 1953.
I heard that the Queen’s coronation was delayed by post war austerity so maybe Charles’ could be organised in 10 months. It would be fitting to be on the same date as the Queen’s and hopefully this time the weather would be better! I was glad to see the sun did shine for her today. It was a wonderful send off for a remarkable and unique lady.
The plan for the Magnificence that we witnessed today, along with much of the world I gather, was titled ‘ London Bridge ‘ and has been in existence for many years, and The Queen herself was responsible for choosing much of what took place. I imagine that alongside ‘ London Bridge ‘ there has been another plan with a similar iconic code name for the inevitable coronation of her son and heir that will follow her death.
I think Miriam’s suggestion is first class. Pass it on !
There are people out there who could give Chelsea all the correct answers and impartial counselling. Why have they decided to send her to the local vet?! Aaargh! I'm going to have to stop listening until this is resolved.
CowGirlSeptember 5, 2022 at 12:11 PM
ReplyDeleteOnly just realised there were more comments.
Sadly LanJan people dont know how to talk to the bereaved. I remember my sister recounting how one of her friends had crossed to the road to avoid talking to her , she went over to talk to her, to the relief of both.
At work, one of my colleagues lost her partner, her best friend came to me and said she didnt know how to talk to her she knew she had to phone. I told her to go home have a drink phone her and say you are sorry and you wont have to say anything else. The following morning she came in to thank me , the conversation had gone well and as I said she didnt need to say anything.
Proud to be Yorkshire.September 5, 2022 at 4:44 PM
DeleteLanjan.September 5, 2022 at 8:21 PM
I prefer being brief and to the point .
I was very sorry to hear that A has died -then let the bereaved person to say what he or she feels like saying.
Sometimes they want to talk .
I do not like it when people say they are sorry for one's loss as your husband/ wife has been misplaced
I once encountered a woman in a multi storey car park in Watford who was in tears .
She said she had lost her car.
Couldn't remember on which floor she had left it.
My cousin and I helped her find it and she then told us that she was so upset because she had just lost her husband .
It sounded wrong somehow.
ZoetropeSeptember 4, 2022 at 8:32 PM
ReplyDeleteMrs P,
Prescriptions - I email my request to my GP and the script is sent to the Lloyd's pharmacy across the road from my home which is attached to a different GP practice. The scripts are made up on the premises.
I have however had several letters from Lloyd's Pharmacy advertising a central system where the items are sent by post. I always ignore those letters.
Sorry the last thread ran over, busy weekend.
ReplyDeleteNephew’s wedding was wonderful, then terrific day at Sutton Hoo and a lovely catch-up with an old uni friend at a very pleasant hotel last night.
Home today to finish clearing out kitchen before the work starts tomorrow
That is one busy weekend KP!
DeleteEarlier this evening a man from the Salvation Army came round with a collecting tin.
ReplyDeleteI asked him if he was collecting for people who were finding it difficult to manage and he said that he was.
He was dressed in Salvation Army Uniform and had a Collection tin but after I had given him some money I wondered if perhaps he was a con man.
He was a man in his 70s I reckon.
It might be worth checking with the SA. I don’t think they usually collect this way but I may be wrong.If he is not legit the police should know to warn others in the community.
DeleteDid he have any ID?
DeleteI have just discovered a curious fact, not sure that I like it though.
ReplyDeleteLiz Truss was born exactly 12 months after my son, in the same hospital, the John Radcliffe in Oxford. Might even have been the same delivery suite as it was still being built then, the maternity Dept being the first one to open.
Son is mortified to learn he is older than our next Prime Minister!
Like realising most policemen are younger than oneself
Realising you are older than the PM is always a shock to the system, for me it was Cameron, the other profession I noticed getting younger was teachers, especially the head teachers ☹️
ReplyDeleteYesterday I went into the town centre for the first time in nearly three years. To my dismay, EVERYONE was younger than me.
ReplyDeleteArcherphile !I have something in common with your son (apart from the fact that I also am older than the Prime Minister!)
ReplyDeleteI was born in The Radcliffe Infirmary ,Oxford I presume that became the
Do you know that the first person to be given Penicillin was a patient there?
Apparently he was a policeman..
Sadly supplies ran out and he was not able to have further injections and he died shortly after.
Yes indeed , yet another coincidence, LanJan. My daughter was born in the (old) Radcliffe Infirmary (Walton Street entrance), one of the last babies to be born there, before Maternity moved to the John Radcliffe. I must say the difference in the facilities, rooms and especially bathrooms was huge! The old Radcliffe was archaic compared with the new!
DeleteCheshire Cheese,you are right I should have asked to see some form of ID .
ReplyDeleteI didn't because of the uniform and collecting tin.
I have telephoned several Branches of the Salvation Army and there has been no reply .
However I have just had a phone call from a woman at one of the branches and she says they do do house to house collections in September..
She is going to check to make sure that he was genuine.
She said he should have had a document saying what he was doing but of course anyone could forge one of those.
I think he was genuine .
Would anyone go to the trouble of getting a SA uniform ?
He was elderly -that doesn't mean to say he wasn't a con man.
He was actually quite miserable -
Not sure that I agree with going from house to house
"Father Christmas" comes on a sleigh down our road in December and the Round Table knock on doors then.
I love seeing FC but more often than not he has already moved on when the door bell is rung and it is dark and I don't like to answer the door after dark.
He probably was genuine, Lanjan. The trouble is nowadays we are so aware of con men and scams that we suspect everybody! Years ago I did house to house for the Children’s Society which was run by the C of E. I hated doing it and remember one house when I was told they only gave to animal charities! Most people were fine but it was the knocking on the door I disliked! You always feel like such an intruder!
DeleteIt's become a sad world, when I just don't trust anyone on the 'phone or come to the door. I think that they are all out to scam me!!
DeleteMy favourite put down on the 'phone, is when they ask for Mrs. XxXxXx as I am Miss XxXxXx (as I never married), to which I answer that sadly she is dead. This is true as it relates to my late mother. It is surprising how quickly the call is ended.
Naughty I know, but it ends a call quickly withoyt being rude.
Good news at last, as I had a GP phone appointment this morning, to talk about my latest, and 4th set, of blood tests. Suddenly everything is back in the normal ranges, which I am both surprised and delighted with
ReplyDeleteSeveral things (3 in total) were not right, but the one that concerned me the most, was that my red blood cells were much larger than normal and of an irregular shape and not round, so my blood was too thick.
All is now perfect after several months but it is not sure exactly what was the cause of these abnormalities.
No more tests needed in the near future until my next routine ones.
I feel a different person tonight and will sleep much better, unless there is another violent, but amazing storm. Poor Bonnie was scared and took refuge in my lap.
I loved it!!
Dudley was bravely defending us against the storm but it didn’t take any notice of his barking! We were relieved when it abated at about midnight!
DeleteI remember very clearly my very first involvement in community affairs.
ReplyDeleteIt was Self Denial week in the Salvation Army and I was for the first time allowed to take part.
I could take you now to the very road in south London where I put envelopes through letterboxes and then the following week accompanied my mother in knocking on the doors to collect those envelopes now with some money inside.
Self Denial in the SA is similar to Lent in the Anglican Church and takes place each year when the ‘ soldiers’ - Salvationists - take the mission outside of the Army and into the community to ask for contributions towards the worldwide humanitarian work carried out by the Church.
LanJans elderly gentlemen in uniform was probably a member of the corps nearest to her home. Most of us now receive a letter through the post requesting us to make a contribution once a year or at Christmas time.
I am sad that an envelope asking me to deny myself something of value in order to give the equivalent towards helping those in need.
I suppose that the bin in the supermarket for contributions to the food bank is much the same as the envelopes that I distributed when a child.
Hi Janice
ReplyDeleteThe rangers at Taiaroa Head colony attach a stainless steel band with a unique number to every albatross before it fledges. I think it's attached to the right leg. It keeps that number for life. When an albatross returns to its birthplace to find a mate it is given a set of coloured bands on the other leg. This makes it easy to identify from a distance. Our baby, known only as QT (for Quarry Track where its nest was situated) doesn't yet have a name but will be given one in the next few weeks. It's become a tradition to name the Royal Cam chick and it will in all probability be a Maori name. Her parents were known as OGK (dad, orange, green, black) and YRK (mum, yellow, red, black). We haven't seen OGK since May and it's feared he has died. If he doesn't turn up in twelve months time for his next breeding cycle it will mean he's almost certainly gone and YRK will probably look for a new mate.
I think the naming is nice as it means you should know when in a few years she returns and has a chick of her own. I was surprised at how long they can live, and have been reading about the albatross "Wisdom".
DeleteI've been reading about the colony and looking at the pictures. It's beautiful.
ReplyDeleteWe are in celebratory mood! Katy was awarded a PhD in archaeology yesterday. She has been studying for several years at Winchester University alongside her full time job and has specialised in the transition fromMesolithic to Neolithic on the island. So she is now a Doctor. I’m so proud of her!😊
ReplyDeleteFantastic news Ev, I'm not surprised you are proud of her. Doing a PhD while working full time is a great achievement!
DeleteThat is fantastic ! What an achievement, so impressive, working full time as well. A fascinating subject to boot.
ReplyDeleteWell done Katie and huge congratulations. A great achievement, not surprised your Mum is proud of you! 🍾
ReplyDeleteYou should be proud of your daughter Ev, and congratulations to you for the support you clearly give to her.
ReplyDeleteMy congratulations too. Well done Katie :)
ReplyDeleteMany congratulations Doctor Katy!
ReplyDeleteMany congratulations Katy! 👏
ReplyDeleteWell done Katy. What a marvellous achievement. 🍾
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Katy .
ReplyDeleteWell done.
Such brilliant news Ev. Congratulations to Katy and well done to you for being there every step of the way for her. How proud Mike would be of you both ❤️
ReplyDelete👑 On a different note it seems so surreal that our dear Queen may pass quite soon. I have never know anyone else on The Throne and I am feeling sad that she is not likely to live as long as her mother or The Duke Of Edinburgh, for me it was after his loss (amid Covid as well) that started her loss of weight etc. All family at Balmoral including Harry & Megan is this God working in his mysterious way. What were the odds of them being in the Country right now and will this be the chance for the brothers to unite once more. I would like to think so but fear not as too much has been said and written in America…..
I was just about to post something similar. It is looking a bit grim, but my main point would have also been that Harry is on his way, if not there.
DeleteI too hope that bridges can be repaired, even if only partially.
Belated Congratulations to Dr. Katy. This is a magnificent acheivment.
ReplyDeleteI had a wonderful jaunt this morning, in the sunshine. I went up the coast to what, in years gone by, was an old woollen mill. These days it is the most wonderful, wool, material, craft, hobby, etc. empire.
I came out with wool and patterns for two jumpers, and I only planned for one. Still, it will keep me occupied during the winter months.
I stopped at a big Aldi on my way home, as I had seen something advertised which appealed to me, which I don't have but always wanted. It was one of the middle ailse goods at a good price. This is a standing food mixer and remarkably good value for money.
The problem is, I will have to rearrange my cupboards to store it, or I might just leave it sitting on the counter top, where it is now..
Not sure what to make first - a cake or use up a bread mix I have in a cupboard. Blow the housework tomorrow, as I will play with my new toy.
My daily storm is just starting - for the 4th day in a row - torrential rain, thunder and lightening - love it but Bonnie doesn't. 😿
Yes, it certainly looks very serious in Balmoral. I’m sure the entire family wouldn’t have been summoned if it were not so. We thought the Queen looked very frail when meeting our new PM on Tuesday, despite her very warm smile.
ReplyDeleteI remember the death of her father very well, my Mum having to explain to me why the shops all had black drapes in their windows and why I couldn’t listen to Children’s hour as I usually did every day.
Then, a year later, the excitement and joy of the Coronation, going up to London to see the decorations in The Mall.
So now it may soon be our children and grandchildren who will have the excitement of a Coronation, and I do hope it won’t be a subdued or economised event because of the energy crisis. Hopefully by next year (or whenever) everyone will have something to celebrate.
With todays news and the warning given to the nation, I do hope that some TA characters are on standby, to record a sudden extra to be slotted into an episode.
DeleteWhat a strange thing to say at this time, I know..
I have written an email to friends in London to confirm the long standing invitation to come and stay whenever I need to.
DeleteI expect there to be a Lying In State and I very much want to attend.
I pray for our Queen a peaceful end in her own bed at Balmoral, where she will be surrounded by her loving family, and yes including Harry.
I pray for Charles some of the wisdom his mother has given to our nation.
Harry not in time Mrs P, a shame he did not fly with the others but did they even arrive in time? Charles and Anne were with her though. God bless her ❤️
DeleteIt’s going to be a sad day when she’s gone and the end of an era. I feel quite upset about it and cannot stop watching the live news.
ReplyDeleteI am glued also and I rather think that very sad announcement, which seems so inevitable now, is not that long away.
DeleteI rather feel that the tone of the BBC news, suggests that more is now known to them but not the nation.
I so hope I am wrong..
Now we know and I am sobbing.
ReplyDeleteThe end of a wonderful era and reign, the only sovereign I've ever known.
Now it's -
DeleteGod Save The King.
It will tak
Just seen the sad news that Her Majesty has died.
ReplyDeleteWe now have King Charles III
A very sad day and very much the end of an era.
ReplyDeleteThankfully she died in a place that she loved with her family around her.
DeleteI am sure many of us have memories of meeting and/or seeing the now late, Queen Elizabeth II.
ReplyDeleteMine was a long while ago, when studying in Aberdeen. It was the day she came and hit the button to bring the first North sea oil onto shore.
I skipped lectures, stood on the main street to see her drive past, then ran through the side streets onto another main road, to see her drive past again. I was so close on both times.
Now what are yours?
Let's remember those happier times, that have meant so much to each and every-one, over this glorious reign.
This was 3rd November 1975 not that it matters 😭
DeleteMy memory of seeing the queen was at the Badminton Horse Trials. Princess Ann and her then husband Mark Phillips were competing. She was standing not very far away next to a Land Rover wearing a headscarf and I was able to get a good photo of her. It would have been in the late seventies I think.
ReplyDeleteAs one of the London school children randomly chosen to line the route of the Coronation procession I was close at ten years old. But even closer at Smiths Lawn on a Sunday afternoon in the late sixties when she would attend to watch Charles playing Polo. Although I had a Leica hanging around my neck I did not take a photograph, my husband was the professional, me just the back up.
ReplyDeleteI was once in a line up when Princess Margaret visited the hospital during my training as a nurse, and many years later presented to Princess Anne at my local carers centre.
Although I am not a fervent royalist it is impossible not to feel a sense of loss this evening. I never met her, although my mother did, but I respected her immensely and think she did a magnificent job.
ReplyDeleteThe slightly irreverent part of me wonders if the Archers team are asking each other “what did we do last time?’
Well this one event TA team will not be able to ignore as at the start of Covid…
DeleteOur junior school went down to the towns castle when the queen came to visit. I was sat on the grass, in the second row as she walked past us into the castle. I can remember it like it was yesterday and it must have been about 1974.
ReplyDeleteI was one of 1000 Girl Guides who camped in Windsor Great Park in 1957.
ReplyDeleteSome of us heard she was at Smith's Lawn and went to see the Queen..
She also drove round in an open car on another day.
I am sorry that Harry apparently was not able to see the Queen earlier today..
I find it strange and very sad that he was not able to travel up to Aberdeen until it was too late for him to say his goodbyes to her.
I also think it is a pity that Kate could not perhaps leave her children with her mother or rather that her mother should go to their home so that Kate could accompany William to Balmoral.
I thought so too LJ as Kate and the Queen had a close relationship. No doubt she/they felt that the children would need her for comfort in the loss of gangan especially George who now becomes 3rd in line to the throne (but hopefully with a long living grandad) to delay his position to Heir Apparent.
DeleteI have just heard from my eldest niece, who is still at work. She is a director for,a near to Manchester, local council.
ReplyDeleteThey are busy putting their pre-planned "London Bridge is Down" formalities in place..
A very sad day for us all. I remember at the age of four asking my Mum why everyone was sad. She told me the King had died. I wasn’t sure who the King was. I do remember being scrubbed up and having a red, white and blue ribbon in my hair (newly curled!) for the coronation. W E had a party, not in the street as planned as it poured with rain all day! I still have my coronation mug which came full of sweets. The Queen has just always been there in my life. It seems strange this talk of the King.
ReplyDeleteListening to the National Anthem and realising that the words have now changed 😢
ReplyDeleteSeventy years of faithful service. Thank you Ma'am.
Yes. That got me as well, thinking that, that will be the last time, that version of the National Anthem will be heard. I will find it strange thinking and singing King instead.
DeleteI have just read something from His Majesty, King Charles III and it took me a second to absorb it.
I remember learning years ago that when the time came, the announcement would be along the lines of, 'The Queen is dead, God save the King.' At the time it struck me as very neat that the transfer of sovereignty was instantaneous. Now I just find it very odd that, for the first time in my lifetime, we have a KIng - taking me much longer than a few seconds to absorb it!
DeleteAt least our new monarch has elected to remain Charles. I think that after knowing him by that name for 74 years, the public would have struggled to adjust to a King George, as he was rumoured to be considering.
Ev. Congratulations to Katy on her marvellous achievement.
DeleteI think King Charles has struck exactly the right note at the very beginning of his reign -
ReplyDeleteStopping his car in front of the gates at Buckingham Palace and walking over to greet, personally, the large crowd that had gathered to see him and Camilla arrive.
It looks as though he intends to be a real Sovereign of the people and not a distant figure.
And I should like to add how moving I found Keir Starmer’s tribute to the Queen in the Commons this morning. It was beautifully written and movingly spoken. To my ears it sounded far more sincere than the sterile, flat delivery of our new PM. And I say this as a conservative voter and not a Labour one. Keir Starmer won the day for me.
I've watched a lot of TV today, as I just felt the need to see and hear the unfolding events. It reminded me of that Bank Holiday Monday, when Diana died, 25yrs ago.
ReplyDeleteToday, to me is a moment in modern history as it is the 1stt time a change of Monarch had happened in
I am still finding it strange to hear reference to The King, as I think some of the presenters are. One said, as the new King landed at Northolt, that the Queens car was waiting, which was quickly changed to the Monarchs car.
As Archerphile has said, I too enjoyed many of the heartfelt, funny and meaningful tributes, given in The House of Commons.
This may sound strange, but I know a flight tracking site, and as such, I followed the new Kings flight back to London.
Why - this to me showed the end of one era and the start of our now, Kings reign.
To add - I am surprised that the Last Night of The Proms has been cancelled. This is normally such a wonderful and dare I say, patriotic event. At this time, this would probably mean much more than ever, for many.
DeleteWe too have Flight Radar Miriam (as you can probably imagine) We always use it when one of the family is flying somewhere, follow their entire flight and make sure they land safely wherever they are going. So we watched several of the politician and royal flights over the past few days whilst having the TV on too.
DeleteAnd I too am very disappointed that the wonderful last night of the Proms has been cancelled. I was really looking forward to seeing Sheku Kanneh-Mason. It could have been made clear the music was in praise and celebration of the Queen’s life.
Yesterday we had a lovely day at RHS Bridgewater for our wedding anniversary, then came the news of the death of the queen. today has been spent just filling time and getting used to the new order. What a difference a day makes!
ReplyDeleteI had a lovely day yesterday, but today has been very different.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI watched both The Kings Speech and the service which followed. What struck me as to the service was the congregation - normal, everyday folk, of different ages, backgrounds and ethinicity, who were there solely to remember the late Queen.
ReplyDeleteThe Lone Piper and the singing of God Save The King, made me reach for another piece of kitchen roll.
I am pleased though that there is now a new Prince and Princess of Wales. 🏴
Well done to King Charles and well done to Queen Camilla .
ReplyDeleteI thought after all they have gone through ,to go and shake hands with all those people on their return to London was really special..
I utterly agree LJ I thought King Charles address to the Country was superb in every way. I was so pleased for him as before this he appeared somewhat awkward and stiff in his delivery to this end I felt a little on pins but his heart and soul was so obviously in
Deletethis particular one and also the reality that he is now the King wishing only to continue and honour his mothers fine reign. Good luck to him and his Queen Consort and darling wife of 17yrs Camilla. Also to the new Prince and Princess of Wales . Strange how life pans out the 25th anniversary of P. Diana only just past and now William’s wife has inherited her title.
I was pleased for the Queen that she past at her beloved Balmoral but the timing and the place so hard for both W & H where they woke up to the news of their mothers death as such young boys.
People say they remember where they were when they heard the news about Diana's death and it will no doubt be the same about this latest sad news.
ReplyDeleteI was -and still am for the next couple of hours - in Devon where I have been spending a few days .
It has been wet but a very welcome.Break and I have enjoyed it very much..
However with all these narrow roads ,I was glad that I was not doing the driving.
Sounds a relaxing time LJ a solo jaunt or visit to friends. Either way a
Deleteholiday you won’t forget marked as it was by The Queens death.
We thought King Charles’s first address to the Nation last night was superbly written and delivered. We feel confident that he will be a compassionate monarch, an excellent head of state representing us around the world and close to his people rather than a distant figure. We were also very pleased that he has made William and Kate Prince and Princess of Wales and that he, compassionately reached out to Harry and Meghan.
ReplyDeleteI sincerely hope that Harry will now cancel the Publication of his biography, said to contain criticism of the Royal family and his upbringing and that Meghan will, have the sense to keep her mouth shut on the subject.
Agree 100/% AP totally blown away with the sincerity of King Charles first speech as King he appeared to have grown in confidence and stature overnight. How proud his mother would be.
DeleteI thought that too. He had the demeanour of a king and has a strong and dedicated wife to support him in his new role. God bless them both.
DeleteHad a phone call from a cousin in France with her commiserations on the death of the Queen. She told me how well she was thought of in France. It was kind of her but reminded me how rusty my French Is!
ReplyDeleteOur daughter in Edinburgh sent a photo of the hearse with the Queen' s coffin to our family WhatsApp group. She just happened to be on the road that it was travelling along and stopped to pay her respects. It was a very poignant photo as there was no other traffic on it and very few people.
😢 CC - a memory for your daughter of what will become a momentous event in history.
DeleteAll these National events aren’t doing anything for my figure!
ReplyDeleteI seem to have been sitting on the sofa in front of the TV for days as neither of us want to miss a moment of all the historical proceedings.
We feel privileged that we are allowed to witness so many of these events that would have been held out of sight to previous generations.
Once again I agree totally with your comments AP
DeleteI am exactly the same also.
DeleteWhat a lovely service from Edinburgh and a poignant procession up "The Royal Mile".
I have to applaud all who are and were involved in the entire Edinburgh events, to have orchestrated things so quickly and effortlessly.
I expect that there was a plan in place, for this sad occaision but to do all this is just 4 days is quite remarkable.
I did have a strange thought, as it seemed to me the bearers were struggling a bit with the coffin, which was so unlike yesterday. This reminded me of the funeral of the Princess of Wales, when the coffin was changed to a lead lined one. I wonder if something similar has occured.
DeleteYou are correct Miriam, the coffin is lead lined.
DeleteAn Anglo Scot of many years,I am so proud of the poignant and seamless way the first step of Queen Elizabeth’s journey south has been organised in Scotland.
ReplyDeleteIf I may return to the mundane business of prescriptions being processed centrally, I collected my meds this afternoon and in conversation with the young female dispenser, she informed me that if I so wished, I was able to specify that my prescription was to be dispensed in house. She kindly then and there added a note on my details on the screen to that effect.
ReplyDeleteI’m happy with this result. I cannot change the decision regarding centralisation but I am able to remove myself from being part of the process.
Thank you to those who helped me to understand how widespread this new system is.
Mrs P are you still going to London to stay with your friend in order to visit Westminster Hall and pay your respects to the Queen? If so I am full of admiration as the wait time being predicted is many many many hours. So take great care!
ReplyDeleteLady R
DeleteNo I’m not going.
I finally made that decision yesterday evening after discussing it with my friend and my daughter.
It has been a very long term intention to be there for the Lying in State.
I did go to the Queen Mothers though I would not consider myself to be an arch monarchist, and I always disliked the Q mum, since seeing her visit a prefab near to my home when I was about twelve. However I went out of respect for her fierce loyalty to ‘ The Firm ‘.
Churchill died before I was married and my then boyfriend his sister and myself all intended to pop up the road ( living then in Kensington) again out of respect. But as busy young people we never managed to get there and I have always regretted not making it.
Given the expected number of hours and the necessary restrictions detailed on the website, ( extremely lengthy) and my wish to go alone, not with a friend, I am disappointed but pragmatic in my decision.
No loos no food or drink, and shuffling for hours, even with my ability to come alive when in company with others, I think it would be beyond my capacity.
I did as a London schoolchild whose name was picked out of a hat, participate in lining the route, and I feel I must allow that to be enough.
I never saw the Coronation on the television because I was there on the roadside and then travelling home, so I shall see the event now on my IPad and pay my respects in another way.
I think you are very wise Mrs P.
DeleteThe warnings issued sound horrendous, always assuming one could get to London. Queueing for up to 30 hours (do you catch 40 winks lying on the pavement?) no camping equipment, only a small bag to be taken into Westminster Hall (what on earth do you do with the larger one containing your bottles of water and food?)
I imagine all these warning are going to put a lot of people off, especially older mourners, 7nless you live in the capital and have friends to support you.
Mrs P ,you must have seen Queen Salote of Tonga who in spite of the rain rode in an open carriage at the late Queen's. Coronation.
ReplyDeleteThat was the first time ,I suspect ,that most people had ever heard of Tonga .
I met a Tongan years later who was amazed but delighted that his Queen had impressed us .
Lady R ,to answer an earlier question.
I went to Devon last Wednesday until Saturday .
Younger son has some sort of "timeshare "connected with the local heritage railway and was there for a week.
Went by train and he brought me back.
Lovely .
I visited Lyndon and Lynmouth which I remember hearing about in 1952 when many people lost their lives in a dreadful flooding tragedy.
Goodness LanJan, which day did you go to Lynton /Lynmouth ? I went there too last week on the bus from Minehead. How strange that we should be in the same place and quite possibly on the same day.
DeleteSo you must have been staying in North Devon and the border is only a few miles up the road from me.
Yes I did see the queen of Tonga, and I have to admit that she is really the only part of the procession that I do remember. I have no picture in my head of the Queen at all, and I don’t really remember the rain.
The strongest memory of the day is standing in the rain at Bellingham station having walked there with my dad as it was too early for the buses and seeing the headlines in the newspapers that Everest had been conquered by Edmund Hilary and Tensing ? ? ( Norbay ).
I’ve never forgotten that part of the day.
LanJan, my brother was actually involved in the Lynmouth disaster. He had driven down to Devon for a short holiday on his own and was actually staying at the hotel that got washed away. Fortunately he escaped relatively unhurt but lost all his belongings and his precious car was washed away too
DeleteI was only 8 at the time (he was considerably older than me) but remember all the worry my parents had very well. Needless to say, he lived out on the experience for many years afterwards!
As I said to LJ above I was there last week and like others I was very aware as a youngster of the Lynton Lynmouth disaster.
DeleteThe bus, the Coastal Express turns around for the return journey in the large car park which is on the site of the hotel you mention ARCHERPHILE.
I only had ten minutes there and I had taken Lady with me. Sitting upstairs to get the best of the views Lady was very fidgety.
She didn’t complain but I don’t think she enjoyed it so I am going to have to find a sitter for my exploration days out.
Mrs P, it sounds like Lady is a lovely companion! Her fidgeting reminds me of the time we took Gypsy on a boat trip. She was similarly uncomplaining but really didn’t enjoy it! After that we wouldn’t risk taking the boys as Dudley would have a panic attack and Buddy would fidget so much he would fall overboard! It seems you are enjoying your new surroundings and am pleased about that. 😊
DeleteThank you both Mrs P & LJ for your interesting replies. I have to say Mrs P I am very relieved to hear your respects will be paid from home.I gather wrist bands are to be given out in order for people to be able to leave and then return to the queue to use the toilets to be provided. Still would not appeal to me not that I would be able to contemplate it anyway.
ReplyDeleteA lovely break LJ ⭐️ The Lynmouth floods were horrendous I was only 5yrs at that time but have seen footage over the years.
We have appointments for our flu and Covid boosters next Monday, I was expecting a phone call to rearrange them but haven't heard anything. Will phone the pharmacy tomorrow to check.
ReplyDeleteI've just opened a box of After Eight orange/mints and my goodness, how they've shrunk!
ReplyDeleteMust be about half the size...
How devastating Miriam - par for the course now I’m afraid 😟
DeleteHave you noticed Cadbury’s Roses chocolates have shrunk too? I used to love the ones with a whole nut inside but now they are just tiny nut pieces! I still buy Tesco chocolate at £1 for a big bar. The whole nut one does have whole nuts in it! Also no palm oil! I avoid Cadbury’s chocolate now. It used to be my favourite until the hostile takeover. Since then they have cheapened the ingredients and it is certainly not the same.
ReplyDeleteI made appointments for our booster jabs next Wednesday - very easy to arrange online after a prompt from NHS.
ReplyDeleteAnd talking about shrinking products - Mr A likes some biscuits called Gold Bars, they are covered with Caramac rather than chocolate. He takes one when going for a longish walk in case of a diabetic ‘low’. He not had any for a long time so I bought some last week and they were tiny! About two bites and they are gone. Same with a lot of confectionary and biscuits I suppose.
I suspect the product shrinkage is prompted by 2 factors, firstly cost, smaller portion-same price maintains profit in time of rising costs. Secondly the smaller portions mean the manufacturers can say a product serving has fewer calories to comply with dietary guidelines. Personally I don’t mind the smaller portions of confectionery as it does help me keep down my consumption as a small sugar hit is as much as I need. I get more irritated by recipe changes that affect the taste, I bought some Ritz crackers the other day & the flavour & texture were dreadful, they have reduced the fat content & they were more like cream crackers
ReplyDeleteI was reading in the news this morning that our new PM, Liz Truss, may try to scrap all the rules brought in by Boris to try to control obesity, such as stopping sales of sweets at checkouts, controlling the amount of sugar in drinks and foods etc. This is supposed to be part of her campaign to cutdown on government beurocracy.
DeleteIf so, I believe it will be a very retrograde step and a huge black mark on her premiership.
For the 3rd time today, posts written by me, have not published.
ReplyDeleteI can't be bothered to try and re-write....😔
Goodness this one did!
DeleteI was expecting another "no go".
Can I change the subject a bit ? When I went into the village a few days ago , I thought someone had abandoned a toy on top of the post box, but it turned out to be a beautiful knitted cover! A real ray of sunshine.! When I looked on Google, there were lots of them and most touchingly lots paying tribute to the Queen! The Royal Mail seem to accept them, provided that they don't block any openings and I thought it was such a lovely way for small (and maybe even larger) communities to do something locally to celebrate the life of an exceptional woman. They're often done for charities and that seemed a good idea. I think it's called yarn bombing! anyway I just thought I'd mention it - Please forgive me if it has been brought up before!
ReplyDeleteI've seen images of these, which also appeared at the time of The Jubilee.
DeleteI can knit, but I could create similar.
It is always these little touching gestures, which mean so much.
I noticed that there's one on our local post box when I went to post a birthday card.
DeleteCC The big standard post box is outside my nearest post office, which sadly now is a short drive away. I need to buy some stamps, so will go tommorow to see if it has a topping. There might just be, as there is a block of senior citizen sheltered accomodation flats, nearby.
DeleteWe often have one of these post box hats in our village to mark some important occasion. It is such a pity when they get ruined by heavy rain,
DeleteI’m expecting one any day now but especially looking forward to what will be crafted for the coming Coronation!
I think I know why some of my posts didn't publish and that is, only one comment can be published at any one time, so I was just unlucky.
ReplyDeleteI have watched another moving, sombre, and historical occaision today.
Does anyone like me, have random thoughts whilst watching such an event? Perhaps it is that as I watch on my own, I have thoughts which I would otherwise say to another.
My idle thoughts today, whilst watching the Procession were:-
a) How wonderful the drummers were, to keep such a perfect and steady drum beat, so to keep the matching in time and to keep to the strict schedule.
b) How lovely, as the procession approached Westminster Halll, that the Big Ben lengthy renovations had been completed, as it looked so splendid in the sunshine.
Silly I know...but that's me.
Not silly at all Miriam I had exactly the same thoughts. The whole somber parade was exemplary I am always bowled over by the precision of all such events and the splendour of the uniforms and the Crown glistening in the sunshine showed the world what a wonderful place GB can be.
DeleteI was surprised to see the Crown on the coffin for the Procession. As you said, it glinted so well in the glorious sunshine. I watched ITV as the commentary was virtually non existant, and when there was any, it was for information only. One comment that was made, was the difference this was, as to the last time the Crown went down the Mall - when it was worn by Her Majesty in a gold coach, just over 70years ago...
DeleteNot silly Miriam, and your thoughts have been shared, so thank you.
DeleteI too watched this afternoons somber parade.
All of it.
I grew up with such military splendour, my father no longer a serving soldier, but still involved in training army cadets, and with my uncle a beefeater at theTower. As a child my year was marked by the Trooping the colour, the Royal Tournament and in later years the Son e Lumier, (sp ?) if it was performed within travelling distance.
This afternoon I marched the distance myself while standing to watch.
With the bell marking each minute I marched in time with the parade for one minute every five, and I feel now that I have truly participated in todays splendour. Like you Miriam I loved that drum beat and again like you as I watched, many strange and lovely thoughts passed through my head, some of those thoughts centred on the many happy memories from my childhood being pushed to the front on Horseguards Parade or sitting on my fathers shoulders to see the panoply spread out in front of the crowds.
I am also satisfied to see Harry and Megan take their part at this time and sincerely pleased that the problems associated with their departure to live outside of the UK seem to have been set aside if only for this brief time of solemnity within the family.
Today has though made me feel very homesick for my city.
DeleteWhat lovely and cherished memories you have shared. Thank-you. ❤
Harry walked so proudly and in his rightful place, alongside his brother and behind his father.
DeleteHis wife, looked quite overwhelmed by it all. I daren't say my real thoughts about her, as I would be straight off to the Tower!
She did indeed look overwhelmed and I thought close to tears.
DeleteI did wonder, looking at her face, if perhaps she was regretting some of what she has said.
Or was it all part of the act of being part of ‘ all this ‘ !
Good question MrsP
DeleteI read this morning that the publication of Harry’s Mémoire is to be delayed until next year.
DeleteI just hope he does a lot of revision beforehand.
Could not agree more with all the above comments.
DeleteMiriam for the first time ever (out of desperation) I switched to ITV during the recent big events just to compare as the constant chatter on BBC was so distracting and having done so will continue to stay with ITV Monday. Excellent sensitivity having quiet periods of time just to absorb the solemnity of the occasion, the marching boots, the clip clop of horses hooves the band and the murmur of the crowd here and there etc.
Hear, hear Lady R. Having watched most coverage on BBC, especially in Scotland and yesterday, I feel that I never want to hear Huw Edwards voice again.
DeleteSomeone should inform him that often, less is more!
Surprisingly, for us, we thought the ITV more conducive.
And I am finally deigning to watch Sky News now that they have changed their big strap line at the bottom of the page from “The Queen Dies” to “The Queen’s Death”
I cannot bear the use of the present tense in historical reporting.
Agree about present tense in historical events and also can’t bear it in books. It happens more and more nowadays and have turned away from many a good yarn because the story is not happening now but has happened. The irritation is too much to bear!!
DeleteI found watching ordinary people file past Her Majesty’s coffin very moving. Some got up from wheel chairs to bow and seeing the respect in peopl’s eyes and the way they bowed or curtseyed was such a testament to her awesome reign and dedication. To someone who grizzled that Charles hadn’t been elected my reply would be that we haven’t done all that well recently in electing our leader anyway and unlike politicians, Charles has had a lifetime of preparation and importantly had no choice in his destiny!
Don't forget ,Mrs P ,Ms Markle is an actress I believe.
ReplyDeletePrecisely my point LanJan….. or did you not recognise the irony in my post.
DeleteLJ I too thought the same but decided not to mention it - hence my comment of being sent to the Tower..😉
DeleteThis is a reminder for those it might be of interest to - the new series of All Creatures Great and Small, starts tonight.
ReplyDeleteIt will be a lovely to watch something so calming and enjoyable.
My Radio Times for this week arrived today!
DeleteI have just seen that All Creatures on.
Thanks for mentioning it had it not done so I would not have known .
We need a bit of escapism
My point Mrs P is that she is supposed to be an actress but to me all this hand clasping with a very unhappy looking Harry is not convincing..
ReplyDeleteHe has looked miserable way before his Grandmother died.
Well you make your bed and have to lie on it.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI’m afraid I have not found her convincing from the moment we first heard of her LJ - actress or not, I feel sorry for the poor sop, but as you say you make your bed …………..
DeleteMy brother wishes the queen hadn't died! After waiting years his knee replacement (result of a lifetime of wading through winter mud on the farm and getting up and down tending to animals) was due on Monday, and now it's cancelled because of the bank holiday for the funeral. Due November now.
ReplyDeleteI thought all the pageantry has been incredible, and found the service and wonderful music in St. Giles Church particularly moving.
Sorry about your brother Janice, but I do think it’s right that the day of the funeral should be for everyone who wishes to partake of the ceremony should be able to do so, and that must mean nurses and doctors as well as all the ancillary staff.
DeleteReally feel for your brother Janice and hope his op does go ahead in November but what a disappointment for him 😞
DeleteSo sorry about the postponement of your brother's operation Janice. Surprisingly our flu and Covid boosters are going ahead on Monday. The pharmacy is closed but they are still doing vaccinations.
DeleteI feel for your brother Janice. 🤞it gets done in Nov. I watched the procession from Buckingham to the church and,yes, I got sick of Hew dodahs voice. I shall try itv for the funeral.
ReplyDeleteI really do wish Kate would get a decent meal in her. She’s far too thin.
Megan….saw her pull a kind of “I’m bored” face in the church. She just doesn’t ring true and poor old Harry has got lumbered with her simply cos he thinks with what’s between his legs!
William has turned out to be a credit to his mother.
Hey ptby come back when you’ve decided what you really think of Harry 😂🤣😂🤣😂
DeleteUp at 4am, four-hour drive to Athens and flight now delayed for 6 hours.
ReplyDeleteAll have decided it has been worth it for a week in such a beautiful place, and especially for me, as I thought I would never see it again
Autumn definitely seems to have arrived early. Although sunny today, it is very cool as the wind is coming from the north and I am back in a blouse with a jumper and tights! I was cold last night, and almost put the fire on, but I try not to put any heating on until October, usually.
ReplyDeleteI hope all those in the queue in London, have taken warm layers with them and I wish them well.
Yes, that autumnal chill is in the air this evening! Thinking of those brave queue people.
DeleteI had an invitation to book my booster jab. Tried to online only to find the nearest centre is a pharmacy in Portsmouth! Only 7 miles as the crow flies but the crow doesn’t have to battle the ferry etc! There are no hubs on the island. My GP surgery can only vaccinate over 75’s at present and I am 74! I can choose to go to the mainland with the complications and expense that entails, wait until I a. 75 in April or for the go ahead for the surgery to open to over 65’s. My last jab was in November last year and we are told we need the booster before the onset of winter. I have E mailed the Dept of Health and checked with the local paper that they know about the problem. They do and have lobbied the powers that be with no success so far. It is good to know County Press are on the case though! At the moment it is a case of wait and see but what a mess! Trouble is those above don’t take all factors into account!😒
I have booked my covid vaccine. The next available dates on offer were just before having my flu vaccine, so have gone for a week later, at the beginning of October. This is 3 weeks away, but I am happy it is booked. I did the time difference, as I always react to jabs, swollen + stiff arm and sometimes other symptoms. After my last covid booster, also in November, I had a temp. shivers, headache so this is why I prefer to wait. After all it is not that long and I know that, it will be done before the next mutation and winter covid spike.
DeleteEV I thought of you today when I saw a photo of the naval persons, rehearsing pulling the gun carriage for The Funeral, as there were so many Wrens taking part.
What an honour this will be for them!
DeleteWatching the news of the London Queue, I would so like to applaud all the volunteers, who have given up their time to ensure things run so smoothly, which they are
ReplyDeleteI read earlier today, the numbers of these and it was quite remarkable.
There are so many hundreds from so many differing organisations. These include St.Johns Ambulance, The Samaritans, S/L interpretors to mention just a few.
I need to try and find again, the article I saw about this.
I hope that these volunteers, get the chance to go to Westminster Hall as the Lying in State comes to a conclusion. They deserve it.
Off topic, but this relates to the Autumn Covid booster.
ReplyDeleteI found out yesterday, that it is not necessary to wait for a notification. Anyone over 65 can now just go onto tbe NHS booking site and book it, to suit.
Apologies, as my old habit has re-appeared, which is too many posts! SORRY.
DeleteI have to return to Basingstoke Hub again this Sunday as although I tried last Sunday at Mr R appointment it was a no go even as his carer. This was his 5th jab and like many I have not had any sort of jab since last November. Kindly Mr R goddaughter is taking me as I hate the massive car park in the centre. They even have a machine where you can enter your reg to tell you where you parked 😱
ReplyDeleteWe shall be there next Wednesday Lady R. I hear that the vac, centre is in the Upper Mall in what was a shop until it closed - like so many others in Festival Place!
DeleteYes AP. However where previous appointments were held they were in a medical environment from the beginning minimum contact with each other from leaving the car to returning. Being right in a busy (as is on a Sunday) shopping centre surrounded by people all the way including lifts which we had to use for Mr R it is a very different experience.
DeleteThe husband of our friends had his (5th) jab on a recent Friday and 3 days later tested positive… then by this Thursday his wife too, her appointment was for Friday just gone which of course had to be cancelled. As we had seen them we had to do tests but 🤞🏼 Ok so far. Anne could not get her jab same time as her husband either even though their age gap only 3yrs. Just wish we could have a more local vac centre. So far I have done 168 miles as our appointments are always separate. That is not counting last and this Sunday as we have and are being taken therefore a thank you donation for the driver given.
Still grateful overall for being able to receive!
I have a new obsession.
ReplyDeleteCelebrity SAS who dares wins.
Ok I don’t know the celebs bar one or two but it’s compelling viewing. I also don’t sit there saying…”I’d be good at that” like I usually do at everything. How they keep going for duration when for the most time they are wet through I just don’t know. The language is appalling with the instructors shouting at them which might put people off but since first discovering the prog a couple of weeks ago we are now on series 3, bingeing on 2 or 3 episodes a day.
On the contrary PtbY, we watched the first half hour of the first episode being keen to watch what sounded like it was going to be an interesting series.
DeleteBe we turned off because of the constant foul language and apparent bullying to perform going on. Not what we think of as entertaining at all.
I’m with PtbY, I have watched both the celebrity & non celeb versions. It is one of my guilty pleasures. I watch a lot of junk TV while I exercise as my “reward”
DeleteI acknowledge that the language can leave more than a bit to be desired, which unfortunately is a reflection of society, both my daughters tend to use bad language more than I like despite being well educated & not exposed to much swearing growing up…
Sorry if I sounded a bit po-faced, but I cannot stand constant use of the f word and other unprintable words on television. We were very shocked to here the c word used on Have I got News for You recently and surprised it had not been edited out.
DeleteNone of my family swear much apart from a mild expletive and I personally, have never used the f word, it is just not in my vocabulary.
So that particular programme, which could have been interesting was, for us, unwatchable
It’s odd how sometimes how a programme can override the language. In SAS it got me so not a regular watcher of it now, but when Matt Hancock goes in I think we might have to give it a go I cannot imagine him there for one moment but that will be the reason many will watch!
ReplyDeleteHowever I overcome the Goggle Box language because we get so many laughs from it, and sometimes like last night los of tears regarding reaction to the Queens passing, particularly from Jenny and Wiltshire Mary - a lady with perfect diction and is an etiquette expert so lifts the tone and alongside her eccentric artist husband and their interesting abode great fun..
I love gogglebox. One of my favourites. There’s not many progs I laugh at but that is one of them. I love Jenny and Lee.
DeleteThis morning we watched the new episode of the grand tour on Amazon prime. I always liked these three on top gear and their adventures on prime show some stunning scenery.
I laughed so much at one point this morning, haven’t done so as much at a tv prog in years. I’ll be controversial in saying I love Jeremy clarkson. He says what people think.
Just wish we could watch the three amigos and their adventures again PtbY.
DeleteSome of the funniest programmes ever were the old original Top Gear shows, I remember being absolutely helpless with laughter over some of their adventures. James May is my favourite of the three.
Sadly they are only available on Amazon now and we don’t want to have to subscribe to a channel on which we would only watch one programme.. The TV licence is enough to pay
I give up!
ReplyDeleteYet again, a post of mine has not been published. There was nothing untowards nor controversial about it.
I can't be bothered to rewrite it.
I have just watched The Vigil of the 8 Grandchildren. I found it so very moving and gave me goosebumps..😪
DeleteHopefully this will post, as yet another comment has also failed to publish on the other page...
Bye for now... as I think a short break might be a wise choice.
ReplyDeleteSurely a comment after tomorrow’s State Funeral Miriam? (Any plans for the 22nd 😉)
DeleteArcherphile…..I don’t look at Amazon prime tv as being a subscription for that station, I see it as a perk. What with free postage on Amazon parcels, Amazon music (got a few faves downloaded onto phone) and getting a free kindle book out of a choice of 8 every month I think the Prime price is good value. I chose to change from a monthly subscription to a yearly one before the price went up in august so have all that for £79 for this coming year. Considering that p&p can sometimes be nearly a fiver it soon pays for itself.
ReplyDeleteI also have Prime subscription primarily for the delivery, I feel slightly guilty using Amazon but it is so convenient. Some Top Gear episodes are available on Dave which is a Freeview channel
DeleteI don’t buy from Amazon as much as I used to but I always opt for the free delivery, even if it means waiting a bit longer, nothing is ever particularly urgent.
DeleteI don’t do music downloads at all, I have no music on my phone or iPad at all, so that’s not an inducement for me.
The third thing that puts me off trying Prime is that, on the couple of occasions I have tried their 1month free Prime offer, I have been bombarded by scam phone calls about it and emails reminding me to continue with a subscription. I can’t do with all that just to watch Top Gear, but my daughter does have a subscription. There are 5 in her family all ordering from Amazon, downloading stuff etc so it is worthwhile for them. I’ll have to invite myself over when Top Gear is on!
Oh it was almost worth the subscription to be able to watch the Jeremy Clarkson programme about his farm.Archerphile
I have never been bombarded with anything to do with Prime .
I don't need Amazon prime but I am tempted to have their month's free trial, plus maybe one further month, without continuing it, just so I can watch the Tolkien based Rings of Power 8 episodes. It only seems to be available via Amazon.
ReplyDeleteWhen my cats refused to use their all singing all dancing cat flap that only allowed them in .Poppy refused to go out and I had to get cat litter quickly .
ReplyDeleteIn less than 24hours I had it.
The same happened when I wanted fur ball paste.
Like P tbY I decided to opt for annual subscription.
I would certainly try a free trial.Janice.
Never let it be said that I am a bad sport so if you are reading the blog Spicycushion ,congratulations to Kent for beating Lancashire yesterday in the One Day Cup final.
ReplyDeleteOur fielding was very poor.
Years ago one had to be a member of one of the two Clubs to get tickets for the final .
There were Ticket Touts at St John's Wood Station.
Not any more.
Because of greed there is too much Cricket(and non cricket in the form of The Hundred ) .
Oh how pleased I am that I was able to see so much good cricket before £££££ reared its ugly head and County players went aboard during the English Cricket Season and Test players were rested .
Reading an earlier comment you made P tb Y I agree with what you say about the ubiquitous Huw Edwards .
ReplyDeleteSomeone said that he and Nicholas Witchell should be knighted for what they did on the day the Queen died.
To be honest while I dislike listening to him ( I actually liked it better before regional accents were considered to be necessary .Give me posh accents -totally unlike mine- on the tele for Announcers) ) I did think that he did his best when although he obviously knew that the Queen had died he had to pretend for some reason that she hadn't
It has been Nicholas Witchell’s big event hasn’t it? We imagine he has been rehearsing for the Queen’s funeral for years. We expect he will stay on until after the Coronation, then retire.
DeleteHe seemed to disappear for a bit after the, then, Prince of Wales was overheard calling him ‘that dreadful man’
My problem with Huw Edwards was that he just wouldn’t keep quiet during the transfer of the Queen’s coffin from Holyrood to the Cathedral in Edinburgh. Constant repetitions of same remarks when the pictures and music spoke for themselves.
Let’s see how he does today.
I shall be watching the funeral on a non-Hew channel.
ReplyDeleteAt the moment I am watching Sky TV.
ReplyDeleteHave tried BBC and ITV-no adverts but in my opinion Sky is by far the best .
What on earth does someone do if he or she is"caught short"?
ReplyDeleteIndeed LJ
DeleteI asked my husband that. His reply, the invitation should have advised ‘wear Tena pads’!!
DeleteHe thought he was being funny!
What a truly magnificent day. I am in awe of every aspect of its organisation and everyone who took part, especially the young Pall Bearers!
ReplyDeleteI broke after the coffin had gone down and Charles declared King the pain etched on his face was clear for all to see that for this to happen his dear mother really had left this world and oh how that realisation hits home at the final moment of a funeral whoever you are 😢
After todays events, with the Crown Jewels being put onto the altar and therefore ready to be passed on, my thoughts went onto King Charles III coronation.
ReplyDeleteThis it, it should be on June 2nd 2023, exactly 70yrs to the day, after his late mothers. This is a Friday, which will then become the late May Bank Holiday, which is meant to be on the monday of that week.
Miriam I was thinking the same thing.
ReplyDeleteI was amazed by the organisation & execution of the whole day. The language of the service was so compelling.
It takes a long time to organise a Coronation.
ReplyDeleteThey had more than 16months to organise The Queen's
If they have the King's Coronation on 2nd June it would less than 10 months
Who knows though : perhaps they have already started organising things
Do you know why 2nd June was chosen for the Queen's Coronation?
It was because that date statistically had been the sunniest driest day on record !!!
Well you know what happened on that date in 1953.
I heard that the Queen’s coronation was delayed by post war austerity so maybe Charles’ could be organised in 10 months. It would be fitting to be on the same date as the Queen’s and hopefully this time the weather would be better! I was glad to see the sun did shine for her today. It was a wonderful send off for a remarkable and unique lady.
ReplyDeleteThe Queen's funeral has been years in the organising, I assume it's the same for the coronation.
ReplyDeleteThe plan for the Magnificence that we witnessed today, along with much of the world I gather, was titled ‘ London Bridge ‘ and has been in existence for many years, and The Queen herself was responsible for choosing much of what took place.
ReplyDeleteI imagine that alongside ‘ London Bridge ‘ there has been another plan with a similar iconic code name for the inevitable coronation of her son and heir that will follow her death.
I think Miriam’s suggestion is first class.
Pass it on !
Cheshire Cheese…..SNAP !
ReplyDeleteThere are people out there who could give Chelsea all the correct answers and impartial counselling. Why have they decided to send her to the local vet?! Aaargh!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to have to stop listening until this is resolved.
Or send an email to the production team C C ?
DeleteSorry wrong blog, I was so cross.
DeleteSARNIA deepest apologies I do hope you had a very pleasant 🎂 yesterday!
ReplyDeleteOops wrong blog 🙄
ReplyDeleteNo it isn’t CC post confused me 🤣
DeleteHappy belated birthday Sarnia 🎂🎉🎈🎁 . Don't know if you did anything actually on the day but you must have had a wonderful week in Greece before it.
ReplyDeleteNew blog opened before we get to loading more