Life outside Ambridge


                                                    Lavender at Long Barn Alresford


  1. JaniceFebruary 12, 2024 at 3:51 PM
    Yes, still here but trying to catch up on some things in the veg garden on a rare day without rain. Recently went a pearler slipping on mud so am wheelbarrowing some waste slate up the track to put on the path through the veg garden path. Had enough of rain and mud!
    Yesterday our local young farmers club brought 30 bags of manure so that should keep the raised borders replenished for a long time. This year they were raising funds for Dementia UK, and for a local charitable organisation called The Pearl Exchange, a place for 18 to 35 year olds to meet, do creative workshops together and receive free counselling if needed. It was named Pearl after a young woman with much potential who killed herself at age 19. I did not know her but went to school with older members of her family. Some years back a slightly older young woman threw herself off the cliffs here apparently after a tiff with her boyfriend, and a lovely young man shot himself after relationship troubles, leaving their families devastated.
    I have come to the conclusion that young people can feel things very intensely and behave impulsively, whereas if they had only hung on in there they would have come to realise that life can get better.

  2. EssceeFebruary 12, 2024 at 4:33 PM
    Janice - I wish the young ones who take their own lives could see the devastation felt by those left behind. I’m sure all this social media and instantaneous responses don’t help.
    Most of us have ‘down periods’ but it’s how we can cope with them that matters.
    I read somewhere that it is ‘a permanent solution to a temporary problem.’


    JaniceFebruary 13, 2024 at 12:05 AM
    That is such a good definition Esscee.


    Proud to be Yorkshire.February 12, 2024 at 4:34 PM
    Been a lovely bright day here. Actually got my kitchen window cleaned outside. Soon chills down though at tea time. Fire all laid ready to go.

    Traitors fans!!
    We just binged watched Australian traitors series 2 over the weekend. It was brilliant. It’s on bbc iPlayer.

  3. JaniceFebruary 13, 2024 at 12:15 AM
    Have watched the British and American Traitors, and have now just started the Australian series 1. The breakfast table always looks so scrumptious, would love to stay in a hotel like it.


    MiriamFebruary 12, 2024 at 5:47 PM
    After a fantastic catch-up with 3 sisters together again, all I can say is fun, laughter, too much food + wine, not much sleep...
    Will crash out tonight!
    🐈‍⬛ was so pleased to see me back after her time "home alone", but was totally fine.


    MiriamFebruary 12, 2024 at 5:50 PM
    To add - no time yet to catch up with all the news from others.

  4. Lady RFebruary 12, 2024 at 8:21 PM
    Hello again everyone good to hear from you all. Sad news though of so many youngsters taking their lives and leaving such pain for those left behind too as Esscee has said.
    We enjoyed our lunch and then Mr R toured the outside space in his “chariot” ⭐️ so fast at times I thought it may well be “of fire” 🤣 A sunny ride back through the villages with snowdrops and a particularly lovely bank of daffodils in one of them. In this particular local region we have Mr Alan Tichmarsh and Mr Phil Spencer’s abodes and one can see why our area appeals. Had a nap on return food and driving I guess!

    Family update feel free to pass‼️
    My recently bereaved sister visited last week for her 80th birthday with her daughter and her partner
    It was an emotional reunion of course but we had lunch at a hotel in town (that we had booked) and it also went well for Mr R so that was good. Even bearing her loss she looks amazing (nowhere near her age) she is slight in build and dresses so casually stylish not too young but certainly not an older lady. We talked of our childhood and some of our squabbles and laughed a lot at those so that helped. Friday she returned to Gainsborough but not before sorting a years rental on a lovely apartment not too far from her family and us. House will be left to sell Estate Agent keeping in touch with her and her son in Antigua who has same job there but with big houses on the books.
    After the year she can reassess her options. For now and for all of us it is still about the grief of loss. A blessing we know for Jim to be relived of suffering but the pain of loss is so hard at times, I know she found yesterday a long day for now she is on her own completely but will be here early March. For her birthday I found online John Lewis a beautiful 2 layered presentation box of miniature aromatherapy oils to use in bath or shower each for a different emotional need, she has started to use and said the lavender and peppermint (states for support) was in her typing GORGEOUS. Also popped a box of Bach Rescue Remedy Stray in her bag. Being for the moment so far away I just need her to know we are doing a little something to say “we are with you”. She is ringing later tonight so look forward to that. I have rambled on apace but it helps to share I find so thank you to anyone that has born with me to the end of my missal 🙏🏼

  5. Cheshire CheeseFebruary 13, 2024 at 7:59 AM
    It must be a great help for your sister knowing that she has such kind support Lady R.


    Lady RFebruary 12, 2024 at 8:24 PM
    Spray of course!!!


    JaniceFebruary 13, 2024 at 12:36 AM
    I thought your gifts were really thoughtful ones Lady R, and am sending you and your family much sympathy. I like Dr Bronner's liquid soaps, and use the lavender one at night for helping relax before sleep, and the citrus one during the day downstairs as an energising one. A friend who lost her husband at too young an age said in the first year she felt in a sort of daze, but it is now in the second year that it has really hit her that he isn't coming back.


    Proud to be Yorkshire.February 13, 2024 at 8:13 AM
    Very thoughtful Lady R.

  6. The photo is the back of a rather nice garden centre which has some lovely lavender products

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Beautiful picture, and not a weed in sight!

  7. What a lovely looking place KP. Whereabouts in Arlesford is it? I should love to visit when the weather is better.

  8. Aeroplane alert - feel free to ignore.
    My pilot, the final chapter.
    I think I told you that my daughter found that the chap I saw had left the company in 2017, and my son recognised her photos of the real captain but I didn't.
    We didn't meet again until November, but when we talked about it, I last saw my pilot hurrying back from the terminal, looking upset and avoiding eye-contact when the real one was still at the foot of the aircraft steps.
    Then I knew what I was looking for, so plucked up my courage and on Dec 15th, reluctantly reported to the company what I'd seen and asking if either aircraft had ever been connected with a fatality involving a you g, fair-haired pilot. I expected the kind of response meted out to a daft old biddy with an overactive imagination, instead of which I got a fairly prompt, deadly serious reply saying that they appreciated the uniqueness of my situation and the report had been passed on to senior management, but there were strict operational rules as to what they were allowed to engage with.
    In the end I found it myself at Christmas. The pilot was about to land at Guernsey airport in a cargo plane which, unbeknown to him, had been incorrectly loaded and was too unstable to be landed at all.As the heavy landing gear was activated the cargo began to shift towards the rear and the plane stalled, stood on its tail in the air before falling to the ground from 300ft. At 17.05 they were coming in to land and at 17.06 both pilots were dead.
    The crash report made horrible, horrible reading and the photos of the wreckage, still on the internet, are heartbreaking. It must have been so sudden that my poor chap was catapulted into Guernsey airport frozen in time, not knowing who he was or what had happened and forever landing and taking off, looking for his aeroplane.
    His name wasn't Matthew, although I could see why he thought it was, I showed him what had happened and his poor mangled aeroplane a pile of wreckage in a field.
    On Jan 7th, 5 days before the 25th anniversary of the crash, my colleague and I privately dedicated the service as his memorial, and a prayer of committal was said such as is usually said at the graveside or crematorium.
    Afterwards we were bot relieved and overjoyed because we knew we'd released him and he was free at last.
    When I reported back to Blue Islands on Jan 22nd the response, received in 7 minutes! Was astonishing, but that's for next time.

  9. Sorry, 17.02 they were coming in to land and at 17.06 they were both dead.

  10. Oh dear, I've scared you all off.

    1. Not at all Sarnia indeed waiting for the “another”time!

  11. Once again thank you all for the kind and supportive comments you have posted for myself and family members they have been much appreciated. Now a matter of carrying on, and time as we all know heals 🙏🏼

  12. Forgot to say - internet pics of his poor mangled aeroplane with him still in it!

    On Jan 22nd I sent my final report of the discovery and conclusion to the named individual at customer services who had been so understanding, and his reply came back in 7 minutes!
    He said it was important that such things should be acknowledged and understood, and everyone at Blue Islands was relieved and delighted that it had ended in resolution and peace. He thanked me for my diligent, patient and thorough research and said he had already circulated my report around all the teams and pilots for their awareness; if I have any other experiences, please feel free to get in touch.

    I thought, 'You all understood what this was about from the beginning, and I've just supplied you with the last part of the puzzle'.

    1. Wow 7mins Sarnia very very well done to you for your diligence and for sharing all of this with us here on the blog.

  13. My reply has just disappeared, KP. Have I tapped the wrong thing?

  14. Not sure Sarnia, it’s not showing anywhere

  15. Anyway, he apologised for being prevented by regulations from being able to help me further, but they were all grateful to have been part of the journey.
    He obviously always knew exactly what I was talking about; perhaps I was far from alone in seeing my pilot, but the only one who knew what to do about it

    1. I found it very interesting Sarnia. I think that there is such a thing as " place memories" that we can sometimes tap into, but this does sound to have been more than that.

    2. Janice, when death comes so suddenly and unexpectedly people don't always understand what has happened to them.

  16. The airline is based in Jersey, Janice. Only a small proportion of its flights involve Guernsey. His cargo company mainly worked Bournemouth - Jersey- Guernsey with several other irregular UK contracts.

  17. In case this of interest to others - there is a lovely photo on the BBC News page (Entertainment and Arts) showing Queen Camilla with 12 Dames, all actresses.
    I only mention it is wonderful seeing such actresses together.

  18. The S/burys supermarket workers did so well overnight last night.
    As today, gone are all things related to Valentine's Day so that the Seasonal ailse is now Easter + Mothers Day!
    What commercialism...

  19. Again if of interest to any others - R4ex is broadcasting 24, Kildare Road again.
    I loved this when it was originally broadcast, which I think I talked about it then and still have it downloaded.
    It is best to listen to all episodes in their entirity one after another, as only then the individual episodes make sense - a bit like the TA Sunday omnibus.
    What a lovely sunny, warm Spring day and at last my bulbs are starting to flower. These are late this year and a lot are missing. 😵

    1. Thanks for the recommendation Miriam.
      I think I did listen first time round but I only have a very hazy idea of the plot now, so I'll have another listen : )

  20. Mr A was very happy to report he had seen his first Brimstone Butterfly of the year today
    The previous earliest record was 9th March, so the temperature of 14C has woken them up earlier than ever. Another result of global warming?

    1. Are you another entomologist BB? This first Brimstone thing has been a family competition for many years, but he nearly always sees one before me! 🐛 🦋

    2. No butterflies yet, but a large bumblebee on the front terrace today?

    3. What I am noticing is the lack of birds. At one time there was a huge number of blackbirds, all linked together as to small white feathers on the throat.
      No sight of these for ages.
      Also my robins seem to have disappeared.
      Even the "tits" of any type, are not as prolific as in previous years.
      I know 🐈‍⬛ likes the birds, but I am looking all around.

    4. It could just be natural variation at this time of year Miriam, I'm not getting many visitors to my feeders at the moment. I expect it will pick up in spring especially when they start breeding.

    5. CC. Perhaps it is due to the unusual warmer weather, so they are feeding elsewhere and not reliant on gardens. No idea though..

    6. No butterflies yet but did see a large bumble bee on the terrace this afternoon.
      And the owl is back. I’ve heard it two evenings running at dusk and very close by.

  21. I did the RSPB birdwatch a couple of weekends ago and saw an enormous number of tits of different varieties. Blue, great, coal, marsh and long tailed. This is due to us having put out several feeders this year. We also have 4 robins who argue with each other and several blackbirds both male and female. But no greenfinches, wrens, wagtails, nuthatches or woodpeckers who normally visit. So it seems there is an explosion of tits at the expense of other species!

  22. I did the birdwatch too Archerfile, and despite at the end being told we had a number (32) that was higher than the average (28 I think) we had a dearth of bluetits ( 4) and great tits (1), and no long-tailed tits ( my favourites) at all this year. About 10 years ago I would have counted about 18 bluetits around the feeders and there has been a real decline here, wish I knew why. I used to be able to wake up in the morning and hear the babies chittering inside the house wall where they nested in a couple of gaps in the stonework.

    1. I think they have all emigrated to Hampshire Janice!
      We did have other birds visiting such magpies who nest in a tree at the end of the garden and pheasants, but most unusually, a heron! He got shooed off very quickly as he was eyeing the fish in our pond

  23. Miriam - thank you for mentioning that 24 Kildare Road is back on R4extra. I loved it first time round and have just listened to the first few chapters again. I had forgotten that the lady who died in the snow is called Marion - it’s very strange hearing my name mentioned so often on the radio!

    1. ..and helped me decide on my user name here...

    2. Well, that’s even more of a coincidence because my mother was a Miriam, Miriam Marks.
      (Called Queen or Queenie in the family)

    3. I was supposed to become a Marion. It was the only name my mother had for a daughter if she had one. Then in her last few weeks at work a young woman came who had that name. Apparently she was a nasty piece of work and my mother could no longer support the name. A nurse suggested my name - Elaine. But I would have preferred to have been given the paternal family name of Heloise, my fathers beloved sisters name.

      And ARCHERPHILE- I played Queenie in Noel Cowards This Happy Breed.
      I think it’s a shame that Queenie as a nickname went out of fashion.

  24. It's interesting what birds visit in different areas. We had our usual suspects, blue tits, sparrows, dunnocks, blackbirds, starlings, robins and wood pigeons. We also got a couple of long-tailed tits and one nuthatch.

  25. Weather causing chaos in the Islands again. They specialise in a particularly opaque species of drizzle, which is almost worse than fog. Guernsey's flight from Manchester has been diverted to Exeter, the Rotterdam one is in Bournemouth, a London Heathrow flight is here, together with several others which are unable to depart and the Rotterdam tis heading for Bournemouth. There's another Gatwick one on its way, so heaven only knows where that will finish up. Jersey has return flights stuck here, and a private one from Marrakesh stuck in Nances, and poor little Alderney is completely cut off for the second time in three weeks - no mail, no newspapers, no supplies, medical or otherwise

  26. There was a programme on the BBC recently about Alderney's concentration camp. I have met several people from Guernsey who have never been there due to it's very sad recent history. One man, a surveyor, had been offerred a job overseeing the restoration of an historic building, (a fort I think), and he turned it down because he wasn't prepared to spend even one night there. I have never been myself.

  27. I have once or twice, Mistral. All the smaller islands are strange in their own way, but Alderney is definitely a little on the sinister side.
    The 'town' when I saw it was pure Thomas Hardy Dorset, not like a Channel Island at all. The coast is littered with 'monuments to passing fads in military thinking', but the worst of all are the reinforced concrete sea walls, built by the WWII POWs. No doubt you've heard what they're reinforced with, and I'm afraid it's true.

  28. BTW Mistral, did you catch the resolution of the pilot saga? (Tues, Feb 13th, 6.07pm).

  29. Suddenly I feel my age!
    To think it's 40years since I sat + watched Torvill + Dean's Bolero - Live.
    Thinking back, it must have been on a B+W tv, as I know I only got my first colour TV in 1986, when I moved house....and to think I enjoyed watching snooker as well!

    1. It was obviously different Shades of Grey...

    2. I went to the gardening club on Friday and the speaker was a local woman gardener who has a team of 4 and works on coastal gardens from Bude to Rock, and she had slides of her garden work, some were of a house at Polzeath where they created a wildflower garden on top of the flat roof on an annexe. The house is one of several holiday homes owned by the woman who wrote 50 shades of grey, and her husband. Becky the gardener was in the bedroom once thinking how to design the garden view from the window, and received an incoming phone call from another prospective client. She asked if they would mind her calling them back because she was in the bedroom of the 50 shades of grey author and said she has never had a call end so abruptly ever!

  30. Drizzle's cleared, fog's lifted and the skies are thick with aircraft; some are converging on the Islands from places where they weren't expecting to be, while others are scurrying off to places where they should have been several hours ago, causing delays and knock-on effects for the rest of the day. Late nights all round on a day like this, I'm afraid.

  31. Back to 24 Kildare Road for a sec. Just listened to the last few episodes ( what a lovely , emotional ending) and seen that one of the main characters, Jim, was played by our Archer’s Jim, John Rowe.
    With a totally different, but perfect accent. He is a superlative actor

  32. For those who like Murder Mysteries with a twist, then I can recommend November Dead List (available on Sounds).
    There are 2 series, each just 5×15mins episodes.
    Again best listened back-to-back, so these all makes sense.
    Beware, as said murder mysteries.
    I so enjoyed both series, so not sure what this says about me.

  33. AP, in all my FlightRadar wanderings I find a surprising number of gliders active at night right across the continent and even in the Alps. This seems so dangerous to me, I'm wondering what your resident gliding expert would have to say about it.

    1. Interesting as to flight paths. As I have mentioned before am just 26 miles due south from Liverpool Airport. It seems flight paths have changed, as no longer get planes flying over, which at one time were quite frequent.
      Even the Manchester Airport routes seem no more.
      All I hear + see now, is the wonderful Beluga XL which often flies over low.
      AP knows this amazing aircraft, which always is delight to see and admire.

    2. Sarina, I have just consulted my resident gliding expert who says it is illegal to fly gliders at night, here or anywhere else - for obvious reasons. The planes you are seeing must be some other type of aircraft. There is no special symbol for gliders on Flight Radar, only the details you will see on the information panel on the left of the map.
      Apart from anything else, gliders do not have lights and would be unseen by other flyers!

    3. Now I feel extremely uncomfortable, AP, because I have just discovered one outside Oxford with the ID SPTEST1 and beside that in a blue box, as I have often seen before is the abbreviation 'glid'.

  34. Change in wind direction perhaps, Miriam, so they're both landing and taking off from the opposite direction? Sometimes I can go almost a week without seeing any of my airplanes, although I might be able to hear them.
    My new regime of rising, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 7.10am to be ready to watch them has almost collapsed this winter. What's the point when it's
    still not quite light, freezing cold or pouring with rain and my new best friends are somewhere over Fareham so I can't even do that?
    I expect yours will be back when the prevailing wind changes

  35. AEROplanes. No American spellings, please!

  36. Miriam, I have an answer for you: much to my surprise, Liverpool airport only has one runway, and like the Guernsey one it is numbered 9/27, which is East/West.
    That means that most aircraft movements take place on the Liverpool side of the Mersey and don't come your way at all.
    Quite possibly there are extra holiday flights in the summer which have to turn South and are more likely to pass over Chester.
    You can check on this with FlightRadar 24.

    1. Yes I know the Liverpool, but they often take off, turn and come over me, still low.
      This often happens at 6.00am in the morning, as the airport opens
      This is also true on landing, fly over low then change flight path to follow the R. Mersey to land.
      I love when hearing + seeing a plane go over, to look on flight radar to find out where they are going to or from.

    2. The NT property of Speke Hall is right by the airport.
      It's a lovely place, except with the backdrop of very
      low planes going into/out the airport.
      This tudor (built in 1500's) building just doesn't look quite right on a photo, with a very low Easy-jet plane in the background 🤣

    3. Sounds like a travesty to me, Miriam!

  37. Miriam and Lady R I read your comments at 3.36pm and have added something.

  38. Traitors alert….for Janice

    We started traitors usa late yesterday afternoon. We got to bed at 2.45am this morning! Talk about a binge watch. Just couldn’t stop. It was brilliant. Think Alan Cumming looked a bit of a plonker in some outfits but I loved his cerise check suit at the end. 😁

    1. Just about to begin Australia second series!

    2. Think I read there might be a New Zealand version coming out later in the year.

  39. Sarina - the glider chappie in my house is completely mystified! We have just looked at his gliding club, Lasham, on Flight Radar, and can see 2 gliders in the air. They are very obviously glider shaped rather than an ordinary aircraft shape. The name on the left in the information box is the make of glider and Mr A identified one as a Discus and the other as a K21 of which there are several at Lasham, are used as training gliders for learners.
    But there certainly shouldn’t be any in the air after dark and he cannot understand why you should have seen them

    1. Yes, I realise they were discus, because it said 'disc' in the little blue box. I saw the Lasham ones because that was the first place I looked. They all showed speed but many indicated 0 altitude, which doesn't make a great deal of sense. Surely a glider must have an altimeter.
      There must be a few lawless gliding friends about!

    2. Flying silently through the dark could be a really tranquil experience, seeing the world as owls do.

  40. Sarnia, 18/2 2.24 p.m.
    Yes, I have kept up with your posts, and have taken some time to think about them.
    I found the photographs and read the safety/accident reports and recommendations too.
    I found it almost unbelievable that the loading crew would not know how to load or properly secure the cargo, or even load it at all as the pallet(s) were damaged. I think it is tragic that two youngish men were killed delivering newspapers, although a more 'serious' cargo would have been just as bad, but newsprint is so ......banal/unneccessary imo.
    Following the hideous crash at such speed, I can understand that the natural cycle and order of events went haywire, I understand it when people say 'time stood still'.
    I believe that your flight to Guernsey, unexpected, somehow has become entwined with this lost soul, and that you were in a receptive mind set to receive the ?? signals, intimations, signs.
    I am so glad that you followed your instincts and really solved this situation, you have done an amazing job, and I hope you feel at ease now. Certainly the church service where you felt joy afterwards sounds as though you have brought peace to the poor young man.

  41. Thank you so much, Mistral, for the depth of thought and warmth of understanding in the care you have taken over your reply, even taking the trouble to read through the whole report and recommendations. He was badly let down by the operator, doing the job to the best of the limitations in his inadequate training.
    I was grateful for the astonishing support I received from Leo at Customer Services, who took so little convincing that I wondered how much was already known that they were not at liberty to tell me.
    Yes, it was a huge relief to know that Martin was at last at peace; I actually saw him go, a single patch of light, slipping out from the glass concourse where services are held in winter and winging his way up into the sunlight.
    I am not at peace, at least, not yet. The adrenaline had been racing and antennae fully extended for six months so that the aftermath leaves me feeling flat, exhausted and restless, bit it will pass.
    I was deeply touched by the promptness of Leo's reply and the knowledge that the staff and pilots throughout the company had been waiting for the conclusion.
    I'm just bewildered by it all.

  42. AP: I was on my way to deliver a glider report when I found the message from Mistral, which I felt deserved priority.
    I had been tracking a glider in the vicinity of Valence airport near Avignon, at 11pm our time , midnight for them. He's gone now, but I'll have another look before I go to bed

  43. My iPad which badly needs replacing due to age has a very dodgy battery now so if I should “disappear “ you are in the know. My iPhone lets me read the blogs but the dreaded blue Google sign in bar is there and wants me do do things I don’t want to in order to post (on iPad I am on chrome)
    My nephew in law will assist me when he can with a new iPad but I not only have this generation 6 but still a 2 with photo albums on and a connection to this so just hope he can sort it all out and get it all on to a new one 🙏🏼

    1. If it’s any help Lady R, I have very recently upgraded to an iPad 9th generation with a lot more memory - my old one was running out of space.
      I got it from a shop in Basingstoke (other branches all over and online purchases also) called CEX. They buy, repair/refresh and sell all sorts of technical stuff. They value items according to condition. My new iPad is ‘Mint’ which means it is perfect condition and came in its box with all its proper accessories. It doesn’t look as if it has ever been used. I paid around less than half the price of a new one. Then they bought my old 8th generation one for £150. I reckon it was a very good deal. I bought my iPhone from them too a couple of years back. I recommend CEX, especially if you have someone who knows about tech stuff to go with you or help.

    2. Thanks AP always good to know these things 🙂

  44. I did a lovely jaunt to my favourite farm shop today.
    It was a lovely drive in the sunshine through the lanes, but when I went to park it was so busy..Forgot it was senior citizens loyalty card day! I know that I am eligible for one, but can't be bothered.
    Still I did get a dozen of my favourite free-range XL eggs, 2 packs of my favorite bread yeast (dated 2025 and not often available), bread flour from a nearby mill, plus my runner bean seeds for this years crop.
    The home grown pots. were so good + cheap, that I bought a lot!

    1. A good day all round Miriam 😃 not much in the way of sun in my part of Hampshire today…

    2. Dentist and hygienist for us today. Just a check up and no problems thankfully.

  45. I am in awae of your achievements, LanJan. You are so CAPABLE!

  46. Brilliant LJ. I love the sound of your "potting shed" with the re-cycling of other things . Sounds wonderful, and motivating for your garden.
    I am in total admiration.
    Keep posting.

  47. I am having a cup of tea, enjoying a lovely sunny afternoon, and admiring the many daffs and crocii, now in full bloom.
    It's surprising how quickly these have come into bud + flowered.
    I always think that it is a good year, if my daffs are in flower before March 1st "Dewi Sant".

    1. Goodness Miriam, how did you get sunshine? I am very jealous, it’s been raining cats and dogs here all day!

    2. AP. "The sun shines on the righteous" - so NO idea why I have had so much sunshine recently...😄😂🤣
      Having said that - there are flood warnings out again today as to the torrential overnight rain, which battered against my bedroom window.

  48. How lovely to hear from you again LanJan. You have been very busy and your Monty-type potting shed sounds perfect. I have a similar arrangement in our old greenhouse but quite a lot of the glass is cracked or missing so it’s not reliably dry! What are you planning to sew this year? Will it be veg or flowers or probably a mixture of both.

  49. Replies
    1. Ditto again of course - all Hampshire Hogs🤣

  50. Ah ! So good to hear from you LanJan.
    You are missed by me and I’m sure by others too.
    Is it really almost four years since your John died ?

    Yesterday it dawned on me that the previous day had been the 19th February. For the first time in over forty five years my wedding anniversary had passed me by and I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that my ex husband has now died. But February 19 th four years ago was also the day that I collected Lady from a stables near Birmingham, so although a sad anniversary for many years it has also become a happy anniversary for me too.

    I had spent the afternoon in Taunton shopping.
    I’m not keen on ‘ shopping ‘, not my ‘ thing ‘ at all, but since I rarely do it I didn’t mind it at all on Monday. Plus the fact that it’s a new place for me to visit.
    And I went into an M&S for what must have been the first time in about eighteen years.
    As I passed a charity shop I saw an item - large - in the window which had an immediate impact even tho’ I didn’t allow myself to stop and look closely.
    NO - I said aloud to myself, you mustn’t.
    But by the following morning I was determined to follow it up, googled where I thought the shop had been, telephoned and bought it. It’s been put by for collection when friend Simon does his usual Thursday trip to Taunton tomorrow.
    I shall describe it when it’s home and dry !
    Simon has been helping me today and yesterday moving ‘ stuff ‘ around in preparation for removal in a weeks time for everything in my kitchen to be taken out to allow for my kitchen refurbishment.
    New worktops, sink/taps and hob, and a larder cupboard to be built. The washing machine to be moved into the wet room which is being turned into a utility and the F/F moved to where the washing machine is now.

    1. More adventures Mrs P! I remember the kitchen refit in your previous home it coincided with your knee replacement??

  51. Sarnia, Feb 19th, 11.26p.m.
    Thank you for your reply, I have been intrigued by your reports of these events, I am sure you must be emotionally exhausted, and also distressed by your discovery. I'm sorry you feel flat and restless, I think you are right about the aftermath after the event. I hope you will find peace and calmness as you take the time to process what has happened, and the part you have played in finding a resolution for Martin. Take care x

  52. Some news from me... I have had my offer accepted for the flat I love in Ashburton, and have accepted an offer on my house, spent some time at the solicitor's today going through the forms. I am cautiously optimistic that I might move in the spring, but I am very aware that things can change at the drop of a hat. Surveys done on both properties, so it really does feel as though things are moving, so fingers crossed! I have lived here for 36 years, it feels unbelievable.

    1. Wow sounds great news Mistral but yes I’m sure it does seem strange right now after so long in your current home but new memories waiting to be made I’m sure. Good luck!

  53. Mistral -
    I am so pleased for you that not only was the flat you liked so much still available, and your offer accepted, but that your sale appears to be going through too.
    I sincerely hope that all goes to plan for you and that by summer you might be very much closer to your daughter.
    Plus I will be in a position to welcome you to the South West region.
    I will be rooting for you in the coming weeks.

  54. Here we go again! So Harry is an alcoholic too that certainly won’t impress Chris regarding Martha.
    Hard to remember now that there used to be couples like Dan and Doris, Phil and Jill etc not without the odd dust up but very sure of who they were and and fully committed to a relationship for life
    On the other hand maybe eventually Miriam will get her wish and Alice and Chris will get back together again or remain a close divorced couple like Fergie and Andrew 🤨

    Now know where the expression “I’ll tan your hide” if you don’t behave comes from 😂

  55. Lanjan over the moon to hear from you. Thank you so much for all your kind thoughts sent to me Mr R and my sister they mean a lot. Nearly 4 years since you lost John it hardly seems possible and I can understand completely how to still miss him in your life but uplifting to hear about your winter tasks and the pleasure they have and are giving you.
    Do pop in from time to time I talk of you to Mr R every time Liverpool play ⚽️
    Mr R mobility is really difficult but we are still getting the odd jaunt out with his F1 chair 😂 and the act of getting to the car (with frame) is some exercise. He still is bright in himself and we laugh often…the main niggle is backside from virtually permanent sitting, but we have advice to hand when needed. Take care.

  56. Mistral.
    I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for you and your move.
    Mrs P.
    How exciting, a kitchen refurb. Hope it all goes smoothly for you.

    I recently decorated our kitchen and the most exciting bit for me was getting an ironing board hook so I can now hang my board behind my kitchen door and it’s hidden. I’m easily pleased! lol.

    1. Well you know the saying ptby “little things mean a lot” 😊 (and not too much upheaval involved either 🤣)

  57. Wonderful news Mistral! Your patience has been rewarded and I wish you the happiest of times when you move into your new home.

  58. Thanks everyone :) I won't believe it until I've exchanged contracts. My son said I won't believe it until I'm following the removal van!
    I've never been to Minehead Mrs. P, so that will be nice, we will be neighbours :)

  59. Wonderful news after a stressful time, Mistral, and I understand how you feel about it; I don't believe in counting chickens either.
    Thank you again for your last reply. Nobody else has considered that my recent experience might have been distressing; it was, extremely so, and although the real event happened 25yrs ago, I only found it in December, so I'm still grieving for him.

  60. That sounds absolutely wonderful, Mistral.
    I believe in fate, ie what will be will be and this sounds so right for you.
    My Little Sis. moved last year and ended up in rented property, whilst waiting for their purchase to go through due to a land registry problem which took many months to sort.
    Luckily the sellers kept to the offer, and also the offer on the property these were buying, stayed firm.
    It all ended up so brilliantly as to alls initial plans + expectations.
    She is loving her new home, esp. as she can walk to her eldest daughter + grandsons, in less than 10 minutes - it was meant to be ie fate.

  61. Lovely to hear how you are getting on Lanjan, you put me to shame with all that you have been doing. I hope that you enjoy your potting bench as much as I enjoy mine.
    MrsP, I hope that your kitchen refurbishment goes well. I also look forward to hearing more about the charity shop item.
    I wish you good luck with the house move Mistral. My daughter in Edinburgh has had an offer accepted on their house and had their offer for one to purchase accepted. In Scotland once offers are accepted it becomes binding and completion dates are agreed, so, hopefully, all should go ahead smoothly!
    We had a few things to do in town today one of which involved going to the bank. I was quite surprised at how busy it was given that branches are closing because people are not using them. We went to our favourite cafe which is down a little back street. They get a lot of regulars in there and everyone is so friendly and chatty. Tea is served in a teapot with china cups and milk jug, the coffee is very nice and the cakes are delicious.

  62. What a cheerful, gentle post, CC, and a pleasure to read. Thank you.

  63. I'm wondering too Mrs P what the " large" charity shop purchase is. I' m going to hazard a guess and say a really comfortable armchair perhaps? Or would it have been something more unusual?

  64. Anyone watching the apprentice?
    I cringed through the entire programme tonight. What a set of useless trunks they all are. Not one of them deserves to win. I hate Alan sugar trying to be funny……he’s not. He’s like some embarrassing relative at a wedding.

    1. We couldn’t believe that the teams went to Jersey to buy 10 locally important items and neither team found Jersey Royals! I don’t suppose they even knew what they were.

    2. That doesn't surprise me. Jersey people have the same complaint because all their potatoes go for export. When in season they're on sale at Sainsbury's for about a week, but you could blink and miss them.

    3. You don't seem to get those lovely ones still covered in a bit of soil with the skin still on which is so easy to rub off.
      They don't seem to taste like they used to either-or is that just me?

  65. I’m hoping to see my new purchase for the first time tomorrow.
    Janice, I think your ‘more unusual ‘ is the correct guess.
    I will try to post a picture of it along with an explanation of its use.

    I’ve had the electrician here today to do all the bits required, though the removal of the extractor hood will be done next week.

    Yes Mistral, soon to be neighbours. I’m afraid I’ve forgotten the town that your moving to. I’m off to Crediton on Saturday to pick up another purchase found on Marketplace.

  66. Early elevenses whilst watching the Test Match .Joe Root has just scored 100

    Thank you ladies for your comments .I was lovely to get them
    Well done Mrs P for being so tactful and although realising that it wasn't four years ago( as I mentioned ) when John died ,you didn't point out that it is only 3years between 2021 and2024 !
    It just seems longer!
    Also well done with your Charity Shop find.
    I look forward to hearing what it is
    We have a lovely Fara Charity Shop near to me which doesn't sell clothes and looks like an upmarket furniture and crockery shop.
    I love it .The prices too are unbelievably reasonable .
    I bought a lovely cupboard not too long ago for £45 .
    It looked new.

    How exiting to be moving to your new flat Mistral.
    Good time of year to be moving too .
    I was 37 years in my last home before I moved here so I have an idea of how you are feeling.

    I do love where I live now although I also loved where I used to live over 200 miles further north.
    Like you PtbY I am amazed how useless the Apprentice candidates are .
    There are a couple of girls who seem better than the rest .
    I quite like the Scouse girl with the burka and there is one bloke with a bit more nous than the others.
    It is actually sunny here today -rain later apparently - .
    Already the magnolia trees are in flower as is the cherry tree and the camellia is in bud.
    There are lots of daffs,hyacinths ,crocus and snowdrops and the viburnum and quince and Jasmin are in flower.

  67. We had a parcel to send for our granddaughter's birthday. By Royal Mail it's cheaper to have it picked up from the house than taking it to a post office (ours is a 5 min walk away). The man who came to pick it up decided to have a moan, complaining that he was having to do two people's pick ups today because they are so short staffed. He also informed me that we wouldn't be getting any mail today or Monday as there were no staff to do those deliveries.
    He then went on to say that they have no one for rural deliveries and it takes 3 days to train them up. I told him about my experience of doing the Christmas post when I was a student. I turned up at the sorting office, was asked for my National Insurance number then given a sack of mail and my bus fare and told to go and deliver it. I really enjoyed doing it, much better than my summer job folding candlewick bedspreads in a factory!

    1. An addendum to your RoyalMail experience CC. It was my French grandsons’s 16th birthday recently and I sent him a card with a voucher in. It. It was a slightly bulky card as it opened up into a 3D scene of cyclists in the Tour de France. So I took it to the post office to be weighed, to make sure correct postage was attached. I paid and they printed me a postage label complete with customs declaration form (compulsory now). I handed it over.
      Three weeks later it still hadn’t arrived in Toulouse, missed the birthday and was only delivered yesterday. Not in the post box at the end of their drive, but very unusually, by hand to their front door. With a demand for 9€ to be handed over! No explanation why.
      So who was at fault? Our Post Office for charging me the wrong fee or French Post for delaying delivery and slapping some sort of tax on? Who knows?

    2. I recently received a letter from France. It came in a plastic bag with writing in French to say that it was in the bag because the item was damaged.

    3. Sorry, pressed send by mistake. When I opened it the envelope was empty!

  68. Since I found out that parcels can be collected from home by Royal Mail have used the service (which at the moment is free )since I no longer drive and the nearest Post Office is not within walking distance.
    I also learned that letters as well as parcels sent abroad can be collected which has been extremely useful to me and could be to you too ,Archerphile.

    1. Yes it would be LanJan. We do have a very helpful postie and he will sometimes take things we need to post to save us a journey into town.

  69. LanJan, I hope you meant it when you said I was tactful. I wasn’t sure that I was !
    I was confused tho’.
    I remember so clearly that time when your John was in hospital and the end of that time. I can see myself sitting in my chair in the corner of my kitchen, but I couldn’t attach that memory with going to a Brum to collect Lady, hence my confusion.
    You have done well in making a new life since. I congratulate you.

    Lady R - your memory is remarkable, but like me with LJ slightly off kilter.
    I waited to get Puss and the a few months later, Lady, until after I had recovered from my knee surgery. And the new kitchen in 2017 was before the surgery.
    I wasn’t very pleased with the new kitchen then, and I hope the result of the alterations to this one will be better.

  70. Ooh dear Mrs P it just goes to show how the memory can play tricks, like Eric Morecambe I had all the right facts but not necessarily in the right order 😂🫣🤣

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Meant for Miriam and anybody else who supports Liverpool!

  72. Sorry about that.
    I originally wrote.
    Are you ready for the Match this afternoon.?
    I think Miriam supports Liverpool so I meant to write her name but forgot.
    So I deleted it -but it didn't delete and so I added the extra wording !
    Then it DID delete !

  73. Congrats Lanjan ⚽️ from us both!
    Mr R is an Arsenal supporter (& more locally Portsmouth who he has followed since his youth and attended many many matches in years gone by with his mate Bill, sadly no longer with us)

  74. Miriam, I do believe you are in for a very special treat!! One of my Blue Islands friends seems to be heading in your direction on his way to Liverpool, which is most unusual.
    I told them you were lamenting the lack of aeroplanes flying over your house, so they said they'd see what they could do!

  75. Oh - he's going in to land at Harwarden. Now, that IS odd

  76. Alas, no, just killing time because he was early! Now, there's a first - tail wind perhaps...

  77. I've just discovered a new series of Conversations from a Long Marriage started this week: . Somethng for me to enjoy later. And I seem to recall I've got dome fellow fans in here - enjoy!

    BTW Miriam, thanks for the pointer to 24 Kildare Road. I enjoyed re-listening.

    1. One of my favourite radio progs. Love,love,love Roger Allam.
      24 Kildare road was good.

    2. I have spotted the new series "Long Marriage" also.
      Another listen I recently enjoyed was EF Benson Secret Lives which had "Marjory Antrobus" in the's from 1987 and I enjoyed it.

    3. I’ve been listening to some old, repeated crime serials on 4X. One was ‘The Toff on the Farm’, the other ‘Down Payment on Death’. Real old fashioned 60s/70’ drama with dramatic music to match, but I found them very enjoyable.

    4. I love these right old dramas. Just finished toff on the farm.
      Always love poirot no matter how many times I’ve heard them.

    5. I am half way through The Toff on the Farm and loving it.
      What I like about these wonderful "oldies" is that there are no mobile 'phones computers etc. and have to found a good old red 'phone box.
      It is also having the coins to use these, clinking buttons A+B along with good old-fashioned detection.

  78. Did you catch my 'friend' passing overhead, Miriam?

    1. Well there's another one just passed over on his way back from Manchester. We really are doing our best for you😋
      No one's been landing in Guernsey for most of today, so after he's whiled away a merry hour going round in circles you might get him back again.

  79. Message to MISTRAL

    Just a word of encouragement Mistral as you tread the rocky path of house sale and new home.
    Things get tricky. - don’t despair !
    It will all work out.

    1. Thank you Mrs. P.
      I keep waiting for everything to come tumbling down, but so far, so good. I am spending endless hours on-line browsing for console tables, hall runners, armchairs etc etc, and am making lists, taking photos and pestering people to take 'stuff' there will be no room for. I have been really concerned about the survey on my house as the man seemed to think my roof wasn't supported properly, but that was a month ago and I've heard nothing since....the survey on the flat was great though. I've done all the forms, provided evidence etc, it's just a waiting game now, which of course is the most frustrating thing.

    2. Mistral have you tried sites like Gumtree etc. local to you if don't want payment.
      I know when my little Sis did her big move last year, she was surprised just how many were interested, in what she literally gave away.
      She was pleased as knowing things would be up-cycled, used and also utilised.
      One lady, who was a music teacher, took all her choral music scores + piano music.
      Little Sis was delighted knowing these would then help others.

    3. And to add to Miriam’s suggestion try also Marketplace.
      I had forgotten that I used this before moving and have now been re introduced.
      Last weekend I went to a village near Crediton after a shopping expedition in Exeter and collected a hall stand - the old fashioned kind - this one is a thirties number - the sort that many of us on here would have known in our aunties or grandparents homes when we were children. I am creating a lobby area around the back door which is in the second bedroom.
      Next week the carpenter is coming to do the refurbishment of my kitchen, which will entail the washing machine going into the shower space in the wet room, which is also at the other side of this room. In this tiny room I have already created a feeding station for Puss and he has a cat ladder up to his wide shelf and the cat flap in the window. I’ve also now decided on what to do with the ugly floor to ceiling cupboard next to the front door to the flat. I’m going to change the doors by cutting them in to three equal pieces then replacing the doors top and bottom with a boxed in open space in the middle, where I can have a shelf and a lamp. I hope this will open up the narrow hallway.

      Good luck with getting rid of stuff Mistral.

    4. I feel exhausted just reading that!

    5. Ditto Sarnia, plus I am the least practical person in the world 🤭 Good luck Mrs P!

    6. Was it the hall stand that you saw and liked in the charity shop window Mrs P?

  80. Janice…..
    I think it was you who got a new Bosch washing machine. Apologies if not.
    Update on mine. I have found the speed up button invaluable. I can do a weeks worth of washing in the time it took my old machine to do one load. I do all undies on a quick 35 min wash. Most of other stuff on the mixed load wash of 1 hour. I do towels and bedding on a cotton 70 degree wash of the shortened 1 hour 45 mins instead of 3 hours 14 mins. Consequently we have been notified that our gas/electric debit is coming down £10 per month. Now in this day and age I reckon that’s a win win situation.

    1. Yes, anything that brings down electricity costs is good! My daughter has discovered that halve the time button, which helps a lot when she realises late at night that she's forgotten to put her work clothes on to wash. I must start experimenting with it too. I am very pleased with the machine.

  81. Hello Miriam, there's a Blue Islands Liverpool flight coming your way shortly, with instructions to fly right over your house. Enjoy!

  82. So very sad to hear this morning of the death of Dave Myers, one of the Hairy Bikers
    He was a really lovely man, always so full of life and enthusiastic about food, cooking, exploring new countries and cuisines. He was diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago and underwent some pretty tough chemotherapy and only returned to making programmes recently.
    His cooking partner Si King must be devastated but has written a lovely tribute on the BBC News website this morning. I wonder if, in time, he will feel able to carry on broadcasting.

    1. Such a shame. My daughter has some of their cookbooks, and watching their travels was so good.

  83. Hello Janice

    I’ve been aware for days that I did not follow up on my charity shop find, and keep meaning to do so.
    No - the Hall Stand was found on Marketplace and I knew that I was paying over the odds for it, but unusually for me I wanted to get on with completing my new idea. And now it’s in place I’ve been inspired to organise even further, by turning the area into a lobby space.
    The charity shop find is for my bathroom.
    It is a large - about two foot square - metal and glass terrarium - a sort of mini Victorian tropical glasshouse. One of my favourite places to be is the Palm House at Kew.
    My bathroom has a decent layout but is completely tiled in huge tiles of a neutral beige colour, which I dislike intensely. It’s a corner room so has two windows and a large shelf under the window at the end of the bath. So the glass house will sit nicely there, with plants in it of course. The room is north facing but with two windows is very light.
    My intention is to have all the tiled walls painted with large leaved jungle type plants. My inspiration has been a painting which I took from a calendar about thirty years ago and have always had it on a wall somewhere since.
    In the Palm House, Pfaueninsel Potsdam Karl Blechen- you can see it online.
    I’ve been trying to research decals to see if I can get the effect I want, but am also intending to see if I can afford to have the tiles painted directly by a local muralist. That will depend on cost of course.
    Of course this is all in my head at the moment, and some of it in drawings, and believe you me, many of my ideas never see the light of day, but nevertheless I enjoy my imaginative musings.

    I hope this satisfies your curiosity Janice, and thank you for asking me to share !

    1. That is an unusual find. I should think it will look lovely. My daughter in law would like it. She grows a lot of tropical plants indoors as it reminds her of the Philippines.

    2. Good luck painting on the tiles, hopefully you can find the right sort of paint, it sounds a great idea

    3. Aha, Mrs P, the real you is beginning to emerge at last.

    4. Energetic, imaginative and creative, with a vision in your mind of what you want and the sense of purpose to see it through.

  84. Pink is peeping through the buds on my Magnolia

    1. I love your thoughts + inspirations for your flat and you must get them all done.
      One Pharmacy I worked in, be it for just 18months, was a very old traditional one.
      Our staff room/kitchen was the original kitchen for the owners living quarters. The upstairs living room + bedrooms were used as stockrooms and the office.
      The bathroom was just as it was - the ancient loo with a pull chain which was our only one, a fantastic roll-top bath and the best feature - a stained glass window, which was plants etc. depicting victorian style conservatory. It was a fascinating time-warp.

    2. Miriam - that sounds lovely, but was it stained glass or painted glass ?
      I suspect it was the latter from how you describe it.
      I love stained glass and have worked with it for a time.
      But I also love painted glass and there was a lot of really lovely stuff around in the late Victorian era.
      Can you remember if there was a lot of yellow, which was the predominant colour used. I’ve forgotten the reason why the yellow was so popular tho’.
      One of the bathrooms in my daughters house in Cornwall has a hand painted roll top bath and a lavatory as you described, mahogany of course. And the wallpaper is a William Morris. Apart from the lavatory, the rest was done by an Italian lady who lived in the house years ago.

      PS- that’s the same lavatory that I sat on one Christmas and got stung on the bum by a wasp under the seat !

    3. Mrs P, have you googled Etsy jungle leaves decal? At one time I was having similar thoughts about my 1970s light olive green bathroom tiles. Then I went over them with my Flash speedmop, which left them so sparkly that I began to like them.
      Beige is a different matter and would take more than a going over with a speedmop to bring it to life. I don't do beige.

    4. Check out their jungle bathroom wallpaper - it's like being in that painting.

    5. I have what as I describe as a light beige tiles in my kitchen, but these are large, flat, matte ones and were so well done by a fantastic tiler, who also did the ceramic tiled floor, but with a different colour combo. obviously.

  85. I would never have guessed that Mrs P! A very interesting acquisition.

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Or….Happy St David’s Day to all Welsh family and friends. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

    2. And from me as well. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

  87. Yesterday was very pleasant and we had a lovely walk in the woods at Quarry Bank where we heard a woodpecker for the first time this year.
    Today is cold, wet and miserable so I decided to to my routine cleaning and maintenance on the washing machine and tumble dryer. I'd set the washer on a cleaning wash and went to make a mid morning cuppa. Mr CC went into the utility for something just before we were going to sit in the lounge and came back into the kitchen to say that the cleaner suds were pouring out of the dispenser drawer, something that has never happened in all the years that I've been doing that job. He volunteered to sit by it and wipe away the suds as they emerged while he drank his cuppa.
    The tumble dryer that we've got now is higher maintenance than our old one, which vented outside, but much more eco friendly. I try to use it as little as possible except for towels which are so much softer after being dried in there.

    1. Cheshire East from Cheshire West.
      I woke up for a bathroom visit at 6.00am and what a surprise on looking out...thick frost along with icy patterns on the car, but the stars + moon were fantastic.
      Sadly on getting up, it was just another grey day, but soon turned sunny, as it still is.

    2. A very magical moment, Miriam, and they are so precious.

    3. ...Sarnia and not helped by 🐈‍⬛ wanting cuddles as I snuggled back down!

  88. Whilst driving to my cheshire family today I drove through a tremendous downpour of snow, and it was proper big white flakes.

    1. I saw TV coverage of the area around Ludlow being covered in snow and was very surprised. Nothing like that down here, just endless rain!

    2. A lovely day here today. Cloudless blue skies and wall to wall sunshine. It was a frosty morning but has warmed up now. We went on one of our favourite local walks this morning, now I'm off out to the garden.

    3. Sadly, my garden is still too wet and boggy, to do much digging + weeding.
      At least my garden refuse bin collection has started again, but the permit has increased from £40 for the last 2 years, to £50 this year.
      I was surprised just how heavy and full mine was, after the Winter months.
      I have "my man" primed as to when the weather is suitable, to give my lawns the 1st cut with his powerful mower.

  89. To anyone who knows the Pontcysllte Aqueduct by Llangollen. It has been drained for repairs + maintenance works, which will appear on tonight's (March 3rd) Country file.
    I realise that this will be of limited interest.
    I have never been across it, as to having an awful fear of heights + get vertigo.
    At one time, I did though take over a nearby Pharmacy for a week, as it needed a regular Manager due to locum issues.
    This aqueduct was my view whilst eating my sarnis. I never tired of seeing it.

    1. Llangollen is a regular haunt of mine, and also where my Big Sis got married for the 2nd time.

    2. We went across it on a narrowboat many years ago Miriam. I'm not good with heights but I'm glad I did it even thought I was clinging on to my seat the whole time!

    3. Yes, our daughter and S.i.L took us across on their narrow boat and we had a lovely day out on the Llangollen Canal.
      When you are actually crossing the aqueduct you don’t notice vertigo if you are sitting down in the boat - you just stare across at the beautiful scenery, but I wouldn’t recommend getting out and walking along the path as I did for part of the way. Thrilling but a bit giddy-making!
      I was also pleased to see the double train and canal viaducts at Chirk, one of my favourite places to visit.

  90. Have you seen the bees at Gower
    As they flit from flower to flower?
    Have you seen them at Llangollen
    As they gather in the pollen...

    Max Boyce, I believe.

  91. I've just started watching today's Countryfile and the first item is the work on the Pontcysllte Aqueduct! What a coincidence after my kast post!

    1. This much needed work will certainly impact on the canal barge people, in so very many ways.
      Hopefully all goes to plan so the canal can be used again by Summer.
      It's like closing a major road with the associated problems this always brings.

    2. Cheshire Cheese and Miriam - as a Cheshire East resident, thank you both for your comments on the aqueduct at Llangollen. I visit Llangollen fairly often and I shall watch the Countryfile programme on catchup.

  92. I need to look at the International Eistedfodd programme for this year.
    I have been to some wonderful events there. It is a strange auditorium though. The stage area is firm and secure, but it is held in a huge marquee on a slight hill, so is under canvas and can be very draughty!
    This doesn't detract from the experience at all, as just part of the fun. No fancy wear needed on such an occasion. I know Sir Tom Jones is doing a concert - am tempted.

    1. Missed a vital word - The Llangollen International event. There is always so much going on throughout the week.

  93. What a lovely last 2 days it has been. Managed to get in the garden both afternoon and say “sod it” to the pile of ironing. Got to make the most of any sun. I have made a raised bed out of a wooden crate some paving came in. Lined it with a cut up bulk bag our logs come in and bought some alkathene blue piping to make the hoops for some netting to go over. This will be my kale bed. Last year I had about 2 pickings from my 4 kale plants then found them eaten totally the next time I went for some. Flipping covered in caterpillars. They are not getting it this year. I will be putting the seedlings into a Fort Knox!
    Back to a gloomy day here today so I suppose housework beckons.

    1. From one whose cabbages got badly nibbled, make sure you pull your netting taut all the way round. Cabbage Whites seem to be brilliant at getting through any loose folds. I left the remains in through winter and do have some nice fresh leaves sprouting now before the butterflies arrive.


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